The passionate and passionate piano sound, like melting honey rain, lusciously soaks into the skin, bites it, penetrates it, until it reaches the heart.

Even if the ears are covered, even if the heart is covered, it still penetrates deeply into the body and shocks the soul.

The strong sound hits the bones, and the trill pierces the nerves.

Be it Yui, Yumeko, the girls watching him silently behind the scenes, or the thousands of spectators in the auditorium... Everyone's eyes can no longer be taken away from his face .

Every note hits the skin, melts, slides off the skin.

It's like looking up at the sky that keeps falling the snow of passion.

Although it may be a bit offensive to Touma Yoko, it can be sensed from the atmosphere at the scene that, with the boy's performance, her music has gradually disappeared from the audience's memory, and it has been replaced by something harder and equally Something softer quietly replaces...

In just a few tens of seconds, the boy used his own strength to prove that the "warming up" that Yoko Touma said was not a lie.

Yui's eyes were so tightly stuck to the boy's body.

Unlike in the morning, the temperament of the teenagers on the stage is constantly changing due to the different repertoires they play.

Sometimes majestic, sometimes lovable; sometimes coldly rejected, sometimes seductively seductive...

He just played it one after another.

Every time a song ends, the frenzy in the auditorium increases.

After the last piece was played——




Sound waves that swelled like a tsunami swept the entire auditorium, and all the audience shouted to express their reluctance.

Yui and Yumiko were obviously among them.

Now that all the unease and timidity before the concert had begun had completely disappeared, suppressing something rising in their throats, the two yelled with the rest of the audience.

It can be said that it is traditional to give a song at the end of the concert, and the boy did not disappoint the audience.

After thinking for a while, the notes full of trembling beauty began to explode in the air.

""Devil King"..." Yui heard Yumiko's awe-inspiring exclamation.

Of course she knew that this was the name of the song the boy was playing now, but, considering the boy's performance tonight, the title of 'Devil King' was well deserved.

Beautiful but dangerous.

Whether it's the person, or the piece he's playing now......

After playing the last few notes vigorously, the boy who had been sitting all this time finally stood up and walked in front of the audience.

The audience applauded as if they were going to knock off the roof of the central theater, and there was a lot of 'bravo! ' cry.

After bowing to the audience, he got up and looked around the auditorium again.

Just like that, Yui and Yumiko, who were sitting in arguably the best position, met his eyes.

But this meeting of eyes was only for a short moment.

It was so short that there was no way for the two of them to be sure whether the other party really saw him or just glanced at him lightly.

And amidst the endless applause, the lights on the stage suddenly went out.

By the time the chandelier in the auditorium was turned on again, the boy had disappeared.

From start to finish.

He didn't say a word.

With satisfaction and a little regret, the concert ended like this.


"Yumiko, where are you dragging me?"

After the curtain closed, the two girls did not leave.

In other words, Miura Yuiko did not let Yuigahama Yui leave, but grabbed her arm and came to the backstage.

"It goes without saying, of course we are looking for him." Yumiko's eyes were amazingly bright, and she glanced at Yui who hesitated, "He knows our names, but we don't know anything about him... ...."

"Isn't this too unfair?"

"At least, we need to know his name?"

That's right, although he showed his face in front of everyone, neither Touma Yoko nor the boy himself told everyone his name.

If there was one complaint the audience had about this nearly perfect concert, this was it.

"But, isn't there a staff blocking it? We shouldn't be able to get in, right?" Yuigahama Yui pointed to the entrance of the corridor.

There, several ladies and daughters were being stopped by the staff, and it was obvious that Miura Yuiko was not the only one who had this idea.

Miura Yuiko stopped in her tracks, and bit her lower lip unwillingly.

But she obviously didn't give up.

After careful observation, her eyes lit up.

"Yui, give me your ticket."

Yumiko said so.

When entering the venue, the staff just tore off the ticket stub, so both of them actually had tickets in their hands.

"Ah, good." Yui subconsciously complied.

At this time, she couldn't help but feel a little hope in her heart.

After seeing the ladies and daughters returning disappointed, Yumiko pulled Yui and walked up. Before the staff could stop them, she stopped a young woman who looked like a staff member in trousers and a suit. And showed her the bills of the two, "Remember the two of us?"

The man's eyes widened in surprise, "Is it Miss Miura Yuiko and Miss Yuigahama Yui?"

'Great, she still has an impression. '

Yumiko Miura was a little excited.

It is hard to forget such a staff member who ordered alone.

At least tonight.

"The two of us are his friends." When Miura Yuiko said this, she gently pinched Yui with her hand to prevent her surprise expression from revealing her plan, "He told us, let We'll go find him after the concert."

Miura Yumiko said as calmly as possible.

The staff member looked at the two of them for a while, and after noticing their appearance, a flash of clarity flashed in her eyes.

"Let them in." She turned her head and said to the other staff.

Chapter 14 The Secret to Making a Man a Man (5.6k)

"So, you just ran around Chiba City today?" Yukinoshita Yukino said with a light smile as she stretched out her hand to untie the black bow around Yuan Jing's neck.

"It's not that I ran around, but with the help of a lovely guide, I went to several places purposefully." Yuanjing corrected.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino also came to Chiba, she neither went back to her home in Chiba, nor told her parents and sister Yang Nao, but quietly moved into a nearby high-end hotel .

Under the cover of Touma Yoko and Touma Kazusa, she sneaked into the concert scene tonight. When Yuan Jing was performing on the stage, she and Touma Kazusa held hands together behind the scenes Looking at the dazzling appearance of the boy.

As for why Yukino did this...

Because she wanted to see how Yang Nai faced Yuan Jing alone when she was not around.

"Hey, lovely guide..." Yukinoshita Yukino raised her eyes and gave Yuan Jing a slight look.

The few strands of hair on the smooth forehead trembled slightly as she raised her head, and there was a little jealousy in her crystal-clear eyes.

"It's those two little girls, right?" She snorted softly with her nose, "Just going out for a stroll, you can meet such a cute and beautiful girl, so I shouldn't let Hesha cover me, I should let her go out with you."

"To be exact, there is only the one with light peach hair," Yuan Jing corrected seriously, "the one with blonde hair is just her friend."

"Also, I didn't intend to do anything to her, this time..."

"This time, I just happened to do her a favor, right?" Before Yuan Jing finished speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to know what he was going to say next.

"It's just that bad, A Jing." Putting the bow in her hand on the table beside her, Yukino sighed helplessly, "Girls are actually very sensitive to boys' intentions, if A Jing really If you want to do something, the other party will stay away from you."

"Well, that is to say, I need to properly pretend that I have ulterior motives, so as to make girls stay away?" Yuan Jing suppressed a smile, deliberately pretending to be like this.

"That doesn't work either." Xue Nai said in a hurry, "The method just now can only make the good girl who is clean and self-conscious shrink back, but if it is the kind of bad girl who just covets your body, it will become more entangled , so that you can't even shake it off."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, then Xue Nai, what do you think I should do?" Opening his hands, so that Xue Nai can take off the tuxedo for her more conveniently, Yuanjing tilted his head, "Do you want me to do it later?" Do you only interact with men?"

"Of course there's no need to do that." Xue Nai also knew that she was making trouble out of no reason, but it might be because she was preempted by others, and now she became jealous very easily.

Of course she knew that Yuanjing didn't mean that, but she still couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Xue Nai felt that she must be sick.

And very sick.

"Actually, there is another way." At this time, Xue Nai had already taken off his shirt, and was turning around to fold it on the table.

Yuan Jing hugged the girl's slender waist from behind, put his hands on Xue Nao's tight belly, and let her fragrant shoulders support his chin, "Then you can only follow me all the time." By your side, supervise yourself."

The warm breath in the ears made Yukinoshita Yukino's whole body tremble, and the little hands that were folding clothes also stopped suddenly.

She didn't answer, but leaned back slightly, giving all the weight of her body to Yuanjing.

Her condition worsened again.

However, she didn't want it to heal at all, but hoped that it would be heavier in her heart.

"In a big city like Tokyo, isn't it inconvenient for a girl to live alone?" Yuan Jing whispered to Yukino's small ears that looked like works of art, "I still have a lot of empty rooms in my house, do you want to?" Move to my place?"

"Of course, it doesn't mean anything else, I just want Xue Nai to better supervise me not to make mistakes."

Knowing that Xue Nai is thin-skinned, he even carefully prepared a reason for her.

Ok, I said so much before, the original purpose is this!

Is this what you call a live-in invitation?

Xue Nai's heart jumped for joy.

The pursuit all this time has finally had a response, and the little jealousy before has disappeared without a trace.

However, after all, she still didn't forget that her purpose today was to find out her sister's sincerity. Before this matter was resolved, there was always a knot in Xue Nai's heart that couldn't go away.

Moreover, there is an alliance with Qianhua and others.

Of course, this does not mean that she is ready to reject the proposal, but she will have to wait for a while.

At least until the matter between her and Yang Nai has a result.

And the final exam will be next week. It is already very reluctant for her to take a weekend to deal with her sister's problems. If she moves again...

She was really worried that she would encounter Waterloo at the end of the term.

If she had worked hard for so long and failed in the end, she would really cry.

"...My house in Tokyo expires at the end of this month, so I won't continue to renew the contract." Yukino responded softly, "After the final exam next week, won't you have two days off? "This is the time for the school to mark the test papers.

"Just use that time to move."

"Well, that's it."

The boy and the girl just snuggled together gently, enjoying the warm time silently for a while.


"It's almost time." Xue Nai looked at the clock on the wall.

Although Yang Nai didn't know that she was back, she did know that her sister had been back since yesterday and had been preparing for the concert.

Her mother might think that this is a sign that her sister cares about the family and understands the general situation, but how could Xue Nai not know the reason why Yang Nai is so enthusiastic?

After a while, my sister will definitely come to find Yuanjing.

Yuan Jing spent the whole day wandering outside, and did not meet Yang Nai; the only phone call he made with her was to ask her if all the tickets for the S seats had been given away, and he wanted to give them to two girls... ..

Comparing her heart with her heart, she can be said to know a little bit about what her sister feels like at this moment.

Auntie Touma Yoko rejected Yukinoshita Ayano's invitation to stay for a few days and planned to return to Tokyo tomorrow.

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