Minamoto Raikou was in a bad mood.

From the perspective of completing the 'Hundred Trials', her actions just now can be said to be completely unnecessary:

Now that the trial of the Kendo Department has been completed, it is the way of a clear-minded person to preserve his physical strength to meet the next challenge.

But she didn't do that.

On the contrary, she even made such a move as a show of skill.

The purpose of such a meaningless move is obviously to vent his inner anxiety and uneasiness.

That being the case, the purpose of this 'Hundred Trials' can be said to be half achieved.

As early as the beginning, the girls did not hope that this so-called "Hundred Trial" could stump Minamoto Raimitsu.

The Minamoto family is the representative of the samurai family in the Sakurajima Chinese family; and Minamoto Yorimitsu of this generation, even in the history of the Minamoto family, can be regarded as an amazingly talented existence.

Although the clubs of St. Eden Academy can be called the top of Sakurajima, they are only compared with their peers, and compared with Minamoto Yorimitsu who are simply 'inhuman', they are still far behind.

The two are simply not on the same track.

However, this does not mean that the 'Hundred Trials' are a waste of effort, on the contrary, in the plans of the girls, it actually occupies a very important position.

First, it separates Minamoto and Minamoto Raimitsu.

This is its most important role.

As long as there is an 'evil dragon' like Minamoto Yorimitsu watching, the girls labeled as 'braves' will naturally have no way to get in touch with Minamoto who is a 'treasure', and there is no way to do this with him something like that.

In this case, everything is naturally out of the question.

From this point of view, the role of the bait "Hundred Trials" is self-evident.

Second, it can create psychological pressure on Raikou Minamoto.

Being separated from her adopted son was undoubtedly something that made her extremely unhappy.

If it is possible, Minamoto Raimitsu actually wants Yuanjing to follow him all the way and keep him under his nose all the time.

But Fujiwara Chika obviously would not agree to such a request.

By betting on all her chips, Chika Fujiwara naturally became the one who made the rules.Even Minamoto Raimitsu had to accept her terms.

In the previous contact, Minamoto Raimitsu obviously found that the Fujiwara family is quite stubborn.

Not to mention Fujiwara Chika, and the same is true of her father Fujiwara Daichi.

I obviously almost did something like slashing someone with a knife, shouldn't the normal reaction be to run away?

As a result, the other party not only did not escape, but also firmly stated that the Fujiwara family would never cancel the engagement...

Is it true that good politicians are soft bones at both ends of the head?

The Fujiwara family and the Minamoto family are both Chinese in the Sakurajima Chinese family. Even if Minamoto Yorimitsu is the head of the Minazu family of this generation, he can't really do anything to the Fujiwara family.

To be honest, her intimidating actions before were actually somewhat illegal.

If the Fujiwara family was determined to ask the Minamoto family to fulfill their marriage contract, Minamoto Raimitsu would probably only have to use the word 'drag'.

Under such circumstances, Chika Fujiwara's proposal that she can terminate the engagement on her own initiative is already a huge bargaining chip, not to mention the other news she gave.

That is the information that can make Yuanjing, which has been temporarily out of her control, return to her control, how could she not be tempted by it?

After reluctantly accepting the bet, Minamoto Raimitsu had a premonition of what the other party would definitely do.

And as time goes by, the resulting irritability and doubts will gradually intensify, and the darkness accumulated in his heart will become deeper and deeper...

However, this is not enough.

It's not enough to just be irritable and restless.

To achieve their goal, she must be allowed to 'break the defense'.

"In the morning, the ones Minamoto Yorimitsu defeated were basically sumo clubs, judo clubs, kickboxing clubs, kendo clubs and other clubs directly related to physical fitness," Chika Fujiwara looked at Yokinoshita Yono, "This is the field that Minamoto Raikou is good at, so it is extremely normal for her to behave so destructively."

"However, what sports test is not only physical fitness. In addition to various skills, there are also various other qualities such as teamwork. What Yuan Laiguang will face next is these associations. It's a trial."

"Well, even though that's what I said," Chika Fujiwara chuckled, "However, there is a high probability that these clubs can't stop her. However, as long as they can consume Minamoto's physical strength and increase her spirit If there is no pressure and delay for a while, our goal can be said to have been achieved.”

"If it really works, you still need these things." Fujiwara Chika skillfully manipulated the computer in front of her, while Yukinoshita Yono took out her mobile phone with great understanding.

Accompanied by the sound of 'ding ding', Yukinoshita Yoshino received several videos on his cell phone.

"It's been a morning since I've been separated from my adoptive son. Aunt Yuan should be very eager to know how well Yuan Jing is doing. Did you enjoy the cultural festival at St. Eden Academy?" Chika Fujiwara said, still full of smiles—

"Those of us who are juniors, naturally have to respect the elders and fulfill her wishes."

Yukinoshita Yoshino casually clicked on a video, and then saw Yuanjing's appearance as expected.

However, beside him, there was a long and straight figure in black.

Yukinoshita Yono naturally knew this girl who had the same attribute of 'black long straight' as her own sister.

In fact, she had just watched this video on the monitor a few hours ago.

The two were very close and were tasting pastries with a plate.

Dongma Hesha also cut off a piece of cake, inserted it, and handed it to Yuanjing's mouth affectionately.

The latter swallowed it without hesitation, and then did the same thing in return.

Yukinoshita Haruno swiped slightly downwards, and what followed was the scene of the two holding hands, shuttling between various huge bone specimens.

The next paragraph is a video of the two watching drama club programs together...

Of course, the video of Touma Kazusa putting her index finger into Yuanjing's mouth and licking it lightly after taking it out is naturally also included.

Not only Touma Kazusa, but also videos of his own sister.

The scene where he was almost pressing on Yuan Jing's body and biting Yuan Jing's ear was specially processed in close-up.

"Minaraimiko's eyesight is pretty good, and she also has a near-intuitive perception of the source scene, so no matter how hidden and how far apart, as long as it is a video related to the source scene, she will definitely find it immediately. of."

On this point, Hayasaka Ai has already learned a lesson with blood and tears.

"What's more, you look like Yukinoshita Yukino now, and you are the object of Minamoto Raimitsu's focus." In the previous raid on Touma's house, Minamoto Raimitsu had actually seen Yukinoshita Yukino, and he also held it in his heart. It is considered as an object to be excluded.

"These things are in use now. According to the plan, Xue Nai and Yuan Jing will go to the horse racing department to ride horses together. After the recording is completed, I will also send it to you through the Internet."

"After Yukino, there will be Hayasaka Ai." Fujiwara Chika said, "Naturally, it will be sent to you at that time."

"So, my task is to use these things to give Minamoto Raimiko as much psychological pressure as possible, so that she can break through the defense?" Yukinoshita Harino looked at the phone, and then at Chika Fujiwara.

"That's right." Chika Fujiwara nodded.

"I have a question," Yukinoshita Yono said slowly after being silent for a while, "in case, I mean in case, Minamoto Yorimitsu was really furious and put aside that 'Hundred Trial', If you come after me..."

"No," Chika Fujiwara shook her head in denial, "If she did that, she would have surrendered. According to the agreement, it would mean that she gave up the power to control Yuanjing. This is something she will never accept."

"However, if there is such an eventuality..." Chika Fujiwara pondered for a moment, then put her hand on Yokinoshita Yoshino's shoulder——

"We will always remember you."

"Hey! Don't say such terrible things so lightly!"

Chapter 94 Horses, peonies and dogs (4k)

The horse racing club of St. Eden Academy is a club with a long history, but its beginning was actually a whim of the Sakurajima Chinese.

The horse racing department does not shy away from this. Until now, the words of its first minister are still posted on the wall of the activity room of its department house——

[Those who can ride horses are not necessarily nobles, but nobles must know how to ride horses. 】

That's right, this is the purpose of their establishment of the horse racing department in St. Eden Academy, that is, to advertise that those who are good at riding are the real nobles with historical background.

It's not the kind of nouveau riche who gets his way.

...Well, as long as you are happy.

The environment of St. Eden Academy is actually not suitable for raising horses.

If you want to raise horses, especially racehorses, the first condition you must meet is an extremely wide field, so that the racehorses can gallop freely.

Although the area of ​​St. Eden Academy is 30 times the size of a normal middle school, it is a bit cramped compared to a specialized racecourse.

Not to mention, it is impossible for all these places to be allocated to the horse racing department.

After all, this is the St. Eden Academy used to educate human beings, not the Teresan Academy for nurturing racehorse girls. The territory that can be allocated to the horse racing department is actually quite small.

Of course, such a small site cannot raise famous horses such as 'Mebaro McQueen' and 'Emperor of the East China Sea'. After all, the hardware conditions simply cannot meet the requirements.

However, the original purpose of the establishment of the horse racing department was not to breed the number one racehorse in Sakurajima, but to show its own aristocratic demeanor, so it didn't take it seriously at all.

Naturally, it is impossible for the horses in the horse racing department to rely on the training of the members.

This is a job that only professionals can do. How can it be given to a group of high school students who haven't even attended college?

Moreover, horse riding is the romance of nobles, and raising horses is obviously not included in this list.

Most of the horses in the racing department come from donations from various racecourses in Sakurajima.

Basically, they are horses that have lost the brutal competition and are considered unsuitable to participate in the competition.

The competition among the Sakurajima horse races is quite cruel. Every year, a large number of horses are washed down, and a few horses with good bloodlines and docile characters are selected from them as a tool to make friends with St. Eden Academy. For these big racecourses in Sakurajima, it can be said that it is nothing at all.

Yuan Jing remembered that in the original novel he read in his previous life, it was written that one of Yukinoshita Yukino's hobbies was 'horse riding'.

But today, when Yuan Jing saw that she directly rejected the help invitation from the members of the horse racing department, and began to deal with a tall horse with a strong frame and an unusually majestic figure very skillfully, he realized that this was really not a lie.

The horses in the horse racing department are mainly divided into two types: British Thoroughbreds and Hanoverian Warmbloods. The former is mainly a racing horse breed, and the latter is a skillful horse breed used in obstacle surpassing, racecourse equestrianism and other competition skills.

The one Yukinoshita Yukino chose was a Hanoverian warm-blooded horse.

These horses specially selected by the horse farm to donate to St. Eden's Academy were originally docile and loved to be close to humans. Therefore, they did not show any anxiety at all when Yukinoshita Yukino approached, but seemed rather submissive.

With the carrots provided by the members of the horse racing department (the price is quite expensive), Yukinoshita Yukino successfully established a relationship with it.

It even stuck out its tongue and licked Yukino Yukino's palm affectionately.

After completing the taming of the horse, Yukinoshita Yukino looked back at Yuan Jing beside her, with a slightly smug expression on her delicate and pretty face.

After going through the somewhat indecent game of "Master by Ear", revealing the desires deep in my heart, and being seen by Yuan Jing to be indecent, the relationship between the two seems to be drawn into a little bit.

There is a saying, oh, right——

[Once I accept my weakness, then I am invincible! 】

This is the case with Yukino Yukinoshita.

Anyway, he has already seen his inappropriate appearance, so it doesn't matter if she behaves a little bit presumptuously?

As a result, Yukinoshita Yukino's various micro-expressions have become much richer, and she has also begun to become a little more frank, and no longer painstakingly find some excuses like before.

Take the horse riding this time as an example, if it was her before, even if she knew that Yuan Jing could see her thoughts, she would talk about such and such reasons and find some such and such excuses out of girlish reserve.

But this time, after Yuan Jing cleaned up and returned, she expressed her appeal to him quite straightforwardly——

She wanted to go riding with Yuanjing on the pony field of the horse racing department.

The so-called communication between the opposite sex is actually to show the other party one's own excellence, so as to improve one's image in the other party's heart.

Yukinoshita Yukino has already begun to understand this truth.

"This is an outstanding lady," Yukinoshita Yukino said to Yuan Jing, "I have already communicated with her, you can come and pat her neck and touch her mane."

Seeing the somewhat childish expression on Yukinoshita Yukino's face as if she was giving her own toys to play with, Yuan Jing couldn't help laughing.

However, he doesn't need Yukinoshita Yukino's 'help'.

Putting his index finger and thumb in his mouth, Yuanjing whistled softly.

After hearing Yuanjing's whistle, the 'lady' who was chewing the carrot in the girl's hand relaxedly, the two big ears on its head stood up very obviously.

After confirming the source of the sound, it, or she, ignored the girl in front of her and trotted to Yuanjing instead.

She shook her head, and after a long "hiss", she rubbed her head affectionately against his outstretched palm, as if she was acting like a baby with Yuan Jing.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at this scene a little dumbfounded, she looked at the gnawed carrot in her hand, and then at the tall horse that was showing love to Yuan Jing in every possible way, her small face bulged slightly, He showed a somewhat unconvinced look.

If it was in the past, she would still try to look like she didn't care, but now she doesn't care about showing such a small expression in front of Yuan Jing.

Somewhat angry, she came in front of Yuan Jing, and waved the carrot on the hand lightly at the 'traitor', but the other party seemed a bit dismissive, and didn't even bother to cast a glance in this direction.

"...How did you do it?" Sighing a little depressed, Yukinoshita Yukino asked Yuanjing curiously.

"Well, if I say that I can communicate with horses, would you believe it?" Yuan Jing's words carried a bit of a smile as he stroked the horse's forehead.

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