Yuan Jing gave her a soft kiss on the ear.

Those slightly trembling earlobes seemed like a small and small world.


It seemed to be a little itchy, and also seemed to be a little overwhelmed by Yuanjing's initiative, Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but slightly tilted his neck back.

It looks quite cute like this, just like a baby bird.

Yuan Jing's lips, just like this, slowly came to her lips from her ear.

Shimizu Kaguya held his breath.

Although she has already done more extreme things, but when facing Yuan Jing's initiative to kiss, her movements are still as clumsy as a beginner's. After being at a loss for a while, she hesitates as if she couldn't bear it. to respond.

Kissed for a long, long time.

It was so long that Shimizu Kaguya had forgotten the time, and after parting her lips, she even looked a little dazed.

Ningguang or something, has already been blown away by such a sweet kiss.

At this time, Kaguya's mind was completely filled with that kiss from Yuan Jing just now.

Some eagerly raised their chins. At this time, Shimizu Kaguya was as greedy as a chick eager to be fed by its mother bird.

"I was too surprised just now, so I didn't savor it carefully." Pulling the corner of Yuan Jing's clothes, Hui Ye's eyes were full of water, "A Jing, can you do it again?"

She begged softly in a coquettish tone.

Chapter 9 A big girl should be like this!

"Well, that's strange, isn't Ningguang planning to do anything?" Fujiwara Chika's face was full of doubts, "Obviously she looked aggressive that day..."

It is already after school on Thursday afternoon, and the four girls who have formed an alliance, namely Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Shijo Mafei and Hayasaka Ai, are gathering in the club room of the Lamb Club to have a small meeting together .

At this time, Li Ningguang made a declaration of war to them, that is, after school on Tuesday, exactly two days had passed.

But just like what Fujiwara Chika said before, during these two days, Ningguang did not do anything special.

No, it should be said that she didn't actually do anything, as if what she said on Tuesday was just talking casually.Just wanting to scare them.

However, whether it is Fujiwara Chika or Yukinoshita Yukino, they have all fought this student council president before, and they all know that Ningguang is definitely not such a boring person.

"I thought she would make a fuss at the farewell party tonight, but she didn't seem to have such an idea." Chika Fujiwara frowned, looking extremely puzzled, "Obviously this is such a good opportunity... ..."

The farewell party that Chika Fujiwara mentioned refers to a banquet organized by the student union at the expense of the school tonight.

Tomorrow, that is Friday, the two-week short "study abroad" career of the exchange students from England will come to an end.

In order to send these exchange students back home, the student union specially prepared a banquet for them on the eve of parting, that is, today. The banquet started at 6:8 and ended at about [-]:[-].

Each exchange student will be handed 10 invitation letters. He (she) can invite the friends he (or she) made during this time to have a pleasant evening this evening.

This is the original intention of the school.

Although she won't go back to China with other people, Artoria is one of the ten British exchange students after all, so naturally she also received 10 invitation letters from the student union.

If Ningguang really wants to do something to Yuanjing, these two and a half hours tonight are actually a very good opportunity.

Although each exchange student was given 10 invitation letters, it was his own freedom to send them to whom and how many invitation letters to send in the end.

Even if she didn't send out a single invitation herself, or gave them all to one person and let him (or her) do what he or she wanted to do with them, it would have worked.

But this is not something that cannot be avoided--

As long as Ning Guang came forward in person and showed that she valued her, that would be fine.

"If I were Ningguang, I should go to Liya and express my concern for her. Use this as an excuse to ask which ten people she plans to invite to the banquet." Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but muttered language.

"Liya's social circle is actually quite narrow. Maybe there are no more than 10 people in Sakurajima that she has an impression of. She will definitely say Ajing's name."

"In this case, for Liya's sake, Ah Jing should also be there, even if only for a short while?"

"In this way, she will have the opportunity to toast and chat with Ah Jing, and then quietly let him drink alcoholic beverages while Ah Jing is not paying attention."

"Then, I stepped forward to ask him what's the matter with concern, and took this opportunity to drag the somewhat dizzy Ah Jing to a secret room. In the next two hours, Li Ya and others went everywhere When you can't find him, Ningguang will...why do you all look at me like this?"

At this time, Hayasaka Ai, who was talking more and more enthusiastically, found that the other three people in the room were looking at her, so she stopped talking suddenly.

However, there was no contempt in the eyes of the three girls, instead they were full of concern and pity.

Obviously, they knew why Ai Hayasaka became like this.

Although Kaguya basically sneaked out of her bedroom after Ai Hayasaka washed and went to bed, so as not to be witnessed by her and feel sad.

However, the bedrooms of the two were quite close to each other, and Hayasaka Ai was originally a person with sharp eyes and ears and strong vigilance, so Kaguya's actions could not be hidden from her eyes.

She just pretended not to know.

Yuanjing and Shimizu Huiye were not too intimate in front of her, they would only do such things after she [falls asleep], this was already taking her feelings into consideration.

Ai Hayasaka obviously couldn't ask for too much.

Moreover, if she and Kaguya switched identities, even if she knew that Kaguya might feel uncomfortable because of it, she wouldn't be able to help but do all kinds of things, right?

For example, when eating, she quietly took off her slippers and scratched Yuanjing's calf with her little feet...

Another example, when Yuan Jing was busy in the kitchen, he just hugged Yuan Jing from behind...

Or maybe I want to tidy up the basement, take this opportunity to ask Yuanjing for help, and then...

But Kaguya actually didn't do any of these things.

At least in front of her, the two acted quite healthy and pure between the two, and it wasn't because of 'Isn't this more exciting? ', and do something shameless.

Compared with Kaguya...

I'm still a little too H.Hayasaka Ai was reviewing herself in her heart at this time.

There is no way, who makes himself a 'maid'? 'Maid' is more 'moral' than 'Miss', this is common sense in the world.

As a result, the 'Eldest Miss' is now in front of her 'maid'...

This is the shame of a maid!

"Cough cough." With a blushing face and a few coughs, Sijo Zhenfei tried to bring the topic that had deviated back on track, "Thank you for giving us a possibility, but obviously, Ningguang did not take such an approach. practice."

Artoria did not receive extra attention, but like other exchange students, she was handed 10 invitation letters by the executive committee under the student union.

After consulting Minamoto, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri, she found that none of them were interested in this matter, so she handed it over to Rita Einsworth, and let her, who is good at communication, handle it by herself.

In the end, she herself was not prepared to attend tonight's banquet.

"Well, I think, she probably thinks that Ah Jing won't like the atmosphere of the banquet, and thinks it's a waste of time, so she didn't try to force it, right?" Zhenfei Sijo speculated.

She also tried to invite Yuanjing to the Sijo family's banquet, but failed in the end. From this point of view, she actually has quite a say.

"Forget it, no matter what the reason is, it's not important now." Fujiwara Chika shook her head, as if she wanted to put these troubles behind her as soon as possible, "But next week is the last week of this semester. If Ningguang wants to do something, next week is the last chance."

After next week, this semester will end, and they and Yuan Jing will go to Vienna together.

And when the new semester begins, there will always be a result between them and Yuanjing.

At that time, if Ning Guang wants to continue to intervene, it will not be as easy as it is now.

Moreover, the election of the St. Eden College Student Union is held in February every year. It is almost the time of graduation, and there is no possibility of re-election. If you want to continue to do something in the school, it is definitely not as good as it is now convenient.

"Although I don't know exactly what Ningguang is going to do, that's for the future. Now we have more important things to pay attention to." Fujiwara Chika looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who had been silent.

"Xue Nai, about Saturday, A Jing and Aunt Yaozi's concert in Chiba, have you thought about what to do?" She asked with some concern.

After a moment of silence, Yukinoshita Yukino gently shook her head, "Sorry, I don't know how to face my sister yet."

"I knew it." Fujiwara Chika sighed helplessly.

It's worth mentioning that when Xue Nai went to Yang Nai's dormitory downstairs to block the door, she didn't actually go there with the intention of 'fighting'.

At least at the beginning, she went with the idea of ​​having a good talk with her sister.

If possible, Xue Nai wants to win her sister over like Qianhua did to Concubine Zhen, and become an 'ally' of several people.

But because the sisters were already somewhat twisted, and Yang Nai's "repudiation" aroused Yukino's "competitiveness"...

The two finally parted very unhappy.

"There's no need to apologize, Yukino." Seeing the president of the Lamb Society open his mouth as if he wanted to say something, Chika Fujiwara said first, "I also have a sister, if she accidentally and Yuan Jing had a relationship, and he did so while deliberately pretending to be me, I would also feel at a loss."

In Qianhua's mind, the face of her older sister Toyomi Fujiwara appeared.

Compared with Yang Nai Yukino, she and Feng Shi sister get along much more harmoniously, but if Feng Shi sister does such a thing behind her back, then she will be the same as the current Yukino, not knowing what to do .

Fortunately, Sister Fengshi didn't even meet Yuanjing a few times, so she didn't need to worry about it.

On the contrary, Moe Leaf...

No, no, no, not even a younger sister!

She is still a junior high school student!

"Not only Yangno, but even Liya's love didn't come true." Chika Fujiwara rubbed the center of her brows.

Artoria is actually different from them.

As an ancient person, her concept is very different from that of Qianhua and others who are modern people, and she doesn't think there is anything very inappropriate about Yuanjing marrying such a wife.

The reason why she didn't agree to Yuan Jing to become his lover and bride was just because she felt owed to the girls.

As long as Yuan Jing heals the pimples in other people's hearts and untie their knots, she will happily marry Yuan Jing.

Because of this, after knowing Ai Hayasaka's intentions, she declined with a smile.

"Let's talk," at this moment, Shijo Zhenfei carefully raised her hand, and after attracting the attention of the three of them, she asked with some doubts——

"Although it is an alliance, what is the use of us joining forces?"

The eyes of Ai Hayasaka and Yukinoshita Yukino immediately moved to Chika Fujiwara's face:

'You didn't explain it to her, did you just drag her in in a daze? '

Their eyes seemed to say so.

"Ah, I really didn't make it clear before," Fujiwara Chika seemed a little embarrassed, "But let's say it first, I didn't lie to you before, if Concubine Xiaozhen wants to create good memories with Ajing , If you talk to him about me, you are definitely not wrong in this alliance."

"As for the role of the alliance." Fujiwara Chika raised a finger first, "First of all, it is to unite and fight against spoilers like Ningguang."

That is to say, people who like Yuanjing, but Yuanjing doesn't have any interest in it.

"As for the second and most important function, it is the exchange of information." While speaking, Qian Hua's second finger also stood up.

"Exchange of information?" Concubine Zhen repeated Qian Hua's words.

"That's right." Qianhua nodded, "Take Saturday's concert as an example. Apart from his own purpose, Ah Jing's doing this is obviously paving the way for the settlement of Yang Nai and Xue Nai's matter, otherwise If so, it would be better to hold a concert in Tokyo, why do you have to go to Chiba?"

"If Yang Nai is also our companion, through Yang Nai, we can know the efforts that Ah Jing has made to heal her knot."

"Then, what's the use of knowing this?" Shijo Zhenfei was still a little confused.

"Of course it's useful, it will increase your 'appetite'." Fujiwara Chika said with a smile, "You should have a deep understanding of Zhenfei, right? If I didn't tell you about the matter between me and Ah Jing, Ah Jing Jing may not spend much effort at all, but he can easily fascinate you so much that you can't find it, right?"

"But now, after hearing my story, don't you feel that you should also have such a 'treasure'? This is what I call 'appetite' that grows and becomes more difficult to satisfy."

"What do you mean by that sentence?" Fujiwara Chika thought for a while, and then blurted out: "Is it true, young lady?"

When the first emperor went on a tour, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, who was still an unknown person, expressed such emotion when he saw his motorcade.

This can be said to be the beginning of his ambition.

And the biggest function of the 'alliance' is to increase the 'ambition' of the girls and make them more difficult to satisfy.

To put it simply, it is to improve the girls' defense against Yuan Jing, and let him use a sweeter and more romantic way to break through their 'defense line'.

Although they formed an alliance, Chika Fujiwara never really thought about going against Yuanjing.

Isn't that pushing your husband out?Qianhua wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

In the final analysis, what the girls want to do is to let Yuan Jing, who has always been passive, 'coax' them, so as to eliminate their grievances and unwillingness.

After explaining all this, Qianhua turned her eyes to Yukino again:

"So, Yukino, about Saturday's concert—"

"What are you going to do?"

Chapter 10 If I Didn't Exist...

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