A trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Mu Bai's mouth.

"My kindness will only be released once. If you can't catch the kindness I released, then you can only say that you are too stupid."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at Mu Bai: "What if I keep being your mistress?"

"I don't lack women, and I also don't lack beautiful women, and it's just like that after playing."

Xia Zhiqiu Shi Yu's self-esteem was once again trampled into the mud by Mu Bai.

A trace of hatred appeared in Mu Bai's eyes, why should he treat himself differently, he is already so humble, why does Mu Bai still treat him like this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu kept roaring in his heart, Xia Zhiqiu Zhiqiu Shiyu was jealous of Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Kobayashi Ryodo.

The same heart also hated Mu Bai.

Mu Bai felt the malice emanating from Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Mu Bai doesn't like Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's haughty personality, so Mu Bai wants to crush Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's arrogance and trample it into the soil. As for whether Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu will be blackened?

Mu Bai really wanted to know how far Xiazhiqiu Shiyu could go after being blackened.

"However, during the period of sheltering you, I don't mind playing with you a few more times."

Mu Bai walked towards Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu did not refuse, but deep hatred flashed in her eyes.


As one of the pirate kings, Jack Sparrow has lost his ship and crew, but Jack Sparrow is still the pirate king recognized by others.

Everyone didn't understand why Jack Sparrow suddenly launched a pirate conference. Since the first pirate conference sealed the goddess of the sea, Cory Busso, no pirate conference has been held.

But now Jack Sparrow is proposing to hold another Pirate Conference. Everyone doubts Jack Sparrow's purpose, but the Pirate Conference is a meeting that the Pirate King must attend.

So under the call of Jack Sparrow, the nine pirate kings once again headed towards Shipwreck Island.

Similarly, as one of the new pirate kings, Elizabeth also received the notice.

A look of excitement flashed across Elizabeth's eyes. Looking at Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning, she said: "Successful, Mubai did it, and the next thing is when we appear on the stage, Mubai said that he will help me become a pirate king." , even though I don't know how he will help me, I believe Mu Bai will be able to do it."

The Pirate King is the nominal captain of all pirates, and all pirates must obey the orders of the Pirate King, even if you are reluctant in your heart, but once the Pirate King gives an order, you must execute it, otherwise you will Will be hunted down by all the pirates.

On the other side, Barbosa also received the notification from the Pirate Conference. At this time, Barbosa was ready to give up becoming a pirate.

But in the last Barbosa still attended this pirate meeting, Barbosa had a faint feeling that this time the pirate meeting was led by Mubai behind the scenes!

Shipwreck Island!

All the Pirate Kings come together in one piece.

"Jack, why did you call us over this time?"

"Koly Busso hooked up with Davy Jones, and now Davy Jones and Coly Busso are about to unravel Koly Busso's seal."

"This is impossible. It was David Jones who told me how we sealed Cory Busso. Isn't David Jones afraid of Cory Busso's revenge?"

"What kind of person is Davy Jones? You should have heard of it. It was for Cory Busso who was able to guide the undead on the sea for 160 years, and he was able to set foot on land only once in ten years. Who would you do? Got it? But Davy Jones did it, it's a pity that Davy Jones was betrayed by Cory Busso that day!"

"So Davy Jones still loves Cory Busso!"

Jack Sparrow's words caused these pirates to talk about it. If Cory Busso really broke the seal, then there is no doubt that these pirates must be Cory Busso's first request. object of revenge.

"So what did you call us here for? What do you do about Cory Busso?"

The rest of the Pirate Kings took a look at Jack Sparrow, and they were looking forward to whether Jack Sparrow could surprise themselves.

After all, it was Jack Sparrow who brought them here, so Jack Sparrow should have something to do.

"If you want to unlock the seal of Colibuso, you must get nine Spanish silver coins, and what we have to do is to protect the Spanish silver coins and defeat Davy Jones. As long as we defeat Davy Jones, then we can live .”

"It's simply impossible, no one can beat Davy Jones, the Flying Dutchman is an invincible battleship.".

172 The Great Pirate King, Kasumi Hill Shiyu Blackened

The nine pirate kings obviously did not think that they could defeat Davy Jones, and even the nine pirate kings did not believe that they could defeat Davy Jones from the bottom of their hearts.

"I said that the invincible warship of the Flying Dutchman and Davy Jones' pet Kraken are invincible in the sea."

"The Kraken Kraken is dead."

A voice sounded, and the next moment everyone looked at the speaker.

It is Gentian Kobayashi.

"You said Kraken, the North Sea monster, is dead? What evidence do you have!"

Xie Wale asked Kobayashi Rindou.

"Because the other party attacked us before, David Jones and Cory Busso attacked us, and then we repelled them."

All the pirate kings burst into laughter after hearing this sentence, except of course Barbossa and Jack Sparrow.

Both Barbosa and Jack Sparrow knew very well that the girl wasn't lying, it wasn't that they believed in Kobayashi Rindou's strength.

It was because he could trust Mu Bai's strength.

"You can choose not to believe it, but Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, is dead!"

"I believe what they said, the North Sea monster Clark is dead."

Barbossa's words immediately aroused doubts from other pirate kings!

"The only thing we can do now is fight, or if you want to surrender, do you think Cory Busso will let you go?"

Cory Busso is definitely not going to let any of the pirates go!

So surrender was impossible from the beginning, but they also couldn't do it if they wanted to fight Davy Jones!

"Davy Jones can't set foot on land, we can go on land!"

Mrs. Qing said.

"So you're abandoning the sea? A pirate wants to hide on land?"

Barbosa showed a mocking expression, and Mrs. Qing was very angry. Although she was blind, she still turned her head in Barbosa's direction: "Then what better way do you have~‖?"

"Davy Jones dug out his heart and buried it on a small island together with a love letter. As long as we find Davy Jones' heart and destroy Davy Jones' heart, then Dai Vie Jones is dead!"

The rest of the Pirate Kings fell silent.

"But we don't know where that small island is!"

Jack Sparrow produced a compass.

"You know that this one can lead us to the heart of Davy Jones."

Look at that compass.

These pirate kings naturally know the usefulness of this compass.

If Davy Jones' heart can really be found, then Davy Jones is dead, and Cory Busso is no longer worth fearing.

Even if you have mastered Davy Jones' heart, maybe you can make Davy Jones your servant, then. . .

"But before that, we have to do one thing, whether to declare war or escape!"

"Of course it's a declaration of war!"

These pirate kings naturally chose to declare war. If they could not escape, the only thing left was to declare war, and if they could really get Davy Jones' heart, they might be able to control Davy Jones.

"But if you want to declare war, then only the Pirate King can declare war!"

Barbossa's words immediately caused a question mark to appear above the heads of all the pirate kings.

"Sir Sumbaji declares it's all fake, fuck the Pirate Code, who cares..."

Before the other party finished speaking, a bullet hit the center of the other party's forehead, and then he sent the other party to see God.

"You are blocking my way, child!"

Edward Teague stood behind Jack Sparrow with a gun and said, obviously the other party just fired.

Then he had someone bring the Pirate Code.

The other party quickly opened the Pirate Code and pointed to one of the Pirate Code and said: "Barbossa is right, the responsibility for declaring war lies with the Pirate King."

"It's impossible. There was no Pirate King in the first session, and there won't be one now."

"I propose a vote."

Jack Sparrow said to everyone.

"I vote for the Pirates of Amman!"

"French poor Captain Xavier!"

"Sir Sumbaji."

"Mrs. Qing!"


"Viki Leba!"

"Elizabeth Swan."

"Elizabeth Swan."

"Elizabeth Swan."

Elizabeth, Barbossa, and Jack Sparrow all voted for Elizabeth, which means that Elizabeth will become the Pirate King.

All of a sudden, the discussion boiled over, and the pirate kings looked at Jack Sparrow and Barbossa one by one, completely wondering why they chose Elizabeth.

"` "So you're planning to disobey the pirate code? "

Edward Teague, who came out with the code before, had already sat aside and ignored these things, but when he heard this sentence, his hand that was playing the piano suddenly broke the strings.

A group of pirate kings immediately sat down again.

"Okay, then Captain Swan, the pirate king, what order do you want to give!"

Madam Qing asked Elizabeth!

"Ready all warships, let's fight!"

Elizabeth's heart was still beating, excitement, joy, excitement, and other emotions were in Elizabeth's heart.

Mu Bai said that he would make Elizabeth the Great Pirate King, but Elizabeth did not expect that Mu Bai would actually do it, and it would go so smoothly. It only took a few months before and after.

The eyes of Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning are also full of surprises. These days, Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning have clearly realized what the Pirate King really represents.

But it only took a few months to bear the fruit (of winning the king), and Mubai turned Elizabeth from an ordinary person into a pirate king.

"I don't know what Mu Bai is doing now!"

Ji Zhiguo's age and Xiaolin Longdan couldn't help but think of Mubai.

As Mu Bai who was thought of by Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning is naturally playing with a woman at this moment, this woman is called Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

These days Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can be said to be completely played to death, Mu Bai has no sympathy for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, as long as Mu Bai wants to play, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has to play with Mu Bai.

And Xiazhiqiu Shiyu endured every time without being spoiled by Mu Bai.

The more Mu Bai can feel the darkness in Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's heart without taking it once and not breaking it.

But for Mu Bai, no matter how black Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is, it doesn't matter, Mu Bai doesn't believe that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can turn over.

173 The Completely Blackened Kasumigaoka Shiwa

"I can feel the hatred for me in your heart, even I can feel that you want to kill me, no, you want to torture me, killing me is too cheap for you."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't speak but just cleaned his body silently.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has a question in his heart from the beginning to the end, is it really because he rejected Mu Bai's kindness that Mu Bai treats him like this?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu doesn't believe that Mu Bai treats him like this just because of this reason, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can't guess why Mu Bai is.

"I probably won't come back after today. You can stay here until the end of the plot, or you can leave here to do what you want. I won't restrict your freedom. The deal between you and me is It's just a deal."

Putting on her clothes silently, Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't say anything.

Mu Bai was somewhat looking forward to what kind of surprise Shiyu Shiyu would bring him.

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