Shipwreck Island!

At this moment, all the pirates are gathering at Shipwreck Island, but these pirates can't escape!

The Royal Navy has surrounded the place outside, and even Davy Jones is chasing and biting them like a mad dog.

It can be said that those pirates who are here at this moment have basically been forced to a dead end.

However, Elizabeth's return brought hope to these pirates. Elizabeth brought back Davy Jones' heart. With Davy Jones' heart, they could order Davy Jones.

Elizabeth could see what these people were thinking at a glance, but Elizabeth didn't say anything.

In Elizabeth's eyes, these people are all dead, and Elizabeth knows Mubai's plan.

Mubai wants to make all the "[-]" pirates in this world disappear, even though Elizabeth doesn't know why Mubai wants to do this, but facing Mubai's request, Elizabeth undoubtedly chooses to support it.

Elizabeth has now become a pirate king, and Elizabeth doesn't care about power. What Elizabeth wants is the process, but she has no interest in the result.

Elizabeth has become a pirate king and has lost interest in pirates, so what happens to the last pirate has nothing to do with Elizabeth.

This time, Elizabeth came back because of Mu Bai. Elizabeth wanted to gather all the pirates, and then add pirates at once to catch them all.

Because if any of these pirates ran away, and they reappeared after Mu Bai left this world, then Mu Bai would really have done nothing for nothing.

So it is natural to take this opportunity to wipe out all the pirates on the Shipwreck Island. Mu Bai guessed that if he wiped out all the pirates on the Shipwreck Island, it would be appropriate for his contribution to rank first.

After the pirates are dealt with, Mu Bai will devote all his energy to excavating the legacy of those gods. The legacy left by the gods in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean is really quite a bit. This world then leads to weakening of power.

But is this a problem?

If this allows ordinary people to obtain the inheritance of those gods, it will be a step up to the sky.

Although Mu Bai was quite strong before, there are two levels of stepping into the threshold of God and not stepping into the threshold of God.

The essence of divine power is higher than magical power.

"So now it's time for us to fight back against Captain Swan. Being hunted down by those navy and Davy Jones these days has made us very unbearable. Now we must take revenge and let those damn navy and Davy ·Jones knows that provoking us pirates is their biggest mistake.

Elizabeth said indifferently: "Then declare war!"

"Who will go with me to declare war."

Elizabeth looked at the pirate kings in front of her.



Barbosa and Jack Sparrow immediately stood up. They were not like other idiots who had no sense of crisis at all. Both Barbosa and Jack Sparrow had already felt that. stock crisis.

Maybe now, death is about to come!

"Then let's go, you immediately call all the sailors, and start attacking after I give the signal."

Elizabeth said to the rest of the pirate kings.

"Understood, leave it to us, and definitely let those navies know what kind of mistakes they made!"

One of these pirates agreed faster than the other. They only thought that at this time they already had the strength to turn around. These pirates thought that they would be able to control Davy Jones after they got Davy Jones' heart. A group of stupid idiots, of course, in order not to arouse the suspicion of these pirates, Elizabeth left Davy Jones' heart on Shipwreck Island.

Looking at the beating heart, those pirates looked at each other vigilantly, for fear that the other party would snatch Davy Jones' heart from under their noses.

After leaving Shipwreck Island Elizabeth, she turned her head to look at Shipwreck Island with a trace of pity in her eyes.

"I hope you will have a good time in heaven in the future."

Elizabeth left words similar to blessings to these pirates, and then directly used the Portkey to take Barbossa and Jack Sparrow to disappear and leave 0......

It's just that Elizabeth sent a signal before leaving.

However, when the pirates attacked us forcefully, the result was that we were directly beaten by a blow to the head.

On the island agreed by David Jones and Cory Busso, Cory Busso looked at Mubai with resentment in her eyes, and Cory Busso said gloomyly: "You think you will win a big victory with this look ?"

Holding a coconut in his hand, Mu Bai took a sip of coconut juice through a straw.

"Then what can you do?"

"You will know, I will curse you, I will let you experience the most terrifying curse in this world."

Mubai took a sip of the coconut juice while holding the coconut, and then made a suggestion to Cory Busso: "I can release you, and if you can escape from my hands later on, that's your own fault." , the premise is to hand over the inheritance of those gods to me, or tell me where they are."

"make a deal!"

Cory Busso agreed without any hesitation. In fact, the reason why Cory Busso said that was just for a chance.

Cory Busso doesn't want to die. As a high god, she controls the lives of human beings. Who would give up this right and die.

On 4.9 after the cub Cory Busso explained, Mu Bai flipped his hands, and the nine Spanish silver coins sealed with Cory Busso fell into Mu Bai's hands.

The flames burned in Mu Bai's hands.

Nine pieces of Spanish silver coins burned in Mu Bai's hands.

"Koly Busso, I release you from your body!"

Cory Busso's body gradually became larger, and the next moment, Cory Busso's body exploded, and countless crabs emerged from Cory Busso's body.

Seeing those crabs wanting to escape, Mu Bai wasn't worried at all, the black flames had already spread all over the entire island, Cory Busso couldn't escape at all.

All the crabs that came into contact with the black flames were burned instantly. These Fiendfires are not Fiendfires summoned by ordinary magic power, but Fiendfires summoned by divine power.

176 The muse who symbolizes tragedy, Kasumigaoka Shiwa who turns around

Cory Busso on the small island had been disclosed by Mubai to be in a desperate situation. Cory Busso knew that it was absolutely impossible for her to escape, so when she realized that she was bound to die, Cory Busso made a decision. A crazy decision!

Die together!

Cory Busso released the divine power in her body to the greatest extent.

In an instant, a huge crab appeared in front of Mu Bai.

"Is this the real body of Cory Busso? A giant crab?"

After Mu Bai finished speaking, his body glowed blue, and then scales appeared on the surface, and these scales shone with colorful light under the sunlight.

"Facing me, your only ending is death."

The sky became gloomy, but the clouds in the sky were filled with lightning and thunder!

"Playing thunder and lightning with me? You seem to think too highly of yourself!"

Looking at the thunder and lightning above the sky, Mubai couldn't help laughing. Cory Busso is also young, and she wants to play thunder and lightning with Mubai. Didn't Mubai know that playing thunder is his specialty?

It seems that I really don’t know, that’s okay!

"Even if 08 dies, I want you to die with me."

Cory Busso was born as a female pirate, and she obviously didn't lack hotness in her bones, so after realizing that Mu Bai would never let her go, Cory Busso decided to drag Mu Bai to die together.

With Cory Busso's roar, the thunder above the sky suddenly turned black.

Then a black thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Mu Bai originally thought that the lightning would fall on him, but to his surprise, the lightning did not fall on Mu Bai, but on Colibuso.

The next Cory Busso turned into ashes and disappeared in front of Mu Bai.

But Mu Bai didn't relax, but felt as if he was facing an enemy.

Mu Bai raised his head and looked at the sky. The clouds above the sky did not go up. The vortex-shaped clouds kept rolling and spinning!

Then the next moment, a streak of gray gas suddenly fell from the sky!

Mu Bai's sixth sense is frantically reminding Mu Bai that he must not let this gas fall on him.

At this moment, the boy Mu Bai can't think of a way to avoid this gas at all!

"Invisibility Cloak!"

Suddenly, such an idea popped up in Mu Bai's mind.

The next moment, the silver-white invisibility cloak appeared in front of Mu Bai, and then wrapped Mu Bai up and disappeared on the spot. The gray gas stayed above the sky, and Mu Bai was never found.

Mu Bai hid in the invisibility cloak and didn't dare to revoke the invisibility cloak at all.

Mu Bai had a premonition that once he removed the invisibility cloak, that streak of gray gas would fall on him.

Once Mubai is contaminated by that gray gas, he will encounter extremely terrible things.


Time passed quickly, and one year was coming to an end, but Xiao Lin Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning had frowns on their faces.

"Is there still no news about Mu Bai?"

Kobayashi Gendan asked with a bitter face like Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning!

"No, Mubai seems to have disappeared after that incident!"

"Did something happen to Mu Bai?"

"Such thoughts appeared more than once in the minds of Kobayashi Rindou and Ji Zhiguo Ningning.

"Don't worry, that person is not dead yet!"

A voice suddenly sounded, Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning looked towards the place where the voice came from.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, why is it you?"

Xiaolin Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning appeared in front of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, but at this moment, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu gave Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Xiaobaishuo Ningning a terrible feeling!

This Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was not at all the Xiazhiqiu Shiyu they knew.

The current Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is like a black rose, so enchanting!

"Surprised? There's really nothing surprising about it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at Xiaolin Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning and said.

"Also, you can call me Melpomene instead of Kasumigaoka Shiwa!"

Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning took a breath, looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in front of them, they seemed to understand something!

"You have inherited the legacy of the gods!"

"Merpomene, the muse of tragedy!"

"Are you still not coming out? I know you are here!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't take any action but shouted into the air, but it was useless, no one responded to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"If you don't come out, then I have to use them as a small threat. You know I can do it. A crazy woman can do anything."

Kobayashi Gendan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning's sixth sense frantically reminded them of the danger of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. Seeing that Mu Bai hadn't come out, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu finally stopped being patient and prepared to strike.

"Why bother!"

Mubai didn't appear, but the voice of Mubai 160 appeared in the ears of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Xiaolin Longdan.

A smile appeared on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face.

"Why don't you come out to see me? Or say you dare not come out?"

Seeing that Mu Bai didn't come out, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had a blackened smile on his face, anyone could see that this smile meant that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was broken.

"That's right, I almost forgot. Colibuso uses her own life as a curse. Once you appear, the curse will fall. I'm curious what will happen after the curse falls?"

"I will stay in this world forever, are you happy to hear the news?"

Mu Bai's voice reached Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's ears.

"I have to say that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu really surprised me. I didn't expect that you would actually turn salty fish over for you."

"Hehe, I still have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have received Melpomene's inheritance. I have to thank you."

"Really? Then how do you thank me? Let me stay in this world forever?"

"Of course not. Wouldn't it be cheap for you to stay in this world? I will keep pestering you, and I will make all the women around you come to a bad end.".

177 Return, Alice and Erina's Premonition

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