If this was normal time, the fast-paced pace of life would have been whipping people behind, driving people to complete the morning rituals accurately and quickly: brushing teeth, shaving beard, choosing tie, putting on lipstick, eating, saying goodbye to family , walk out of the house, and be driven in different directions by commuter trams of various colors...

However, this day is Sunday.

Even Tokyo, a behemoth that swallows countless people into its mouth and forces them to become its own parts and power, will still become more lazy on this day.

For most of you who have settled inside this behemoth, it's actually just a fairly normal Sunday.

It is neither a festival in the traditional sense, nor is there any major event that has caused a sensation in Sakurajima, and there are not even scandals about some popular artists that can be used as daily adjustments.

For most people, this Sunday is so mediocre and boring that there is absolutely nothing to praise.

But for some, this Sunday may be the most important day of their lives. …

Sawamura House.

"Ah~~~~" Sayuri Sawamura, who was yawning, pushed the door of her bedroom open, and then saw the figure of a certain blonde girl without any surprise.

"Morning, Rita." Faced with the 'spy' sent by the Spencer family who lived in her home, Sayuri Sawamura had a very kind expression.

It seems that the other party is not an accomplice who wants to take away his daughter, but is indeed Shiina Mashiro's original friend in England, and the purpose this time is only to simply host her.

However, compared to Sayuri Sawamura, who was extremely indifferent, Rita Einsworth was obviously not so calm.

Even with light makeup as a cover, Sayuri Sawamura could still see the faint dark circles in the corners of the opponent's eyes. It was obvious that the opponent had not had a restful rest these days.

Sayuri Sawamura turned her eyes around these traces, but she didn't express any concern.

That would be too hypocritical.

After all, although she can't be called the chief culprit of the girl in front of her being so tired, she definitely deserves a lot of credit.

"...What the hell are you thinking?" Unlike Sayuri Sawamura, Rita Einsworth's tone was rather irritable, and she just stared at this girl who looked younger than her in appearance. Not much older 'Madam', some hasty words just poured out of her mouth——

"Didn't you tell me to 'take a good look at your struggle'? Then where is your so-called [struggle]? I thought, what did you do at the banquet at Shijo's house last night? You deliberately followed, but you didn't do anything?"

"Obviously the head of the Sijo family, Sijo Zongren, and his two sons and daughters, Sijo Zhenfei and Sijo Emperor, are all within reach, but you don't even have the will to contact them..."

"Do you still want to save your daughter?"

Wow, hurry up.

Sayuri Sawamura couldn't help but be speechless in her heart.

However, this is not something difficult to understand.

During the week she came to Sakurajima, Rita Einsworth's life was actually quite difficult.

To put it simply, it should be walking around by Ai Hayasaka at school, and being walked around by Sayuri Sawamura after school.

There is no way, if you want to comment on the title of 'the best spy', our Ms. Rita can definitely be said to be well-deserved.

After all, apart from the pure-hearted Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro, what is Rita Ainsworth's true identity and what is her specific purpose...

These things can be said to have been completely exposed when he lived in the Sawamura house.

On the one hand, she is just a female high school student after all, not a female agent or spy who specializes in this kind of work, so there is nothing wrong with her lack of professional skills;

On the other hand, she wasn't really following the orders of the Spencer family either.She is a native of England, and the safety of her family can be said to be completely in the hands of the Spencer family. What other choices does she have?

It is precisely because of the embarrassing situation of this Miss Rita that Yuanjing has already finalized the way to deal with this Miss Rita, even though at the beginning, there was too little information and his thinking was not very clear.

That is--


Rita Einsworth is not a member of the Spencer family, but a poor person who has been coerced by them and has to serve them.

Judging from the situation reported by Sayuri Sawamura, she is actually quite guilty about this.

Yuan Jing is not a tricky person, so naturally he doesn't want to push him to a dead end.

However, she is a spy of the Spencer family after all, and she has to report to her about Sakurajima's situation and her work every few days.

If you slow down, you will definitely be punished by the Spencer family.

You can't be passive and sabotage, and you can't let her really get involved and make any achievements...

Then, the only option left is 'waste work'.

This was Yuanjing's plan for this Miss England who came from afar, that is, to exclude Rita Einsworth from the situation before the dust settled.

The main executors of this plan are Ai Hayasaka and Sayuri Sawamura.

As for the reason why Sayuri Sawamura chose to attend the banquet of Shijo’s house on Saturday, it was not because she wanted to do something, but because she wanted to make Rita Einsworth think she would do something, and then she and She's just there.

Judging from the current situation, at least with Miss Rita, Yuanjing's plan is actually going very smoothly.

Of course, there is no way to tell Rita the truth.

At least until Yuanjing finished everything, until the hand of the Spencer family was completely cut off, they had to keep it out of the incident.

"Well, what I said yesterday was actually just to see the situation of the Shijo family. In fact, I didn't plan to do anything like this." Thinking about the instructions passed to herself by Shimizu Kaguya, Sawamura Sayuri was extremely skilled and quite Lies naturally.

"You see, the purpose of the Shijo family holding yesterday's banquet was actually to announce the return of the first heir, Emperor Shijo, to the upper class of Sakurajima."

"In this case, if I went up and cried, 'Please don't take Yinglili away from me!', wouldn't I be making fun of myself?"

If she hadn't met Yuanjing and was completely desperate for the current situation, she knew that there would be no results, and she would definitely be kicked out of the venue by him, and she probably would definitely do the same.

Fortunately, I met Yuan Jing and instructed her not to face this purgatory-like scene.

While she was secretly grateful in her heart, Sayuri Sawamura did not show it on the outside. Judging by her quiet skills, she is definitely more suitable to be a female spy than Rita Einsworth.

"The purpose of my attendance at the banquet yesterday was actually only one—"

"That's observation." She continued to speak sternly, full of nonsense.

"In the final analysis, the Shijo family can make a decision on this kind of matter, and there are only three people who really have the ability to help me."

"I have never been in contact with these three people before. I will certainly not miss this opportunity to observe the three people at close range."

"Rita, isn't there a week left for your exchange study? In other words, at least during this week, Yinglili and I are still safe."

"am I right?"

"..." Rita was silent.

Sayuri Sawamura is right. According to the plan of the Spencer family, it will be some time before the Sawamura family really falls apart.

However, there is only such a little time.

If Sayuri Sawamura really hadn't figured out a way, then a week later today...

"Did you see anything?" she asked suddenly.

"...Well, even if I really see something, I can't tell you here." Saidura Sawamura put a strand of hair from her temples behind her ear, showing a distressed expression.

"After all, our position..." She mumbled subtly, but Rita was able to figure out exactly what she meant.

The positions of the two are opposite to each other, and Sayuri Sawamura is able to disclose these things, in fact, it can be said that she is doing her best.

In fact, after her purpose was exposed, she even thought that she would be kicked out directly by Sayuri Sawamura. If so, she would have no way to explain to the Spencer family.

From this point of view, she seems to have to thank Sayuri Sawamura.

"Well, let's not talk about these troublesome things this early in the morning, shall we?" Sayuri Sawamura smiled affectionately and hugged Rita's arm, "Let's go call Eiriri and Mashiro together." Get up?"

"Today, they still have things to do. They can't be allowed to sleep until they are exposed to the sun."


Shijo home.

Although she just hosted the banquet announcing her younger brother's return last night, Concubine Shijo got up quite early this Sunday because of her concerns.

During the period before departure, she didn't simply use it to be in a daze, but called her cronies.

When Shimizu Kaguya was still Shinomiya Kaguya, even though her status was embarrassing, she still had a confidant like Hayasaka Ai by her side.

Then, as the eldest daughter of the Sitiao family, the real concubine Sitiao naturally also has such confidantes, or the existence of confidants.

Although these people are slightly inferior to Hayasaka Ai, it's not because they are incompetent, but because Hayasaka Ai is too omnipotent.

Compared with ordinary people, this group of people who were convinced by the four real concubines and followed them can definitely be called the top.

"So, classmate Lily didn't sleep last night?" With beautiful eyebrows twitched, Concubine Sijo said in somewhat strange words.

The house where 'Heida' lives and the servants in it are actually under the name of the Sijo family.

Then the four real concubines want to know each other's situation, it is a simple matter.

"Is she still playing games?" Shijo Zhenfei couldn't help but continued to ask, "It's still the same as yesterday, playing games while eating fast food?"

"Yes." The maid who came to report nodded respectfully.

"...This is already the second overnight stay? Is her body still able to hold it?" Shijo Zhenfei was a little stunned.

"That's right, the housekeeper there actually had the same question, and in the early hours of this morning, he forced the resident doctor there to do some laboratory tests under the threat of 'confiscating French fries, burgers and Coke' , it turns out that Miss Lily is in terrible health."

"The doctor's original words were 'I never thought that a person's body could be so strong'." The maid began to imitate the voice of a middle-aged man very vividly.

"...If this is the case, is our 'insurance measure' still effective?" After hearing this, Concubine Shijo couldn't help asking with some concern.

"About this point, you can rest assured." The maid lady who made the report seemed full of confidence. As the person in charge of this matter, she had sufficient right to speak.

"As long as you are still human, there is absolutely no way to be immune to it, I can guarantee it here."

At noon yesterday, Concubine Shijo handed over a somewhat secret order to them, calling it an 'insurance measure'.

Although such an order was a bit abrupt, they didn't have any doubts about it, not even a little curiosity.

Her Majesty Zhenfei must have a deep meaning in doing things, they just need to do it obediently.

This is the prestige that Sijo Zhenfei has successfully established in the past few years.

Moreover, this is not something that will cause irreversible harm to that Lily Spencer's body. For this girl who is addicted to games and refuses to sleep, it may still be beneficial.

"That's good." Concubine Sijo was quite clear about the means of her confidant, and after getting her guarantee, Concubine Sijo was very obviously relieved.

After thinking for a while, after thinking about what Shimizu Kaguya said to herself yesterday morning, Shijo Zhenfei continued to issue instructions——

"Next, please pay attention to the situation of classmate Lily."

"If she continues to play games obediently in the room like this, then find a way, such as pulling the switch, falsely claiming a power outage, and let her go to sleep."

No matter how strong your body is, if you don't sleep all the time, your body will definitely not be able to hold on.

"If she wants to go out for a stroll," Shijo Zhenfei paused here, and then continued, "then don't stop her, let alone follow her."

"Just take the things I told you to prepare and come to Yushima Tenmangu."

"Yes." The maid in front of Concubine Sijo simply nodded.

Chapter 110 IX What the Someone Who Fell in the Snare and Yuanjing Know

"Jingling, jingle, jingle!!!"

Some sharp and piercing alarms pierced the air, bounced back after hitting the bedroom wall, and began to further intensify the dream-provoking sound.

Under the ravages of this noise, a pair of sleepy black eyes finally opened slowly.

When she reached out her hand to turn off the alarm, the owner of the eyes realized that in order to prevent herself from turning off the alarm when she was half asleep and half awake, and then went back to sleep again, before going to bed, she He also deliberately put it where he could never reach it on the bed.

In this case, if you want to turn off the alarm clock, you must leave the warm bed......

'Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow '

'Unfortunately, I also have a countermeasure here. '

After thinking so proudly, the hands that were stretched out to turn off the alarm clock retracted again.

"Hmph, me before going to bed, you forgot one thing, that is, this alarm clock won't keep ringing."

"As long as I cover my ears with the quilt, after a few difficult minutes..."

'It will automatically misfire. '

'As expected of me, I was able to come up with such a way... No! '

The black eyes that had been closed again suddenly opened wide at this moment——

'Today seems to be Sunday? '

'Do I have something important to do this Sunday? '

She suddenly remembered that it was already the weekend, but the reason why she had to set the alarm clock to ring so early——

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