"Well, her mother, Mrs. Touma Yoko, had told her about similar things many times before, but she didn't agree. This time, she was stimulated by something, and she finally made up her mind."

As a good friend of Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino undoubtedly understands more clearly, "This is only the first version, not the final product. She sent it here for the purpose of asking us to make some suggestions."

"Is there any suggestion to give, all of them are pretty good-looking. Sure enough, as long as the person is good-looking, no matter how you take a picture, it will look good." Swiping the screen with her finger, Fujiwara Chika couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Xiao Yukino, do you know that there is a silly saying that is only common in the industry... Regarding the album cover photos of female performers, they are usually taken from the side. If they are more beautiful, they should be more frontal. ; If it is a real big beauty, just take a frontal photo."

She made a very knowledgable expression, and said, "As for a super beauty like Touma, you should take pictures directly from the bottom up! This is the best way to show her charm!"

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was the calmest, noticed Yuan Jing's arrival, she quietly pulled the two of them, motioning them to look towards the door.

When Fujiwara Chika turned her head and saw Yuan Jing, she seemed startled.

She was originally the most lively and generous, but for some reason she suddenly appeared a little shy, and she seemed to be like this all the time in class today, she blushed for no reason when she saw Yuan Jing.As soon as school was over, he ran away in a hurry, Yuanjing couldn't even scream.

And Yukinoshita Yukino showed normal expression, she nodded towards Yuan Jing, and Yuan Jing also nodded back.

This counts as a greeting.

"I've already taken care of the matter with the student union." Yuan Jing said bluntly.

"Oh?" Yukinoshita Yukino opened her eyes wide at first, but she didn't have any doubts about his words.

Yuan Jing has never lied to her, she has already established trust in him in her heart.

She just lowered her head gently, feeling a little lost in her heart——

This time, she didn't come in handy.

Obviously he is the president of the Lamb Society.

She stared at the interface of her mobile phone, and on it, 'Touma Kazusa' was looking at herself.

My friends have already started to move forward, but what about me?

Am I still in the same place?

Chapter 31 Entrusted only to you

The midterm exams at St. Eden's Academy lasted a total of one and a half days, namely Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

This is a huge vortex that engulfs all teachers and students in the school, and no one can stay out of it.

During this day and a half, all club activities were suspended, and the approval of extracurricular activities became extremely strict.The atmosphere of the entire campus has also become extremely tense.

Outside of exam time, the most common sights on campus are people holding various small notebooks and chanting words.

The disciplinary atmosphere of St. Eden Academy has taken on a new look. What the executive committee members have done the most in the past few days is no longer to arrest problematic students who violate school rules, but to provide help for mentally fragile students——

After each exam, many students could not help but cry bitterly.

During this day and a half, the psychological counseling teachers became the busiest group of people on campus.

They had been prepared for a long time, and had already submitted an application to the Board of Education to temporarily hire a group of psychiatrists, and they were passed at the speed of light.

Even so, they are also very tired.

The storm will always pass.

At that time, no matter how messy the ground is, there will always be a beautiful and gorgeous rainbow in the sky.

The same goes for midterms.

No matter how well they did in the exam, after finally passing this difficulty, the mood of all the students will be uncontrollably high.

The St. Eden Academy on Wednesday afternoon was wrapped in the joy of the rest of the life, and the relationship between the students seemed to suddenly become harmonious.

At least in a short period of time, this kind of sympathy between brothers and sisters will make people more tolerant of each other.

This extremely special period usually lasts until the ranking is released.

Yukinoshita Yukino feels the deepest about this.

During this period, she, who had been treated coldly and isolated in the class, unexpectedly felt some tolerance and warmth.Just like now——

On Wednesday afternoon, after the first get out of class.

Just as she was immersing herself in preparing for what the teacher was going to say in the next math class, a girl from the same class came over and knocked on her desk.

When she raised her head in surprise, thinking that the other party was looking for trouble again, she pointed lightly at the door of the class, "Someone is looking for you."

Before Yukinoshita Yukino could respond, she left without looking back.

Although there is still a bit of stiffness in the words, the attitude is not very friendly.But compared to before the midterm exam, it was much better.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked towards the door, and found a black-haired girl waving at her——

That is Touma Kazuya.

her best friend.


With Touma and Sasa in front and Yukinoshita Yukino behind, the two came to an empty classroom at the end of the floor.Because the midterm exam needs to be seated separately to prevent cheating, a large number of empty classrooms that were originally idle have been used.

These classrooms will be closed and locked one by one after school is over, and the executive committee members under the student union will check the condition of the tables and chairs and whether there are any leftovers.

But it's not time for school to end yet, so the two girls took advantage of a loophole.

After closing the classroom door, Yukinoshita Yukino turned her head around, and just when she was about to ask Touma Kazusa what was going on, she felt something covering her head.

The soft feeling tightly covered the ears, and a lukewarm silence descended.

The instant she realized it was headphones, she was thrown into the torrent of sound.

Led by the general piano, the music army composed of various instruments just drowned her out. The pouring down intense rhythm was like a tropical torrential rain hitting the embankment, making Yukinoshita Yukino's heart tremble violently up.

In just a few minutes, Yukinoshita Yukino even forgot to breathe.

Until the sound of the music stopped, Yukinoshita stood still in a daze, her whole mind was firmly grasped by the sound of the music, and she even couldn't extricate herself.

The music stopped, and the indifferent silence fell again, Yukinoshita Yukino's pupils finally had focus again.

She turned her eyes back to Touma Kazusa's face, and found that her friend was smiling gently at her.

"This is...?" Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to be still immersed in the previous emotion, her voice was hoarse.

"I told you before the exam, I'm going to release a solo album." Touma Kazusa said softly, she stroked the music player in her hand lovingly, "This is the title track of the first album."

"It's very nice." Yukinoshita Yukino's words were extremely sincere, she was really happy for her friend, "I don't know how to speak professional vocabulary for appreciation, but I know that this song is really good, there is It’s an impulse that makes people want to listen to it a second time.”

"Well, this is his composition after all." Touma Kazusa's cold and glamorous face was melted by something called 'sweetness'. At this moment, the girl's body shone with a radiance of happiness. .

Yukino Yukino was a little silent. She originally had such a guess, but she didn't expect that this guess would turn into reality so quickly.

There is only one 'he' who can make Touma Kazusa show such an expression.

"However, although I have great confidence in his songs, it is indeed an indisputable fact that in today's era, pure music has gradually declined." As if thinking of something, Touma Kazusa cast a shadow on his face, "Therefore , in order to make this album as successful as possible, my mother thought of a way."

She looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and said, "It is to add lyrics to this song, make it a song that can be sung, and let it be sung by popular singers. After the song becomes famous, we will release a song that includes its pure music version." This album."

"That's Mom's plan. Of course, 'his' consent has been obtained beforehand."

"In other words, I need your help." Touma Kazusa said as she looked at Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Me?" Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes widened in surprise, "What can I do?"

"Maybe it's just my willfulness, but I hope that you will complete the lyrics for this song." Touma Kazuya's eyes reflected Yukino Yukinoshita, "This is not handed over to the Lamb Society, but alone Only entrusted to you alone."

Yukino Yukino was a little silent, her green fingers quietly wrapped the cable on the earphone, showing that she was not at peace.

She somewhat understood what Dongma Hesha meant.

It was himself and Yuanjing who pulled him out of the quagmire.Because of this, Touma Kazusa hopes to have her shadow in this album that will open up the future for her.

The issue is--

Do you deserve this trust?

Burying her doubts and anxiety in her heart, Yukinoshita Yukino calmly took the player from Touma Kazusa's hand.

"Okay, I will accept this commission."


That night.

Yukino under the snow is at home.

"It's really strange that Xue Nai would call me." The voice on the other end of the phone was a little surprised and teased.

"I have something to ask this time," Yukinoshita Yukino ignored the teasing in the other party's tone and said, "Do you allow outsiders to sit in on the literature class in your university?"

After hesitating for a moment, she reluctantly added a word at the end——

"elder sister."

Chapter 32 My chest feels tight

In Yukinoshita Yukino's bedroom, the originally neat and tidy room no longer looked like it did before.

All kinds of waste paper balls spring up from every corner of the room like mushrooms after the rain, and there is a growing trend.

And the culprit of all this is our Yukinoshita Yukino classmate.

She was wearing a pair of over-ear headphones, and while listening to the music flowing from it, she held up a piece of paper full of alteration marks in her hand, as if she was humming softly to the music.

But immediately, she stopped.

She moved the pen in her hand to a certain sentence she wrote, and after a moment of deliberation, she crossed out a certain word on it.

Lightly tapped on it with a neutral point, she seemed to want to change another word, so she began to think about it in context.

As a result, not only could I not think of the word, but even the whole sentence became more and more unpleasant.Those traces of alteration are like stains one by one, becoming more and more unsightly, and finally——

Xue Nai rolled up the paper full of her hard work with some irritability.


The waste paper group in the room has a new member.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the clock on the wall.

It was already around 9 o'clock at night, and the hour and minute hands formed a perfect right angle.

Did not continue to scourge the next piece of paper.

Yukinoshita Yukino entrusted her body to the bed.

Let that soft existence gently lift up her body, she just stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Even at this moment, the music in the earphones has not stopped.

How many times have you heard it?Yukinoshita Yukino has lost count.

But even after listening to it so many times, she still didn't get bored at all.

It's hard to imagine that this piece of music was written by someone her age.

Although it has been confirmed countless times from the facts, Yukinoshita Yukino still has to be moved by the talent of his member.

Not only Yuanjing, Touma Kazusa's performance is also very good.

She doesn't know much about the appreciation of piano performance, but even so, she can fully feel that Touma and Sa are now quite different from a month ago.

The song that I heard in my ears is the crystallization of these two geniuses.

And what I have to do now is to fill in the lyrics for it.

How can this be careless?

However, after a lot of hard work, Yukinoshita Yukino found that, unlike those two, she didn't seem to have the ability to write lyrics.

Although she has read quite a lot of literary works and has received the influence of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign masterpieces, she can proudly put the title of "Literary Girl" on her head.

But in terms of writing lyrics for songs, it is true that she has touched her blind spot a bit.

In addition, she has a tendency to be a little perfectionist, and she really doesn't want her friends to be dragged down by herself, which makes this song, which can be called a treasure, fail.

She knew that even if the result would be like this, those two people would not blame herself.

But she will blame herself.

Under the influence of this mentality, the progress of creation is naturally greatly affected.

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