
At this moment, Yuan Jing suddenly felt a very piercing gaze cast on him.

Looking back, he was not surprised to find that the owner of that line of sight was Shinomiya Kaguya.

For Shinomiya Kaguya, who grew up in a big family like the Shinomiya family, concealing one's emotions and showing emotions and anger are the basic skills among the basic skills.

The reason for showing such a strange look that Yuan Jing can easily find out is definitely Kaguya Shinomiya's intention.

'This kind of gaze, why is it so like the gaze of an ex-boyfriend looking at his current boyfriend after being proposed to break up by his beloved girlfriend? "Yuanjing complained in his heart, "Is this my illusion? '

"Okay." Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room, "Compared to caring about the situation of that Hayasaka classmate, there are more critical and urgent things to care about now."

Her appetite was not large, and she wanted to announce something after the meal, so she deliberately speeded up her eating and became the first person in the room to finish her lunch.

After packing up her bento box and chopsticks, Yukinoshita Yukino walked to the front of the room, which was in front of the small blackboard.

Facing the three people who were looking at her, Yukinoshita Yukino cleared her throat and said, "Do you have any good suggestions for the activities that the Lamb Society will hold in the cultural festival?"

The cultural festival is an annual event of St. Eden Academy, which is held every autumn and lasts for two days.

The originally closed campus will be open to all outsiders in these two days. As long as you have an invitation letter, you can enter this ancient and mysterious noble school to play and enjoy various activities carefully prepared by various classes and clubs.

As for where the invitation letter came from, it was naturally printed and distributed by the student union that was in charge of everything. In addition to the two copies that each student would have, the student union would also set up a special website to sell it to the outside world.

Of course, the invitation letter can only let you enter St. Eden Academy.If you want to enjoy activities such as performances of St. Eden's classes and societies, you will also pay for it exclusively.

For this part of the money, [-]% will be handed over to the school, [-]% will flow to the student union for public use, and the remaining [-]% will be allocated by the class or club itself.

To put it simply, the so-called cultural festival is actually an annual day when people inside the school earn money from people outside the school.

St. Eden Academy would like to take this opportunity to let students understand how to make money, hone their sensitivity to money and the ability to grasp business opportunities.

After all, those who go to school here are basically the heirs of capitalists and chaebols, and there is no harm in getting in touch with relevant knowledge early.

It is also for this reason that there is a clear stipulation in the "St. Eden Academy School Rules" that all clubs and clubs must participate in the cultural festival and provide at least one performance or activity, otherwise they will be banned.

This is also one of the reasons why Yukinoshita Yukino, the president of the Lamb Society, would say that this matter is an imminent event.

Chapter 3 Proposal full of Yuanjing's personal style

"About the items that the Lamb Society will provide at the cultural festival, I actually have an idea."

The first to respond to Yukinoshita Yukino's proposal was neither the most active and cheerful Chika Fujiwara, nor Shinomiya Kaguya who had the intention of making friends with him.

It's Yuanjing who has always shown little interest in this matter.

"Kaguya Kaguya, pinch me quickly, I want to make sure if I'm dreaming." These surprised words came from Chika Fujiwara.

"Qianhua, I have pinched myself just now, so I can be sure that this is not a dream." Shinomiya Kaguya's tone was as calm as ever. If you don't listen to the content of her words, you even feel that she is saying something quite ordinary things.

Without paying any attention to these two people, Yuanjing gently put the finished lunch box aside, "Generally speaking, the activities provided by the club are closely related to the nature of the club."

"For the calligraphy club, there will be a calligraphy exhibition; for the drama club, there will be a drama performance for the audience; for the kendo club, it is estimated that one will choose between kendo performance and kendo confrontation."

"Hey, student Yuan Jing, do you want to hold an event that is closely related to the nature of the Lamb Club like them?" Fujiwara Chika obviously heard Yuan Jing's intention, "But, the purpose of our Lamb Club is not the same. Is it just to solve problems for other students and teachers? Could it be that this activity is going to expand the business scope of the Lamb Club outside the school?"

"How is that possible." Yuan Jing shook his head, denying Chika Fujiwara's words, "Student Fujiwara, I have to remind you a little bit." He raised his right hand to the three people in the room, then bent his thumb, only Leaving four slender fingers exposed in front of everyone.

"There are only four members of the Lamb Club. What's worse, three of them are not only members of the club, but also [executive committee members] of their class." Along with Yuanjing's words, the middle finger, ring finger and little finger all They bent down one after another.In the end, only one index finger was left standing upright.

"Once you become an executive member of the class, you need to be responsible for the activities of the class, which will definitely take up a lot of time and energy. I am not pessimistic about whether you can be a good executive member. Yukinoshita, Fujiwara Classmates and Shinomiya-san are very capable people."

"As long as you think about it, it's no problem to complete the work of the 'Executive Committee'."

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Yuan Jing, showing a somewhat subtle expression.

This man was able to say words to boast of others so calmly and naturally, without showing the slightest bit of restraint or shyness... This is considered a remarkable talent.

Considering his previous attitude, even I, who was the most indifferent to him, even somewhat hostile, couldn't help but feel a little proud at this moment, let alone those two people.

Chika Fujiwara showed her signature 'warm' expression on her face, she stared at Yuanjing with gleaming eyes, as if she was urging him to say more, if she had a tail, she should be in high spirits right now right and left?

Although Yukinoshita Yukino was still able to rely on her calm personality to suppress her inner emotions, there was already a smile on her lips, and it seemed that she was in a pretty good mood.

"What a natural seductress," Shinomiya Kaguya said silently in his heart as the most transparent outsider, "Hayasaka, if you really want to hug [Beauty] back, you have to work harder Oh. '

'Of course, I won't help you, you haven't regained my trust yet. ' She added a little arrogantly in her heart.

Yuan Jing didn't care about Shinomiya Kaguya's inner activities, but continued to talk about his thoughts, "However, besides completing the work of the [Executive Committee], how much time and effort can the three of you spare to prepare the lamb?" The activities of the meeting, that is an unknown.”

"Don't be in a hurry to make guarantees or denials," Yuan Jing said first when he noticed that Fujiwara Chika seemed to want to say something, "For everything, when making plans, you must take the worst case into consideration."

"And in the worst case, that is - the other three members of the Lamb Club can't get out, and in the end, I have to do all the work by myself."

Yuan Jing shook his right index finger, and said with a serious expression.

"Under this circumstance, it would be unwise to extend the Lamb Club's tentacles to people outside the school as Fujiwara-san said. On the contrary, this activity should develop in the direction of [short, smooth and fast]. "

"So, my opinion is this."

Yuan Jing stood up and walked towards the blackboard where Yukinoshita Yukino was.Picking up the chalk in his hand, he wrote a word on the blackboard.

"This is an event that fits well with the word 'lamb', and it also fits well with the purpose of our club."

After moving their bodies away from the blackboard, a somewhat unfamiliar word appeared in front of the girls' eyes. It was——

【Confession room】.

This is actually a word with a strong religious connotation.

In a person's life, they will more or less violate their conscience or principles and do things that make them feel guilty.These things will become a lingering shadow, making the parties sleepless and restless.

In order to solve this phenomenon, religions invented [confessional room].

Believers pour out their sins to the clergy and swear to repent; the latter pardons each other's sins in the name of God.

This can be said to be the prototype of psychotherapy.

The predecessor of St. Eden Academy was a church school, and the word 'lamb' in the Lamb Club was also taken from the Bible. From this aspect, the [confession room] is indeed consistent with the style of these things.

Looking at the word on the blackboard, Yukinoshita Yukino showed a subtle expression——

"Student Yuanjing, you just want to read quietly without being disturbed these two days?"

In modern society, such things as [confession room], even in churches, are mostly regarded as places of interest and historical sites, and are rarely used by clergy.

In addition to the background that people's beliefs are gradually fading, another important reason is that people have more convenient and effective ways to dispel the haze in their hearts.

Of course, one of the important reasons is to no longer trust the clergy to keep their secrets.

This is already the case for professionals' [confession rooms], not to mention this kind of child's play facility held by students.

If this is really the case, Yukinoshita Yukino can already see the future of that empty house.

No wonder Yuanjing proposed such a plan, he wanted to avoid the orders of the class, and do what he wanted to do here without being disturbed?

It was a proposal full of his own style, but it was indeed quite in line with his own meaning.

The Lamb Club didn't expect to make any money in this area, it was just out of the need of school regulations.

Besides, wouldn't it be better if no one came?if that is the case......

In the end, Yuanjing's plan was unanimously approved.

The Lamb Club's cultural festival plan was decided to be the [confessional room].

Chapter 4 'Bad Guest' and 'Haunted House'

If compared with ordinary schools, the area of ​​St. Eden Academy is about [-] times larger.Therefore, the various items in the school are almost thirty times that of ordinary schools. There are dozens of music classrooms and health rooms, and there are even several movie theaters that are rarely seen in ordinary schools. .

Not only that, St. Eden Academy has a long history.Excluding the university, in the entire Sakurajima, there is almost no modern school that is older than this famous school that was founded in the Kuroship era.

With a large area and a long history, this has led to a consequence, that is——

In this campus, the number of ghost stories is much more than that of ordinary schools.

Every school building, dormitory, and facility has two or three ghost stories or taboo legends. In addition, there are ghostly buildings with water stains on the walls, stains on the ceiling, and doors that cannot be opened... There are so many related legends , It is estimated that even if the ghost story conference is held for two nights, it will not be enough.

The reason for saying this is naturally because the class activities of Class A of Senior One are closely related to these ghost stories.

Now there are only two weeks until the start of the cultural festival. This period of time is not long or short.

But for the class that is interested in achieving good results in the cultural festival, the sooner the theme is determined, the sooner relevant preparations can be made.

So, on the afternoon when Shizuka Hiratsuka announced the news of the cultural festival, after the teacher of the last class announced the dismissal of the get out of class.

Two cultural festival executive committee members from Class A of Senior One stepped onto the podium.

Just like what the Noon Lamb Club did, they had to determine the activities that Class A, Senior One, would present to the tourists of the cultural festival.

The significance of cultural festivals to clubs and classes is not quite the same.

For clubs, cultural festivals are a major source of club budgets in addition to student union funding.Some associations whose grades are not outstanding, resulting in insufficient funding from the student union, or associations with relatively high daily expenses will try their best, hoping to make a fortune from these off-campus tourists, so as to solve the funding problem of their own associations.

But for the class, although it can also earn a certain amount of class fees to improve the living conditions of the class.But after all, the relationship with self-interest is not so great, so there is no single-minded dedication like a club, and no strong fighting spirit that must succeed.

Students generally only regard it as an annual large-scale celebration, and only hope to take this opportunity to have a good time.

It is also because of this that the activities prepared by the class are often more joyful or less focused than those prepared by the club, and do not have such a strong professional temperament.

What the two executive committee members adopted at the beginning was actually a fairly democratic approach——

That is, let every student in the class write down the activities they want the class to hold on paper, and finally collect them for statistics.

Because of the anonymity used, some of these options are filled with appeals of strong personal desires, such as 'black sheep' such as 'bikini contest' (it's already November).

After getting rid of these 'black sheep', there are two most popular options for the students in Class A of Senior One.

One is [Maid Cafe].

The second is [Haunted House].

They're all pretty traditional, if not a little mediocre options.

However, this also means that there are a large number of examples that can be used as a reference. For the still immature freshmen, although the safest plan may not be the best, it is definitely not the worst.

So, the question now is which of these two plans should be chosen as the final plan.

Seeing that there was a tendency to riot in the entire classroom, Chika Fujiwara, one of the executive committee members of the cultural festival, tapped the podium lightly with a blackboard eraser, using a crisp 'bang bang' sound and her own prestige to stop the commotion. possible quarrel.

But this is not the solution after all.

There are a lot of fans for both options, plus some fun people who keep fighting because their suggestions were rejected. If the final decision has no convincing reasons, then this quarrel is almost inevitable.

And at this moment, another executive member of the cultural festival, our maid lady, said, "If you want to open a maid cafe, you must have a certain ability and skills to receive customers."

"Why don't we come and simulate it on the spot, what is the situation when the maid cafe opens?" Ai Hayasaka's blue eyes turned, and a black-haired and black-eyed figure was caught in the wave of eyes, "It's up to Fujiwara-san Let’s act as a maid clerk, and Minamoto-san will act as a customer who comes to the door. It’s just a good time to let everyone see what you might encounter when you open a maid cafe.”

Hayasaka Ai said quite meaningfully.


"Welcome, my master~." Because there is currently no complete set of maid outfits, Chika Fujiwara is wearing an apron from the home economics class as a substitute.

In the space specially vacated by the students, there are tables and chairs.

The smiling Fujiwara Chika guided Yuan Jing to the table.

"Then please allow me to briefly explain some of the rules of our shop!" Handing a textbook as a menu to Yuanjing, Chika Fujiwara said with high spirits, but——

"The rules are all written on the menu, I just have to read it myself. Please bring me a cup of black coffee." Our guests seemed a little uncooperative.

"...Master, the master is so gentle~." Even so, Fujiwara Chika still maintained a very high professionalism, and after a little satisfaction, she continued, "The coffee will be served by the maid lady, Add deliciously upgraded stirring magic—”

"Don't bother, I prefer to do it myself."

"...You can also have a boxing match with the maid." A little crack appeared in the perfect smile, but Fujiwara Chika continued, "If you win, you can get a special cookie—"

"No, I don't like biscuits very much, can I have my coffee soon?"

"...That." The smile on Fujiwara Chika's face gradually disappeared.She didn't just leave the table and chair, but said a word softly.

"Then?" Yuan Jing tilted his head, as if he didn't notice the strangeness of the other party.

"Then why don't you just go to an ordinary coffee shop, Master~~~~!"

As expected of Yuanjing, he can still touch Chika Fujiwara's heartstrings so easily.

In every sense.

Facing the students who were deep in thought, Ai Hayasaka's voice rang in their ears, "After all, the target of opening this store is people outside the school, so it's hard to say whether there will be people who are as troublesome as Minamoto, or even more troublesome than him. "

"Are you really prepared to greet evil guests with a smile?"

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