This was expected by Yuanjing, so he asked: "Then what is Yukinoshita's response? Agree or disagree?"

"Xiao Yukino neither agreed nor objected." Fujiwara Chika shook her head, "We have no right to make any decisions for you, the final decision is in your own hands."

Yuan Jing opened his mouth.However, before he could open his mouth, Chika Fujiwara hastily added, "However, this does not mean that we are going to do nothing and leave everything to you to decide. In fact, both Xiao Yukino and I I don't want you to withdraw from the Lamb Society, we have also discussed quite a few ways with Kaguya, including..."

"I won't join the student union." Yuan Jing felt her enthusiasm from the other party's words, but he had a hunch that if she continued like this, the words might be endless.

According to the other party's activity level on 'Line', Yuan Jing didn't have any doubts about it.

"Huh." Chika Fujiwara's eloquent words came to an abrupt end, and she blinked in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe her ears, "Student Yuanjing, aren't you joining the student union?"

As if a little worried, she repeated it again.

"Well, I won't go." Yuanjing replied concisely, "I don't want to supervise others, and I don't want to be supervised by others. Why should I join the student union with such a thankless effort?"

In addition, there is another reason, that is, the staring eyes at Yuanjing made him feel uncomfortable.

It is exactly the same as the boss in the previous life, there is a strong premonition that as soon as he joins the student union, he will be squeezed by those two people, this is what Yuanjing can't bear the most, and it is also the most direct reason why he firmly refuses to join the student union.

After hearing Yuanjing's answer, Chika Fujiwara relaxed as if she was finally relieved, but she immediately thought of something again, and said worriedly, "Then what if Ningguang uses it?" The 'privilege' of the student council president..."

"Well, you don't have to worry too much about it." Compared with the worried Fujiwara Chika, Yuan Jing seemed much calmer, because he had already considered this issue,

"Let's not talk about whether Ningguang will use that 'privilege'. Even if she uses that 'privilege', I have a way to deal with it." Yuanjing cast his gaze out of the window again, and at the lightning-like speed of the 'Yamabi' Next, the scenery on both sides retreated rapidly, and the shapes blurred into patches of mottled colors.

"St. Eden Academy is an academy. The fundamental purpose of its establishment is always to teach and educate people, not to fight for power. I hope that Ningguang has not forgotten this."

"If she forgets, then I'll make her remember that this time."


Departing at 8 am, the time to go to the station plus the time on the Yamabiko took a total of more than two hours.

By the time Yuanjing and Fujiwara Chika arrived at their destination, it was already a little after 10 o'clock.

After receiving Yuanjing's reply, Chika Fujiwara finally completely relaxed and began to enjoy the journey.

She stepped off the train with bouncing steps, like a lively fawn.

"Yuanjing, where are we going first?" She turned her head and looked at Yuanjing expectantly.

Yuan Jing didn't speak, but pointed to the billboard next to the station.

On that billboard, there is a rather cute image of a fox.

This is the billboard of Zao Fox Village.

It is also another reason why Yuanjing chose this place as the destination——

He wanted to pet the fox.

Chapter 18 The Fox and the Baton

Foxes have a special place in Sakurajima culture.In its special Shinto culture, the fox is the messenger of Inari, the god of agriculture; and in its monster culture, the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox named 'Tamamo-mae' also firmly occupies a place among the three monsters.

Because of this special meaning, a special zoo dedicated to raising foxes, unique in the world, was born on Sakurajima.

Its name is Zao Fox Village.

Here, more than 100 foxes are kept in stock.According to the species, it can be roughly divided into 6 types.

In the Zao Fox Village, as long as you pay the entrance fee, tourists can have the opportunity to get in close contact with the foxes; if you spend a sum of money to buy food from the villagers, you can get the right to feed them.

Of course, you can pet the fox if you want to. You don’t need to pay for it, you just need to sign a waiver agreement.

Although it has the sign of "unique in the world", in fact, there is not much traffic here.

First of all, the geographical location and traffic conditions here are not very good. After getting off from the nearest train station, it takes half an hour to take a car, and there are many rugged mountain roads;

Secondly, even in ordinary zoos, people can see the exquisite figure of these cunning animals.Only people who are particularly fond of this clever creature will go to Zao Fox Village to get in touch with these little guys.

The main reason is that foxes are not rare enough.

You said that if there was a zoo dedicated to raising Mr. Panda, as long as you pay, you can touch his furry head, fat belly and fleshy buttocks, and enjoy the pleasure of feeding the national treasure... .Yuanjing estimates that even if it is in the deep mountains and old forests, tourists will come in an endless stream, and the threshold of the park will be leveled.

Of course, this tepid situation was exactly what he wanted.


At the foot of Mount Zao, there is a green hill.

Zao Fox Village is built on this hill.Although it is a village, it is more like a Japanese temple.Genkei could also see the crimson torii gates standing high above the rugged landscape.

Backed by the vast mountain shadows, with the blue sky and the brush-like clouds spreading above the head, these dividing lines between the "world" and the "god world" stand solemnly, like a group of loyal guards.There was a solemn and solemn atmosphere here.

But this is just appearance.

When Yuan Jing and Fujiwara Chika took the special feed bought from the villagers, the peaceful and solemn atmosphere was quickly broken.

As if smelling the aroma of food, countless small black, white, and brown figures emerged from various corners, gathering towards the two of them as if they could accommodate all rivers.

These foxes are already quite familiar with human beings, and have mastered the skill of relying on the special skill of "showing cuteness" to obtain food, and they don't feel bad for abandoning those predation skills inherited from DNA.

Before getting close to the two of them, many foxes stood up on their two hind legs, put their two small front paws on the furry chest, and made a gesture of bowing and bowing.

I don't know if this is specially trained by the staff, or these clever little guys are self-taught from their own begging experience.

But there is no doubt that this skill is quite useful.

The eyes of Chika Fujiwara, who already liked small animals, seemed to be shining, and she even started to run lightly with some impatience, and made a two-way rush with the gathered foxes.

Although in fairy tales, foxes' favorite food is often a magical food called 'fried tofu', in real life, they really prefer meat.

The main raw materials of the special feed that Yuanjing received were poultry meat, fish meat, and fishmeal.They are clumped together by starch and formed into small dumpling-like shapes.

Chika Fujiwara gently threw these 'little dumplings' out, while staring intently at the white, black, or brown foxes around her, showing a very happy expression.

Although it is already November when the wind is getting colder, Chika Fujiwara's unique warm expression still warms my heart.

But although they are already quite familiar with humans, these foxes are not cats or dogs that have been completely tamed after all. When they were fighting for these foods, one fox seemed to be extremely hungry.

It didn't snatch the food that Chika Fujiwara had scattered on the ground like its companions.Instead, she jumped up high towards Chika Fujiwara, opened her mouth to reveal her sharp teeth, and wanted to directly 'cut the bark'.

And just when it was floating in mid-air and was about to pounce on Fujiwara Chika's body, a small long strip made a 'snap' sound and hit its nose precisely at an extremely fast speed.

For canine creatures like foxes, the nerves gather near the nose, so the senses are extremely sensitive.Although the other party didn't use too much strength, this 'outstanding' fox was obviously in a lot of pain.It fell to the ground after a shrill cry.

After looking up at the male 'horrible upright ape', it shrugged its tail, lowered its head quite self-consciously, and re-entered the 'war' for food with its kind.

Happiness can feel dull.This also applies to Chika Fujiwara.After the fox fell to the ground, she seemed to realize what had just happened.

After patting her chest with lingering fear, her attention was attracted by the things in Yuan Jing's hands.She is quite familiar with this strip-shaped thing, and because of this, she is quite curious about Yuan Jing carrying this thing with him.

"Student Yuanjing, why do you carry a baton with you?" Blinking, Chika Fujiwara asked curiously.

That's right, the long strip Yuanjing used to repel the fox just now was not a trekking pole, it was long and thick, and the little fox would not be able to stand it.

He used a baton.It is the thin, long and quite flexible wood product that conductors use to direct the orchestra to play.

"I went camping in the mountains this time, in addition to experiencing some wild life, another purpose was to 'collect wind'." Yuanjing didn't hide it, "I want to try to create another song."

This trip to Fox Village actually has this purpose in it.

Chopin was inspired by the puppy raised by his lover, and composed "Puppy Waltz".And Yuanjing also wanted to try his luck here, to see if he could find some inspiration.

For him, this is not only a camping in the mountains, but also a practice in the mountains.

And he is fully enjoying this process.

Chapter 19 Camping with Beethoven and Composing in Your Head

After bidding farewell to the foxes in Zao Fox Village, Yuanjing and Fujiwara Chika embarked on a journey again.

At this time, the sun was already hanging high, and the light and heat emitted by this fiery red ball suspended in the sky were in harmony with the chill in November, resulting in a just right sense of comfort.

Looking up, the sky is as blue as washing.Different from what I saw in Tokyo, there is a natural beauty that is not polluted by impurities, which makes people open-minded and refreshed when they look at it.

It's no wonder that words such as "autumn is refreshing" were born.

At this moment, the two of them also officially stepped into the mountainous area of ​​Mount Zao.

They didn't go too deep into the mountains.

This is just a camping and gathering, not going to the wilderness to survive or to explore and find secluded places.

Yuanjing himself does not have this skill, nor does he have the habit of torturing himself with all kinds of game or raw food.

He prefers to eat well-cooked and delicious dishes rather than "eat without the head".

It was getting late at this time, so Yuan Jing and Fujiwara Chika were going to find a place first and set up the tent.After setting up camp, you can start cooking lunch and reward the somewhat empty five internal organs temple for the two of you.

Camping sites are not chosen randomly.

Generally speaking, it must meet the five conditions of near water, leeward, far cliff, shady and lightning protection.

It is not the rainy season at this time, and Mount Zao is not a lightning-prone area, so there is no need to consider 'lightning protection'.

Yuanjing and the others don't need to camp for a long time, according to his plan, they don't even need to stay overnight, so there is no need to choose the address perfectly, as long as they roughly meet the first few conditions.

Such places are not difficult to find.

Soon, they found a clear stream left from the top of the mountain, and walked up a little distance along this stream, and a slightly flatter open space was in sight.

It is decided here.

After Yuanjing put down his mountaineering bag, Fujiwara Chika took the initiative to go forward and searched out the camping-related props in the mountaineering bag.She acted quite skillfully and obviously this wasn't her first backcountry camping.

But when Chika Fujiwara began to count the props to be used next, she suddenly frowned as if she had discovered something unexpected.

"Did I pull down something?" Yuan Jing asked after noticing the strange expression on her face.

"If it's just camping, then of course everything is ready." Fujiwara Chika said, "But, Yuan Jing, didn't you say that you would try to compose music?" Objects, it was discovered that the only thing related to music was the baton that Yuanjing took out before——

"I thought you'd bring instruments or something."

Yuan Jing glanced at Chika Fujiwara, "Mr. Fujiwara, do you think composing is to stay by the piano or hold the guitar tightly, frowning and writing staves?"

?A question mark floated on Chika Fujiwara's head, she looked at Yuan Jing cautiously, and asked tentatively, "Isn't it?"

"I don't know how other people do it, but at least for me, I don't really need any instruments to assist me when composing." He pointed to his sideburns, "I have this is enough."

【This】of course does not refer to the sideburns.


"Why are you looking at me like that? As far as I know, Beethoven didn't need an instrument when he composed, did he? Otherwise, how could he continue to compose after being deaf?"

"Hey, according to what I've heard, he seems to hear the sound through bone conduction," Fujiwara Chika was a little surprised, and she recalled, "The more widely spread theory is that he used the wooden stick Insert one end into the resonance box of the piano, and bite the other end in your own mouth, so as to feel the music.”

She noticed that there was a speechless expression on Yuanjing's face, so she said in surprise, "Isn't that right?"

"Fujiwara-san," Yuan Jing shook his head and said, "It's only been a week since we performed "Ode to Joy" with the [Classical Music Department], and "Ode to Joy" is just the "Ninth Symphony" composed by Beethoven after he was deaf. A section of "Song". But just for this section, how many instruments did we use?"

Of course Chika Fujiwara remembered it clearly, in fact, she suspected that she might never forget that scene for the rest of her life.

Piano, three kinds of violins, French horn, trumpet, trombone...

Just a brief recollection, the grand scene at that time came to her mind, as if it just happened yesterday.

"According to what you just said, Beethoven may indeed be able to feel the sound of the piano, but what about the violin, the horns of various sizes, and the vocals in the chorus? How could he feel these sounds?"

"Do you know how many instruments are used in orchestral music? The combination of various instruments is astronomical. If you have to play all the same to compose, it will take a week to write a section. If it is true With that method of composition, Beethoven would never have been able to create so many magnificent movements that are universally admired."

“[It is impossible to compose music if you cannot hear it] This sentence itself is a lie put forward by a layman based on his own inference. Although the so-called composition may require some assistance, most of the parts are completed in the brain of."

"Uh—that is to say," Chika Fujiwara considered her own words, and began to 'reasonably speculate' according to Yuan Jing's meaning, "Although it doesn't look like Yuan Jing is creating music, it's just a docking When I came down to set up camp, I was full of expectations, but in fact, my brain is already working at full capacity, trying to perfect the music in my heart?"

"...How did you come to such a conclusion?" Yuanjing scratched his head, and he found that Chika Fujiwara seemed to think too much about him, "You say this, as if a person is clearly watching Videos or playing games to catch fish, but insisting that I am looking for inspiration for my own works."

Although it is so certain, it is estimated that Fujiwara Chika will also believe it, but Yuanjing does not want to convey wrong ideas to her - more importantly, he does not need to establish a majestic image in her heart.

"When you have to do something, do it wholeheartedly. This is the most efficient way and the least time-wasting method." Yuan Jing stretched out his hand to Fujiwara Chika, "Now, the only thing that fills my heart is what I want to do. It's just the anticipation of camping, and there are no other emotions."

"So, Fujiwara-san, can you pass me the hammer? I can't wait to pitch the tent."

Chapter 20 Labor, Inspiration, and Creation

Yuanjing had never set up a tent, and he didn't make any extra efforts except to watch the teaching videos and electronic materials on the Internet before taking action.

On his system panel, the [Camping] skill has a rating of only Lv.0, which is also called [Slightly Understand].

It's not the kind of "little understanding" that Yuanjing pretended to be self-effacing before, he really only knows the way to build a camp.

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