Like the kind of extravagant big dog in the movie, she patted this thing on the table next to the sink, and let out a 'pop'.

"Are these enough?" Fujiwara Toyo asked Fujiwara Chika in a practical and usual tone, without even the slightest bit of shyness in her tone.

Fujiwara Chika's eyes widened.

She first looked at the 'strip' under the slender white palm of Fujiwara Toyomi, and then looked at her sister's face with somewhat unbelievable eyes.

Doesn't sister Fengshi have a boyfriend?Why do you always have this kind of thing on your body?

"Ah, didn't you say yesterday that your little boyfriend will come today?" Toyomi Fujiwara still said in her characteristic slow tone, "When I took Pace out for a walk last night, I happened to see There was a vending machine selling this on the side of the street, and I just put a piece of [Fukuzawa Yukichi] (the character on the Sakurajima [-]-dollar banknote, referring to banknotes) into it."

"I haven't bought this kind of thing before, and I didn't expect it to be so cheap." Toyomi Fujiwara even felt a little emotional.

Should it be said that he is indeed a mature adult who has already entered the university stage?There was no shyness on Fujiwara Toyomi's face, it was as if he was discussing tomorrow's weather with Fujiwara Chika.

"I, I, we are here to study, not to do this kind of thing!" Although Chika Fujiwara is already the best among high school girls, she is obviously not the opponent of Toyomi Fujiwara who is a college student. .

She stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to push the strip back to her sister, but she felt that it was a bit hot, and she didn't dare to touch it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Toyomi Fujiwara expressed his incomprehension.

"You are his fiancée, you like him very much, and don't both father and mother agree with him?" Although she has never been in love, as the eldest of the three sisters, she is quite clear about it' It's the truth to strike first.

"Listen to you, isn't he quite popular in school? If that's the case, you have to work harder to take him down."

"A boy who can be recognized by a rigid father will naturally not be a ruthless and irresponsible person. As long as such a [fait accompli] is caused, then he will definitely take responsibility."

"Qianhua, you don't need to feel embarrassed at all, because that's how mom chased dad back then."


Sister Fengshi, it seems that something extraordinary just came out of your mouth!

She hasn't slowed down yet, why did her shocking words pop out one after another?

Seeing Chika Fujiwara's cute mouth slightly open, Toyomi Fujiwara nimbly stretched out her hand again, lightly picking up an apple that her silly sister had already washed.

After taking a sip with satisfaction, letting the sweetness bloom in her taste buds, she narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

'Oh, right. When Fujiwara Toyomi recalled how her mother told her how to catch her father, she found that she seemed to have missed a step.

After holding the apple in her mouth, she pulled out a sharp knife from the kitchen utensil rack next to it.

She didn't use it to peel the apples, but pulled the 'strip' over and began to stab lightly in the middle of each 'square'.

You know, back then, Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Wansui married their son...

After processing, Toyomi Fujiwara took another washed apple as "labor fee", and then turned around and walked away.

Only Chika Fujiwara, whose head was a little overloaded, stared at those things in a daze.

After reaching out her hand several times, Fujiwara Chika finally grabbed the thing, rolled it up, and stuffed it into the deepest pocket of her clothes.

'First of all, I, I, I don't think I will use this thing today. For now, the relationship between me and Ah Jing has not reached the point where I can use this thing. ' she said as if convincing herself.

'But they can't just be left in the kitchen like this! '

"Someone will come to cook in a while..."

After persuading herself in this way, Chika Fujiwara continued to wash the fruits.

However, compared to before, not only did she not continue humming, but her movements suddenly became a little stiff.

Obviously, what Fujiwara Toyomi said touched her quite a lot.


When Fujiwara Chika finally walked up to the second floor with the plate, she heard the sound of conversation coming from her bedroom.

If it's a male voice, it's naturally Yuanjing.

The female voice Chika is also very familiar, it is the voice of Yaomei Fujiwara Moeha.

'Is Mengye planning to play some prank while I'm not paying attention? '

With some worry in her heart, she quickened her pace, but the words that floated into her ear made her pace freeze——

"Brother Jing," instead of using the title 'brother-in-law', Fujiwara Moeha sweetly called Yuan Jing's name, "If the Fujiwara family and the Yuan family want to get married, you don't have to have Miss Qianhua, right?"

"Don't mention the children of my uncle's family, but in my family alone, there are Sister Fengshi and me."

"Sister Fengshi, you must not like that big slob, but should you consider me, who is lively, cute, and smart?"

'Moe Leaf! ' Fujiwara Chika said in her heart, 'some jokes are not allowed! '

She was really angry.

And just when she was thinking about how to deal with her disobedient sister after Yuanjing left——

"Mengye," Yuanjing's reassuring tone came into her ears, "The reason why I am willing to maintain this marriage contract is that I did not choose to abolish it. relation."

"There is actually only one reason, and that is because the object of the marriage contract is Qianhua."

"That's all."

Although there was no clear rejection, Fujiwara Moeha naturally understood Yuanjing's meaning.

After a long sigh, Fujiwara Moeha stood up, "Sister Qianhua should be back soon, so I, who was rejected, should almost leave the stage."

After walking out from the open door, she naturally saw Qian Hua who had just come up.

Walking up to Qian Hua, she unceremoniously took an orange from the plate.

She has lost her love at the speed of light, so she naturally needs to 'turn grief and anger into appetite'.

Chapter 27 Wash my neck and wait! (paid off!)

"I, I'm back." Although it's already November, because of the extremely good heating facilities, Chika Fujiwara has no problem at all even if she wears a lighter home style.

The temperature in the room should be considered just right from a normal point of view.

But for the current Fujiwara Chika, it seems a little too hot.

In fact, she wanted to blow a cold wind first to calm down her feverish mind.

However, let's not mention whether this method is really useful; if it is really done that way, Yuanjing will have to wait too long.

This is not the Fujiwara family's way of hospitality.

So, after reluctantly tidying up her mood and putting on a bright smile again, Chika Fujiwara walked into her bedroom with a plate in her hand.

"Well, welcome back." Yuan Jing, who was looking at the scenery outside the window with great interest, turned his head.

After seeing Chika Fujiwara's expression that was different from usual, the boy was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then asked in a daze——

"heard it?"

"!!!" Chika Fujiwara, who was originally trying to support her, was startled, the hand holding the plate was a little unstable, and the plate slipped out all of a sudden.

Fujiwara Chika's bedroom is also carpeted, so even if the plate falls on the floor, it will not break.

But if the fruit spilled on the ground is not washed, it will definitely be uneatable.

Fortunately, Yuanjing's reaction was quite fast. His right hand appeared under the plate as if teleporting. After shaking it lightly, with a whirling force, he picked up all kinds of fruits that were about to fall on the ground again. .

After putting the plate in his hand on the round table, Chika Fujiwara, who was standing in a daze, smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I should wait until you are seated."

Is the problem here? !

Chika Fujiwara puffed up her face slightly.

Isn't pretending not to be the most appropriate response here?Even if you find something strange in yourself, you still have to pretend you didn't see it, and silently accept the 'bonus' of what you said just now... This is the most 'smart' way.

Yuan Jing must know this too, but he didn't do it, but pointed it out directly...

"I don't want you to misunderstand." Seeing Chika Fujiwara who seemed to be arguing, Yuan Jing sighed softly, "If I don't point it out, you will be happy now, but afterward, you will definitely be suspicious."

"It's like [I heard your footsteps, I said this on purpose to make you happy], or it's [This is to make Mengye completely give up, but I don't really think so in my heart], in short, Such thoughts." Yuan Jing said as if he had seen through what Chika Fujiwara was thinking.

"No." The young man shook his head earnestly, and said slowly but firmly, "This is my truth, and there is absolutely no falsehood in it."

"The marriage tradition between the Fujiwara family and the Yuan family has existed for thousands of years. If the marriage contract is cut off, it means that the two families are at odds?" Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows, "Do you think I am the one who cares about such things? ?”

of course not.

Regarding this point, Chika Fujiwara, who was quite clear about the boy's personality, naturally knew about it.

He was originally an unfettered roc in the nine heavens, as long as he wanted to, almost nothing in this world could restrain him.

And the reason why he is willing to abide by this engagement, he has made it very clear.

That is because of myself.

If the marriage contract is terminated, I will feel sad and uneasy, and as the party whose engagement has been divorced, I will be gossiped secretly by others.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the young man who hates restraint the most, will not say a word about this marriage contract and adopt a tacit attitude.

very happy.

As if the heart was not his own, it was beating his chest thumping, bringing bursts of pain called sweetness.

Now his cheeks must have turned terribly red, and the corners of his mouth must be turning up uncontrollably.

If there is a mirror in front of him, what is reflected in it must be a completely unseemly and embarrassed face.

But it doesn't matter.

For the current Fujiwara Chika, there are more important things that need to be known by Yuan Jing.

Walking forward slowly, Chika Fujiwara sat on another chair beside the round table.

She stretched out both hands, held one of the young man's hand, then lifted it up, and then gently pressed it against her left chest.

"Did you feel my heartbeat?" Although the girl's voice was a little trembling, it still couldn't conceal the seriousness and tenacity in it.

"Yeah." The boy nodded, "Jumping very hard."

"Ah Jing, let me ask you, has your heart ever beat so violently?" Looking directly into Yuan Jing's eyes, Fujiwara Chika said softly.

"..." Yuan Jing didn't answer with words, but quietly looked away.

This is his answer.

"Great." Fujiwara Chika breathed a sigh of relief, and then a smile bloomed quietly on her face.

She is a person who loves to laugh very much, and is also very suitable for smiling.

But at this moment, even though it was only a shallow smile, it was more dazzling than any previous smile.

"Ah Jing," with a little force, the boy's palm and his left chest were more closely attached, so that he could feel the beating of his heart more and more.

"Usually you teach me, but this time, it's finally my turn to teach you." His eyes as blue as the sky were filled with the shadow of the boy.

"This is the so-called [heartbeat]."

If in the real world, like the otome game, there is a favorability bar represented by 5 empty hearts, then Yuanjing should only have one favorability bar for himself.

No, maybe there is only half of it.

But there must be.

That's totally enough.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and one day, I will definitely fill Yuanjing's heart.

Just like the current self.

"Now I just want you to feel the external expression of [heartbeat]." Chika Fujiwara shifted her gaze to the boy's left chest, as if the monster thief was staring at the treasure she was bound to get.

"One day, I will make your heart beat like this because of me." The corner of the girl's mouth curled up with a curve called self-confidence.

Next, let's put some harsh words to express our determination.

Although Fujiwara Chika understood the next process in her heart, but she was able to say that before, it was already the result of struggling with her love.

As her heart beat faster and faster, her head was also paralyzed by this painful and sweet feeling, turning extremely obscurely.


"Just wash your neck and wait for me!" She could only show her cute canine teeth, and threatened Yuanjing like this.

"Pfft." Yuan Jing had never heard such a 'threat' that didn't look like a threat, and couldn't help chuckling.

"Okay." He smiled and nodded solemnly, "I'm waiting for that day to come."

What I want to say, what I want to say, I have said it completely.

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