Kobayashi Kongqing has a long memory this time, and he didn't do unnecessary waiting, and directly began to explain, "Hui's foundation is very good, although because of the incident a while ago, he was a little busy and his grades dropped a little, but he will be able to improve soon. , There is no problem in graduating smoothly, but if we want to be admitted to the ideal university, we need to supervise each other and work hard together."

Papa Kato: "Body..."

Kobayashi Kongqing: "...my father introduced me to a very good nutritionist."

Papa Kato: "..."

In the kitchen, Kato's mother and Kobayashi Hui are preparing dishes together.

Kato's mother asked with a smile, "How does it feel to be newly married?"

"Hmm..." Kobayashi thought for a while, feeling... well, "Very...very good."

Think about all kinds of things after marriage...

Kobayashi blushed.

I feel...even with my mother, I can't tell.

Here comes the secret.

Kato's mother poked Kobayashi Megumi's flushed face with her water-stained fingers, "I'm talking about psychological feelings, not physical ones. Where did you think?"

"Mom~" Xiaolin Huifan's cheeks puffed slightly.

"Looking at you like this, I can tell how happy you are." Although Megumin Kobayashi didn't say anything, Kato's mother already knew the answer, "I've grown up so much in a flash, I feel like I was a child yesterday, but today I'm someone else's wife. "

Having said that, Kobayashi Hui also felt in a trance.

That's right, now that I think about it, I'm still a high school student.

There are many people who fall in love and get married... She knows, as if she is the only one.


Kobayashi remembered the topics that he had talked with Kobayashi's mother before.



"What does it feel like to raise a child?"

Kato's mother looked away, "So fast?"

"Nope~" Kobayashi shook his head, "I just want to know more about it."

"That's it..." Kato's mother raised her head, "Well... I don't feel anything special."

"Will you be particularly worried? The growth of the child, the future of the child, etc. Then I want to arrange everything for the child, but I am afraid that my interference will affect the direction of the child."

"No matter how much you do and how well you do it, you can't predict how your child will grow up, what things will happen to you, and where you will go." Kato's mother replied, "So the best way is to be yourself."


"Compared with what you say, what parents do is easier for children to imitate. No matter how many reasons you tell, if you can't do it yourself, don't expect your children to learn it." Kato's mother concluded, "So do better You are responsible for your children's education. There is no need to make too many plans that cannot keep up with the changes, just let nature take its course."

I feel like Kobayashi's parents are two extremes.

Although I am a person who has experienced parenting education first-hand, it is the first time to hear my mother say it like this.

"Even parents can't decide their children's life. If they want to plan everything for their children, it's basically impossible to succeed." Kato's mother paused, "But it's really easy to give up."

Kobayashi Hui: "..."

Chapter 421

"It feels like I was a child before, but now I'm thinking about raising a child." Kato's mother sighed, "I feel old right away."

"Mom is still very young."

"I don't know when I can become a grandma."

"Kongqing is a little scared about this."

"After all, it's that kind of personality. The child has too many uncertainties. It's strange that he isn't afraid." Kato's mother thought for a while, "But if you have such worries, you have surpassed many parents."


"Many people want to have children, and then they have one, and they don't think much about the rest."

"Is there any more like this?"

"Yes, I have."

"..." Xiao Linhui thought of something, "Mom and Dad shouldn't be like this, right?"

Mama Kato: "..."

Kobayashi Hui: "Probably not?"

"However, from another point of view, there is not much need to worry about this."

Kobayashi Hui: "..." Ah, the topic started to change.

"Think about it, mom and dad treat you and Hiromi equally, right?"

"Yeah." Kobayashi nodded, this is true, I don't care about it, and naturally there is no preference.

"It turns out that your personalities are quite different."

"My sister should be more powerful." Xiao Linhui said her heart.

Basically, I am always seen through by my sister.

"Look, two children in the same family have the same education method, but the results are different." Kato's mother concluded, "So, educating children is not only the responsibility of parents, but also the mutual education of parents and children. The process of growing together."

"Mutual education?"

"No matter how many times you listen to others, it's better to experience it yourself. Only when you become a parent can you understand the hard work of your parents." Kato's mother showed a look of reminiscence, "It was only after I had your sister that I realized how hard your grandma was."

Hearing what her mother said, Kobayashi Hui also had the same idea.

The various moods that I and Kobayashi Kongqing are experiencing now are what my parents have experienced.

When her and Kobayashi Kongqing's child is born, she will definitely encounter more problems and experience more feelings of being a parent.

Then with such empathy, we can better honor our parents and repay their kindness.

"From then on, I made up my mind." Kato's mother's eyes fell on Kobayashi Hui, "When my daughter grows up, I will make her honor me well."

Kobayashi Hui: "..."

This is the same goal, right?


One day after the class ended, Kobayashi Kongqing and Kobayashi Hui, who had just finished school, came to the hospital together.

Come to visit Akane Benizaka who needs a long rest...

On a hospital bed in a ward like a high-end hotel, the patient who should have rested and rested is currently creating with a pen and a snake.

Looking at the sketches scattered on the ground, such creations have been going on for quite a while.

"The doctor should have already said that you need to rest." Xiao Lin Kongqing warned while arranging the paintings that fell on the ground, "I am afraid that your right hand, which is so reckless like you, has finally recovered, will lose consciousness again soon."

"Don't worry about that." Benizaka Zhuyin shook the hand holding the pen, "My right hand hasn't recovered yet, I'm using my left hand now."

"Although you have a proud expression on your face, if your right hand has not recovered, you shouldn't be overworked."

"It's not fatigue at all, it's just rehabilitation at most." Benizaka Zhuyin held a grip training ball for rehabilitation in his right hand, and was still drawing with his left hand. From the very beginning, let’s talk left and right, let’s not talk about the game, at least the comic part will not need to be idle.”

"But the doctor said you had a cerebral infarction." Kobayashi reminded, "It's not a matter of using the other hand because you can't move one hand."

Even if you move your feet, you have to rely on your head.

"Using advance and retreat is blocked because I don't use my brain." Benizaka Zhuyin has no intention of stopping, "After I recover, my right hand will also fully recover, and I will be able to draw twice as many pictures as before. , It’s such a thing of a blessing in disguise——I have never discovered such a simple truth before.”

"Follow the doctor's advice and stop taking nonsense for reason." Kobayashi Kongqing mercilessly grabbed Hongsaka Zhuyin's pen, "If this continues, you won't be able to be discharged from the hospital next week."

"I can be discharged from the hospital?!" Benizaka Zhuyin's eyes lit up, "I have to make up for the work that was delayed before. There are five manga to be serialized, three animation plans, and... .”

"You have a basement waiting for you." Kobayashi Kongqing corrected, "Just because you can be discharged from the hospital for recuperation does not mean recovery."

"It's hard to fully recover from this disease. I'm ready to get along with this disease."

Xiao Linhui thought for a while, "It feels more like cheering up this disease."

"..." Benizaka Zhuyin looked at Kobayashi Kongqing, "Does she keep talking like this?"

"My wife is very gentle, only when she meets someone like you." Kobayashi Kongqing replied, "Speaking like this means that she is very worried about you and is very dissatisfied with your current behavior."

"Hmm..." Benizaka Zhuyin tilted her head to look at Kobayashi Hui, "Thank you?"

"You're welcome."

Benizaka Akane: "..."

"All in all, if you go on like this, you won't be able to leave the hospital." Kobayashi Kongqing warned, "Or you really want to experience life in the basement."

"I really want to," Benizaka Zhuyin looked expectantly, "Didn't I talk to you about that idea before? Just try to get some material."

This guy is really hopeless...

【Death in Creation】She was obviously not just talking about this kind of words.

Kobayashi Kongqing decided to talk about some things that didn’t bother Benizaka Zhuyin’s mind, which is also the main purpose of his visit this time. Some of the seniors also went to the scene to help out. She has experience in directing dramas before and gave a lot of useful suggestions. There are still a few CGs to be supervised, which can be completed within two days. It was a breeze to finish."

"Whatever the deadline is, how is the quality?"

"Senior and Ying Lili are very satisfied," Kobayashi replied, "I and Kobayashi Kongqing have also watched it, and we both like it."

Benizaka Zhuyin nodded, "Show me all the materials that were handed over before—I want to re-accept."

"How about this?" Kobayashi Kongqing suggested, "You will take over the next content review and personnel coordination."

"is it okay?"

"Then I will carry the coffin and follow you."

Benizaka Zhuyin: "...tsk."

Chapter 422

Kobayashi Hui said earnestly, "If you are not satisfied, senior sister and Ying Lili will not stop."

Kobayashi Kongqing added, "Even if you don't believe in their strength, you still have to believe in the contagious ability of your idea that you want your work to die."

"Okay..." Perhaps thinking of the series of troubles caused by his illness, or feeling that what Kobayashi and his wife said made sense, Benizaka Akane rarely chose to compromise, "By the way, happy newlyweds. "

"Thank you." Xiao Linhui thanked softly, her face was a little red.

how to say......

Although she has been married for a while, Xiao Linhui is still subconsciously shy when being blessed by others.

Well... After all, a lot of things happened after marriage.

"I'm going to talk to the doctor." Xiao Lin Kongqing shook the bag in his hand, "There are still some things to share."

"I just said why those nurses stared at me so conscientiously," Hongsaka Zhuyin was dissatisfied, "It turns out that you promised them benefits."

"Just staring at it like this, you are still working secretly." Xiao Lin Kongqing was helpless, "Just think of it as saving me something, can't you take a rest honestly?"

"Understood~" Benizaka Zhuyin drew out her voice, and waved her hand in disgust to signal Kobayashi Kongqing to leave quickly.

As a result, just as Xiao Lin Kongqing left the ward, she immediately wanted to pick up the pen again.

Haven't started drawing yet...

If I had a fairy wand~

Become bigger, become smaller, become more beautiful~

I have to change it into a comic~

Home of Chocolate and Toys~

if i have a doraemon~

I want to call him Tinkerbell~

"..." Benizaka Akane looked at Kobayashi Megumi who was playing music on her mobile phone.

In all fairness, this song is pretty good.

But Kobayashi Hui released the Gintama version.

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