so bad.

Finally one day, grandma's body became cold and she could no longer move.

'Good boy, good boy...'

While saying these words, grandma's hand stroking my hair suddenly dropped, and her face became as pale as a wax figure.

For a moment, I didn't even understand what happened. It wasn't until my father hugged me tightly that I realized one thing through his painful whimpers——

Grandma has passed away.

However, there was no grief in my heart, and I even felt a little relieved.

After that, I didn't shed a single tear until my grandma was buried.

"It must be because he is still young, so young that he can't understand what the so-called death is, what a poor child!"

When the adults said such words, they would pat my head with pity.

No, no!

Of course I know what death is, and that it means the end of life.

I know this, but, but...

But why didn't I feel the slightest bit of sadness?Even felt a little happy and at ease?

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why?

Isn't the answer obvious?

because I--

It's a total freak.

In this case, everything is clear.


Yuanjing frowned and finished reading the words on the note.

This 'I' mentioned above is...

Kako Fujiwara?

Chapter 36 You heartless monster!

Who is the author of the note is actually ready to be revealed after reading it.

This is a note in Murasaki Shikibu's cherished book, and on it is——

"Grandpa is a great, great person. I heard from the servant sister that he is in charge of the entire country and is actually the controller of Sakurajima. '

The grandfather of Murasaki Shikibu, the great-grandfather of Chika Fujiwara, once served as the prime minister of Sakurajima, which is quite consistent with this sentence in the article.

Yuan Jing glanced back and forth between the note and "The Tale of Genji", and compared the handwriting on it with the handwriting of [Fujiwara Kako] and [Murashi Shikibu] 'two people'.

Although the handwriting on the note is messy, it can be said to be a mess, but if you distinguish it carefully, you can still see the outline very similar to [Fujiwara Kako].

From the content of the note, it can also be seen that the author was actually very young when the incident happened. As for the specific age...

Yuanjing took out his mobile phone and began to collect relevant information on Google Encyclopedia.

If the grandmother of "my" in the article is an ordinary person, it will naturally be difficult to find her specific death time through this method.

But fortunately, Murasaki Shikibu's grandfather once served as the prime minister, so just look through Sakurajima's catalog of prime ministers, and you can find this 'grandpa', which is the name of Fujiwara Chika's great-grandfather.

'Ah, I found it. '

"The name is Fujiwara Watari, unexpectedly simple." Yuan Jing was a little surprised, he thought it would be a more "unique" name, such as Fujiwara Universe.

"The old man is still built now, his body is unexpectedly tough..." Feeling this in his heart, Yuan Jing began to browse the relevant introductions in the encyclopedia.

'Madam Prime Minister...Madam Prime Minister...has it. '

'The time of death was 22 years ago, the cause of death... was stomach cancer. '

Yuan Jing silently calculated in his heart.

"Sister Zi and mother are the same age, both are 28 years old this year, so if you count..."

He looked at the note again.

"That is to say, when the incident on this note happened, Sister Zi was only 6 years old..."

Cancer is an extremely torturous disease, and its patients often end up suffering from such a disease.

Murasaki Shikibu's grandma still suffers from gastric cancer. With the medical level of more than 20 years ago, even the prime minister's wife can only undergo subtotal gastrectomy, which removes most of the stomach body.

In this case, it would be strange not to become skinny.

There is also an explanation for the statement in the article that 'I took over the job of delivering three meals to grandma'.

For patients with advanced gastric cancer who have undergone subtotal gastrectomy, the stomach has almost lost its function, and the nutrition needed for survival can only rely on infusion and other methods.

The so-called eating is just a small amount of liquid food. In addition to comforting the patient's mood, it is also to let the patient's intestines do something to avoid intestinal adhesions...

Naturally, there is no problem in entrusting such a thing to a 6-year-old girl, let alone the patient's most beloved granddaughter.

Is this what is called 'hospice care'?

Yuan Jing sighed softly.

Yuan Jing can actually understand the behavior of the little girl in the article.

Human beings' fear of death is inscribed in their DNA.

The elderly who are about to enter the end of their life and are dying, in the eyes of children, are naturally quite terrifying existences, and it is quite normal to resist contact with them.


The "I" in the article should not lie because of this, let alone force myself to act.

Yuan Jing read what was written on the note, "She should choose to leave her body, so she will kill me like this?"Just like Liu Tiao concubine killed Xi Yan', her expression became a little irritable.

At the age of 6, he was able to finish "The Tale of Genji", which he was a little drowsy after reading. Fujiwara Koko is undoubtedly a genius.

But it was clear that these readings had overcomplicated her thinking.

If she hadn't been so talented, but was as innocent as her peers, who couldn't act, and could express her likes and dislikes unabashedly, things would definitely not have turned out like this.

Yuan Jingyong quickly flipped through the pages in front of him, and the previous ease has disappeared.

Compared with reading "The Tale of Genji" and the annotations of [Fujiwara Koko] and [Murasaki Shikibu], he is obviously more concerned about the follow-up of the "I" in that note now.

After searching for the upper part of "The Tale of Genji" in vain, he took out the middle part from the wooden box.

After a quick rummage, he managed to find a folded note in a book.

It appears that this is the continuation.

Unfolding the note again, Yuan Jing looked eagerly at it.

Different from the previous handwriting that was as messy as weeds, this time the handwriting is more clear. There is a cold range in each stroke, and it can be seen that the writer's mood is quite calm.

His handwriting has gradually deviated from [Fujiwara Koko], and began to gradually move closer to [Purple Shikibu].

Is this a good sign?

The source is not clear.

This will have to wait for him to read the specific content on it before he can make a relevant decision......

The older I get, the more I feel the difference and gap between my own thinking and the thinking of others is getting bigger and bigger.

What makes other people happy or sad, I don't feel at all, can't empathize with it at all.

Why should one be happy?

And why do people feel sad?

I do not understand.

At the sports meeting, when everyone is excited to cheer for the classmates together; when the classmate is about to transfer, when everyone is reluctant to part with her and sees her off, I am like a foreigner who cannot speak a language, and I can only face it. Standing aside with an expression.

Slowly, everyone started not to play with me.

'Fujiwara-san is always cold, giving people a terrible feeling. ' I hear whispers like that every now and then.

Their choice is right.

After all, I'm a freak.

How can freaks live in peace with ordinary people?They will definitely join forces to expel me.

Just like the people in the story expel ghosts.

That day is coming soon.

In order to cultivate students' sense of love and cooperation, the school will distribute some cute animals to each class, so that students in the same class can raise them together.

The one that was handed over to my class was always a cute little rabbit.

It has red eyes, snow-white soft body hair, and a pair of long, extremely dexterous ears.

Everyone liked him very much and took turns being his keeper.

However, one morning, it was found dead in its cage.

It seemed that someone had forced a firecracker into its mouth, so the death of this little rabbit was actually quite miserable.

Everyone was so sad that they burst into tears.

Of course, the so-called everyone has never included me.

I was still the same as before, just standing aside with no expression on my face.

Such an abnormal performance will naturally be suspected——

"Did you do this!" While sobbing with red eyes, she glared at me the name of the girl, to be honest, I don't know.

It's not that I forgot, it's just that I simply didn't remember.

"Not me." I shook my head.

"Liar!" She uttered a loud voice, "Is there anyone else besides Fujiwara-san who can be ruthless enough to do such a cruel thing?!"

"When everyone is sad for Tutu, only you are indifferent."

"Because of your 'masterpiece', which made us so sad, after the successful revenge, you must be fighting the urge to laugh now, right?"

"I've said it all, I didn't do it." I shook my head, "And, why should I retaliate against you? You didn't do anything bad to me."

"Still pretending to be stupid!" Driven by grief, she seemed to have given up everything, "You clearly know that we are talking bad things about you behind your back!"

"Did you mean that you said I was 'cold and scary'?"

"You really know!" She looked like she had found the truth, "If you have any dissatisfaction, just come to us directly? Why do you want to hurt poor Tutu?"

"Dissatisfaction... what is it?" I looked puzzled, tilted my head and asked, "Should I be dissatisfied because of your bad words in private?"

"Huh?" My answer obviously exceeded her expectations, and she could only make such a dull voice.

"Again, this has nothing to do with me," I said so emphatically, "I'm just...not sad."

"It's obvious that Tutu died so badly!"

"Is there any necessary connection between the two? Why do I feel sad when I see its tragic death?" I am not being sarcastic, but I am sincerely asking for advice.

"Takahashi-san, may I ask, why did you feel sad after seeing the death of the rabbit?"

'Takahashi-san' opened his mouth, but did not make any answer.

In the end, she could only look at me with eyes full of fear——

"You monster in human skin!" she cried.

Instead of feeling angry, I nodded in agreement.

"I think so too."

A person who is not sad but feels at ease when he hears the news of the death of his beloved grandma is not a human being at all, right?

Takahashi-san was able to see through my essence, and I couldn't help but feel a little relieved about it.

But that's the end of my relationship with her.

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