After using this most common thing as an excuse, Chika Fujiwara just walked out of the classroom of Class A of Senior One.


"So, the reason why Yuan-kun didn't come today is because he was going to accompany Touma Kazusa?" The space under the stairs is actually quite suitable for those who don't want to leave the classroom too far away. place of conversation.

Here, Arturia also learned from Chika Fujiwara the real reason why Yuan Jing asked for leave without warning.

Winter horse and yarn?

Artoria thought about it in her heart, and immediately realized that the other party was the only black, long, straight girl who did not arrive at the meeting in real body but participated remotely with Yukinoshita Yukino's mobile phone at the meeting yesterday.

"Hesa has been working on her album for the past two weeks, so she has hardly been to school." The reason for using [almost] is because Hesa ​​still went to school one day at the request of Shizuka Hiratsuka.

It was the day when Yuanjing and others were first told by Shizuka Hiratsuka that Vienna was the destination for their winter vacation.

"Now, since things are basically over, Kazuya also wants to show Yuanjing the results of her hard work in the past two weeks." Fujiwara Chika shrugged and smiled quite understandingly.

"...Have you always been indifferent to this?" Artoria said in a very serious tone, staring at Chika Fujiwara's blue eyes.

"Of course it's impossible to think that this kind of thing doesn't matter," Chikaro Fujiwara said generously, "However, Kazusa really hasn't seen Yuanjing for a long time, and I can understand her mood."

"However, not only today, but also on weekends, they will also go to the shrine together..." She sighed enviously, "Isn't the compensation Hesha received too much? "

"Worshiping at the shrine on Sunday?" Artoria knew this for the first time.

"That's right, Ajing and Kazuya will go to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine together this weekend." In the eyes of Chika Fujiwara, Artoria is still a trustworthy person at this time, so naturally she doesn't shy away from such news .

"Actually, it's not just the two of them. This is Shizuka Hiratsuka's activity." Chika Fujiwara began to snap her fingers, "In addition to Ajing and Kazusa, there are Shiina, Sawamura, Mafei and Kaguya."

"Including Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka, there are seven people in total."

Seven people...?

Arturia lowered her head and muttered.

However, what surprised her was that she knew all of these 7 people except for someone whom Chika Fujiwara called "Zhen Concubine".

There is even Mashiro Shiina and Eri Sawamura, whom she has promised to repay...

However, Artoria's attention did not stay on these people for too long. At this moment, what appeared in her mind was actually only the shadow of one person.

"In the next time, I will follow Yuan Jun's order and choose to destroy everyone's plans."

"spare no effort!"

Someone's words yesterday were still lingering in her ears.

Shimizu Kaguya...

Chanting this name in her heart, Artoria narrowed her eyes slightly.

She seemed to have thought of a way to break the hard shell.

Chapter 100 I am everyone's companion!

"By the way, Lily." Just when Arturia was clearly lost in thought, and she didn't know what she was thinking about, as if she remembered something, Chika Fujiwara quietly approached her.

With a very purposeful flattering look on her face, Chika Fujiwara whispered to Artoria in an extremely soft voice——

"Are there any tips or something about Ah Jing's current situation?"

"...Tips?" Came back from her contemplation, Artoria looked at Chika Fujiwara's beautiful face so close at hand with a half-smile, as if she didn't quite understand Chika Fujiwara It was the same as what it meant, and asked back with a slightly puzzled expression: "Qianhua wants to know, what is the trick?"

"Why don't I understand?"

"Lily, you have a bad heart." Chika Fujiwara puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction. It may be because the girl's appearance is too sweet. Of course, it is more likely that the girl herself is not really angry.

In short, this expression did not reveal the slightest deterrence, but revealed Qianhua's cuteness to the fullest——

"Ah Jing's current state, isn't there a precedent in Lili's family? In this case, Lily should know more about it." Fujiwara Chika is not an idiot.

In fact, she is actually quite shrewd, especially when it comes to matters related to Yuanjing that she cares about the most, even Shimizu Kaguya and Shijo Zhenfei can't match her.

This can be seen from the fact that she, as the chief army officer, directed the girls' "war" against Minamoto Yorimitsu, Minamoto Yorimitsu.

"Is there any special technique to get him into that state? Does it need any special stimulation, or do you need to prepare some special ingredients? How to break up Ah Jing's efforts to get out of that state and touch some special parts Is it useful? And..."

Although Arturia showed a somewhat unexpected and malicious side, Chika Fujiwara obviously would not trigger the girl's shyness and reserve because of this little thing that can hardly be called "difficulty", and thus go What are you going to do?

Still the same sentence, in Fujiwara Chika's heart, Yuanjing is much, much more important than being reserved or shy.

If he hesitated because of this unnecessary shame and ended up with an ending that he absolutely did not want, Chika Fujiwara would have no way to forgive herself!

As a result, Artoria listened dully to the eloquent passage that came out of the girl's mouth.

'How do you feel, Miss Qianhua is more anxious than yourself? 'Artoria said inwardly, "Yuanjing, Yuanjing, look at you, because of your usual attitude, what kind of situation do you make other girls look like?" '

'In this way, do you think you are doing justice for the heavens? '

After re-establishing the absolute justice of her actions in her heart, Arturia hastily raised a hand to signal Chika Fujiwara to stop...

"Thinking about it now, yesterday, because Yukinoshita-san quit midway, and Shimizu-san's declaration of opposition took up too much time, it seems that my detailed explanation of Yuanjing's current situation was indeed a little short. "Artoria reflected in this way.

"Well, wait until next Monday, we will find time to have a small meeting together, and I will inform you of these things in detail at that time."

Fujiwara Chika is the classmate who has the best relationship with Artoria besides Yuanjing and Rita Einsworth.

But even so, even in such a blackened state, Artoria is still more inclined to share this information with every girl equally than to open a small fire to Chika Fujiwara.

After all, she is the 'King of Fairness'.

The reason why I chose next Monday instead of today is actually very simple——

Because of Dongma and yarn.

Today, Touma and Sa should be with Yuanjing from morning till night.

How precious is the time that belongs to the two of them alone, and all the girls actually understand it very well in their hearts.

Even if it's just like last time, instead of appearing in person, but using mobile video chat to participate, it's actually unfair to Touma Kazusa.

Therefore, it can't be done today, it must be a time when the girls have nothing to do.

Naturally, Chika Fujiwara figured out the reason all of a sudden, so although the expression on her face was a little regretful, she didn't raise any objections anymore, as if she acquiesced to Artoria's arrangement in her heart.

However, it seemed that she could see the regret in the girl's heart. At this time, Arturia was quite considerate, and she suggested, "Today must be impossible, but Qianhua, if you think Monday is too late, there is no If there is a way to wait until that day..."

"And what about tomorrow?"

On Sunday, Yuanjing, Touma Kazuya, and Shimizu Kaguya will go to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine to pay homage and pray for blessings under the leadership of Shizuka Hiratsuka, so Sunday is also not possible.

In this case, tomorrow, which is Saturday, is actually a pretty good time.

For Chika Fujiwara, who is very popular and is very good friends with all the "harems" in Yuanjing, even on weekends when they are not in school, it is not difficult at all to gather them together.


"Not tomorrow." Arturia's voice had just landed, and before she had time to elaborate, Chika Fujiwara's objection could be said to be blurted out subconsciously.

Looking at Arturia who was looking at her with her eyes wide open in surprise, Chika Fujiwara looked away from her with some embarrassment——

"Tomorrow, I'm going to Ah Jing's house to ask him for homework." There was a very obvious apology in her words, "I don't have the time and energy to do other things tomorrow... "

"..." Artoria was a little dumbfounded.

"No wonder, Qianhua acted so anxious just now..."

She didn't speak, but just stared at Chika Fujiwara silently with those jasper eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

There was no sense of blame in the gaze, but the meaning of ridicule was more obvious.

After all, Chika Fujiwara complained to her just now, like "Is the compensation for Kassa too much?" ' and the like.

As a result, Chika Fujiwara, who was originally in the same class as Yuanjing, came to him with the excuse of 'tutoring' almost every class break, but she had quietly booked Yuanjing's Saturday.

If it wasn't for a coincidence, the current self would still be kept in the dark, right?

"I, I didn't intend to hide this kind of thing on purpose," Fujiwara Chika stammered a little sophistry, which was different from her usual calmness, but after listening for a while, she could hear the almost To overflow with a guilty conscience.

"It's just, look, they are all high school students. Isn't it normal to go to a good classmate's house to hold a study meeting and receive tutoring from the other party?"

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with this appearance.

Everyone is already a high school student, and is no longer an elementary school student who would start booing just because a man and a woman get a little closer, but——

"Is it just for tutoring?" Artoria's voice was faint, as if it had reached Chika Fujiwara's heart all at once.

"Of course!" Fujiwara Chika responded subconsciously, "I have the goal of [taking one of the top three seats in the final exam]!"

She clenched one of her hands into a small fist and waved it lightly, showing a determined look.

"However," under Arturia's eyes that seemed to see through everything, Chika Fujiwara did not continue to lie, "It's impossible to just learn for a day like this? I think it's very important to combine work and rest. Necessary."

"During the break between classes, it shouldn't be a problem if something happens that is beneficial to the physical and mental health of both of you and makes them feel happy at the same time?" she argued.

"Also [happens a little bit]", Arturia rolled her eyes slightly in her heart, once that kind of thing started, "Do you think you can still stop the car? '

'No, for Qianhua, in that situation, instead of stepping on the brakes, would she slam on the accelerator? '

'That's all right. '

Who is Artoria, how could she easily believe Chika Fujiwara's nonsense?



Just after Fujiwara Chika's nonsense, such a word suddenly popped out of the mouth of Arturia who had been watching her silently.

"Ear?" Chika Fujiwara was taken aback when she heard the words, and then repeated with some doubts.

"To be exact, it's the position behind the earlobe." Arturia turned her head, gathered up some of the blond hair next to her ear, and thus exposed a small white ear that looked like a small ingot on Chika Fujiwara's face. before.

She stretched out a finger, using her ear as a teaching aid, and pointed to a place behind one of the earlobes.

"Here is it?" Chika Fujiwara's tone was filled with surprise.

"This is the trigger." Arturia said in a somewhat calm tone. To be precise, it should be 'one of the triggers'.

However, unlike the main personality, her current moral bottom line is actually quite flexible.

The reason why Chika Fujiwara told these things was actually more out of consideration for her own interests.

"Although you can use your fingers, but that method actually requires a bit more strength and position," Artoria said to Chika Fujiwara very intimately, "So, for beginners like Chika, I The advice here is not to use your hands."

"Use this." After Fujiwara Chika wrote down the location, Arturia readjusted the position of her index finger and put it on——

on her lips.

Not only that, she even opened her red lips lightly, showing Chika Fujiwara a look at the row of white teeth and the delicate tongue.

"Gently biting and licking are actually more recommended methods for beginners," Arturia said without hesitation, "Let's use this method to make Yuan-kun sour and weak!"

While speaking, she winked mischievously at Chika Fujiwara.

Of course, what kind of approach Fujiwara Chika will take so that Yuanjing, who is so vigilant now, is willing to give her his ear to do whatever she wants, that is not something Artoria needs to consider.

Anyway, Chika Fujiwara is Yuan Jing's fiancée, so there must be a way to do such a thing, right?

As for whether such behavior of "benefiting the enemy" will make Fujiwara Chika be the first person to accomplish something good before her, Artoria is not worried at all about it.

Yuanjing doesn't live alone.

That Shimizu Kaguya is the best controller she can find now, she will not let this kind of thing happen.

Arturia doesn't really care much about Yuanjing's spiritual affiliation.

She is just Yuanjing's body, wanting to transform him into her own shape, to give the main character a reason to 'live' while solving her own needs.

The reason why she would disclose such information to Fujiwara Chika now is actually more out of her own considerations——

Artoria needs to make Yuanjing enter that state more frequently, only in this way can he accumulate enough flames in his heart to burn all his sanity.

Originally, Arturia was prepared to rely entirely on herself to accomplish such a thing.

As a result, Yuanjing asked for leave today and didn't come to school...

Such an unexpected event completely disrupted Artoria's plan.Because of this, she had to hand over part of her 'work' to other girls.

Fujiwara Chika is one of them.

Fortunately, although Yuan Jing overturned all her plans by mistake, God did not abandon her, but placed the so-called remedial measures in front of her very generously.

That was Sunday, Yuanjing and his party went to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine.

This is Artoria's only chance now, and she must grasp it firmly.

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