Xiangle really wanted to laugh when he saw it, so he flipped over.

Such a picture cannot be used as a character design.

Kobayashi Kongqing raised his hand and waved, a figure quickly approached.

"Here we come!" Tang Keke came to the scene like a wind, "Keke is here to report! I feel like being called by the teacher to talk alone!"

The atmosphere is obviously different.

Xiangle really sighed in his heart, "Ke Ke, do you want to go shopping around, or chat here for a while?"

Chapter 348 Talking about Experience

"Coco wants to become a school idol because of her longing for a school idol." After contacting all the star cluster members individually, Sagara Mayu sorted out her thoughts while revising the sketch, "Xiang Yin hopes to pass the joy of singing through The singing voice is conveyed to others, Chien wants to help Koon, Sumire wants to have the charisma of the Milky Way...Although we all work together, our goals are different."

"After getting to know them in detail, and understanding their goals, and looking at their current results, I feel happy for them." She looked at Megumi Kato and Sora Kobayashi, "I'm beginning to understand the attractiveness of planning. "

To put it simply, it is the little bit of growth in the process of moving towards the goal.

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone can move forward firmly in the direction of their dreams.

Even if you can't realize your dreams, you can also get similar joy when you see others working hard for their dreams, growing up a little bit, and getting closer to their goals.

If during this process, I can still provide some help, and these help can really help them, this joy will be further magnified.

Helping other people's dreams is also a kind of happiness.

"Okay!" Xiangle Mayu packed up the drawing, "I'll finish it when I go back."

"Thank you." Kato Megumi smiled, "We are waiting for your good news."

Of course, Kato Megumi and Kobayashi Kongqing were not idle while waiting for the results.

They are doing business.

serious business.

Kobayashi Kongqing's second volume has been finished, but the creation is not over yet.

His thinking tends to be rational, coupled with the limitations of his writing style, the words and sentences he writes also have a hard feeling.

It's not a big problem if you write the outline of the story, but this kind of love story seems a bit cold.

So Kato Megumi's polish is needed.

Add some details, modify some words and sentences, eliminate the sense of incongruity, and make the text read more naturally and smoothly.

Some seemingly innocuous parts actually have a great impact on the perception.

Added up, these small details can have a huge impact on sales.

"You can add an ending sound here, it feels better." Kato Megumi pointed to the screen, "Well, or add a description at the end."

"Okay." Kobayashi Kongqing tried both methods, and finally used them together.

"The description here has also been used here. The distance between the two places is very close. It is better to change one of them." Kato Megumi read carefully, pointing out problems one by one.

"And here," Kato Huibainen tapped her fingertips, "When the heroine is instructing the hero, she shouldn't be looking at the book."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

"Here the female protagonist points out the problem, and then the male protagonist is thinking seriously." Kato Megumi explained, "Because if you don't move your hand, the problem you pointed out will not change, so there is no need to keep staring at it. So compared to the problem that will not change, The female lead prefers to see the male lead thinking seriously."

"So that's how it is..." Kobayashi Kongqing suddenly understood, and was about to revise, when he suddenly realized something, his eyes shifted, and met Kato Megumi's gaze, "Is this based on experience?"

"Well...continue to change." Kato Megumi turned his head, his gaze was as erratic as his voice.

"Pause for a while." Kobayashi Kongqing left the keyboard with both hands, and hugged Kato Megumi beside him.

"You're not serious about your work..." Kato Megumi poked his face lightly.

"This is part of the job." Kobayashi Kongqing was serious, "The heroine guides the hero's homework, and as the guidance goes on, the distance between the two is getting closer and closer..."

Until the distance between the two was filled with the heat emitted by each other.

Kato Megumi covered Kobayashi Kongqing's mouth, "Your character is a junior high school student, and you haven't established a relationship yet, so you won't do things like you."

"There is a short story in the second volume this time." Kobayashi Kongqing followed Kato Megumi's strength and helped her sit on his lap, "It's the life of the two of them after marriage."

"Huh?" Kato Megumi was taken aback, "Will that kind of content pass the line?"

"Don't worry, I understand the requirements of publishing very well, won't...huh?" Kobayashi Kongqing paused, and his eyes with a smile fell on Kato Megumi's face that was gradually flushing, "It seems that In someone's perception, life after marriage is all about passing the line?"

"Hmm..." Megumi Kato bit her lower lip lightly, "Isn't it because of someone's delay in passing the line?"

Sora Kobayashi was dazzled by a straight ball.

"It's my fault." Kobayashi Kongqing hugged Kato Megumi, "Let me make it up to you."


Kato Megumi was lying on Kobayashi Kongqing's chest, the thin quilt outlined a beautiful arc, and the white and tender shoulders were covered with a thin layer of fragrant sweat, shimmering in the bright sunlight that passed through the curtains.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what's going on with Mayu." Kato Megumi lightly poked Kobayashi Sorao's Adam's apple, feeling the hard Adam's apple moving under his fingertips, "There won't be any problem."

"Didn't the material collection go well before? The sketches drawn have also been approved by the members of the star cluster. We have also seen those pictures. The characters are vivid and cute, and the effect presented is also in line with the requirements of the project. An important member, the person in charge of the project , and the result that the artist himself is satisfied with, so don’t worry too much.” Kobayashi Kongqing feels that Mayu Sagara has done a good job, “The rest is to further improve the sketch, what else can go wrong?”

"That's right..." As soon as Kato Megumi finished speaking, the phone rang.

She reached for it, and Xiao Lin Kongqing stared at her intently.

Gazing at him, Megumi Kato covered his eyes.

Then the fingers spread a small slit.

"Mayu?" Megumi Kato answered the phone, "What's wrong?"

"I found a big problem in the process of perfecting the sketch."

Kato Megumi moved away from covering Kobayashi Sora's eyes, "What's the problem?"

"These pictures don't meet the requirements of the plan." Xiangle Zhenyou answered concisely.

Kobayashi Kongqing: "..."

Was Xiangle really sent by God to oppose him?

what's the situation?

What Kato Megumi said, Sagara Mayu recognized what.

What Kobayashi Kongqing said, Xiangle really couldn't say anything.

"Didn't the material collection go well before? The sketches drawn were also approved by the members of the star cluster." Megumi Kato felt strange, "I have seen those pictures too. The characters are vivid and cute. The important members and the planning director are all satisfied. At that time, you were also very satisfied with the results, why didn't they meet the requirements of the plan?"

"That's the problem." Sagara Mayu asked back, "Why are everyone satisfied?"

Chapter 349

This is a good question.

"Hmm..." Kato Megumi expressed his speculation, "Because you draw well?"

"Thank you, I think so too." Sagara Mayu pointed out, "But that's where the problem lies."

"What's wrong?" Xiaolin Kongqing said.

"If it's normal, there's no problem...Huh?" Sagara Mayu's voice paused, "Wait, are you together?"

"Yes." Kato Megumi replied, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just a bit of a surprise." Sagara Mayu let out a long breath, "I thought you guys were like in Mr. Kashiwagi's works, answering other people's calls while making out for excitement, but think about it seriously, in broad daylight, in reality, No one would do that."

Kato Megumi and Kobayashi Soqing lying on the bed: "..."

"..." Sagara Mayu's mentality changed, "Wouldn't someone do that?"

"Hmm..." Kato Megumi held Kobayashi Kongqing's hand, "What did you just say?"

"Don't change the subject!" Xiang Le Zhenyu's heart collapsed, "Did you go in?"

"Are all of your painters thinking so directly?" Xiao Lin Kongqing said helplessly, "Let's get down to business."

Sagara Mayu declared, "I...I warn you, if you suddenly make strange noises while talking, I will definitely hang up the phone!"

Kobayashi Kongqing: "Can I hold back as much as possible?"

Kato Megumi patted him, "Don't pay attention to him, just keep talking."

"The voice just now..."

Kato Megumi looked at his hand, although the slap was not heavy, there was still a snap.

Xiao Lin Kongqing had a smile on his face, "I can hold back."

"Hmm..." Kato Megumin scowled.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble." Kobayashi Kongqing said seriously, "You just said that there is no problem usually, so what's the problem now?"

"You...forget it..." Sagara Mayu was rather anxious, not wanting to continue the strange topic, "The pictures I drew before have no prototypes, so how beautiful they come, how beautiful How to draw. Just now I re-read the plan, after the official announcement, there will be real people participating in the program, and there will be a webcast, right?"

"That's right, there is also a concert." Kato Megumi added.

"That's the problem." Sagara Mayu raised the question, "I drew Li so beautifully, but what the audience sees is a real person!"

It turned out to be the problem.

Kobayashi Kongqing looked at Kato Megumi, the two looked at each other, and said in unison, "Gap."

If there is no prototype, it would be no problem for Sagara Mayu to draw the person as a fairy with glowing body and diamond-like skin.

Because it is a painting, no one will compare it to the real one.

But... Superstar's plan is for real people to appear on camera and participate in a series of activities.

Li's paintings are perfect. When the real people are on stage, no matter how well they perform, they can't satisfy the audience who are raised by the beautiful Li painting.

"That's what I mean," Sagara Mayu concluded, "So I called you guys in a hurry, just to make sure, do you want to redraw? I don't care, anyway, everyone is satisfied with my previous results, but the future plan... ...that's out of my control."

One thing to say, indeed.

Kobayashi Kongqing looked thoughtful.

Sagara Mayu's worry is quite reasonable.

The question is, how to solve it?

In short, let Sagara Mayu complete the previous sketch into a picture, even if it is not used now, it can be used in the future.

In addition, let her start to draw a new vertical painting, first follow her ideas, and then continue to revise, if it is impossible to change back to the original version.

Then look for a solution, but also review the content of the plan and search for similar problems.

Kobayashi Kongqing was about to speak, but Kato Megumi had already stepped forward, "It's a great help, we didn't think about this problem before."

"I also thought of it suddenly..." Xiangle Mayu looked at Ye Yuelian's emoji.

"This is a question that can only come to your mind when you are seriously thinking about the planning." Kato Megumi explained seriously, "General commercial cooperation, the artist does not think so much."

"Huh? Did I do something unnecessary? This is my first business cooperation..."

"From the perspective of business cooperation, this is indeed the case, but from the perspective of friends, I prefer this kind of cooperation that takes care of each other. Although it is the first time to cooperate, I am already looking forward to more cooperation in the future. "

"This... so... let's talk about it later." Sagara Mayu was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject, "So what should we do now?"

"In this way, you first complete the sketch you drew before." Kato Megumi slowed down his speech, his eyes fell on Kobayashi Kongqing's face. If he had other ideas, Kato Megumi could stop at any time and let him add.

Kobayashi Kongqing nodded.

"Continue to the previous sketch, but the problem I just mentioned..."

"That's it, we can use this version as the result of the end of the project and use it as a finishing touch." Kato Wheaton paused, "It is also the direction that the members of the star cluster are working toward."

"Is that so..."

"Besides, the fact that you can ask this question means that you already have inspiration in another direction, right?"

"Yes, there is..."

"Don't worry, there is still time, we will create according to your ideas first, and then we will have further discussions." Kato Megumi said in a gentle voice, "Look, the next collaboration I am looking forward to started like this, these are two different Thank you for your business entrustment."

"Twice..." Xiangle really heard the implication, that is two rewards, "Well, I will try my best."

"We also need to discuss the problem of planning here to see if we can find a better solution. We will contact more later. Like this, we will contact you as soon as we find a problem. It would be great."

"OK." Sagara Mayu said goodbye, "Then you guys continue, and I won't bother you."

Megumi Kato: "..." This matter seems unclear.

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