"I'm sorry, Sawamura-san." Chika Fujiwara smiled and stood in front of Eriri, "This road is blocked."




After that, Sawamura Eriri thought about many plans, but they all ended in failure.

The surroundings of Yuanjing had already been covered with a net, and she couldn't find a gap to break through.

She couldn't even have a word with Yuan Jing.

Eri Sawamura never imagined that it would be such a difficult thing to meet and talk with a student from the same school.

You women protect Yuanjing too well, don't you?Is it necessary to protect food like this?

She and Zhenbai just want him to be a model, and they don't want to do anything to him. As for the strict prevention to this point?

Fortunately, this situation finally ushered in a turning point after school.

Just when she and Shiina Mashiro were about to go to Dayuanjing after school, they found that the other party had left with a black-haired girl. After walking down the ramp near the school gate, the two got into a car Black luxury car.

Ying Lili hurriedly pulled Zhenbai into a taxi to keep up.

In the end, she found out that the destination of the other party was a rather familiar villa.

That was her previous home...

Chapter 10 See you at the end, but sparks are shining

"Boss, what's wrong?" Shimizu Kaguya asked a little strangely.

The person sent by the housing agency to meet them this time is still the same as yesterday, the 'Ace' lady.

However, unlike yesterday, Yuan Jing finally knew the other party's surname today——Fujii.

In fact, Ms. Fujii had already introduced her name to Yuan Jing yesterday, but Yuan Jing didn't pay attention to her at all yesterday, so she didn't have any impression at all.

Just as Ms. Fujii led Yuan Jing and Shimizu Kaguya through the courtyard and walked towards the house, Yuan Jing suddenly stopped and looked towards the gate.

That's why Kaguya asked the question.

"No, it's nothing." After retracting his gaze, Yuan Jing followed Miss Fujii again.

Just now, he noticed two sights from outside the gate of the villa.

It seemed that someone was peeping here through the gate.

However, after entering the villa, Ms. Fujii carefully locked the door again, so even if someone was spying here, they would not be able to enter without the key card.

That's why he said 'nothing'.

'Should be a curious neighbor, right? 'Yuanjing thought so in his heart.

After the three of them walked into the house, two small heads popped out from the gate of the villa.

It was Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina.

"Eriri." Shiina Mashiro gave Sawamura Eiri a worried look.

After transferring schools, she has been boarding at Ying Lili's house, so of course she knows everything about this friend's recent situation.

However, what she can do is actually quite limited.

The Spencer family is a veteran aristocrat in England. If they want to bring Sawamura Eriri back to England, Shiina Mashiro's parents have neither reason nor ability to stop them.

All she could do was to accompany her best friend as much as possible.If Eriri had to be taken back to England, she would go with her.

It just so happens that Rita is also in England, so she will definitely like Yinglili too.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." Staring blankly at the house full of her various memories, Sawamura Eriri finally came to her senses after a long while.

After she wiped the corners of her eyes lightly, she forced a smile and said, "This is really 'You can't find anywhere when you step through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get here'."

"Zhenbai, haven't you always wanted to talk to him and let him be your model? This is the best time."

After fumbling around for a while, she took out a key card from her pocket.

Put it on the sensor of the gate, and after a while, with a slight 'beep' sound, the lock of the gate was quietly opened.

Although it has been linked to a housing agency, the next owner of this villa has not yet been determined, so in name, this is still Sayuri Sawamura's house.

The door lock of the gate has not been replaced, so with the previous key card, Sawamura Eriri can easily enter and exit the villa.

"Mashiro, let's go." Pulling Shiina Mashiro's wrist, Sawamura Eriri pushed the door open and walked in first.

She turned her head forward, as if she didn't want Shiina Mashiro to see her expression.

Shiina Mashiro also behaved quite empathetically.

After stepping through the gate, she gently closed the gate with her other hand.

After a soft 'click', the entire villa was once again isolated from the outside world.

Like an isolated island.


When the two girls sneaked in here, Yuan Jing also met the owner of this villa, which is the 'Mrs. Sawamura' that Ms. Fujii said yesterday.

'Looks so young. 'This is Yuanjing's first impression.

For this, Yuanjing has gotten used to it.

So far, he has met four wives - Touma Kazusa's mother Touma Yoko, Yukinoshita Yukino's mother Yukinoshita Ayano, Hayasaka Ai's mother Hayasaka Nao, and Fujiwara Chika's mother Fujiwara Manho.

The passage of time did not fade the beauty of these four mothers, but instead added a charm called 'mature' to them.

The Mrs. Sawamura in front of me is obviously in the same situation.

Moreover, Mrs. Sawamura also combed her twin ponytails mischievously, adding a touch of girlish playfulness to her.

Can easily control this hairstyle, but not the slightest pretending to be tender...

This Mrs. Sawamura is really not a simple character.

'Looks familiar. 'This is Yuanjing's second impression.

A head of dark purple hair tied into double ponytails, a pair of bright purple eyes under the bangs, and even though wrapped in a kimono, you can still see the sad breasts at a glance, and that even though it is The folding fan that is still in hand in November.

Plus the surname 'Sawamura'.

Yuanjing suddenly became alert.

Could it be that Mrs. Sawamura...

However, he looked at the other party's attire again.

Mrs. Sawamura's dress is quite simple. This is a set of all black kimono. Only on the sleeves and skirt, there are inconspicuous patterns outlined with white lines, revealing a solemn atmosphere. .

strangeness.If the other party was the Mrs. Sawamura he thought of, shouldn't she prefer a red and white kimono with flower patterns printed on the sleeves and skirt?Why are you dressed so dull?

Did something happen at home?

After seeing Genke and Kaguya Shimizu behind Ms. Fujii, especially after seeing the St. Eden School uniforms on both of them, Mrs. Sawamura's face flashed with surprise, as if she didn't expect that the people who came to buy real estate would so young.

She stood up from the sofa, and as she walked towards the two of them, she extended a hand generously.

"Hello." She said to Yuan Jing and Shimizu Kaguya who was half a step behind him, "My name is Sayuri Sawamura, and I am the owner of this villa."

"Yuan Jing." Although he said in his heart, "It really is her", but Yuan Jing didn't show any strangeness on his face. After lightly shaking the other party's hand, he took it without hesitation. It let go.

The fact that the owner of the house was Sayuri Sawamura, although he was a little surprised and exclaimed "what a coincidence", did not arouse too many waves in his heart.

Today's protagonist is not him, but Shimizu Kaguya behind him.

He just needs to be a deadpan signer, and she can do the rest.

It can only be said that having an excellent subordinate can really save him a lot of worry.

Regarding the fact that he promised the other party's allegiance and spent 200 billion to rescue Shimizu Kaguya from Shinomiya's house, Yuan Jing still thinks that this decision is extremely wise.

...I sincerely hope that he can maintain this view in the future.

Unlike the extremely indifferent Genke, Sayuri Sawamura gave him a deep look.

She was not amazed at the other person's unusually handsome appearance like ordinary women, but because of other things——

'Surname [source]? She thought secretly in her heart, "Looking at the relationship between the two just now, this young man seems to be the real person in charge. '

'To be able to come up with such a large sum of money at such a young age...'

Before she could think carefully, Shimizu Kaguya had already grabbed her hand.

"Ms. Sayuri Sawamura, right?" She smiled sweetly at Sayuri Sawamura, showing a very kind expression, "I am Kaguya Shimizu, please give me your advice today."

"Where is there." Suppressing the thoughts in her heart, Sayuri Sawamura also had a sweet smile on her face.She didn't have any contempt for Shimizu Kaguya because of her youth.

"This is the one, and I ask you to be merciful."


Although Sayuri Sawamura said that she wanted Kaguya to "be merciful", Shimizu Kaguya obviously only took this sentence as a deaf ear.

She is not Yuanjing, so I don't know the exact identity of this lady.

However, even if she knew, it is estimated that her attitude would not change in any way.

Her current identity is Yuanjing's "worker", his "tool" and "loyal dog".

She just needs to be responsible for his interests.

As for Sayuri Sawamura...

Who is that?

After carefully checking the various documents brought by Sayuri Sawamura, Shimizu Kaguya raised his head and looked at Sayuri Sawamura, "Ms. Sawamura, I noticed that your property is The certificate is clearly new and only has the names Sayuri Sawamura and Sawamura Spencer Eriri on it."

"I don't know who this Sawamura Spencer Eriri is...?" Shimizu Kaguya's eyes showed a look of exploration.

"She is my daughter." Sayuri Sawamura replied very calmly.

"So that's how it is." Shimizu Kaguya had guessed it a long time ago, so he wasn't surprised, "In this case, it's a little strange."

She continued, "May I ask, why isn't your husband's name on it?"

As if the pause button was pressed all of a sudden, the room suddenly became quite quiet.

Sayuri Sawamura didn't answer, her purple eyes like wine just stared at Kaguya Shimizu.

Shimizu Kaguya also looked at her with scarlet eyes without showing any weakness.

Sayuri Sawamura has a husband.

She was absolutely sure of it.

If it is a single-parent family like Touma Kazusa and Touma Yoko, then her daughter's name should be Sawamura Eri, and there shouldn't be the middle [Spencer].

On the real estate certificate, there are basically two reasons why there is no husband’s name——

One, she and her husband divorced, and the house and daughter were awarded to her;

Second, her husband died, and the house was her husband's legacy.

Looking at the simple black kimono on his body, the possibility of the latter is much higher.

Some people may wonder, why does Shimizu Kaguya care so much about this kind of thing?Aren't the two situations the same? As long as Sayuri Sawamura owns the property and can dispose of it at will, isn't that enough?Why risk digging someone's scars by asking this kind of question?

the reason is simple--

Shimizu Kaguya was afraid of this house, it was a 'haunted house'.

Shimizu Kaguya has always been unafraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

And this thing is too coincidental.

The young wife, after her husband died, was in a hurry to sell the house he left her, and she had to pay in full...

Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but doubt it.

She knows that in Tokyo, there are some "hunters" who specialize in attacking the rich. After marrying the rich, they will use various means to create "accidents" to kill the other party, so as to inherit the other party's wealth. heritage.

If the same is true of this house, she would rather not have it.

She bought this house as her and Yuan Jing's 'new home', Yuan Jing is the master of the house, and she is the mistress.

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