"As for the second question at the end, for me who have obtained enough clues, it is not a trouble at all. The answer is D, because the three items of A, B, and grass are all contrary to the information we have obtained."

Since then, Shinomiya Kaguya's discussion has been completed.

Shinomiya Kaguya took a few breaths, and a few traces of blush appeared on her fair face.

She is actually not very used to talking so much at once, but on the one hand, Yuanjing's question is indeed quite to her liking, on the other hand, she does have a reason to join the Lamb Club.

She made a gesture of success, looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika who were watching quietly, "How, have I passed the test?"

"Of course." Yukinoshita Yukino smiled, and in terms of smile, Fujiwara Chika was obviously much more generous than Yukinoshita Yukino, obviously very happy that her friend passed this test.

Just today, the number of members of Lamb Society changed from three to four.

The first step of Shinomiya Kaguya's plan was thus accomplished.

Chapter 11 Not an insurmountable obstacle

Shinomiya Kaguya is the eldest lady of the Shinomiya Group.

This identity looks very prominent to outsiders, but she knows exactly how embarrassing this identity is.

The Sigong family is a devil's den.

Here, there are only cold interests and calculations, and there is no warmth at all.

For the senior members of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was born by a concubine, is nothing more than an exquisite puppet, and the meaning of its life is to become a marriage tool for the family to consolidate its status, or as a 'reward' for attracting talents... ....

All in all, the train named "Shinomiya Kaguya" couldn't get off the laid track at all, so it could only drive to the already set terminal station.

You want to ask Shinomiya Kaguya whether she is willing or not?

That is naturally not reconciled.

But what can you do if you continue to ask her?

To be honest, she couldn't think of a good way to do it.

Compared to the colossus of the Sigong Group, she is really too small, so small that even if she tries her best, she really can't see a glimmer of hope.

But if she was just asked to give up and be a marionette willingly, then she would be really unwilling.

With this complicated mood in mind, Shinomiya Kaguya began to struggle for her own freedom——

In any case, it is never wrong to win over talents that can be used to strengthen one's own strength.

However, the Shinomiya family has long managed the entire Tokyo like an iron bucket.In the process of studying in St. Eden Academy, although she was able to get in touch with other people in the upper class, the reason most of those people respected her was because their fear of the surname "Sigong" had penetrated into their bones, and they wanted to Letting these people help 'Kaguya' escape from the clutches of the Shinomiya's family is a bit of a dream.

At this moment, she noticed her classmate and new transfer student - Yukinoshita Yukino.

She is from Chiba Prefecture and is a descendant of a prominent local family.

This is actually not very common.

Generally speaking, the famous families in such places would choose to study in a university in Tokyo after finishing high school in the local area.The reason for this is fairly simple:

As long as I have the money to hire a private tutor, the level of education before university is not much different; in this case, why don't I just be a coward and go to this ghost place in Tokyo to be looked down upon by others?

So, when he noticed the existence of Yukinoshita Yukino, Shinomiya Kaguya thought a little bit——

Can she rely on her to connect with Chiba's local snake?Although the Shinomiya family's influence in the land of Chiba is also strong, it is not as hopeless as it is in Tokyo.

With this in mind, Shinomiya Kaguya began to pay attention to Yukinoshita Yukino's situation.

As she expected, as a foreigner, Yukinoshita Yukino's life in Tokyo is not very easy.

While watching Yukinoshita Yukino who was struggling, Shinomiya Kaguya secretly estimated the other party's ability to bear, looking for the best time to lend a helping hand.

It is related to her freedom plan, everything must be done with caution.

However, after all, she did not wait for the opportunity to make a move.

Yukinoshita Yukino seems to have found her own way of survival, and she no longer needs her deliberately extended hand.

After discovering this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked away from her with some regret.

However, according to Hayasaka Ai's news...

Maybe there is a turning point in this matter?


In November, autumn is already very weak. Although the weather is not too cold to be unbearable, but walking in the streets and alleys, watching the thicker and thicker clothes of the pedestrians, you can still truly experience the beauty of winter. Approaching footsteps.

But these coolness can't stop our gourmet hunters at all!

Although some unexpected events happened today, Yuanjing's plan has not changed.

However, just as Yuanjing was looking for a barbecue restaurant according to the mobile phone map and the descriptions of food bloggers, the mobile phone in his hand made a jingling sound.

Yuan Jing looked at the name "Hiratsuka Shizu" on the caller ID screen, and was silent for a while.

In terms of general rationality, if you just leave it alone, what is the probability that the other party will give up after the bell rings for a while?

There is no doubt that it is [0] da!

Sighing slightly, Yuanjing pressed the [Connect] button on the phone.

Before she had time to put the phone to her ear, Shizuka Hiratsuka's special voice came out from the sound outlet in a hurry——

"Yuanjing, where are you now?"

"Oh, let me see," Yuanjing honestly switched to the interface of the map app, "I'm on the right side of the Sakurajima Crossing Highway..."

"I don't want you to answer this!" After hearing Yuan Jing's tone as flat as a weather announcer, Shizuka Hiratsuka on the other end of the phone seemed to be a little crazy, "What are you doing there?!"

"I heard from the Internet that there is a very delicious barbecue restaurant here. It seems that the owner has unique skills in making sauces. At noon, someone knocked over my bento box, although she later apologized to me and invited me to dinner I'm done, but I'm still a little hungry now..."

"Is it time to leisurely run to eat barbecue?" Shizuka Hiratsuka's voice became speechless, "Do you know that the student council president..."

"She went to find Yukinoshita, right?" Yuan Jing said beforehand.

"...Hey, how could you..." Hiratsuka Shizuka seemed a little confused.

"Ningguang is a person who doesn't give up until he achieves his goal," Yuan Jing recalled his "first encounter" with Ningguang in the morning, and the expression on the other side's expression when he said "become my thing" is still fresh in his memory, "Since she has decided to ask me to join the student union, she definitely won't just do it from my side. From this inference, the possibility of her looking for Yukinoshita to discuss is quite high."

"After all, she is my nominal president, and she looks much more convincing."

"Then you are still the same as usual." The momentum in Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice began to weaken, and she seemed a little confused by Yuanjing's actions, "Isn't this the time for the 'Lamb Society' to work together and overcome difficulties together? ?"

"Well, I can only say that our understanding of the word 'difficulty' seems to be fundamentally different, at least I don't think this is a 'difficulty'."

"As for Yukinoshita," Yuan Jing's voice paused slightly, "I think this is a good thing for her growth."

Although it was still hard to let go, Hiratsuka Shizu finally seemed to accept Yuan Jing's statement.

Looking at the hung up phone, Yuan Jing sighed softly.

This growth may be a little uncomfortable.

Chapter 12 For the future of Yuanjing

"Xiao Yukino, Xiao Yukino?" Awakened from the trance by such a friendly call, when Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes regained focus, the concerned eyes of Chika Fujiwara came into view.

"Ever since you came out of the student council president's office, you seem to have a bad complexion." Fujiwara Chika watched her expression worriedly, as if trying to see through the confusion in her heart, "The student council president, what did you say to you?" ?"

"..." Yukinoshita Yukino looked away from her friend's concerned face in confusion, wandered around in the surrounding space for a while, and then realized that she was in the room of the Lamb Society .

In addition to Chika Fujiwara, Kaguya Shinomiya, who was new to the club, was also looking at her.Although the other party still had a cold and expressionless poker face, Yukinoshita Yukino could still see a trace of concern in the other party's eyes.

When did I walk out of the student council president's office, and what kind of mood did I walk into this room... To be honest, even Yukinoshita Yukino has a vague impression of this, until now, she It seems that his mind is still imprisoned in the luxurious office of the student council president.

Slightly adjust the time to when school is just over...

In the student council president's office.

Yukinoshita Yukino was sitting upright on the sofa in the reception area.After the last get out of class in the afternoon, Yukinoshita Yukino received a notice from the student union asking her to go to the office of the student council president.

But it was different from Yuan Jingna's treatment broadcasted by the whole school this morning. She was notified by the executive committee under the student union.

A senior with an armband on her right sleeve came to her class and conveyed the student council president's instructions to her—

"The president of the student council wants to see you." These were the original words of the other party.

Before that, Yukinoshita Yukino had met the student council president once.

However, that was at the opening ceremony of St. Eden Academy.As the president of the student council, Ning Guang gave a welcome speech to all the teachers and students.

At that time, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't think that she would regard the other party as her goal in the future, but just felt a little happy about the new life she was about to start.

And after establishing the goal of "becoming the president of the student council", she also spent a certain amount of time researching Ning Guang, the legendary student council president.

At the beginning, she only regarded it as a kind of learning and reference from experience, but as the research deepened, she began to be astonished by the experience of Ningguang.

Ningguang's family background is not good. Like herself and Yuanjing, she passed the special examination before entering this special enrollment of St. Eden Academy.

But unlike Yuanjing who didn't take this identity seriously, Ningguang made full use of this identity and united with the "special students" who were in her same year as her original team.After that, there is a series of classic urban Shuangwen bridge sections.

In the end, it only took her half a year to gain the support of most of the students and teachers, and she was even re-elected in the next student union election, and she has ruled the world in St. Eden Academy ever since.

To be honest, when Yukinoshita Yukino read the other party's deeds, her first reaction was not "this person is outrageous!", but the image of Yuan Jing silently emerged in her heart.

I always feel that she and Yuan Jing are similar, if Yuan Jing is a person full of desire for power and money...

Whenever at this time, Yukinoshita Yukino would take the initiative to pinch out this dangerous thought.

And just today, Yukinoshita Yukino was finally able to stay face to face with this legendary student council president.

While feeling a little honored, a little uneasiness also began to linger in her heart.

She is very clear about herself.Although the Lamb Society has gradually started to go on the right path and began to stand out in front of everyone, but to the student union of the entire St. Eden Academy in King's Landing, they are just some small shrimps.There may be only one person who can really be valued by this self-made student president...

Yukinoshita Yukino thought of the broadcast this morning, and a little haze began to appear in her clear eyes.

"Yukinoshita, do you want to drink anything?" In the luxurious student council president's office, Yukinoshita Yukino asked.Instead of sitting in the office chair of the student council president as usual, she walked to a corner of the office.

There, there is a small stove specially remodeled by her.

This place is not a place for cooking, but a place for making tea or coffee to entertain guests.

Whenever important guests visit, Ningguang will make tea or coffee for them here. Of course, if the guests want to drink fruit juice or milk tea, she will also do it.

Naturally, these small skills can't trouble her.

"The coffee is ready, thank you, President." Yukinoshita Yukino said, looking at the slowly rising steam from Ningguang.

"Oh," seemed a little surprised by the answer, Ning Guang asked again, "Do you want to add sugar and milk?"

"No need, just black coffee."

"I like black coffee at this age. Yukinoshita is really unique." Ningguang said quite naturally, "I can't do it anymore. If I really want to drink coffee to refresh myself, I must put as much coffee in it as possible." sugar and fresh milk."

"Although some people will say that the bitter and mellow taste of coffee is the essence of its popularity all over the world. But for me, bitterness is bitterness," he said, but his hands did not stop, " If you can choose sweetness, why must you abuse your tongue with bitterness?"

After a while, Ning Guang walked back to the reception area with two cups of coffee.

After putting a cup of pure black coffee in front of Yukinoshita Yukino, she came across to her with another cup, and then sat down lightly on the sofa.

Different from the pure black liquid in front of Yukinoshita Yukino, the cup in her hand was slightly glowing like a pearly white.For this mixed product of coffee and milk, the industry generally refers to it as "latte".

With the glass table as the dividing line, Yukinoshita Yukino and Ning Guang sat facing each other.

"Well, Yukinoshita may be a little strange. Why would I want to meet you for no reason?" Ning Guang gently stirred the 'latte' in his hand, and the faint white steam from the small cup The light brown liquid floated up slightly, and condensed into a faint white mist.

"It's not for no reason." Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her eyelids slightly, staring at her own reflection projected on the pitch-black liquid surface, "Genjing is my member, and he was summoned here by you this morning. I I don't quite know what your intention is, but this time you came to me, it should have something to do with this matter, right?"

"That's right." Ningguang admired Yukinoshita Yukino's neither humble nor overbearing attitude. She put the latte in her hand on the glass table and made a 'click' sound.

As if taking this as a signal, Yukinoshita Yukino raised her head.A pair of pitch black and scarlet just across the table——

"It doesn't seem appropriate to spend too much time here. I'll just cut to the chase."

"For Yuanjing's future, I want to find him in the student union."

"This is not asking for your opinion, it's just [notifying] you."

Chapter 13 The Falsely Accused Killer

The student union of St. Eden Academy has great power.

As the actual controller of the 30 billion yen budget of St. Eden Academy, the Student Union can be said to have a single hand in St. Eden Academy.

Not only that, but the school regulations also clearly stated that, as the president of the student council, he has the power to name a student and force him to join the student council.

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