Daozhen was harmed by slander and was demoted, and died in the place where he was demoted.After his death, various anomalies appeared one after another in Kyoto: first, the princes of Emperor Daigo died of illness one by one, and then the Qingliang Hall of the imperial palace was struck by lightning, causing many deaths and injuries.

The imperial court was quite frightened by this, thinking that it was the wraith of Michizane who was causing trouble, so he not only pardoned Michizane's crimes and gave him his official position, but also built Kitano Tenmangu in Kitano, Kyoto, to worship him specially.

After that, Sugawara Michizane became part of the Tenjin belief.

Because Daozhen was an outstanding scholar and poet during his lifetime, he was worshiped as the god of learning by later generations.Tianman Dazizai Tenjin, Japan Taizheng Weidetian, and Kitano Tenmangu Tenjin are all Taoist gods.

Because of this, the shrine that enshrines its statue is called "Tenmangu Shrine".

This is a place dedicated to praying for smooth exams and academic success.

Just like before the major examination in Huaguo, in front of the statue of Confucius, who is the "most holy teacher", people will offer tributes to pray for good luck. Whenever this time comes, the various Tianman Temples are naturally overcrowded .

The three most famous Tenmangu in Sakurajima are Dazaifu Tenmangu in Fukuoka Hakata, Kitano Tenmangu in Kyoto and Yushima Tenmangu in Tokyo.

Unlike the first two which are the head offices of Tenmangu Shrines across the country, Yushima Tenmangu in Tokyo (that is, the Tenmangu that Hiratsuka Shizuka proposed to go to on weekends) is famous because it is related to Sakurajima’s The first university - the University of Tokyo lives next to each other.

It is said that half of the top students who are admitted to Tokyo University every year go to Yushima Shrine to make a wish before the exam, so the wishing horses and amulets for passing the exam are particularly popular there.

"You guys probably don't have much use for the [examination success] prayer." Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes turned once on the faces of Yuan Jing, Shijo Zhenfei, and Shimizu Kaguya, and then glanced at Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina next to the same.

"However, the gods of Sakurajima are convenient. Even if you don't come here, you can still pray instead."

"In this final exam, there should be some of you who want to get the other party into the top three, so we can go to Vienna together?"

"In this case, how about taking this opportunity to ask for an amulet for that person?"

This is the reason why Shizuka Hiratsuka chose Yushima Tenmangu as the weekend group building destination for several people.

Yuanjing is tutoring Chika Fujiwara recently, and Kaguya Shimizu is helping to review for Ai Hayasaka, this is something that she, as the head teacher of class A, has already seen in her eyes.

And from Yukino, she also knew that Concubine Shijo had visited her home and wanted to study with her.

From this point of view, all three of them had a reason to go there, and the possibility of this proposal being passed greatly increased.

"On Saturday, I may not have time." Shijo Zhenfei raised her hand and said.

On Saturdays, preparations are made for her brother's evening party.

"I happen to have something to do on Saturday." Saturday is the day when Fujiwara Chika comes to visit, and Yuanjing needs to spare this day for her.

As for the others, they all said that these two days would be fine.

"Okay, let's decide to go on Sunday." Shizuka Hiratsuka finally made a decision.

Chapter 89 Kaguya: Just like this, just like this!

After agreeing to go to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine together on the weekend, a group of five people filed out of Shizuka Hiratsuka's office.

Sijo Zhenfei is the one who walks in the front among the five people.

However, even though she was the first to walk out of the office, she didn't just leave so neatly.

Looking back slightly from the corner of her eyes, she saw that Yuanjing who was walking at the end closed the door, a hesitant expression first appeared on her face, and then she gritted her teeth, as if she had made up her mind.

However, before she could turn around and say something to Yuan Jing, a pair of hands wrapped around her shoulders, and then pushed her to continue walking forward.

"Then, it seems that both Sawamura-san and Shiina-san have business with Gen-kun," Shimizu Kaguya said with a smile like a flower.

Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri haven't had time to tell Yuan Jing that the 'painting' has been completed, but for the human-like Kaguya Shimizu, just observe the expressions of the two girls, and it's almost the same Knowing that these two people must have something to tell Yuan Jing, they just have some scruples about others.

It was Yuanjing's private commission to complete this painting.

Although he didn't explain it to the two of them, both Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro actually guessed the importance of this painting to Yuanjing.

If this is the case, then keep your mouth shut and let as few people know as possible.

These two people planned to grab Yuan Jing directly after this meeting and let the three of them go to the studio together.

But Shimizu Kaguya has almost seen through the attempts of these two people.

As Yuanjing's most loyal 'subordinate', Shimizu Kaguya naturally knew about this commission.

Coupled with the information learned from Sayuri Sawamura, who is her subordinate, it is also clear that the Shijo family seems to have reached some kind of agreement with the Spencer family.

Kaguya Shimizu didn't know the true identity of [Lily Spencer], so naturally he didn't know the true intentions of these two families.

However, she knew one thing, that is, this time, the Shijo family seemed to be on the opposite side of Yuanjing.

Under this situation, as a member of the Sitiao tribe with a strong root, it is obviously not suitable for the real concubine Sitiao to continue to get involved in this matter.

Of course, this is just one of the reasons.

Another more important reason is actually——

She doesn't really want Concubine Shijo to have too much contact with Yuanjing anymore!

On the one hand, she did give Shitiao Zhenfei quite wrong guidance by mistake before, and then she even made mistakes because of her mistakes, and only imprinted the idea of ​​'she and Yuanjing are cohabiting boyfriend and girlfriend' in her mind middle.

After that, although due to her efforts to cover up and a little bit of luck, the wrong information was not actually exposed.

However, if the two are allowed to keep in touch, it is impossible not to expose such an obvious cognitive difference.

To be honest, Shimizu Kaguya was a little afraid to imagine how Concubine Shijo would react when she really realized this.

She had given up on her fantasy a little bit, and didn't dare to have too many extravagant demands.

However, if possible, she still hopes that that day will come later.

At least.

At least let her confide in Yuanjing first...

On the other hand, the recent signs of the four real concubines have already made the radar in her heart a little alarmed.

Especially last night, Kaguya, who was one step ahead of Concubine Shijo and who was hiding in the darkness at that time, could see her expression quite clearly.

That's definitely not the expression of looking at a 'male friend'.

For such eyes, Shimizu Kaguya has already tasted too much.

Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika... At that time, the eyes of the four concubines looking at Yuanjing were almost exactly the same as those of these girls.

At that moment, Shimizu Kaguya seemed to understand that he seemed to be 'shooting himself in the foot'.

However, because Concubine Shijo's character has always been not very frank and a little slow, she doesn't seem to realize this.

Then, out of consideration for his own mental health, Shimizu Kaguya naturally hoped that she would discover this slightly deteriorating friendship later.

"Kaguya, don't push me."

"Okay, what's the matter, it's the same to ask me."

Concubine Shijo's will was not very firm at all, even though she was still a little bit reluctant to give up after such a push by Shimizu Kaguya, she was still dragged away by her just like that.

Sawamura Eriri was a little relieved, she looked at Kaguya who had drifted away, showing a somewhat grateful expression.

But when she looked to the side, and was about to pull Shiina Mashiro to find Yuanjing together, she suddenly saw nothing.

Turning around in surprise, Sawamura Eriri saw that Shiina Mashiro had come to Yuanjing's side.

Although it was not obvious, she could still see the smug look on Shiina Mashiro's face.

She grabbed Yuanjing's sleeve at once, and then pulled it in the opposite direction to Shijo Makoto and Shimizu Kaguya, that is, the direction of her private studio with Sawamura Eriri.

'How can you be so active in this kind of thing. ' Somewhat speechless, she held her forehead, but Sawamura Eriri's actions were not slow at all.

She stepped forward quickly, imitating Shiina Mashiro's movements, and boldly grabbed Yuanjing's other sleeve.


Leaving the teaching building and walking to the garden, which is still full of vitality even though it is winter, the two girls one behind the other finally stopped.

"Hui Ye, there's no need to do this, right?" There was a bit of complaint in the words of the four true concubines, "I'm just..."

"I just want to ask, what is Ah Jing doing on Saturday, and see if he can attend Emperor Shijo's banquet at night?" Shimizu Kaguya sighed quite tiredly.

"Concubine Zhen, although perseverance is indeed a very good quality, but when necessary, I think I should also learn to give up."

"On Saturday, Qianhua is coming to [our] house, and Ah Jing promised her to help her with her studies."

"This is something that was agreed yesterday." Shimizu Kaguya said the reason without hesitation, "If before this incident, if Ah Jing still had the slightest chance to attend the banquet of the Sijo's family, then After this is confirmed..."

She made a "cross" sign on her chest with both hands, "This is no longer possible."

"Qianhua..." Shijo Zhenfei repeated the name with some astonishment, "I remember, she is the daughter of Uncle Fujiwara Daichi."

"That's right, he was my only friend before." Seemingly thinking of the time spent with Chika Fujiwara, Kaguya Shimizu smiled on his face.

But it immediately turned into a little embarrassment, because——

"If that's the case, then why did she ask Yuan Jun for tutoring?" Shitiao Zhenfei pointed out sharply, "Wouldn't it be better to ask you for tutoring?"

Because Qianhua is Ah Jing's fiancée!

Naturally, this sentence cannot be said.

Therefore, Shimizu Kaguya could only wrap his index finger around his hair in the end, and then said in a somewhat vague tone, "I'm very busy. I have to take care of family affairs and help Hayasaka with tuition."

"So you just generously pushed your boyfriend to your best friend?" Shijo Makoto looked at Shimizu Kaguya with a strange look in her eyes, "Also, last night that Hayasaka Ai did that to Gen-kun, and you didn't care about it?" Help her out of the past... wait a minute."

Speaking of which, she flicked her dark brown ponytail, as if realizing something all of a sudden, "You don't want to let your maid who steals food pass the top three in the grade at the end of the semester, and then go with Yuan Jun Go on a trip?"

Shimizu Kaguya didn't dare to look into Shijo Makoto's eyes, but nodded slightly.

It's really only a little bit, if it wasn't for Shijo Zhenfei just staring at her without blinking, it can be said that she couldn't see the extent of her nodding at all.

"Really or not..." Shijo Zhenfei's spirit was obviously shocked so much that she herself was a little stunned.

"I, I think, look, aren't Ajing and I going to Vienna?" Shimizu Kaguya explained in a panic, "In this case, Hayasaka will be left alone in the family, which is really pitiful."

"So I thought, if Hayasaka is really strong-willed and hard-working enough, it would be a good thing to be able to go to Vienna with us..."

"..." After being silent for a while, Shijo Makoto looked into Shimizu Kaguya's eyes and said suddenly: "The people aiming for this spot are not only Ai Hayasaka, but also Yukinoshita Yukino. do you know?"

"She seems to like Yuan-kun too. I've been to her home, and I know how hard-working she is..." Shijo Zhenfei frowned slightly, watching Kaguya's expression while deliberating With words, "Do you know about this?"

"Ah, I know that Yukino likes Ajing." Huiye didn't show any surprise, but nodded thoughtfully, "In this case, it seems that this Sunday I will also help Yukino find a successful student in her studies." talisman."

she whispered so softly.

"Kaguya! Do you really know what you are doing?" Shijo Zhenfei's eyes widened all of a sudden, she raised her right hand and slowly raised three fingers.

"Your girlfriend came to the door, but you pushed her to your boyfriend to take care of you because you had something to do?" This is the index finger.

"You know that a girl likes your boyfriend, but instead of scolding her, you pray for her and wish her a smooth process?" This is the middle finger.

"Your personal maid secretly kissed your boyfriend without your consent. As a result, instead of getting angry, you contracted the housework and even helped her?" This is the ring finger.

"I thought you were open-minded, but now..."

"Here you are," Shijo Zhenfei pointed to her head, she looked at Kaguya, as if she was meeting her for the first time, "Is there something wrong?"

I didn't feel it before, but Shimizu Kaguya found out that what he did before did seem to have a little...

No, it should be said that it is very cerebral palsy.

If Shimizu Kaguya is Yuan Jing's subordinate, then these behaviors are indeed normal.

But in the impression of Concubine Shijo, Kaguya is Yuanjing's girlfriend, the kind who is so close that she has already lived together.

In this case, these behaviors can no longer be described as "not being jealous", they can only be said to be actively wearing a cuckold on their own heads.

Too bad, Concubine Zhen has obviously started to doubt.

Shimizu Kaguya thought anxiously in his heart.

If she finds out the truth...

"Hui Ye, you and Yuan-kun are really..." Are they really boyfriend and girlfriend?The words of Concubine Shijo have not finished yet, but Shimizu Kaguya looked over with piercing eyes, and there was no panic on his face, but instead——

Now that you've found out, I won't hide it from you anymore.

That's the look.

"I'll just say that, can't I?" Shimizu Kaguya asked calmly.


Concubine Sijo could hardly believe her ears.

She blinked a few times, then pinched her face with her fingers, as if to confirm whether she was dreaming.

However, the real pain on the cheek told her clearly, that is——

What she is in now is the real world.

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