Shimizu Kaguya is not a bad person to the bottom of her heart, and the life in Shinomiya's family obviously didn't make her bad to the bottom, so she would naturally feel guilty in her heart.

That's why there was the previous frankness.

However, this was not Shimizu Kaguya's sudden whim.

For his own plan and what might happen today, Kaguya Shimizu can be said to have worked hard, and he has deduced it countless times.This is a major matter related to her lifelong happiness, how could she be careless?

"...There is indeed a certain reason for this." Now that he has decided not to lie to Concubine Shijo, Kaguya Shimizu naturally decided to tell the truth, "However, if you are moved because of this reason, you even want to forgive In my case, there is no need for it.”

"Actually, this is what is in my own interest." Withdrawing his gaze from the snow-white flower bud, Shimizu Kaguya tilted his head in the direction of Shijo Makoto, and looked at her very calmly, "After all , in the eyes of a coward, as long as I still occupy the position of [girlfriend], she will never be able to show her intentions."

"Who is a coward!" The real concubine Sijo's reaction was a little fierce, she said angrily, her cute little tiger teeth were shining with a menacing light, "Qing·shui·hui·ye! Let me tell you again, for Mr. Yuan, My attitude has always been appreciation, you know?"

"I have never had any feelings for him. Otherwise, even if you are her girlfriend, I would not hesitate to take him away from you!"

"This is what I hope you will firmly remember!"

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you doubt what I just said?"

"No, I'm just a little emotional," Shimizu Kaguya sighed, "Didn't the Shijo family's education teach you how to lie without changing your face? This should be the most basic content of emperor studies, right?"

"Clear Water Bright Night!"

"Shh, don't be so loud." Putting a green finger on his lips, Shimizu Kaguya said with a smile, "This place is so quiet, as long as you make a little movement, the sound will spread out all at once Very far."

"Sijo Zhenfei, you don't want what you just said to reach Yuanjun's ears, do you?"

"!!!" Concubine Sijo shuddered, "What I just said was originally my sincerity, even if he heard it, it's no big deal."

Although the real concubine Sitiao kept her mouth stubborn, her voice also suddenly became much quieter, and she seemed a little guilty.

Of course, this kind of reaction couldn't escape Shimizu Kaguya's eyes, and the smile on his face was even bigger, but Shimizu Kaguya didn't choose to just expose Shijo Zhenfei here.

The other party has been stimulated enough today, if she continues to make jokes like this, even if it is the real concubine Sijo, she will 'explode'.

"If that's the case, please ask the 'sincere' Concubine Zhen to find Mr. Yuan and invite him to the dressing room." Although it is a women's dressing room in name, there is no one changing clothes now. Just a 'weak, pathetic and helpless' blond twintail.

"I just took a rough look at Sawamura-san's ankle, and it seems that some joints have been dislocated." Shimizu Kaguya recalled the redness and swelling on the other party's small and exquisite feet, "It's not an injury that can be relieved by rest. It needs to be handled by professionals.”

Obviously, the "professional" that Shimizu Kaguya mentioned naturally refers to Yuanjing.

"According to Sawamura-san, Gen-kun should be feeding the koi with Shiina-san," Shimizu Kaguya continued, "I asked Ms. Miko if there was anything to kill time before eating, and she asked I recommended this and told me the location."

She pointed to the path paved with cobblestones under their feet, "As long as you walk straight along this path and walk up the steps, you should be able to see the pond."

"...Aren't you going?" Shitiao Zhenfei looked a little suspicious.

"I, of course not." Shimizu Kaguya still had a smile on his face, "Because of your righteous and stern words before, I have a very clear understanding of my betrayal."

"Under such circumstances, I don't have the face to meet my boss."

I believe you a ghost!

The real concubine Sijo complained in her heart.

Shimizu Kaguya definitely had an unknown plan in her heart, but she obviously didn't want to say it.

"If you weren't on the sidelines to supervise, I might tell Yuan-kun what you did," Shijo Zhenfei issued a cute threat, "Is this okay?"

"If you really want to do this, then please do it." Shimizu Kaguya said in a somewhat indifferent tone, "I said it before, in the current situation, you have already prepared At the heart of the matter, and the only one capable of stopping [Lily Spencer]."

"Whether you are going to tell Yuanjing about my betrayal or not, please bear this in mind."

After saying this, Shimizu Kaguya gently pushed Shijo Zhenfei, indicating that it was time for her to leave.

Seeing the figure of the concubine Shijo move away a little bit, and then climbed the steps step by step, Shimizu Kaguya turned around again, and looked at the plum tree in front of him again.

"Now everyone has betrayed their relatives," she seemed to be confiding to someone, and seemed to be talking to herself, "it is appropriate to regard this as the ending of a traitor."

"Am I right?"

At this moment, a gust of bleak cold wind blew over. While blowing the hairband behind his head like a butterfly, it also swayed the branches of the plum tree. if responding to these lonely words.

However, Kaguya Shimizu, who is a human being, certainly couldn't hear what they said.


After all, Concubine Shijo did not tell Yuanjing about Shimizu Kaguya.

It's not that she has softened her heart, well, there is indeed a reason for this, but it's really only a little bit.

Today's Shimizu Kaguya is very wrong.

On the way to find Yuanjing, Shijo Zhenfei's mind, which had become a little hot because of being stimulated by Shimizu Kaguya's words, gradually cooled down, and she also naturally noticed the strangeness of Shimizu Kaguya.

Like the dew that was about to disappear, she felt some kind of illusory and unreal atmosphere from Shimizu Kaguya.

Such a sense of strangeness made Concubine Shijo hesitate a little.

And it was this little hesitation that made her miss the opportunity to tell Yuan Jing about this.

When hearing that Eiri Sawamura had a sprained ankle and was resting in the locker room, Yuan Jing reacted quite quickly, and she didn't seem surprised by it.

After handing the remaining fish food in his hand to Mashiro Shiina at the side to appease the other party, he got up very cleanly and ran towards the direction where the concubine Shijo came.

Just in the blink of an eye, the young man in black kimono had disappeared in front of Concubine Shijo, and she also missed the opportunity to tell Shijo Kaguya about Shimizu Kaguya.

Sighing somewhat depressingly, Shijo Makoto sat next to Shiina Mashiro, which was where Yuanjing was sitting before.

Feeling the remaining warmth of the young man, a blush flashed across her fair face.

With a slight cough, she turned to Shiina Mashiro who was holding the fish food with a worried expression on her face, "Don't worry, it's just a sprain, it's nothing to Yuan-kun."

"I'm not worried about this." Shiina Mashiro seemed a little self-blaming, "Actually, when changing the maiden costume, Eriri accidentally knocked off her contact lens."

"I wanted to look for it with her, but she pushed me out, saying that I should go out to play first, and she would come to me right away."

"Without contact lenses, Yinglili is blind, how could she find it?" Shiina Mashiro's words almost overflowed with guilt, "It is definitely because of this reason, Yinglili That's why I sprained my ankle accidentally, if I insisted on staying and didn't run out because of my fun..."


Concubine Shijo felt something was wrong.

Regarding the fact that Sawamura Eriri is very short-sighted, she has never known it before.

It may be because of the love of beauty. In St. Eden Academy, Eri Sawamura has never worn glasses, and has always used contact lenses to correct her eyesight.

When myopia and normal people look at things, there will be differences in expressions and some small movements.

After losing the assistance of the glasses, the former usually squints his eyes unconsciously to relieve the blur in front of his eyes.


"Shiina-san, let me ask, did you see Sawamura-san just now?" The uneasiness in her heart gradually intensified, Shijo Makoto confirmed this to Shiina Mashiro.

The reason why she came back here is 'Sawamura Yingli Li' told her.

If the other party was nearsighted, then she should have been very close to these two people at that time.

In this case, Shiina Mashiro should have no reason not to see...

"??? No." Mashiro Shiina shook her head strangely.


Concubine Shijo jumped up and ran towards the dressing room.

Unfortunately, because of the clogs on her feet, she didn't run fast.

Concubine Sijo was a little anxious——

The person in the locker room is definitely not Eri Sawamura!

She's Lily Spencer!

If that's the case, isn't Yuanjing a sheep in the jaws of a tiger?

Putting the bracelet on her wrist to her mouth, the girl mourned in her heart:

"Please, make sure to catch up!"

Chapter 120 Eight Fires I Started, Naturally I Have to Douse them

When Yuanjing opened the door of the locker room, 'Sawamura Eriri' was sitting on a chair with her arms around one knee.

As if to make herself more comfortable, or maybe to facilitate observation of her sprained ankle, she not only threw aside the clogs that caused the sprain, but even took off the white foot bag.

The pair of small feet that should have been wrapped in the socks and could not be easily shown were displayed so generously.

Her feet were soft and delicate, with neat toes and shiny toenails. There were thin blue lines floating red and white on the insteps, which looked like finely carved suet jade.

No wonder the ancients called the feet of beautiful women 'yuzu'.

'Eiri Sawamura' rested her face on her knees, and her two ponytails, which seemed to be flowing like gold, draped over her body obediently.

The end of the hair reaches the slender waist, which is exactly where the white robe on the upper body meets the scarlet hakama on the lower body.

'Eri Sawamura' looked calm and quiet.Her lips were slightly closed, and her blue eyes were lowered, as if she was looking at her injured ankle, but it was more like she was looking at something that didn't exist here.

Different from the usual childishness and liveliness, the 'Sawamura Eriri' at this time appears calm and demure, but lacks a kind of illusory thing called 'anger'.

It is like a beautiful statue from the hands of a master.

However, after noticing Yuanjing's arrival, this 'statue' immediately came to life - while raising his head in some surprise, looking to this side, the left foot hanging down by it seemed to be frightened, The five lovely toes are slightly curled up.

"Gen-kun?" There was some obvious panic and surprise in the tone of 'Sawamura Eriri', "Aren't you fishing with Mashiro? Why did you appear in..."

But before the words were finished, 'Eiri Sawamura' also understood, and said in a tone of regret, "Didn't I tell Shijo-san and Shimizu-san that there is nothing serious about my feet? Why don't they believe me?"

"Whether there is a serious problem or not is not something that the patient can be sure about." After closing the paper door behind him again, Yuanjing walked slowly towards 'Sawamura Eriri', "It depends on what the 'doctor' says."

As the saying goes, "a long illness makes a good doctor", although Yuan Jing did not study medical skills systematically, but when he was in the Yuan family, he also experienced a very difficult period of martial arts training.

Although serious illnesses can't be treated, Yuanjing's experience in treating traumatic injuries such as sprained feet can be said to be quite rich.

At least, absolutely qualified to be called a 'doctor'.

Walking in front of 'Sawamura Eriri', Yuan Jing just crossed his legs and sat on the wooden floor.

He didn't speak any more, just looked at 'Sawamura Eriri' with the eyes of 'you know what to do next'. He stretched out his feet in front of Yuanjing.

"It's just sprained a little because I'm not used to wearing wooden clogs." She muttered, "Now, the pain is actually long gone."

"I think it's better not to have too much confidence in the self-healing ability of human beings." Putting one hand under the slender calf of 'Eri Sawamura', Yuan Jing began to observe the condition of the other's ankle, " After all, human abilities have limits."

'Sawamura Eriri' pouted, with an expression of being unwilling but unable to find a reason to refute.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Jing's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't say anything more.

He stretched out the index finger and middle finger of the other hand, put these two fingers together, and gently touched the ankle of 'Eri Sawamura' with his fingertips, as if he was checking the damage of the ankle joint.

Although the movements are a bit intimate, Yuan Jing did not show any charm when doing these movements, just like a real doctor receiving his patients.

At such a close distance, looking at this handsome young man from a commanding perspective is obviously a somewhat novel experience for 'Sawamura Eriri'.

Because of this, she calmed down for a while, but immediately——

"Gen-kun, your hands are so hot." Whether it's the left hand resting on the calf, or the right hand checking the ankle joint, 'Eri Sawamura' can feel the extraordinary heat from it.

Frowning, she asked with some concern, "Have you caught a cold? Are you not feeling well?"

'Eri Sawamura' seems to attribute this unusual heat to a fever.

"I'm fine." Putting down the left foot of 'Eiri Sawamura', completely opposite to the fiery body, Yuan Jing's voice was still extremely calm, "It's not a cold, it's just a very normal phenomenon."

"I just checked, and the joint is not dislocated, and the worst situation is not present." After just mentioning a word, Yuan Jing turned the topic back to the ankle of 'Sawamura Eriri'.

"It's okay to just continue to rest like this, but if you want to reduce the swelling as soon as possible, I still need ice packs."

"I'm going to ask the witches for bandages and ice cubes. It's winter now, and ice cubes should be easy to find."

Obviously, he is not willing to say much about his current physical condition.

But the more he concealed it, the more curious 'Eri Sawamura' became, and the more he wanted to know what was going on.This kind of curiosity even directly covered up the shyness in her heart when Yuan Jing saw her bare feet and was touched by his hands. least on the surface it appears to be so.

Pressing down the left foot that had been released by Yuan Jing, preventing Yuan Jing from wanting to stand up, the eyes of 'Sawamura Eriri' shone a little——

"Since there is no serious problem, don't rush to reduce the swelling."

"Besides, I don't know why, all the witches here have disappeared. Even if you go to find Mr. Yuan, you will probably return without success in the end."

She said so with certainty.

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