A beam of pale light came out from the small hole on the back of the phone, drawing a somewhat abrupt light path in the darkness.

"I'll go and see the situation." As Touma Yoko's daughter and the person who is most familiar with this villa, Touma Hesa ​​volunteered to find out the reason for this strange situation.

But before she could leave, Yuan Jing grabbed her wrist and stopped her behavior.

"No problem, I've lived here for more than ten years, even if I close my eyes, I won't bump into anything." Dongma Hesha thought that Yuanjing was not worried about his safety, so he explained.

Yuan Jing didn't let go of his hand because of this, he shook his head towards Touma and Sha under the fluorescent light emitted from the screen.

"This power outage doesn't seem to be simple," he pointed to his ear with another finger, "Listen, is there some strange sound coming from above?"

After being reminded by Yuanjing, the two women held their breath and listened carefully.

Sure enough, an extremely strange sound came to the ears of the three of them.

It was a sound that sounded very uncomfortable. The two girls frowned when they heard it, but they didn't know where the sound came from.

Yuan Jing is quite familiar with this kind of sound, because he himself often makes this kind of sound——

This is the sound made when steel is cut with a sharp weapon.

Combined with the sudden power outage just now...

Yuan Jing suddenly had a very bad premonition.

This is one of the safest areas in Tokyo, so it shouldn't be possible for something like that to happen, right?

Chapter 53 A true hunter often takes his prey...

"This is the sound of a sharp weapon cutting through steel." Yuan Jing whispered to Yukinoshita Yukino and Touma Kazusa.

After hearing the boy's words, the two girls' eyes widened in horror. Thinking of the sudden power outage just now, they seemed to realize something.

"This is Setagaya, one of the safest places in Tokyo, how could..." Touma Kazusa still looked a little unbelievable.

Different from the apartment building where I live, Touma House is a villa with quite complete security facilities.

After all, Dongma's family is a single-parent family, and because both of them are women, they actually attach great importance to safety issues.

It is almost impossible to break into this villa by violence.

The other party seemed to understand this, so he destroyed the energy system of the villa in advance, directly paralyzing most of the protective measures.

The power supply cable of this kind of villa should be buried deep underground, and the distance from the ground is basically more than 1 meter.

Being able to find where the cable is on the completely invisible ground and cut it in a matter of seconds...

Could it be that this person knows the earth escape technique?

Although he complained so much in his heart, Yuan Jing's actions were not slow at all.

But every second of the next moment is too precious to be wasted on shocking such senseless emotions.

Facing an unexpected situation, only a clown would shout "Bakana (impossible)!" in shock, while someone like Yuan Jing would only directly think about how to solve the problem.

Judging from the voices outside, there was only one person wielding the blade.And he didn't knock on the anti-theft door of the villa.

Even if the electricity was cut off, the iron lump more than ten centimeters thick was not something that could be easily chewed.

He should be hacking the fence outside the window, trying to break through the window.

If there was still electricity, that thug should have been knocked down by the electrified fence, but unfortunately...

"Call the police." Yuan Jing said succinctly, then took out his mobile phone and switched it to the 'flashlight' mode.

He didn't know how fast Sakurajima's police were.Logically speaking, this is the residence of international celebrities. After getting the news, the police will definitely arrive as quickly as possible.

But pinning hope on others is not Yuanjing's style.

There is still a little time before that thug breaks in through the window, so we must take this opportunity to do something.

After all, this is a music room, not an armory.

As a law-abiding citizen, Ms. Touma Yoko has no habit of hiding guns and ammunition, and of course she doesn't collect any knives, guns, swords and halberds.

There are not only musical instruments but musical instruments here, not even a decent sharp weapon!

Although he is very good at music, Yuan Jing is not confident that he can dispel the hostility of the other party with a single piece of music, and make him put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

This is music, not brainwashing!

Moreover, those who can do this kind of thing are either lunatics with a broken brain or some vicious villains.

Even if he really knows how to hypnotize and brainwash, it probably won't have any effect.

Fortunately, Yuanjing is not completely helpless.

With the light of the mobile phone, the young man came to the piano in the underground music room at an extremely fast speed. After opening the cover, he stretched his hand into the piano's 'belly', and with extremely skillful techniques, The piano wires were drawn out.

Hope this thing can be useful......

Klang Keng!



Accompanied by some weird sounds, a pair of white bare feet stepped on the floor of Touma's house.

Minamoto Raimitsu, who was holding a sharp blade, was slightly out of breath.

It took four days to walk from Kawanishi City in Osaka to Tokyo, and then rushed from Yuanjing’s apartment building to Touma House without stopping...

Even someone like Minamoto Raikou couldn't help but feel a little tired.

The shoes that she had worn on her feet had finally just passed away, and she discarded them on the road.

Still, it's all worth it.

Relying on her amazing intuition as a warrior and her terrifyingly strong 'maternal love', she has already noticed the position of her child——

Can't go wrong.

Ah Jing, who had been separated from him for 71 days and 15 hours, was in this villa.


Her purple eyes locked on the stairs leading to the basement.

He's right there in that door!

Stepping barefoot on the floor, Minamoto Raimitsu's movements were as silent as a civet cat.

As long as you get there, as long as you get there.

You can see yourself tossing and turning day and night, unable to sleep at night——


Just after she reached the end of the stairs, she didn't reach out to push the door.

Instead, he directly used the sharp blade in his hand to cut it open with ease.

It was as easy as if the door wasn't made of hardwood, but butter.

Minamoto Raimitsu leaned down gently, and walked into the basement from the "path he opened up".

And the moment Minamoto Raimitsu stepped into the underground music room——

Several extremely strong rays of light came and directly hit her face.

Because she cut a big hole directly, the position of her head is very easy to judge.

All kinds of martial arts, this is the flash!

Being suddenly irradiated by such a strong light in a dark place where you can't see your fingers, as long as you are still a human being, you will definitely be dazzled for a certain period of time.

But Yuanjing's preparations were not limited to this.

Minamoto Raimitsu's foot on the ground of the basement happened to be in the trap. When it was dazzled by the flash, the extremely flexible piano wire tightened under someone's tug, and it fell straight to the ground. Trapped Minamoto Raimitsu's ankle.

A strong pulling force came from it, intending to take away the intruder's balance.

With limited materials, Yuanjing assembled a simple pulley block.

Through this power amplifier, even with the strength of a girl, a strong man can be easily dragged down.

That's right, it was Touma Kazusa who used the flash to illuminate people.

Yukinoshita Yukino held the simple mechanism made by Yuanjing.

And what about Yuanjing?

He was swinging a bass with all his strength and smashing it hard at the head of the uninvited guest.

For the thugs who armed with murder weapons and forcibly broke into other people's residences, Yuan Jing didn't have the slightest idea of ​​being merciful.

What's more, he's not the only one here.

Dongma Hesha and Yukinoshita Yukino are still here.

If he caused any catastrophe because of his momentary softness, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

Facing this sudden triple attack, Minamoto Raimitsu suddenly burst into a very bright smile.

If this is a place like a shrine or temple, this smile is as holy and flawless as a Buddha.

But in this case, this smile brought her an extremely strong coquettish beauty.

The demon-like aura on his body suddenly became stronger.

With Minamoto's intuition, would she fall into such a crude trap?

of course not!

But she just slammed into it in a daze, because this is the fastest way to achieve her goal.

With Ah Jing's shrewdness, if he finds that the enemy has not been caught in a trap, he will definitely hide it.

Although hide-and-seek was fun, she couldn't bear it anymore.

The originally staggering feet suddenly stepped on the floor as if they had taken root, and her vision did not seem to be affected by the sudden strong light.

Facing the attacking Bei Si, there was only a flash of cold light, and it was easily divided into two halves.

After that, Yuan Jing suddenly found that he was hugged tightly by the other party.

"Catch~ Hold~ You~ Got~"

There was hot and humid breath coming from beside my ears.

A true hunter often appears in the form of prey.

Chapter 54 A Handy Woman and Yuanjing's Fiancée? (two in one)

Cut off the power, cut down the fence, smash the windows...

Even if he made such a crazy move, he had to break into this villa recklessly.

With such a crazy act, Yuan Jing originally thought that the other party was a kidnapper who wanted to take hostages, or simply a violent thug.

However, what Yuanjing never imagined was that the other party's target would be himself.

It is precisely because of this kind of misjudgment that this behavior of "delivering goods to the door" appears.

The current situation is really not good.

This woman is quite strong. To outsiders, being held in the arms of such a plump and beautiful young woman is undoubtedly an extremely voluptuous thing, but for Yuanjing, the person involved——

He felt as if he was tightly wrapped around his body by a giant python.

Not only that, as if afraid that he would run away, the other party's vigorous body continued to squeeze his room for movement without hesitation.

It's like wanting to rub Yuanjing's whole body into her arms and never leave her.

...Brother, I understand a little bit how you felt when you were locked up by He Jinyin, and I will never laugh at your final collapse and cry.

The most terrible thing is that with the gradual exertion of the other party, Yuan Jing even began to have difficulty breathing.

Yuan Jing has seen videos of giant pythons hunting their prey.

This large reptile without fangs and venom has developed a safe and effective method of predation during the long evolution process——

That is to use one's own body to tightly entangle the prey.

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