"Tourists... it should be considered, after all, I'm not a local." Yuan Jing glanced at the light peach-haired girl in front of him, and replied.

A native of Chiba Prefecture, with light peach-colored pink hair, a signature dumpling hairstyle, 'open-minded', and most importantly, a dachshund named 'Sabre' as a pet...

Who is the girl in front of him is already ready to be revealed.

'Is it the red pupil? 'Yuanjing thought so.

There is a very interesting point about Yukinoshita Yukino's "sworn enemy" and "best friend" in the original book——

In the light novel illustrations, Yuigahama Yui, like Yukinoshita Yukino, has dark blue eyes.

But in the later animation, Yubihama Yui turned into red pupil.

If it was in the original world, then as long as it looks good, any eye color is fine, but in this world, before meeting the girl, Yuan Jing would naturally be a little curious.

Now, after seeing the real person, this kind of question that occasionally arises has finally been answered.

"By the way, why do you assume that I'm not a local?" Yuan Jing asked curiously, he looked down at the clothes he was wearing, and didn't see any obvious traces of outsiders, "I'm so not Like a local from Chiba?"

"Ah, this..." Yuigahama Yui showed embarrassment.

The reason why she was able to immediately recognize that Yuan Jing was not a local was actually very simple——

With his appearance, if he is really the same age in Chiba County, it is impossible for her not to know.

In fact, not only boys, girls also comment on good-looking men, trying to make a list of handsome guys.

Yuigahama Yui actually has no interest in this area, but if you want to talk to other girls, it is actually very necessary to start a suitable topic.

Because of the absence of Yukinoshita Yukino, Yui has become more concerned about the 'atmosphere', and has become more active in catering to other 'friends'.

She even deliberately searched for such useless knowledge.

However, such words are obviously not suitable to say to the person you just met today.

"It should be regarded as...intuition?" She finally said so embarrassingly.

"Then your intuition is quite accurate." Of course, Yuan Jing knew that Yuigahama Yui was not telling the truth, but he didn't ask.

After losing Yukino, a good friend, Yuihama Yui's life should be more difficult than the original book.

But he didn't have anything special to do either.

Yui is a typical "soft girl" who has no independent opinion. If she wants to make a real change, she must have something unshakable as her inner support and source of confidence.

This is not something that can be changed overnight.

"However, the second part of your sentence is wrong. I came to Chiba County not to play in Disneyland, but for another purpose." While saying this, Yuan Jing tried to name the bar in his hand 'Sabre' dachshund returned to Yui.

However, just when the girl stretched out her hand to take it, the little guy suddenly stretched out his little paw, and pressed it against the white palm she stretched out.

Daba (don't).

It's a very humane expression of rejection.

The scene was a bit embarrassing.

Yuigahama Yui froze for a moment. The puppy he had raised since he was a child abandoned him and chose to continue with a person he had just met for a few minutes...

Really, is that person's hand that comfortable?More comfortable than me?

"Okay, Sabre, don't make trouble." After a little stalemate for a while, Yui Hihama was the first to compromise, "I won't say some difficult words in your ear this time, you Just don't be angry with me again, okay?"

The reason why Sabre is so confident can be seen from this.

"Difficult words?" Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows, and asked with great interest, "Did you just talk to this puppy and treat it like a tree hole?"

"...I made you laugh." Yuigahama Yui's face flushed a little, looking a little embarrassed.

"Ah, no, I didn't mean it so badly, it's human nature." Yuan Jing expressed his understanding. "However, if there is something bothering you, instead of looking for a place to confide in, how about thinking about the solution?" He has always done this.

"Of course, this is just a little life advice from a stranger, and you don't have to take it to heart."

"The point is that it can't be solved." Yuihama Yui held his forehead in distress, "Unless you can get tickets for Touma Yoko's concert before 6 p.m., it's still the S-class seat ..."

Yumiko Miura rejected Hayama Hayato's gift. Considering the girl's disappointment, there was nothing wrong with it.

But the most important thing is that the reason for her refusal was that she already got the tickets, and it was still an S-class seat.

Yubihama Yui knew that this was a moment of anger, but the people present at the time might not think so.

In other words, it will deliberately think it is true.

Although Yumiko Miura is at the top of the campus class, she actually offended quite a few people because of her personality.

They will not let go of this great opportunity to make her look ugly.

If by Monday, Yumiko is found out that what she said before was a lie, and that she didn't actually go to that concert...

Yuigahama Yui couldn't imagine Yumiko's mood at that time.

Most importantly, today is obviously her birthday.

On this day that should have been the happiest, something like this happened...

As the friend of the other party, Yui couldn't help but feel sad just thinking about it.

"Yaoko's concert tickets?" Yuan Jing blinked suspiciously when he heard Yui's words.Could it be that Yuigahama Yui, like Chika, also regards Yoko as an idol, otherwise, why would she care about such things?

"Is it the concert from 6:8 to [-]:[-] tonight?" Yuanjing confirmed.

"You actually know that too." Yuigahama Yui showed surprise, and then suddenly said, "So that's the case, no wonder you said that your purpose is not Disneyland, so you came here for this concert?"

In a sense, what the girl said was true.

"Half and half, I'm half, um, the relevant staff?" Yuan Jing considered his own words.

"Really! I'm so lucky this time?" Yuigahama Yui didn't show any doubts. It can be seen from this that the environment in which she grew up must be quite gentle. "In this case, I don't know if you can sell me one." Ticket? Just one ticket."

Yui said so, before Yuan Jing could even reply, he took out his wallet from his pocket and began to count the cash on his body.

"Well, it seems that it's not enough..." Yuigahama Yui seemed a little distressed, she had never been to a concert before, and she didn't have a particularly definite idea of ​​how much a ticket cost.

But Yoko Touma's name is impressive even to a layman like her, and I heard that there will be a 'mysterious guest' appearing this time...

The ticket price for such a concert is definitely not cheap, at least not something she, an ordinary female high school student, can afford with her pocket money.

"My home is nearby, can you wait for me here, I'll go back and get some money first?" Yubihama Yui begged softly.

She took a look at Sabre, who was still lingering on Yuanjing's side, 'rejoicing to leave', gritted her teeth and said, "As collateral, Sabre will be placed with you first..."

"Wait, wait," Yuan Jing seemed to have a headache, "I said girl, are you a little too unsuspecting, what if I am a liar and you kidnap Sabre immediately after you leave?"

"But, are you a liar?" Yuigahama Yui looked at Yuanjing with big innocent eyes.

"...of course I'm not."

"That's fine." Yuigahama Yui nodded with satisfaction, "Didn't I tell you, my intuition is very accurate."

Although it was half wrong at the beginning.

"Sabre, wait here for a while, brother, I'll be right away..."

"Wait a minute, there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?" Seeing that Yui had started to say goodbye to the puppy, Yuan Jing hurriedly said this, still the same as before, he was still a little confused about such pure and flawless trust.

"What's going on, I'm still a little confused." He said helplessly, "You must let me know why things turned out like this?"

"Ah, sorry, I was too excited just now, I forgot!" Yui exclaimed.

The girl is explaining...

"Oh, so it looks like this." Yuan Jing nodded, expressing his understanding.

The two didn't just continue to stand and chat, but found a bench and sat down.

Stroking Sabre's dog's head, Yuanjing listened to what had happened.

However, even if Yuanjing is a foreigner, considering Yumiko's privacy, when Yui talked about this matter, she did not name her, Miura Yuko, Ebina Himina, etc., but used Pronouns such as [I], [My friend A], [My friend B].

Of course, Yuan Jing actually knew who the people she was talking about were.

"So, I really, really need a concert ticket," Yuigahama Yui clasped his hands together and begged sincerely, "Today is her birthday, and I don't want her to have such a hard time. Become a psychological shadow."

"If you can, can you help us?"

"I'll make a phone call to ask." Yuan Jing didn't give a positive or negative answer immediately, because he was actually not sure about the specific situation there.

Putting Sabre in the girl's hand, Yuan Jing took out the phone and walked aside.

Hugging Sabre, Yuigahama Yui looked at him nervously, not even daring to breathe too loudly to avoid disturbing him.

Even the staff must act in accordance with the rules and regulations, and if they want to get a ticket, they must pay a certain price.

If this matter didn't work out in the end, although she would be a little disappointed, she would never blame the boy for it.

After all, he has no obligation to help himself.

After a rather long time, at least subjectively by Yui Hihama, Genkei returned to her, and—

nodded to her.

"It's done," he said.

"I'll go back and get the money now." Yui jumped up happily.

"No, I told you not to be in such a hurry." Seeing Yui's enthusiasm so high, Yuan Jing couldn't help but feel a little headache, "I don't need money, as long as you do me a favor, that's enough."

"Just follow orders!" Yui's answer was still quick.

...I didn't even ask what it was, if I really wanted to lie to you, you are still counting money for me...

"You are a native of Chiba, right?" Yuan Jing asked, "If that's the case, you should be familiar with Chiba City, right?"

"Of course!" Yuigahama Yui puffed out her chest proudly.

"In that case, can you tell me, is there any quiet place here suitable for a date?" Yuan Jing asked.

Huh?Yuigahama Yui blinked, is this for...me?

But Yuanjing's next words let her know that she seemed to be thinking too much.

"Actually, I had a little conflict with my girlfriend recently. When I came to Chiba this time, besides work, I still wanted to coax her." To be precise, it was 'girlfriends'.

Although Yukino is also a native of Chiba, she basically lives a life of two points and one line between school and home. Even if she goes out to play, she will not choose to stay in the city, but go to a special place for horseback riding and skiing. Category.

And Yang Nai...

Yuan Jing still wanted to give her some surprises, so naturally he wouldn't ask her about such things,

"It's just that I'm a foreigner and I don't know anything about this place..."

"Then you are asking the right person." Yuigahama Yui smiled all over his face, "I grew up here, and I am recognized as a 'love expert'."

Yuigahama Yui, who has never even had a love experience, boasted.

And under that smile——

'It turns out that he already has a girlfriend, I should have thought of it earlier. '

'It's a little regrettable. '

'Of course, only slightly. '

The girl felt a bit sour.


"You were cheated." Miura Yuiko said firmly.

"Cheated?" Yuigahama Yui's eyes widened, "By whom?"

"Of course it's the person you talked about." Yumiko said in a tone of hatred.

How can there be staff who can help people get tickets just by making a phone call?Touma Yoko herself is still possible.

"But, I didn't lose anything?" Yuigahama Yui spread his hands and said, "He neither asked for money nor took advantage of me, and in the end he just let me take him around the whole city It’s just a circle, the only thing I lost, maybe only a little money for the subway, and it hasn’t been handed over to him yet.”

"How can this be said to be cheated?"

Yumiko Miura was a little speechless, which was actually something she couldn't understand.

"Okay, if Yumiko herself doesn't believe it, why did she come out with me at night and dress up so beautifully." Yubihama Yui hugged her affectionately, and gently rubbed her cheek Looking at the fair cheeks of his friend.

"Today is my birthday, I can dress up however I want!" Yumiko Miura insisted.

"Okay, okay, if I was really cheated, let's go shopping together after a long time," Yuigahama Yui said in a somewhat sweet tone, "I invite you to drink milk tea to apologize."

"That's what you said, don't look at the bill and cry."

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