Cory Busso's words made Davy Jones fall into silence. For this woman, Davy Jones became what he is today. This woman betrayed her, but Davy Jones still Love her, love this woman.

Davy Jones can't lie to himself, even if he has dug out his heart, but Davy Jones' love for Cory Busso is deep in his bones!

"I want you to help me do one thing, as long as this one thing is done, we can be together forever, we will be together forever."

Cory Busso said to Davy Jones, but Davy Jones was silent at this moment. For this Cory Busso in front of him, David Jones knew that he could not refuse the other party,

"What do you want me to help you with?"

Finally compromised with Cory Busso Davy Jones and let go of everything!

Cory Busso smiled when she heard what Davy Jones said, and then Coly Busso told David Jones what she asked Davy Jones to do.


At the Royal Navy Naval Port, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was sent away, was a little confused at this moment. Now Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't know where she should go and what she should do.

Even Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't know how to survive in this world!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had good luck before, unlike Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning who fell into the sea directly, and later made himself ashamed and worked in a small place to earn money to support himself, but Because she accidentally showed her beautiful appearance, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was directly kidnapped and finally sold directly to Mubai!

Yes, that's right, kidnapping!

So after this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has realized that it is not so easy for him to survive in this chaotic world, especially for him, a woman who has no power to restrain a chicken.

And this woman has a beautiful face! .

167 Sacrificial Poseidon, the transformation of the three holy vessels

Although Mu Bai said that he would not take care of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and even did not let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu use his tiger skin to pretend to be a tiger, but the same Mu Bai did not drive Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu out of the Royal Navy Port.

Compared with other places, the Royal Navy Port can be said to be a paradise. Although it does not say that there is no darkness here, it is definitely safer than other places. At least it will not happen like Kasumigaoka Shiwa was kidnapped and sold directly by human traffickers. thing.

So even if Mubai didn't really help Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also owed Mubai's favor, at least there is no need to worry about being sold as goods here.

Mu Bai didn't care about Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, but Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning found a job for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu for the sake of pity for each other, so that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu could survive in the naval port. Whether they can spend a year safely and return to the real world has nothing to do with Kobayashi Rindou and Ji Zhiguo Ningning, and they are also not saints.

For the sake of sympathy for each other, helping Xiazhiqiu Shiyu find a job is the greatest kindness they can give. It is hard to count on Kobayashi Rindou and Ji Zhiguo Ningning to bring Xiazhiqiu Shiyu to the peak?

Isn't that obvious nonsense?

Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning are not idiots like Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning estimated that this woman named Kasumigaoka Shiyu was probably surrounded by those men licking dogs, so much so that they thought that all men should dedicate themselves to her.

So Kobayashi Gendan and You Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning just dealt with this matter and didn't care about Xiazhiqiu Shiyu anymore. What happens to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu later has nothing to do with them.

At the same time, Mubai also started to get busy, and a year has almost passed, and now more than half a year has passed, although Mubai said that he has made a lot of contributions, but the next Mubai needs to speed up.

A week later, Barbosa came to find Mubai!

"Found it~‖."

"Let's go."

Elizabeth has already taken Xiaolin Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning to the sea. Their target this time is Shao Feng, the character played by Fa Ge in the movie.

Mu Bai really hates this person, how should I put it, it's like licking a dog!

That one named Shao Feng actually gave everything to Elizabeth directly after his death, this is so obvious!

In this case, Mubai will let Elizabeth get it by herself. Killing Shao Feng will make Elizabeth the new pirate king, and with Queen Anne's Revenge, Mubai believes that Elizabeth will never have any problems, let alone Ji Zhiguo. Ning Ning and Xiao Lin Long Dan are two undead who cannot be killed, Mu Bai is not worried at all.

Of course, there is also the large fleet of the Navy!

Mubai followed Barbosa to the sea, and Barbosa did not disappoint Mubai. After more than a week of wandering on the sea, he finally brought Mubai to that island.

"This is it."

Barbosa said to Mubai.

Mu Bai took out the Elder Wand and pointed at the sky, the sky suddenly turned into a blood moon!

Mu Bai asked Barbosa to take the piece of ruby ​​back to the original place, and then a red light shot across the sea and separated the sea.

This is the grave of Poseidon!

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Mu Bai's mind, since Poseidon is dead, can he use Poseidon as a sacrifice?

Even if Poseidon doesn't have a soul, it's okay, the big deal is to go to Cory Busso at that time.

If it can succeed this time, then it is naturally the best, and it is okay to fail, anyway, Mubai is not at a loss!

Mu Bai directly apparated and appeared in front of the trident. For Mu Bai, as long as he could perceive it, Mu Bai's Apparition could be transferred there at any time.

Mu Bai put his hand on the trident, although it is said to be a trident, but the actual and traditional image of the trident has a great way out.

Because the trident in front of him looks like two spikes growing from a spear.

Poseidon's Tomb So where is Poseidon's body?

Mu Bai pulled out the trident, and the next moment, Mu Bai shot at his feet: "Thunderbolt explodes!"

Immediately, the ground was blasted open, and then a crystal coffin appeared in front of Mu Bai, and a man was lying quietly in the crystal coffin, with scales like fish scales on his body.

Mu Bai narrowed his eyes immediately.

"`" Feign death! "

Just a look at Mubai confirmed that the Poseidon in front of him was in fake death, no, it can’t be said to be fake death, but it should be said that he didn’t die completely. The current Poseidon is still alive, but he is not close to death. Far.

Mu Bai looked at the trident in his hand, and then looked at Poseidon in the crystal coffin, suddenly laughed as if he understood something.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is. This is simply the opportunity God bestowed on me, and I accept this gift of fate!"

Mu Bai directly opened the coffin, took out the Elder Wand and shot at Poseidon: "Avada Kedavra!"

The green light directly hit Poseidon's body, and the next moment Poseidon suddenly opened his eyes: "You humble and lowly human being, I curse you..."

Before Poseidon finished speaking, Mu Bai directly cast Avada Kedavra on Poseidon! (King's)

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light directly made Poseidon's unfinished curse never have a chance to speak again, and Poseidon also died under the Avada Kedavra curse.

"I'll give you the chance to curse me?"

Mu Bai's body was covered with an invisibility cloak, so Poseidon's curse could not fall on Mu Bai's body at all.

Mu Bai stepped forward and stuffed the resurrection stone into Poseidon's hands, and the invisibility cloak covered Poseidon's body.

The next moment, the invisibility cloak began to squirm, and then wrapped Poseidon's body into a ball, and then the ball slowly shrank and finally turned into a sea-blue crystal.

The Elder Wand in Mu Bai's hand broke away from Mu Bai's hand and flew up. The next moment, a sea-blue crystal merged into the Elder Wand, and then the Elder Wand floated in the air so quietly.

168 Let Kasumigaoka Shiu Kneel Down and Climb Over!

Mu Bai looked at the old wand, the rune on the old wand had already lit up with a faint blue light at this moment, and the faint blue light immediately covered Mu Bai's body when he held the old wand. Body Mubai felt a force stronger than magic power merge into his body, and at the same time the magic power in his body began to be refined.

If the original magic power was only liquid, then the new magic power possessed by Mubai has changed from water to ice.

At the same time, the trident on the side turned into flying ash and dissipated in an instant. Mu Bai had already made a contribution when he got the trident, so it doesn't matter if the trident is broken.

But although the trident is said to be destroyed, the curse on the sea has not been lifted. The old wand not only activated the authority of death for Mu Bai, but also because Mu Bai sacrificed Poseidon, so the current Mu Bai is the same. Can control the sea.

But it is a pity that the sea that can be controlled is only the sea of ​​the world of Pirates of the Caribbean. Once you leave the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, although you can still control the sea to a certain extent, it will not be like the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, Mu Bai Can control the sea at will.

The seawater formed a 160-degree staircase under Mubai's feet, and Mubai stepped on the steps to the surface of the sea in this way, and Barbosa saw all these things.

It was precisely because of seeing Barbosa that he realized that the person in front of him might have inherited everything from Poseidon, the emperor of the sea, and became the new god of the sea!

"Then go back by yourself next time, I will not forget what I promised you."

Mu Bai said something to Barbosa, and the next moment his figure disappeared in front of Barbosa.

Everything above the sea has no secrets for Mu Bai anymore!

Mu Bai can go to any place he wants, as long as he is above the sea, Mu Bai can arrive in a moment.

Mu Bai found Juan Ponce de Leon's ship and got two Holy Grails from the other party's ship. After that, Mu Bai went to Bailang Bay to find a mermaid, and let that mermaid give it to him. She shed tears, as the god of the sea, Mu Bai has absolute dominion over marine life, these mermaids are naturally under Mu Bai's rule.

Therefore, under Mu Bai's order, a mermaid shed tears!

The Fountain of Youth was easily obtained by Mu Bai, but in fact this thing is useless, and the Fountain of Youth is useless after leaving this world.

Because the Fountain of Youth needs a ceremony, and this ceremony needs a venue.

The venue of this ceremony can only be in the place where the Fountain of Youth is obtained.

Mu Bai looked at the Fountain of Youth with disgust on his face, what kind of rubbish!

The contribution has already been obtained, and Mu Bai is too lazy to stay in this place. Following an apparition, Mu Bai disappeared in place. When Mu Bai appeared again, he had already appeared in the dungeon of his Port Royal mansion. In the middle, looking at Cory Busso who had already run away, Mu Bai laughed.

"Then let me see what you can do."

Back on the ground, Mo Bai was about to leave when he suddenly noticed someone making noise outside.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu?"

Mubai's knowledgeable and domineering sensed that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was standing outside arguing with the soldiers guarding the gate. It seemed that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wanted to come in, but the gatekeeper refused to let Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in.


Mu Bai asked a maid to go out and bring Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in.

Not long after, Mu Bai saw Xia Zhiqiu Shi Yu!

"What's up?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Mu Bai: "Does the condition you put forward before count?"

"What conditions?"

Mu Bai asked Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a playful face (aiej), and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's expression suddenly became ugly.

However, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu finally took the initiative to talk about the conditions proposed by Mu Bai before.

"I give myself to you, and you shelter me."

Mu Bai ignored Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Even Mu Bai didn't use Legilimency to figure out why Xiazhiqiu Shiyu suddenly changed his mind, these are not important to Mu Bai.

"Before was before, now is now, if you didn't grasp the opportunity before, then you have to convince me now."

Seeing the humiliating expression on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face, a sneer flashed in Mubai's eyes, what kind of treasure did he really think he was?


The sound of Mu Bai's chuckle made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu want to get into the crack of the ground.

For more than a week, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought a lot, and also understood a lot. Now this world is not the original one. In this world, there will not be so many licking dogs who care about Xia Zhi Qiu Shiyu's own feelings.

Looking at the Royal Navy Port, there are pirates who are hanged to death every day. Only then did Kasumigaoka Shiwa realize that this is not her original world. This world is not gentle.

Even now in the Royal Navy Port, even if Xiazhiqiu Shiyu found a job, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu could not continue to work there.

Facing those men who kept trying to take advantage of her, and even those men who directly wanted to touch him, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu obviously couldn't bear that kind of thing.

I am more worried about when I will be QJed.

Faced with this cruel reality, Kasumigaoka Shiyu finally compromised.

"Kneel down and crawl over."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's complexion suddenly changed, looked at Mu Bai and said, "Are you humiliating me?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? You rejected my offer before, so now you want to ask me to protect you, then you have to satisfy me. You have to know that there are many beautiful women in the world."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu trembled with anger, she really wanted to leave like this, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu already understood that if she left, it would be impossible for her to have any chance to get Mubai's protection.

Between survival and face, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu finally made a choice, knelt down in front of Mubai and crawled towards Mubai.

Looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu whose eyes were full of tears, Mu Bai smiled.

169 Kasumigaoka Shiwa Deceived

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