Chapter 7 Take the hat to collect money (1/2)

The music you want to listen to will vary with the local environment and mood at that time.This is true for almost everyone.

If you want to lift your spirits, you will listen to music with a cheerful rhythm;

Before going to bed, listen to melody and hypnotic music;

When reading a masterpiece, you will listen to soothing and melodious tunes.

And when enjoying breakfast this morning, under the rays of morning light, it is advisable to choose slow-paced and steady tunes.

Looking at the clear blue sky through the window, you will feel extremely peaceful in your heart.

Yuan Jing liked this time very much, and regarded it as the most refreshing time of the day.

As the saying goes, morning is the best plan for a day, and having a perfect morning is very important to Yuanjing.

After that, he will put the prepared lunch box and homework textbooks into the school bag, and after tidying up his appearance in front of the mirror, he will walk out of the house fully dressed, and then embark on a journey to school.

"Hey, Siri, switch the channel to the morning news... Huh?" Pushing open the door of the apartment, just as Yuanjing instructed the AI ​​to play the morning news, a very familiar voice A figure appeared in his field of vision——

Just in front of the apartment, facing the gate, a figure was standing under a sycamore tree.

After seeing Yuan Jing who pushed the door and came out, her eyes lit up, as if she wanted to run directly towards Yuan Jing, her demeanor was very much like a loyal dog running towards its owner.

But it seemed that her legs were numb due to standing for a long time and the cold weather.It was okay when she was just maintaining a standing posture before, but when she started trotting, she suddenly felt that her legs and feet seemed to be a little out of control.

Coupled with the fact that the ground was not too smooth, after taking a few steps, accompanied by an exclamation, her feet softened and she was about to fall to the ground.

Just when the girl closed her eyes resignedly to her fate, a pair of powerful big hands supported her shoulders, helping her stabilize her figure, and the boy's words rang in her ears:

"Touma-san, why are you here?"

That's right, the black, long, straight girl waiting in front of Yuanjing Apartment's door is named Touma Kazusa.

She is the ace of the classical music department, Yukinoshita Yukino's best friend, the only daughter of the world-class pianist Touma Yoko, and——the loyal dog girl who first fell in love with Shang Genjing.

Although Touma Kazusa would often wait for him on the road, and go to school with him listening to music.

But she would basically just wait for him at the ramp in front of St. Eden Academy, not just in front of her apartment building.

And the reason why the other party would make such an abnormal behavior should be that there is something special to come to him, right?

After he stood still, Yuan Jing withdrew his hands, "If you need me for anything, just ring the doorbell and call me. You don't have to wait under the tree so foolishly."

In Tokyo in November, the temperature in the early morning is gradually approaching freezing point. Even if the winter school uniform of St. Eden Academy is very effective in keeping warm, plus a pair of thick black pantyhose enough to resist the cold, it can only make Touma and Yarn is a little more comfortable.

Compared with standing in the cold wind and waiting bitterly, it is obviously more comfortable to be in a warm and spring-like home.

After patting his chest lightly, and calming down his heartbeat that had accelerated due to various reasons, Touma Kazusa said, "Actually, I just arrived too."

"So that's it, did you just arrive?" Yuan Jing rubbed his fingers a little, feeling the cold warmth melt away on his fingertips.

That was the white crystal that he touched from the shoulder of the girl when he was helping the girl just now, commonly known as 'Frost'.

It is the ice crystals caused by the condensation of morning dew.

Since this kind of thing can appear on the shoulders, Touma Kazusa is by no means just 'just arrived' as she said.

Glancing at Touma Hesa, who was full of seriousness and seemed to be still insisting on what he said, Yuanjing gently pulled out an earphone from his ear, and put it on Tooma Hesa's small In the pierced ears——

"Hey, Siri. Play a tune about lying and hiding, and make someone realize that lying is wrong."

After a short pause, the electronic AI faithfully completed the master's task, and a rather loud music sounded in the ears of the two.

The rough music style made Yuanjing's eyes widen in surprise.

Is it a death metal song?Today's technology is really amazing.

With this style, the source of "not picky eaters" can naturally find out the advantages that can be appreciated.

But for Touma Kazusa, who has grown up from a small bubble in classical music, it is obviously too early for such a style of music.

From the tightly furrowed brows of the other party, it can be seen that Touma Kazusa didn't feel any enjoyment at all.

But the girl did not pull the earphones out of her ears, as if she was going to grit her teeth and endure it like this.

Naturally, he didn't show the slightest intention to change his mind.

One or two are like this...

Shaking his head with these sweeping source scenes, he took out his mobile phone and manipulated it a bit, the original heart-piercing voice was quietly silenced, and transformed into a melodious tune.

This is the sound of the bamboo flute.

Touma Kazusa's tightly frowning brows also calmed down, and a little fascination began to appear on her expression, as if she was quite satisfied with the piece of music.

Amid the melodious sound of the flute, Yuan Jing took a step forward and began to walk towards the nearest tram stop, while Touma and Sasa naturally followed closely beside him.

Under the light of the morning sun, the shadows of the two were pulled out a long trajectory, and finally blended together harmoniously.

I have you, you have me.


"Ms. Yaozi has something urgent to go to Vienna to stay for at least a week, so the album work has to be temporarily suspended?" Hearing Touma Hesa's words, Yuan Jing showed a somewhat surprised expression, and after hearing Touma Hesa's request Then, he smiled and shook his head.

"No, Dong Ma, I don't know anything about the preparation work of records and albums. If you want to ask me for help, you may be looking for the wrong person." He has never dealt with the entertainment industry much, and he really has no experience in this area.

"If, if you want me to accept this job, Touma-san will probably be ready to be a street performer for a while, and as an apology for messing up, I will probably be the one who holds a hat and collects money for you people." Yuan Jing's words were obviously exaggerated to a certain extent, "You don't want to become like that, do you?"

"...I think it's good to be like that." Touma Kazusa muttered softly in a tone full of yearning, and then showed a little disappointment, showing an aggrieved expression, It makes people feel the urge to bully her.

She sighed lightly, as if she had given up on this idea, and did not force her anymore, but Yuan Jing's words were obviously not finished yet.

"Although I'm not going to get involved in the preparation of the album, it doesn't mean that I won't do anything. During this week, we can do some other work, such as the promotional warm-up." Looking at Some lost Touma and Sha, Yuan Jing said, "Isn't this a very good opportunity?"

Dongma Hesha was stunned for a moment, and then immediately revealed a dazed expression.

The "opportunity" in Yuanjing's mouth naturally refers to the annual grand ceremony of St. Eden Academy, which is enough to affect the "cultural festival" in Tokyo.

But what is he going to do?

Chapter 8 earns 2 million won! (2/[-])

You may have discovered that the Student Union of St. Eden Academy has a governing body called the Executive Committee.

And the person responsible for coordinating the cultural festival activities of the class, the name appointed by the teacher is also [Executive Committee].

In fact, this is not the fault of the school or the student union. It actually has a deep origin.

The prototype of the executive committee, or the first group of people, was actually the executive committee members of each class in a certain cultural festival.

In that cultural festival, the student union members led by the student council president and the executive committee members of each class worked together to achieve an astonishing success in the cultural festival.

That generation of student council presidents benefited from it. Relying on their high prestige, astonishing skills, and smooth communication skills, they successfully retained the time-sensitive position of 'executive committee member' and turned the executive committee into a student council. subordinate agencies.

This organization from [temporary] to [permanent] no longer takes the annual cultural festival as the center of activity, but has become an extension of the power of the student union.

To commemorate this event, the student council president did not change the title of 'executive member'.

This is also the reason why the two have the same name.

Of course, although the names are the same, until today, the two are actually two things.

In order to prevent confusion, the executive committee members who specialize in cultural festival services, such as Yukinoshita Yukino, Shinomiya Kaguya, and Fujiwara Chika, will have a prefix of "cultural festival" in their previous homes, that is, [Cultural Festival Executive Committee] 】.

After the cultural festival executive committee members of each class are elected, the student council president will hold a special meeting in the central school building where the student union is located to control the cultural festival at a macro level.

In order not to disturb the daily study of these cultural festival executive committee members, these meetings are basically held before morning self-study and after school. This is also an important reason why cultural festival executive committee members are regarded as a hard job.

The meeting room is on the first floor of the central school building, and it is a rather large living room.At the forefront of the meeting room, there is a podium and supporting video facilities.

On this morning, Ningguang, who is the president of the student council, gathered the new batch of cultural festival executive committee members and held their first meeting.

The start time of the meeting is half an hour before self-study.

"Next, I want to talk about matters related to the TV commercials related to the cultural festival. According to the usual practice, the school's film research club, graphic design club and performing arts club will work together to provide several finished products for the TV station to choose from. ..."

The president of the student council, Ning Guang, was talking eloquently on the podium in the conference room, and on the curtain behind her, the content of the ppt she made by herself was projected, looking quite professional.

"...TV commercials?" Yukinoshita Yukino who was sitting under the stage with other cultural festival executive committee members, copying important contents in a notebook, widened her eyes a little, showed a somewhat unbelievable expression, and started Ask Shinomiya Kaguya who is on the side.

"Will our school's cultural festival be advertised on TV?"

"Of course." Shinomiya Kaguya, who is a direct student, is obviously used to this, "The relationship between TV Tokyo and St. Eden Academy is quite good, and more than half of its top figures are graduates of St. Eden Academy Students, naturally willing to sell the face of their alma mater. Of course, the necessary investment is indispensable."

Not only will he advertise on TV, but he will even be on an influential TV station like TV Tokyo. Yukinoshita Yukino feels once again how outrageous the school he is at, St. Eden Academy.

"Besides, the promotion of brochure sponsors will end this weekend. After returning to class, you can spread the word to your classmates and let interested parents contact the student union."

'That's right, St. Eden Academy is an out-and-out aristocratic academy, and it has very close ties with various chaebols in Tokyo. Many students are even directly children of chaebol families, such as the one next to me. Kaguya Shinomiya. '

Looking at the confident smile on the podium, Yukino Yukino thought silently in her heart: "Thinking about it this way, it is quite reasonable to have such influence." '

'However, when it comes to the family, except for the sentence [ordinary family], Yuanjing seems to have never mentioned relevant information again, and Shinomiya seems to have tried this, but he has been fooled by him lightly.Moreover, all his spending in Tokyo seems to have come from his scholarship and stock market, and he has not received assistance from his hometown. '

'Is it because his family is too poor, or is it because the relationship between Yuan Jing and his family is not harmonious? '

With the investigation of her own mind, Yukinoshita Yukino gradually began to care about some things that she didn't care about before.

If you want to attack Yuanjing, a peak like a natural moat, you have to use all available means.

This is the consensus of the girls.

There is no doubt that Yuan Jing's family, which is still secretive to this day, may be a big help.

This is also what the girls are looking forward to, the most likely breakthrough.

While the girls were thinking and writing, time passed quietly. Finally, the president of the student union announced, "So, today's meeting is over. I would like to ask everyone to stand up and use slogans chorus to draw the conclusion of this meeting."

As soon as Ning Guang said this, there was the sound of chairs being pulled in the conference room, and the executive committee members of the cultural festival stood up one by one, waiting quietly for Ning Guang to speak the slogan first.

What surprised Yukinoshita Yukino again was that Ningguang's next slogan was neither chic nor elegant, nor high-sounding, but quite straightforward and down-to-earth, making it easy to understand.

Chairman Ningguang said: "The profit is [-] million yuan!"


Not for the dumbfounded Yukinoshita Yukino, the other people in the conference room are obviously familiar with Chairman Ningguang's behavior——

"A profit of [-] million yen!" Except for Yukinoshita Yukino who was slow, everyone followed the president and shouted.

The explicit slogan shook the air in the conference room.

To be able to make these rich kids behave like this, and even get used to it...

Sister Ningguang's control over this school is really terrifying.

If the person in that seat is me, can I do this?

Yukinoshita Yukino did not give up her goal of becoming the student council president. After a series of incidents, her ambition became more and more firm.

This is the initial contract she made with Yuanjing, and it can be said to be of great significance to her.

"Okay, that's the momentum!" Ning Guang smiled like a flower, and applauded lightly with her hands, obviously quite satisfied with everyone's mental outlook, "The meeting is over, let's disband."

"Oh, that's right," as if he just remembered something, he stared in one direction, which is the direction of Yukinoshita Yukino's Senior Class B, "Student Yukinoshita of Senior Class B, please Stay here, I have something to tell you."

Yukinoshita Yukino raised her head, and saw Ning Guang's eyes looking straight at her.

Gently clenching her hands into fists, she also met those red eyes without fear.

His attitude is like that of a warrior who has just been reborn from the ashes.

Chapter 9 The Otter and the Stone

Yukinoshita Yukino is not the first time to come to the office of the student council president, nor is it the first time to face Ning Guang, the student council president.

But compared to the last time, she was completely different in terms of mentality and awareness.

In addition to her own growth, there is another important reason, that is, the girl realizes that Ningguang is not as invincible as she imagined.

A certain boy had already set an example for her.

Although Yuan Jing did not tell others what happened between him and the student council president.But as one of the parties involved, Yukinoshita Yukino was able to clearly notice the change in the attitude of the student union to Yuanjing.

Ningguang covets Yuanjing, this Yukinoshita Yukino is quite aware of.

As for whether this relationship is purely a desire for talents, or does it contain a certain kind of emotion that is unique to certain men and women...

Yukinoshita Yukino is not very clear.

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