The two were able to become quite good friends when they were young. In the eyes of Fujiwara Chika, it was actually a somewhat incredible thing.

She was naturally quite curious about it.

Murasaki Shikibu glanced at his niece who was looking at him expectantly.

In fact, not only when she was a child, she still regards Minamoto Raimitsu as her best friend now.

But, after what happened on Sunday, it's a little hard to say whether Minamoto Raimitsu still thinks so.

After thinking for a while, Zi Shibu opened his mouth slightly——

"Your Aunt Laiguang didn't have that name at the time."

"When I knew her, her name was actually [Yuanyao]."

Since Qianhua wanted to know, Zi Shibu naturally didn't mind telling her.

"Xiao Yaoyao came to me first."

"However, that's not because she's lonely and wants to find a playmate."

"In the beginning, she was just performing Grandpa's mission..."

Of course, she will not tell Qianhua all the truth.


At the same time, in the study of Yuanjing's family.

Yuan Jing was looking at the last piece of paper he found that was sandwiched in "The Tale of Genji", reading the content on it in some silence.

Compared with the previous two, the outline of [Fujiwara Koko] can hardly be seen in the handwriting of this note, and it has made great strides in the direction of [Murashi Shikibu].

From the changes in the handwriting of the note, we can see the traces of the passage of time.

And just like the first sentence on it, the protagonist of this note is [Yuan Yao].

In other words, Minamoto Raimitsu when he was a child.


I met my kind, her name is Yuan Yao.

She is my sworn enemy and my best friend.

It is the other half of my body and my incompatible enemy.

Why did you develop such a relationship with Yuan Yao?

Even thinking about it now, it's amazing to me.

It’s been about a year since I stopped going to school. When my grandfather came to visit me one time, he was accompanied by a small little girl carrying a Nodachi almost as tall as her.

She is Yuan Yao.

'The Minamoto family and the Fujiwara family are family friends, you should get along well. After leaving these words with a smile, grandpa left, leaving only me and Yuanyao.

But I didn't follow her grandfather's advice.

After I dropped out of school, Grandpa, Dad, Mom, and brothers have done the same thing so many times that it kind of bores me.

Anyway, as long as I show my true nature to her and let her know that I am an ignorant monster, she will be afraid of me and stop contacting me, right?

I thought so at the time.

But Yuan Yao obviously didn't think so.

After grandpa left, she walked towards me, and after walking in front of me, she stretched out her right hand to me.

Reaching out, the meaning of this action is often 'acceptance'.

However, Yuanyao's actions did not allow me to see that meaning at all.

Because there was no expression on her face, and those deep purple eyes didn't seem to be looking at me.

Reminds me of the electric dolls my dad used to buy me.

After installing the battery and turning on the switch, it will 'laugh' and dance.

As long as the battery is not exhausted, even if you push her to the ground, or turn her upside down, its dance will still not stop.

At that time, in Yuanyao's body, I felt such an inhuman texture.

I didn't reach out.

It must be admitted that I seem to be a little curious about the little girl in front of me.

After being pushed to the ground, the doll will just flop around in vain on the ground because it doesn't know how to handle such 'surprise situations'.

But what about Yuan Yao?

What will she do if I keep not responding?

I soon found out.

I don't quite know how she did it. All in all, in the blink of an eye, I turned into a little dog lying on the ground in a mess, with pain everywhere in my body.

When I raised my head and looked at Yuanyao, she still maintained the posture of holding out her right hand to me——

"Hands," she said succinctly.

If you don't give me your hand, I will continue.

She exudes such a breath all over her body.

I give in.

Grabbing my hand and shaking it, Yuanyao pulled me up from the ground.

"From now on, we are friends."

she said so.

This is the beginning of my friendship with Yuan Yao.

If that can really be called friendship.

From then on, I began to observe Yuan Yao.

Slowly, I finally understood where the strange sense of inhumanity in Yuan Yao came from.

She is a hollow doll.

No, it's not that she can't feel other people's emotions like me, but that...

She doesn't seem to have any will of her own.

Even a youkai like me has things he wants to do and food he wants to eat.


But Yuanyao couldn't see such a thing.

All her motivations for behavior are the instigation and wishes of others.

Things that she really did of her own volition—

One piece all none!

The behavior of making friends before was not because she wanted to make friends with me, but because she was asked to do so by her grandpa.

Although different from me, but...

Yuan Yao is also a 'black sheep'.

It is an existence that is incompatible with ordinary people.

After learning this, I started approaching her proactively.

Under the gratifying eyes of grandpa, mom and dad, and brothers, we became close friends.

At least on the surface.

I always thought that the relationship between me and Yuanyao would continue like this until one day...

Yuan Yao found her 'heart'.

"Xiangzi, I picked up a child."

One day, she suddenly said that to me.

On her face, I saw a completely different expression from before——

That's a smile.

Not the ritual smile she gave when someone wanted her to.

It's a real, heartfelt, big smile.

Seeing this smile, a very strange but quite violent emotion began to hit me.

"Then congratulations."

After barely saying those words, I watched her leave.

But when I lowered my head and was about to continue reading, I found that there were wet marks that were constantly expanding on the book in front of me.

I touched my cheek in a daze, and felt some kind of liquid coolness.



What didn't flow when I was ostracized by others, what didn't flow when my grandma died, is slipping from my eyes right now in big drops.

Grabbing my chest, my throat was hot and my whole body was shaking.

From that day on, the ignorant monster finally got his first emotion.

The name of this emotion—

called jealousy.

Chapter 38 Yuanjing is Tong Yangfu?

"And then, it's gone?"

Once again, he carefully searched through the "The Tale of Genji" that Murasaki Shikibu had given him, and after confirming that he hadn't missed anything but these three notes, he placed them in front of him in chronological order.

The first note was written about Fujiwara Koko when she was 6 years old. At that time, she witnessed the death of her grandmother, and she felt uncontrollable self-loathing for herself who was not sad because of it, but felt at ease.

That's why she calls herself a 'freak' and 'a monster who doesn't understand people', and it's the beginning of everything.

Although the incident written on the second note did not clearly indicate the time of occurrence, judging from the content of the article and the next note, it should have happened in elementary school.

Asking students to raise small animals such as goldfish, rabbits, and chickens together, or asking them to take turns watering and removing insects from plants is a common method used in elementary school education in Sakurajima.

In addition to cultivating students' hands-on ability and love, it can also exercise everyone's hands-on ability and awareness of division of labor and cooperation. It can be said to be quite a classic approach.

Of course, these are just Yuan Jingdao's hearsay, he himself has never experienced similar things.

After all, in this life, he never went to a traditional elementary school or junior high school at all, he just got a name in the relevant school.

Before going to St. Eden Academy, what he had received was the family education of the Yuan family.

For example, meditation, stance, Suzhen, archery...

Shaking his head, and clearing the painful memories flooding his mind into the corner of his memory, Yuan Jing refocused on the second note.

The things mentioned above are actually very simple. After witnessing the death of her grandma, Fujiwara Koko's mind has been broken unconsciously.

She began to become rather indifferent, and became extremely insensitive to all kinds of emotions.

In Sakurajima, no, it should be said that no matter where they are, abnormal people will be rejected, just more or less.

When everyone is crying, only you have a calm face; when everyone is laughing together, only you have a gloomy face...

If you don't fit in like this, you will definitely become a freak.

Obviously, the opinions of the people around her made Fujiwara Kako's perception of herself clearer.

She can be said to have accepted her identity as a 'freak' or a 'monster' frankly, thinking that she is the misfit black sheep in the white sheep group, which is also the reason for the final conflict.

Since then, Fujiwara Koko no longer went to school, but started a life of "squatting at home".

Unlike what was written on the first note, Yuanjing didn't think Fujiwara Koko did anything wrong.

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