After learning about this, Shiina Mashiro's heart was immediately filled with peace of mind and joy.

"Although it's a bit disturbing to say here," Yukinoshita Yoshino temporarily let go of the worries in his heart when he saw the warm side in front of him, but this is a question she raised after all, so naturally he needs an answer——

"But the problem hasn't been solved yet."

"No, it's resolved." Rubbing Ying Lili's fair cheeks affectionately with her small face, Shiina Mashiro looked at Yango, "Ying Lili and I can marry Ajing together."

The reason why Sayuri Sawamura objected was because her daughter Eriri also liked Yuanjing, and she wanted to marry him as well.

In this case, as long as she and Ying Lili marry Ah Jing together, won't everyone's wishes be fulfilled, and all problems will be solved?

Shiina Mashiro's solution is naive and immature, and it can even be said to be fantasy.

In reality, it is definitely not something that can be decided by closing the lips like this.

If you really want to achieve this step, you must overcome all kinds of resistance like a hill.

Yinglili and Zhenbai are naturally willing to share with each other, but obviously this situation cannot be pushed to other girls.

Take Fujiwara Chika as an example, she is the serious fiancée that Yuan Jing himself admits, and also occupies the most important position in his heart, but because she didn't come today, she was rejected by other The girl 'robbed' Yuanjing away with her body.

No matter how good your temper is, it is certain that you will feel angry and wronged by it.Will she accept these "vixes" who popped up out of nowhere generously?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if she accepted it, what about her father Fujiwara Daichi and mother Fujiwara Wansui?Can they endure this humiliation, and will they turn against Yuanjing?

Moreover, not only the law forbids this kind of behavior, because of envy, jealousy and hatred, there must be many people who speak sarcastic words behind their backs.

These are all issues between Yuanjing and the girls.


Looking at Shiina Mashiro who was hugging Ying Lili intimately, with a happy and carefree face, everyone didn't say anything to spoil the scenery.

Even if it's just a momentary sweet dream, let them immerse themselves in it for now......

"Are you all awake?" Time passed quietly for a while, and against the background of the beautiful sunset in the west of the sky, a young man reappeared at the door of the locker room.

After seeing that the girls had woken up, a smile appeared on his face.

Compared with before, there is also a very obvious sense of intimacy in Yuan Jing's words.

"I know, you all have a lot of things you want to say to me," Yukinoshita Haruno, Shimizu Kaguya, Touma Kazusa, Shiina Mashiro, Sawamura Eriri, Shijo Mabi... Yuanjing's His gaze quietly passed over the faces of the girls.

"However, before that, there is still one thing that must be done."


"Have a meal."

This one-to-seven 'sport' lasted from 9:3 am to [-]:[-] pm before everyone fell asleep.

Woke up and it was dusk.

It can be said that up to now, the eight of them have actually only had one breakfast.


Except for Yuanjing, the girls all 'ate' something more or less, but it's not like they didn't eat a lot of rice.

But even so, it's about 5 o'clock, and it's time for dinner.

The reason why Yuanjing left before was not only to confirm with Artoria, but also to prepare dinner for the girls.

By the way, let's 'punish' Arturia, one of the culprits.

After all, for a foodie, there is nothing more painful than being able to obediently look at the food but not being able to eat it.

"Although I hate table culture very much, this time the situation is special after all, so let's make an exception." Yuan Jing winked at the girls, "Shall we chat while eating?"


"Is this really alright?" Standing beside Yuan Jing, watching Yuan Jing wave goodbye to the girls, Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but said.

Although the atmosphere of the dinner was quite harmonious, the problems related to it have not been resolved.

Rather, it should be 'not all resolved'.

In the end, apart from Touma and Sasa, only Shiina Mashiro and the half-hearted Sawamura Eri agreed to let Yuanjing be 'in charge'.

Yukinoshita Yoshino and Shijo Zhenfei still used the same rhetoric, to put it simply——

Pao [Wow——] Yes, lovers can't.

As for Arturia, she insisted on atoning for her previous actions, that is to say, only Haruno and Mabi, as well as Chika Fujiwara, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Ai Hayasaka who were not present, agreed to become Genjing's lovers. , her sins can be considered to be paid off, and she has the right to be Yuanjing's lover.

Before that, she was only Yuanjing's 'prisoner' and 'slave', and the girls' 'helper'.

"Well, let's do this first." After waving goodbye to the last girl, Yuan Jing finally turned his head and looked at his 'subordinate'.

"Obviously only one day has passed, and the relationship has suddenly changed so quickly..."

"Including me, everyone needs time to adapt and think well." Yuan Jing sighed.

Today, he is indeed having a very good time, there is no need to deny that.

It's just that his character doesn't allow him to be a ruthless scumbag, and he still has to take responsibility.

In his imagination, he actually only considered the situation of marrying four girls.

Now the number has suddenly expanded to 10 people, and there are sisters like Xue Nai and Yang Nai...

Even Yuan Jing couldn't help scratching his head at this moment.

And all of this is because...

"Hui Ye." The boy calmly called out the name of the girl in front of him.

Shimizu Kaguya shook his body, and immediately replied - "I'm here."

'Is it finally here, my [punishment]...'

Lowering her eyes, the girl said in her heart.

No matter what the purpose was, no matter what her intentions were, she violated Yuan Jing's order in the end.

If it wasn't for her, there wouldn't be so many young girls involved today.

Like Artoria, she is the so-called 'culprit'.

But at the dinner just now, Yuan Jing didn't ask her to apologize to the girls.

...he himself took the blame for what should have been her fault.

Just because he's her 'boss' and promised her his support...

Obviously, he didn't need to do this at all.

Yuan Jing is a person who is very clear about rewards and punishments.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished; if you do something good, you will be rewarded.

This is one of his life creeds.

Naturally, it is no exception here.

And just when Kaguya closed his eyes, ready to listen to the boy's "punishment" to him——

"I just asked Mr. Hiratsuka for leave. I might not go to school tomorrow."

Hey, what is this going to do——

The girl's question was immediately answered.

"I also called Ai Hayasaka and asked her to contact a moving company."

"Huh?" Kaguya said in a somewhat confused voice, "Moving company? So tomorrow's leave is to move? Is the current house Yuan-kun not satisfied? Where are we going to move?"

But the boy's next words made Kaguya's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

"It's not us, it's me." Yuan Jing said.

"Didn't I just say that I need some time to consider my relationship with [you]?"

"So, it's better for us to separate from each other for a while, and take this opportunity to calm down."


Does this... mean you don't want me anymore?

Chapter 140 I Love Him! (5k)

Monday morning, around 7:[-].

After careful interrogation by several security guards, a white van drove cautiously to the door of a mansion in Minami Azabu, not even daring to blow its horn too loudly.

On its cargo box, the logo of [the0123] shines brightly.

This is a well-known [the0123] moving company in Sakurajima. They have been specialized in moving for more than 50 years, with an annual profit of hundreds of billions of yen. It can be said that Sakurajima has the longest history and the largest scale of moving. company.

But today, they are going to solve a somewhat 'strange' commission.

"Minami Azabu 4-9-34," carefully checking the house number of the big villa in front of him, the driver of the truck couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

The other party's request was very strange. Even though he had been in this industry for half his life, this was the first time he had seen such a thing.

"Wow——" Compared with the older and cautious driver, the young man sitting in the co-pilot seat was a little more fearless than a newborn calf.

Rolling down the car window, he opened his eyes wide, looked at the beautiful scenery through the railing of the villa, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Although I have long known that this is a super rich area, is this too exaggerated? , Where is my place where people live..."

"Master." He looked back excitedly at his boss, who was also the master who led him into the industry, "Tell me, after I retire, can I use my life savings to buy a similar set, or a lesser one?" of......"

"I advise you to get rid of this idea." Taking out his mobile phone, the middle-aged driver began to send messages to the owner of the house, "I don't think you can afford the price of 400 million yen per square meter. .”

"How much?" After hearing the price, the young man couldn't help but widen his eyes——

"400 million yen, one square meter?"

"Well, this is the price of the year before last, and there is a price but no market." The middle-aged man shrugged, "So, be very careful for a while, things that are moved out of this kind of house, as long as they touch a corner , I think it will make you lose even your pants."

"I, I know..." Under the deterrence of money, the young man swallowed with some difficulty, after that, as if he suddenly remembered something, he said anxiously:

"If that's the case, why didn't you make the preparations? You suddenly asked us to arrive early this morning, and even asked us to arrive at around 7:[-]...the people in the customer service department, could it be Are you messing with us on purpose?"

As an 'evergreen tree' that has been standing in the moving industry for more than 50 years, 【the0123】moving company naturally has a special magic weapon that can make it live——

That is the meticulous service to the extreme.

Before the real move, the relevant staff will come to the door a few days in advance to understand the requirements in detail, check all the things that need to be moved, ranging from furniture and electrical appliances to small stitches and threads, make a detailed list, and then according to the type of items and quantity, choose the most suitable moving plan.

This is what young people call 'readiness'.

However, this time there is no such step.

Not only that, but they shouldn't have been the only two people who were mainly responsible for the transportation.

Accompanied by a dedicated storage division and related equipment.

As long as the money is paid, [the0123] will take care of everything carefully, which is the service tenet of this moving company.

However, it is obviously such a big list, why...

"Because this is the client's request." The middle-aged man said calmly, "He said that he will pack everything here, and you can come and move it when the time comes."

"..." This kind of thing, young men have actually encountered it, basically because they can't afford the service fee.

However, would a person who could live in such a large villa really be short of a little money?

However, since this is the client's request, then he, the 'worker', can only obediently obey.

"So, where is our destination today?" Feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, he asked this question. The destination, you should probably tell me, right?"

"...I'm waiting too." The middle-aged man smiled wryly.

"Waiting too?" The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then he widened his eyes, "It means, master, don't you know?"

"Well, according to the company's side, it is said that the customer hopes that he will send me the destination after we arrive at his door." He raised his mobile phone and shook it at his apprentice, "I'm here Waiting for him to write back to me..."

"...What kind of weird request is this." The young man was a little unbelievable, "Has there been no suspicion from the company?"

"Originally there were," the middle-aged man nodded, "but after seeing the offer from the other party, there were no more."

"...I said why today's attendance fee is so high." The young man muttered.

Suddenly, a terrible conjecture flooded into his mind——

A mansion in the center, a client who insists on packing their own things and keeping them out of their way, and a mysterious destination that won't be revealed easily...

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