Maybe it's because of the shyness in the girl's heart, or maybe it's because she's a little distracted thinking about what song to play for Yuan Jing, or it's simply bad luck...

In short, when Touma Kazusa took over the punch, a little pain hit her fingertips—her right index finger was accidentally scratched by a sharp corner on the punch.

Dongma Hesha frowned slightly, but she suppressed it immediately, as if she didn't want Yuanjing beside her to notice her strangeness.

This attempt, of course, failed.

Touma Kazusa didn't really see what was going on, the hole punch and the paper tape were all on Yuanjing's left hand, and her right index finger was pinched by his right hand, and the white fingertips were pinched. The not-so-big wound was displayed in front of his eyes.

"It's okay, it's just a small cut, and it will heal soon." Dongma Hesha said hastily.

"No matter how small the wound is, it needs to be disinfected," Yuan Jing looked at Mai Sakurajima, "Sister Sakurajima, your medicine box here..."


This is a lie.

Mai Sakurajima was flustered at first, but after seeing that the wound was not that big, she was relieved.

As a girl who has practiced singing and dancing hard and often dealt with pain, she naturally knows that this small injury is nothing at all, and even if she leaves it alone, she will heal immediately.

However, she immediately realized that this was a good opportunity.

As Touma Hesa's best friend, she is actually a little anxious about Touma Hesa's current progress.

Touma Kazusa is a typical cowardly and honest character in love, and it is quite easy to satisfy.

Then someone has to push it.

"However, you don't need a medicine box for such a small wound, right?" Sakurajima Mai said calmly, "If it really needs to be disinfected, I think Minamoto's saliva is enough?"

"Isn't there an old saying?" Mai Sakurajima gave Touma Kazusa a 'you know' wink, "Saliva is the best disinfectant."

Touma Kazusa blinked, and after understanding Mai Sakurajima's meaning, her fair face turned red all of a sudden.

"I'll come by myself..."

"Hesha," Yuan Jing didn't let go of her fingers, but looked straight into her eyes, "Did you say it before, dating you is part of the plan, if I refuse, then It is a malicious obstruction of the game, and it will be sentenced to lose."

Regarding the plans of the girls, although Yuan Jing doesn't know very well, but with the clues, he can actually roughly guess it.

This is actually very consistent with his own ultimate goal, so he is willing to 'date' according to the meaning of the girls.

Therefore, Yuanjing has promised Touma Kazusa that he will try his best to play a competent 'boyfriend'.

Of course, this agreement is time-limited.

If Yuanjing guessed correctly, Touma and Sa should ask for a 'substitution' after a few hours.

"I don't want to be judged negative."

"So, it's up to you to decide what to do."

After saying this, Yuan Jing let go of Touma Kazusa's fingers.

After the white finger with the wound froze in the air for a while, it seemed to be nonchalantly stretched towards Yuanjing's cheek...

In this way, quietly touched his lips.

The choice of winter horse and yarn is quite obvious.

Yuan Jing didn't hesitate, but opened his mouth, and put Touma Kazusa's index finger in his mouth.

"Hmm..." Touma Kazuya made a trembling voice.

Turning his tongue on the slippery fingertips, Yuan Jing tasted a little fishy smell.

It was the smell of some blood.

The expression on his face did not contain a trace of wretchedness, but rather serious, as if he was really disinfecting Touma and Sha.

It seemed like a moment, but it also seemed like a long time.



Staring at the fingers wet with Yuanjing's saliva, Touma and Sasa didn't know what to think.

"How is it?" She asked suddenly, as if by accident, "Well, how about my finger?"

"Well, it smells like blood." Yuan Jing replied honestly.

"That's it."

Touma Kazusa blinked, and then—

She put her index finger into her lips and made a slight 'chirp' sound.

"Ah,'s the smell of blood." Because of the interference of her index finger, her voice was a little slurred.

The taste of blood is a bit sweet...

Such a scene was faithfully captured by the camera of St. Eden Academy, and then sent to the two people in the monitoring room.

Chapter 90 The love game created by delusion is so scary! (4k)

"Ah Jing's performance is a bit strange." Chika Fujiwara looked at the picture on the screen and tilted her head a little cutely.

"What's so strange about this, isn't this the normal behavior of a man and a woman on a date?" Yukinoshita Yoshino's tone was slightly uncomfortable.

Yuan Jing is her younger sister's favorite. As an orthodox sister-in-law, when she sees Yuan Jing being intimate with other girls, she will naturally feel a little uncomfortable.

However, after all, she is just a helper invited by her sister, not someone who has been involved in the vortex; plus this is the plan first proposed by her sister, this situation is obviously already in her expectation... ....

Alas, I hope Yukino won't regret it in the future.

"No, because it's too 'normal', it seems a bit abnormal." Fujiwara Chika shook her head and denied, "Although I got permission to date Ah Jing in the name of a 'gambling contract', but if it is an ordinary Ah Jing If it is not the case, it will definitely not cooperate to this point."


Unless the date with the girls was originally expected by Yuanjing.

This is not impossible.

Although as two parties in the 'competition', Yuan Jing and the girls never explained their plans to each other.

However, neither side actually spent too much effort to conceal their actions.

Beside Yuanjing, there is Ai Hayasaka as a personal maid, and what she does can naturally be known by Chika Fujiwara and others; and at St. Eden Academy, Yuanjing also has Ningguang as an internal response, the movements of the girls Naturally, this 'eye' of Yuanjing couldn't be hidden.

Fujiwara Chika suspected that she was able to obtain the key of the monitoring room from the student council president so easily, and she also had Yuanjing's secret instruction.

Yuan Jing's deduction ability is quite astonishing. If he has already deduced the context of the girls' plans based on the information provided by Ning Guang, Fujiwara Chika will not be too surprised.

"Are you worried, Yuan Jing is pushing the boat along the way, planning to use your plan to achieve your goals?" Yukinoshita Yono asked Fujiwara Chika who was in deep thought.

"No, I'm not worried about this kind of thing," Fujiwara Chika replied quite bluntly, she didn't care at all about being used by Yuan Jing in her plan, "I was just thinking about the limit of A Jing's cooperation."

"Huh?" Yukinoshita Yangnai was a little dumbfounded.

"Well, according to the plan, the order of dates is Touma Kazuo, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai, and finally me," Chika Fujiwara said, pointing her fingers, "The reason why this order is actually in accordance with our It depends on the size of your 'appetite' and the thickness of your 'skin'."

"For example, Touma Kazusa, who is the easiest to satisfy, in fact, as long as Yuanjing can accompany her to visit the cultural festival, she is actually quite satisfied." Fujiwara Chika pointed to the black hair on the screen with a dazed expression girl.

"As for me, it's the one with the most insatiable desires and shamelessness."

"...It's the first time I've heard someone use words like 'hard to fill' and 'shameless' to describe themselves." Yukinoshita Yang Nai said while holding his forehead.

"Considering Ah Jing's degree of acceptance, everyone's plan is actually quite [very], because once Ah Jing expresses that he cannot accept it, our plan will go bankrupt in an instant." Fujiwara Chika didn't mind being in front of Yukinoshita Yono Show off your 'shameless lust' side.

She really loves Yuanjing's body, she's honest!

"However, since Ah Jing saw our plan, not only did it not puncture it, but it showed such cooperation," Fujiwara Chika murmured, "In this case, can we [make progress] a little bit?"

Thinking about such things, Chika Fujiwara picked up the phone and began to edit information for Yukinoshita Yukino.


After spending some time at the music box shop where Sakurajima Mai-senpai worked, Touma Kazusa and Genkei waved goodbye to her, and then started a parade in St. Eden Academy.

The two tasted the French meals prepared by the Dessert Club together, visited the skeleton specimens exhibited by the Prehistoric Biology Club, and listened to the drama "Sword Hero Life and Death - Wuzhidao Chapter" performed by the Drama Department.. ....

Although the previous "indirect kissing" scene did not appear, it was already a pretty good time for Touma Kazusa who had the "least appetite" and "thin-skinned".

Might be called 'good for nothing' by her mother, but she doesn't care at all.

Always eat food little by little, and drink water one mouthful at a time.

Although it is possible to achieve great results by taking risks, she still prefers to advance slowly and steadily.

This is not 'counseling', this is 'stable'!


"Okay, it's time to hand over the stick." Standing in front of a classroom in the club building, Touma Kazusa said in a tone of reluctance, but still said so.

"Love Studies Club?" Yuan Jing read out the sign on the classroom.

"That's right, it's called 'Loan Yan Hui' for short." A clear and awe-inspiring voice sounded like winter rain, and the door of "Loan Yan Hui" was opened by a girl in a deacon uniform.

Surprisingly, it was Yukinoshita Yukino who had been separated from Yuan Jing for almost a week.

Touma Kazusa nodded to her, made an expression of 'I'll leave it to you', and waved goodbye to Yuan Jing.

She walked in a hurry, as if she was afraid that if she stopped, she would not be able to bear the temptation to continue pestering Yuanjing.

This is not acceptable, she and Fujiwara Chika and the others had a 'lady agreement'.

not to mention--

She put the index finger of her right hand in front of her eyes, staring at the 'lucky' wound.

I have gained a lot today.


"The activities of Lianyan Club don't use their club classroom, so we can use it here."

During the week that Yuanjing was away, the activities of the Lamb Society did not stop.

But today's matter, to be precise, was actually a 'entrustment' of Lianyan Club.

Grabbing Yuan Jing's wrist very naturally, Yukinoshita Yukino pulled Yuan Jing into the room of the Love Department.

Lianyan Club is not considered a very large club, as the name suggests, it is still on the scale of a 'hobby club', so the classrooms allocated are not large.

Even so, compared to the Lamb Club, Lianyan Club is actually quite an 'older' fan club, so its room is much more comfortable than that of the Lamb Club.

Bookshelves, sofas, refrigerators, air conditioners, coffee machines...

These devices that can make people feel convenient and satisfied can be said to be readily available.

"According to our plan, in the next period of time, we need to act as a couple for a period of time and make a video." After placing Yuanjing on the sofa, Yukinoshita Yukino pointed to the corner of the room without hesitation. The camera device, which is quite in line with her aboveboard style.

"To be honest, I've never been in a relationship before, so I don't know what the so-called actions suitable for couples are." to the bookshelves.

"Fortunately, there are experts in this field in our school. They gave this thing to me." Yukinoshita Yukino came to the bookshelf, and then pulled out a book from it very skillfully, and displayed the cover Gave it to Yuanjing.

"Forbidden·Love Notes ~ Let him be fascinated by you?".

The cover uses extremely exaggerated cursive characters, and such a title is written in a flying style.

Source View:  …

This thing looks so unreliable at first glance!

There is also Lianyan Club, I seem to have a little impression...

"Wait a minute," Yuan Jing raised his hand, "I remember, the members of the Love Yan Club are all people who have never been in love, right?"

That's right, although it is Lianyan Club, its members are all singles, which is why it is famous.

After all, its original founders were a group of singles who were eager to fall in love.

The real cash charge does not need to study how to fall in love.

"That's right," Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, "So, I accepted their commission and took this opportunity to complete and verify whether the method they imagined is really useful."

"It's okay to imagine it." Yuan Jing was a little bit dumbfounded.

"After all, it is [entrustment], and this is also the work of the Lamb Club." Yukinoshita Yukino cleared her throat a little nervously, she opened the notes, and when she turned to a page that was deliberately folded at a corner, she He paused slightly.

But thinking of the message that Chika Fujiwara had sent before, she turned a few pages back.

It is said to be a love note, but it is actually a book that contains various small games.

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