'Anyway, Dongda is not far from Gen-kun's home, you can go to him at any time. '

These are the original words of Ayano Yukinoshita.

That's what she said to Hino, who was a little unhappy.

Apparently, Yukinoshita Ayano was still a bit bitter about her elder daughter's way of turning her elbows outward last night, and how she couldn't help laughing out loud when she asked about 'that kind of thing'.

It was precisely because it was the end of the date that Yukinoshita Yono did such a bold thing.

However, from the current point of view, it seems that it is a bit of a cocoon...

"If you don't start now, it will definitely exceed the time. Your mother will be very anxious." Yuan Jing said in a very considerate tone, "I can't bear to see such a thing happen."

You can't let Yangno "waste food", and you can't make Yukinoshita Ayano wait too long. In this case, there is only one way.

Yukinoshita Yoshino looked dull, apparently still in a state of confusion, "...So, are you going to just take me back like this?"

"Of course." Yuan Jing said in a quite reasonable tone, "Don't worry, I know how to get there."

"That's not the problem!" Yukinoshita Yono struggled lightly.

But such a futile struggle collapsed after Yuanjing kissed her lips domineeringly.

It is impossible for Yuan Jing to let her go.

In addition to the mischievous idea of ​​wanting to watch Yang Nai panic, the more important one is that he doesn't want Yang Nai to catch a cold.

After all, it is the cold winter month, and it is still the night when the sun has set, and the temperature can be said to drop sharply.

Yang Nai was actually dressed quite warmly today, with a thick white sweater on his upper body, and although he wore a short red skirt on his lower body, he had thick black pantyhose as a warming measure.

However, now the black pantyhose has been "accidentally" scratched by the rocks on the beach.

It's really not unlucky (stand up).

She is not Yuanjing, she has a strong body that will not feel cold even if she walks shirtless in the ice and snow. If Yuanjing let her down and let her go by herself, there is a high probability of catching a cold because of it. things.

Yang Nai is a college student, starting tomorrow, it will be a busy exam week

If she catches a cold at this juncture, there is no doubt that her college grades will face a very, very big crisis.

As Yang Nao's boyfriend and future husband, can Yuan Jing make such a thing happen?

Of course not! (positive color)

Therefore, Yang Nai couldn't leave his warm embrace.

Yuanjing started to take steps.

Accompanied by the shaking caused by walking, the two sometimes joined together and sometimes separated slightly. Yukinoshita Yono still struggled lightly, as if trying to escape, but her hands and feet were like octopuses, entangled in the on him.

"I can call my mother and ask her to send a car to pick us up..." Yukinoshita Haruno begged for mercy.

"I don't have any problems here, but Yang Nai, are you sure you want her to see you now?" Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows and asked with great interest.

"..." Yukinoshita Yoshino was suddenly speechless.

If it's just in front of Yuan Jing, then naturally it doesn't matter, but if my mother sees her current appearance...

She might be about to escape from Earth overnight.

'Why did I do such a thing so obsessively before. "Under the snow, Yang is a little bit about to cry but has no tears.

"Don't worry, I won't let others find us." Yuan Jing seemed quite confident.

The [Martial Arts] skills that he has fully brushed up have given him a physique that can be said to completely surpass normal human beings.

The current Yuanjing is fully capable of competing to be the 'strongest human being' in the world.

He has already easily surpassed the realm of "the Prophet of the Cicada before the Autumn Wind Has Moved".

As long as he wants to, he can sneak into any place in the world without anyone noticing.

But this kind of ability is used by him in this way. If these skills are really spiritual, they should...

Hey, wait a minute, this proficiency panel is originally a tool specially used to assist the protagonist in the strategy in the butter world of "Holy Eden Academy", right?In this case, isn't it just right to be used in this regard?

It would be better to say that they should be used in this way, and Yuanjing's previous usage was just a waste of money, which would make these skills cry.

Yukinoshita Yoshino opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but Yuan Jing's next actions interrupted her.

If we simply go back to Yukinoshita's house, there is more than enough time.

But Yuan Jing not only had to avoid all kinds of pedestrians on the road, but also sneaked into Yukinoshita's house secretly, asked Yang Nao to put on new pantyhose, and then took her out of the room again, and returned to Yukinoshita's house. the door.

With such a rough calculation, the time becomes a little tense.

So, Yuanjing started to run.

Accompanying it is a sharp increase in the degree of turbulence.

"!!!" Yukinoshita Yangno looked like he was about to cry, but his body became weaker and weaker, and finally he could only lie limply on his shoulder.

However, Yukinoshita Yoshino knew that although she made a lot of excuses, in her heart——

She was actually quite happy.

Yuan Jing is really obsessed with himself.

Just knowing this, Yukinoshita Yono wanted to cry with joy.

What could be more satisfying in this world than the fact that the person you love also loves you?

With the milky white light cast by the street lamp, Yukinoshita Yono saw his current appearance on the glass of the closed shop on the side of the road.

Under the disheveled black hair was a rosy face, with a deep spring color in the eyebrows and eyes.

And the most impressive part of that reflection is the extremely obvious smile with a hint of happiness at the corner of his mouth.

Am I smiling now?

This is also of course, right?

Because it was attached to Yuan Jing's body, she could easily hear Yuan Jing's extremely powerful heartbeat.

There was an unspeakable sense of comfort in the pulsating sound, which made her feel at ease.

The domineering Ah Jing is also great.

I really like it......

At this moment, in Tokyo, in Fujiwara Daichi's villa.

"Auntie, you are here!" Chika Fujiwara greeted her like a happy path, and just like that, she threw herself into the arms of a peerless beauty in a purple kimono.

Of course she knew the purpose of her aunt's coming here, so she naturally acted quite close.

And behind her, Fujiwara Moeha also rushed up together.

On the contrary, it was Toyomi Fujiwara, because she was the oldest, and of course it might be because there was no room left in Zi Shibu's arms, so he just came to her side.

And behind this woman, Fujiwara Daichi was pulling a big suitcase, watching his daughters and sister in such a harmonious scene with some relief.

"Ka...cough, Shikibu, how long do you plan to stay here when you come to Tokyo this time?" Fujiwara Daichi asked his youngest sister, "Actually, it's okay to just stay like this, Asuka That's what it means."

Fujiwara Asuka is Fujiwara Daichi's younger brother, Fujiwara Koko, also known as Zi Shibu's older brother, and the uncle of Fujiwara Chika who is currently serving as a provincial minister (equivalent to the ministerial level of Huaguo).

"It depends on the specific situation. I'm not sure yet." Zi Shibu said vaguely.

She has no intention of staying in Tokyo, and after getting enough materials from Yuanjing and the girls, she will return to Kyoto.

After all, her book paradise is there, and she is still preparing to finish her new work there.

"By the way, Brother Dadi." Zi Shibu seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and asked Fujiwara Daichi, "How is the matter I asked you before?"

"Ah, of course there is no problem." Daiichi Fujiwara smiled confidently, "Even if you are not my sister, they will definitely not refuse to accept the name 'Murasaki Shikibu' alone."

"That's good." Murasaki Shikibu nodded with satisfaction.

In her mind, the figure of an 8-year-old child quietly emerged.

Little guy, we will meet tomorrow.

I don't know if you remember me...

Chapter 30 What to do for sore shoulders?Of course, let 'people' support it

In Fujiwara Daichi's mansion, the three sisters are tidying up the room for their aunt who just moved from their hometown in Kyoto.

On the surface, it seems that Murasaki Shikibu's luggage is only the suitcase pulled by Fujiwara Daichi, but that's actually just the most important part, and Murasaki Shikibu is absolutely unwilling to let them out of his sight.

Most of the salutes were carried to Fujiwara Daichi's mansion by a special moving company after the Fujiwara family had finished their dinner.

That is, the part that the three Fujiwara sisters are currently sorting out.

Logically speaking, this kind of work can be done by the professional staff of the moving company and the helpers of the Fujiwara family, but Fujiwara Daichi did not adopt such an approach.

My younger sister has been shy of strangers since she was a child. Except for her relatives and a very limited number of people, she is not even willing to speak, and she seems quite cold.

Moreover, what she hates the most is letting strangers touch her belongings, not to mention letting these people tidy up the room where she will live in the future.

Of course, apart from this reason, the reason why Fujiwara Daichi asked the three sisters to help is also to shorten the distance between his sister and daughters.

Although the ancestral land of the Fujiwara family is in Kyoto, with the transfer of the political center of Sakurajima from Kyoto to Tokyo, the center of the Fujiwara family has already moved to this place long ago.

The three sisters Toyomi Fujiwara, Chika Fujiwara, and Moeha Fujiwara can be said to be natives of Tokyo. Except for the annual ancestor worship, they actually don’t return to Kyoto many times.

So naturally, the number of times I met Murasaki Shikibu, my aunt who lived in Tokyo, was naturally a little bit rare.

Although judging from the appearance of his sister and daughters, they are relatively close to each other, and they are not alienated at all, but if they can make their relationship closer, it is not a bad thing after all.

It is inconvenient for him to meddle in this matter.

If he was there, both Murasaki Shikibu and the three Fujiwara sisters would feel restrained.

Logically speaking, this place should actually be handed over to his wife Fujiwara Wansui, and let her and her daughters come and help this sister-in-law from Kyoto.

However, as a diplomat, Fujiwara Wansui has been quite busy recently, and he is still working overtime in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has not returned home, so he can only give up.

Fujiwara Daichi felt pity for his youngest sister.

He was quite aware that under the appearance of that talented woman of Zi Shibu, there was an exceptionally lonely soul.

In the Fujiwara family, which is generally deeply affected by "social bullying syndrome", Zi Shibu seems to be particularly out of place.

Maybe it's for this reason that she doesn't like to use the name 'Fujiwara Kako', but instead uses 'Usagi Shikibu'...

Fujiwara Daichi has no intention of commenting on his sister's lifestyle and conduct.

As Murasaki Shikibu's older brother, he naturally knew what his sister had tried.

Unfortunately, maybe it was a natural problem, or maybe it was just bad luck, all her attempts ended in failure.

Murasaki Shikibu even fell into a state of giving up on himself for a while, and even didn't want to go to school.

The underground library of the Fujiwara family's ancestral home was built during that time.

'Since dealing with other people makes you miserable, don't do it. '

This was the thought of the head of the Fujiwara family at that time, that is, the grandfather of Fujiwara Daichi and Zi Shikibu.

Fujiwara Daichi naturally agrees with this.

Their family is prominent enough that there is no need to place unnecessary expectations on a woman.


The Fujiwara family can naturally provide family affection, but this is the only positive emotion they can provide.

After breaking off friendship with Minamoto Raimitsu, Murasaki Shikibu cut off the source of friendship.

As for love...

The Fujiwara family could only shake their heads and sigh.

For a long time, Zi Shibu has been indulging in the world of books to satisfy his missing emotional needs.

However, books are not reality.

Fujiwara Daichi and the others would not complain about living in the library and refusing to meet people, but if possible, they would naturally hope that Zi Shikibu could personally experience the happiness of being a human being and a woman.

This is their good wish as a family.

For Zi Shibu's willingness to leave his hometown in Kyoto and come to Tokyo, Fujiwara Daichi and others are extremely happy.

Moreover, before that, she even went to Hyogo Prefecture to 'reconcile' with Minamoto Raimitsu.

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