Kobayashi Kongqing: "???"

"I'm a bit regretful..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes were not kind.

Then, I laughed.

Is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's strength really insufficient?

it's not true.

If she really wasn't good enough, Benizaka Akane wouldn't have found her either.

Even if it is to help Ying Lili, other people can be in charge of important scripts, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa can help.

But it didn't.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has the ability.

It's just... not strong enough to face Benizaka Akane's high demands.

Yingli pears have the advantages of Yingli pears.

As an illustrator, on the premise that Akane Benizaka coordinates other content, she can give full play to her drawing ability.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is fighting alone, and she needs one person to control the script.

But now, with Kobayashi Kongqing in control of the overall situation, Kato Megumi erased the sense of disobedience.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can also give full play to her own strengths like Ying Lili, that complex psychology like an abyss, and the ability to control details that bind readers layer by layer like a spider web.

Megumi Kato and Sory Kobayashi can help Kasumigaoka Shiwa perfect her work.

But the premise is that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has the courage to create new content.

Therefore, strong stimulation must be used to let Kasumigaoka Shiwa who was hit by Akane Benizaka to autism, and the iceberg lady from Toyosaki Academy come back.

"Let her see it..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu returned like lightning, "Kaigami's true strength!"

Chapter 367 Gift of Fate

"Hui and I will arrange the schedule for the future." Kobayashi Kongqing pointed not far away, "You and Yinglili tell us about our plan."

"Yeah." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu nodded.

Kato Megumi and Kobayashi Kongqing walked not far away, and saw Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiriri, who were standing opposite each other, hugging each other.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's shoulders trembled, and there was a faint cry.

Even Bingshan-senpai needs such time occasionally.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would choose to show that appearance in front of Ying Lili.

Kobayashi Kongqing originally thought that after he and Kato Megumi left, Kasumigaoka Shiwa would cry for a while by herself, and then call Eiriri again.

"It should be like this." Kato Megumi thought for a while, "If you cried before, it would be a sign of weakness. If you cry now, it's more like venting before the decisive battle. Does that feel like that?"

"I see." Kobayashi Sorao remembered Kato Megumi's speech before, "Speaking of which, safe word or something..."

"Don't tell me."



Once I decided to participate in it, I couldn't be as leisurely as before.

Kobayashi Kongqing completed the understanding of the existing script as quickly as possible, and formulated a corresponding plan.

First of all, using the completed works of Eirari as a node, Kasumigaoka Shiwa expanded it into a plot and decided the direction of the big plot. Then, the various routes interspersed in it were sorted out by Kobayashi Kongqing, and finally reviewed by Kato Megumi Among them, Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kobayashi Kongqing further revised the part that violated the harmony.

In this way, Kato Megumi does not need to participate in the early stage, and can be in charge of the data collection activities of the star cluster. After the data collection, Kobayashi Sorao can complete the coordination of various departments of Superstar planning while she is reviewing, and prepare for the subsequent activities.

"So..." Kobayashi Kongqing tapped the table, "I need a general direction now, which direction do you want to change the script?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stared at the laptop screen, "Didn't she say that? Let me think of Fernand as her."

Ying Lili's eyes lit up, "The kind of cruel and super powerful villain?"

"Although I don't agree with this view," Kobayashi Kongqing spread her hands, "but in the eyes of people in the industry, she does have such an image."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu shook his head, "That would be too boring, what's the pity for a guy full of evil to die?"

"Then what else?" Ying Lili frowned, and then thought of something, "Could it be...you want to write her as the kind of character who is dedicated to saving the world, but is not understood by others?"

Although she doesn't like Akane Benizaka, Eriri has to admit Akane Akatsuka's enthusiasm for her works.

People in the industry don't understand why Hongsaka Zhuyin is so desperate, and think that she has some big plans.

But after getting along for so long, Eriri knows very well that Benizaka Akane just wants to make good works.

Make good work at any cost.

That's it.

But this kind of person is recognized as an outlier in the industry.

Kind of funny.

But I can't laugh.

"Is this also the opinion of the industry?" Kasumigaoka Shiwa tilted her head, "Eriri, as an otaku, what do you think of her?"

"..." Ying Lili was silent for a long time, then slowly confided in her heart, "God."

After all, she is not an otaku. Even though she knew something about it, Kasumigaoka Shiwa did not expect Eirari to have such a high opinion of Akane Benizaka, "What?"

"Senior, you are not an otaku, so you don't know much about it." Kobayashi Kongqing explained, "The name Benizaka Zhuyin is a reassurance for otaku."

In an industry where outsourcing magic reforms are gradually becoming routine, Akane Benizaka is an absolute outlier.

The appearance of her name means that this work may not be to my liking, but it will definitely not fool the audience.

The works with her may not be the best, but they are definitely the most stable.

【You can always trust Akane Benizaka】——This sentence has become a consensus to some extent.

"That's it... Isn't that better?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised her eyes and tapped on the keyboard, "I want to change Fernand's life, history, thoughts and actions."

"Just say it's all changed." Kobayashi Kongqing said helplessly, "What's the specific content?"

100 years ago, Sir El Fernand was alienated and betrayed by the king of that era, lost his cherished sister, and then vowed revenge and became the big boss.

"I want him to be loved by his family, admired by his subjects, trusted by the king, and worshiped by his apprentices." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's red eyes burst into flames, "I want him to be talented, quick-witted, upright and kind, gentle and compassionate. I want him to be loved and admired by thousands of people. I want everyone to love him, expect him to lead a new future, fight for him, die for him, and live for him."

The words were obviously blessings, but Ying Lili felt a chill.

Would Kasumigaoka Shiwa really want a character based on Benizaka Akane, so happy?

She had given Fernand so much, what would she take away?

"Everyone believes in him and has expectations for him." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised the corners of his mouth, "Even the existence that wants to destroy the world is no exception."

"Huh?" For a moment, Kobayashi Kongqing's mind froze.

Why does Long Aotian of this level gain the trust of beings who want to destroy the world?

and many more......

He was startled in horror, as if some kind of torrent washed over his brain, bringing a biting chill.

"No way..." Xiaolin Kongqing twitched the corner of his mouth with some difficulty, "Is this a little..."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa's smile became more and more kind, "Isn't this great? Isn't that what Benizaka Akane wants?"

Kobayashi Kongqing sighed, "Such a ruthless script is unprecedented in the Huanyu series, and probably there will be no one to come after."

"Wouldn't that be better?"

"The problem with this script...players will protest."

"Did you forget the first game script I wrote?"

"Huh?" Xiaolin Kongqing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "Then it should be fine."

"I said..." Ying Lili looked dissatisfied, "Can you stop being riddlers, is it interesting?"

"Ah..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Ying Lili, "It was nothing interesting at first, but seeing your expression, I feel that it is really interesting."

Ying Lili fried her hair, "Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!"

"Okay, okay." Kobayashi Kongqing waved his hand, "Senior sister's meaning is very simple, give Fernand everything a successful person needs, so that he can lead everyone to the final destination. Then... ...and give him another wrong direction."

Chapter 368 I Don't Say Anymore

Sometimes, choice is more important than hard work.

When the direction is wrong, the harder you work, the farther you will be from your goal.

According to Kasumigaoka Shiwa's thoughts, Fernand, under the pressure of everyone's expectations, will give full play to his talents and go in the opposite direction.

And finally...death.

The malice that wants to destroy the world, if it is an enemy of Fernand, it will face a powerful group headed by Fernand.

And if Fernand's direction is distorted, this powerful group will become a malicious and powerful support.

The harder you work, the more desperate you are, the more you want to change, the more you cannot change.

Fernand's pain can be imagined.

And the trust of others, not only does not help, but makes this pain further exacerbated.

"..." Ying Lili didn't know what to say, "Then... what's the ending?"

"The ending is of course a happy ending, the kind that is particularly grand and reunion." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu whispered, "After all...I am not a devil."

Ying Lili always feels that it will not be that simple.

Kobayashi Kongqing compared the differences between the current version and the modified version in his mind, "In this way, all the past plots need to be reversed."

"Is it too difficult?"

"My initial idea was to start all over again. At this level, it's not a big problem." Kobayashi Kongqing crossed his fingers, stretched his arms forward, and twisted his neck to make a soft clicking sound, "Let's start."

There are more than [-] operable characters, and there are more non-operable NPCs. The large number of characters brings intricate plots. The lives of all characters are intertwined like a spider web, influencing and interrelated.

At this moment, this huge net was randomly dismantled into fragments, floating in Kobayashi Kongqing's mind, and then randomly twisted into an unrecognizable appearance, interspersed indiscriminately.

It was as if a living life had been cut into pieces and stitched together like a mess. It could not be called a miracle, but it was the work of a devil. The stitch monster that was born in the end met all the conditions for life to survive.

Kobayashi Kongqing didn't participate in the camp for the next two days. When Eirari was busy drawing and Kasumigaoka Shiwa was writing short stories, he was sorting out the lines.

Excessive information filled his mind, until he returned home and saved the information in his brain as a file as quickly as possible and sent it to Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Kobayashi Kongqing let out a sigh of relief, stretched his body, and listened to the crackling of bones Sighing, officially announced, "It's done!"

"Already tidy?" Megumi Kato said in the kitchen.

"Preliminary completion, the logic of the main line is still smooth, and the details need to be completed." Xiaolin Kongqing walked into the kitchen while talking.

The current outline is like a Frankenstein that has just been stitched up and not yet powered on.

Wanting to revive this pile of corpse parts and sutures is not something Kobayashi Kongqing can do.

Only Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's words that contain complex emotions can revitalize the dry script.

In the kitchen, Megumi Kato was stirring curry by the pot. The girl in white home half-sleeves was wearing loose shorts, and the tie rope of the dark apron tied the T-shirt that was originally invisible to her body, outlining her slender waist.

"Those can only be relied on by senior sister, she is better at this." Hearing the voice behind him, Kato Megumi kept stirring in his hands, "Curry tonight—hmm."

Kobayashi Kongqing hugged Kato Megumi from behind, sniffing the light fragrance of her long black hair.

"Don't post it suddenly..." Kato Megumi put down the spatula, lightly tugged Kobayashi Kongqing's hand, "Let go."

"All right......"

Kobayashi Kongqing let go of his arm honestly, and when he was about to close his hand, he felt a slight force from Kato Megumi's hand again.

Under her guidance, Kobayashi Kongqing's hands passed through the gap between the T-shirt and the apron, and wrapped around the girl's slender waist again.

"This way..." Kato Megumi picked up the spatula again, "it won't be burned."

As Kobayashi Kongqing just got close, Kato Megumi's soft body leaned against him, and the wonderful elastic deformation made him feel dizzy.

Exhaling into her warm jade-like earlobes, Xiao Lin Kongqing whispered, "Is it really not hot?"

"Well..." Kato Megumi bit her lower lip lightly, "If you don't make trouble, you won't."

"Then how can it be trouble?"

"If you move your hands..." Kato Megumi blushed.

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