"...I see. Is this the reason for handing over the jurisdiction?" Touma Kazuya seemed to have finally realized something, and murmured.

That's right.

Music appreciation is a very subjective thing. Some people will love the same piece of music to the core, while others will frown upon hearing it.

This kind of thing is extremely common.

Therefore, the side that gets the jurisdiction often gains an infinite advantage.But for this advantage to be established, there must be a prerequisite——

Can't play wrong.

If one party plays wrongly, but the other party plays correctly.Then, victory naturally belongs to the side that is correct.

Just yesterday, Touma and Sa thought that she was sure of winning; but now, she realized that she seemed to have fallen into the 'trap' of the man in front of her without knowing it.

However, this is where it gets interesting.

Touma Kazusa silently put away the scores, and walked out of Class A of Senior One without looking back.

With the race just two days away, she has little time left.

After watching the other party walk out of the classroom, Yuan Jing yawned, lay down on the desk again, and slept until lunch break.

He didn't sleep all night last night.

Chapter 13 The Keyboard Is Not a Piano

On the class schedule of St. Eden Academy, the column headed by [Saturday] and [Sunday] is empty, but this does not mean that the weekend here is quiet.

exactly the opposite.

The weekends of St. Eden Academy may be more lively than the school days.

As I said before, this college accommodates hundreds of clubs, many of which rank among the best in Sakurajima.And this is obviously inseparable from the support of the academy itself——

On weekends, all facilities in the school will be open to all students under the arrangements of the Student Union.

This is also an extremely important reason for the overwhelming power of the student union. As long as you get the permission of the student union, you can basically do whatever you want in the academy.If you want, you can even play galgame live on the big screen in the school playground.

There shouldn't be such a boring person, right?

However, this has nothing to do with Yuanjing and his party for the time being.They don't need to borrow school facilities, just a small classroom is enough.


St. Eden Academy does not stipulate that school uniforms must be worn on weekends. As long as you bring your student ID card, you can pass the inspection of the gate guard.Therefore, in order to show their repressed nature, the students who will go to St. Eden's Academy on weekends will basically put on their own civilian clothes.

Yukinoshita Yukino is no exception.

In order to meet today's game, she dressed up in the morning, and even spent a lot of time on matching clothes, and finally changed into a plain dress that she liked very much.

In order not to let her long hair hinder her playing, she specially tied them up behind her head with a hair rope, forming a neat high ponytail.

It reveals a kind of capable innocence.

And when she saw Yuan Jing carrying a big bag, she still couldn't help but widen her eyes——

Yuan Jing was dressed quite stylishly. If you took off the big bags on his back and said that he was a male model preparing to appear on the runway, probably more than [-]% of people would believe it.

"What a surprise, I thought you didn't know anything about fashion." Yukinoshita Yukino stepped forward, ready to ease the burden on Yuan Jing.

"That's the way it is." Yuan Jing handed the small bag in his right hand to Yukinoshita, "I'm not interested in fashion, trends, etc. This body is the crystallization of other people's hard work."

"...Is this outfit matched by someone else?" Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"That's right," Yuan Jing didn't notice the slight abnormality in Yukinoshita Yukino's expression, all his energy is now concentrated on the big backpack behind him, this is the labor he bought after three days of sleep Results are also the key to victory today.If you accidentally bump into something, then all previous efforts will be wasted. "Just talk to the clerk at the clothing store."

"As long as you say 'I don't know anything about clothes, please help me choose a suit', the shop assistant will give me various suggestions, provide me with a variety of clothing matching styles, and look at me with hope. I, wish I could change them all."

"At this time, you only need to show a little embarrassment and express that you don't want to try on so many sets of clothes, and the other party will say that these are actually discounted products. As long as you can let them take a photo in the store, there is even a chat about the discount. "

"That way, I get multiple matching outfits at once, and most of them are pretty cheap."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Yuanjing speechlessly.This man is conscious of his appearance and doesn't even mind using it as a weapon for his own ends.

What kind of environment did this person grow up in?Yukinoshita Yukino became more and more curious.

"How did you practice that song?"

"I know it by heart."

"Okay." Yuan Jing nodded in satisfaction, "Then, let's end everything today."


Touma Kazusa pushed open the door of the classroom, and immediately, her eyes were firmly attracted by something——

The middle of the classroom was deliberately cleaned up.There, there is a four-legged metal piano stand.It holds a black thing with two layers of structure.

"Double-layer electronic organ?" Touma Kazusa looked at it with some surprise, "Are you going to play on this today?"

"That's right." Yuan Jing nodded, "Student Touma won't be like some pianists who have such a narrow idea of ​​'an electronic organ is not a piano'?"

To be precise, this statement is not wrong.

Because the electronic organ is called a "qin" just because it has a similar appearance to a piano.In fact, the official name of the keyboard should be an electronic synthesizer.

Unlike the piano, which vibrates by striking the strings, the sound of the electronic organ depends on the integrated circuit composed of electronic tubes.Through data sampling, the sound of other musical instruments is obtained, and the electronic organ is therefore able to sound.

Therefore, there is a saying that 'electronic piano is not a piano'.Some pianists will even refuse to play on a keyboard.

But Dongma Hesha is obviously not on this list.

She walked into the black machine that was standing silently, took out a few sheet music from the small bag she was carrying, and placed them solemnly on the music stand of the electronic organ.

Yuan Jing noticed that there were a lot of elegant handwriting and many crossed out marks on these sheet music.It seems that Touma and Kazusa have thought of quite a lot of ways to make the last score that can be called death-like score established, but it seems that it is not too smooth.

So, did Touma Kazusa finally figure out a way to solve this problem?

Yuanjing didn't know.

He didn't have time to think about this kind of problem immediately.

Because, the performance of Touma and Sasa started.

Music is really a wonderful thing. Even though there are no words, it can so easily catch the heartstrings of others.

Before reaching the 'end of death', Yuan Jing's composition was quite beautiful.In fact, this piece of music has been echoing in his heart for a long time.

From the moment he met the giant black bird, some scattered notes floated in his heart.With the accumulation of his piano proficiency, more and more notes were accumulated, and they began to collide with each other constantly.And when Yuanjing reached Lv3, along with the maturity of the master's skills, they also naturally matured, and seemed to be celebrating the resurrection of that 'giant black bird'.

That's right, the piece played by Touma Kazusa is the Phantom Sonata that Yuanjing once played in the valley.

If it wasn't for this beautiful song that resonated with the valley, how could it have subdued the arrogant Touma Kazusa, making her rack her brains and keep her awake at night?

And how could she be persuaded to work hard on the last paragraph, which was obviously malicious?

The performance of Touma and yarn continues.Although it is an electronic piano, Yuanjing has obviously adjusted it to the piano mode, so it is generally the same as playing a piano.

It's just that the keyboard is softer and lighter than a normal piano.If playing the piano feels like tapping the bones of some kind of creature, playing the keyboard feels like stroking feathers.

One bar, two bars, three bars...

Touma and Sa were getting closer and closer.

Just looking at the score, we can tell that this piano piece is not long, only about a few minutes, which is completely incomparable with the concerto that counts in hours.

The harmonious and beautiful prelude passed, and the cheerful and moving interlude passed away quickly.

The song finally came to the end.

Dongma Hesha stopped here.

She didn't continue playing.

Both Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuan Jing opened their eyes with regret, and reluctantly woke up from the wonderful world of music, only to find Touma Kazusa staring at them.

The regret in her eyes was a hundred times stronger.

"I can't play the next part." Touma Kazusa's voice has always been awe-inspiring and beautiful, but at this moment, her voice is quite low, revealing clear disappointment and frustration, "In the past few days, I have tried countless times, but in the end it still couldn’t be done.”

"No matter what method is used, the last section will inevitably be played wrongly. I want to shout out that the last section is written as a piece of shit, but the first half of this piece can't be written by a layman."

"I tried to change the last section, I tried to delete some notes, so that it would work. But no, it doesn't connect with the previous part at all."

"Ah, really, how can there be such a bad genius in this world!" She stared at Yuanjing half indignantly, half enviously, "So, I give up."

She turned her head to look at Yukinoshita Yukino, "Genjing said that you can play this song completely. Then, as long as you can do it, you will be considered a winner."

She stood up and gave way to the piano seat.

Chapter 14 Things Only a Layman Can Do

Humans are creatures that need positive feedback.

Of course, to put it in a poetic way, it needs reward and affirmation.

Put in the effort, get the rewards, and feel happy.

This is a logical process as it should be.

It's easy to get frustrated when the process gets blocked somewhere.

A large part of the reason why people hate boring and monotonous learning is that they can't feel their own progress and feel that their efforts are wasted, so they become restless.

This is human nature.

Yukinoshita Yukino is no exception.

'Am I someone who trusts others so much? '

Yukinoshita would also ask herself the same question when she was practicing the piano score, when her ten fingers were sore and hard to bend and stretch, when she was writing homework and taking notes with the discomfort of her hands.

My relationship with Yuanjing is only a few times, far from being friends, probably just a relationship of the level of 'a stranger who knows the name', how can I trust him to such a degree?

He put his face close to the keys, and her blurry shadow was reflected on the shining white.Yukinoshita Yukino looked at 'her' quietly and suddenly understood something.

When she was a child, she once read a poem written by a famous poet in Huaguo, and there was a sentence in it that left a deep impression on her, that was——

Toast Mingyue, and Yingying became three people.

At that time, she only felt that this sentence was beautiful and chic.

But after time passed, her feeling became another word, that is——


"I've worked so hard. If I still can't win by then, I'll make you look good." Yukinoshita Yukino raised the corner of her mouth slightly, drawing a beautiful arc.

As for how to make him look good——

Yukinoshita Yukino hasn't figured it out yet.

However, she shouldn't have to think about it.


Touma Kazusa gave up the piano seat neatly.

Looking at that seat, Yukinoshita Yukino's heart was a little churned, her lips were a little dry, and her hands were sweating a little.

At this moment, a big hand patted her shoulder, and a quiet and steady voice sounded in her ears——

"Calm down, just do what I teach you, and you will win."

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Yuan Jing next to him from the corner of his eyes, and found that he was smiling encouragingly towards him.

She took several deep breaths, finally stood up, walked to the piano stand, and sat on it.

Looking at the black and white keyboard, Yukinoshita put her hands on it, and in her heart, a series of male voices flowed: "4, 9, 13, 5 and 8,..."

This is the method of reciting music that Yuanjing taught her.For an outsider like Yukinoshita Yukino who doesn't know anything about piano, Yuanjing's method is also simple and rude.

On the electronic keyboard that Yukinoshita Yukino practiced, he marked numbers with an oil-based pen to indicate the direction of the keys.As for the sheet music she was practicing, it was actually a recording of Yuanjing.The length of time the finger is pressed on a certain key is the length of time the source scene stays on this number in the recording.

It's like playing some kind of music game.

Relying on this method, the 'qin skills' (if this can still be called 'qin skills') cultivated are naturally incomparable with Touma Wasa who was born in a professional class.

If it is said that Touma Kazuo's performance was like a bright moon, Yukinoshita Yukino's performance is like a little firefly that flickers on and off.

But even so, Yukinoshita Yukino's piano sound is still accurate.

Not pretty but perfectly correct.

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