"Oh?" Inoue Teiichiro was really surprised.It's not because of the speed at which the boy earned 500 million yen in those two months.This amount of money may be a big number to ordinary people, but in his opinion, it is nothing more than that.

He believes the same is true for the mother and son in front of him.

What surprised him was that this boy, affectionately called "A Jing" by his mother, was actually able to make money from the stock market, and even swelled his principal to six times in two months... ...

This is not an easy task.

As the deputy director of the Securities Department of the Central Bank of the Imperial City, he naturally knows what the stock market is in this modern society.

That's not a place to get rich.

On the contrary, that's where major companies harvest 'leeks' and make people bankrupt.

And in this place where people can't spit out their bones, the other party can actually make money from it by their own means...

This is really something amazing.

However, there should also be reasons why he invested too little principal and did not attract the attention of those predators at all.

If he poured cold water like this, Teichiro Inoue, who is a human being, would naturally not say that on the other side's head.

Not only did he not say anything, he also followed Yuan Laiguang's words and praised Yuanjing greatly.

When he was young, he was engaged in the lending business, so he naturally had a good mouth.

With just this three-inch tongue, he succeeded in making Minamoto Raimiko, who was already in high spirits, even more elated.

"It just so happens that Ah Jing needs to stay at home for a while because of something." When talking about this, Minamoto Raimiko's eyes flashed a trace of guilt. Flow, Ah Jing seems to be a little bored, but it's time to pay attention to things like the stock market."

"In that case, how can I, as a mother, not help him?"

coming!Today's drama is here!

Inoue Teiichiro couldn't help straightening his waist.

As a middle-aged man in his 40s, he has experienced the most prosperous period of Sakurajima's banking industry.

In the period when Sakurajima clamored to buy the entire beautiful country, the deposits absorbed by the bank had to be lent to enterprises at high interest rates on the one hand, and on the other hand to buy national bonds, which can be said to be insufficient.

At that time, banks were not worried about not being able to make loans. Instead, they advertised door-to-door, trying to get those who like to hide money at home to deposit money in the bank so that they can 'money makes money'.

At that time, the whole country was full of flowers and flames, and the whole country was in a state of carnival.

Afterwards, Sakurajima was forced to lose her way by the two big bosses of the beautiful country, and the banking industry was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

The economy is in a downturn, the real estate industry is declining year by year, the population is shrinking, the problems of declining birthrate and aging population are becoming more and more serious, and the media in Sakurajima blame the banking and financial industry for the economic collapse, and have never stopped criticizing it Demonized, and started shouting 'down-to-earth work is the virtue of Sakurajima people'.

People all over the country in Sakurajima were stunned by the economic crisis. They no longer believed the so-called "financial value-added is the shortcut to getting rich and old-age" and other nonsense advocated by experts. old age.Entrepreneurs have also calmed down and dare not engage in any large-scale financing triple jump.

This is also a species evolution.After all, those people and companies who wanted to borrow money and dared to borrow money basically jumped off the building when the economic bubble was burst, so the rest are naturally cowards.

As a result of this, the banking industry suddenly found that the money in their hands could not be released.

The total deposits of Sakurajima's banks are close to 1000 trillion yen. Even if the bank's interest rate is ultra-low and close to zero (really close to 0, the annual interest rate of Sakurajima deposits is between 0.004% and 0.005%), it can be said that Depositing money in the bank can't appreciate at all, but its bank deposits are still increasing year by year.

This is a common predicament faced by the Sakurajima banking industry, and even such a behemoth as the Central Bank of the Imperial Capital still exists.

"If it's only 600 million yen, it's a bit of a waste of my Ajing's talent." Minamoto Raimiko said proudly, "Earning so much money every day is not worthy of Ajing's energy. .”

"Minister Inoue," the doting mother said to him, "I don't care much about finances, so I don't know exactly how much Minaka has deposited in your bank." She frowned and thought, " But I remember, during the bubble economy before, in order to respond to the country's call, the Yuan family should have saved a lot of money with you."

"That's right." Teiichiro Inoue nodded and said yes. He took out a document that was a few years old from the document bag he carried with him and put it on the glass table. This was what the Shinomiya family had told him on the phone. matter.

"The Yuan family deposited about 200 billion yen in the Central Bank of the Imperial City back then. This is the relevant certificate. As long as the seal of the head of the Yuan family is used, the funds can be retrieved."

Of course, it is impossible for the Yuan family's assets to be limited to such a small amount.Even if those real properties are not included, the cash flow in Yuanjia's hands must be measured in trillions (trillions).

But just like all ancient families, the Yuan family has always been distrustful of the modern banking industry. Coupled with its own tradition of "hiding money", it has basically turned its cash into gold and silver. Hard currency', hidden in a cellar or something.

These 200 billion or so assets were deposited in the central bank of the imperial capital in order to support the construction of the country.

"Is it only 200 billion?" Minamoto Raimiko frowned, looking a little dissatisfied, but this is Tokyo after all, not her home base, Osaka.

It would be a bit of a big fanfare if the Yuan family's main family sent money over.Although she is the patriarch of the Yuan family, she can't act too recklessly.

She looked at Yuan Jing who was held in her arms, her eyes were full of apology, "Ah Jing, why don't you just use the 200 billion to make do with it?"

It was also the first time Teichiro Inoue heard that 200 billion yen was just enough to make do with it. In the eyes of the other party, the 200 billion yen felt like 2 yuan.

Is the Yuan family so extravagant?

Although he had expected it, he still couldn't help but secretly stunned in his heart.

However, this is good.

Licking his lips that were a little dry due to shock, Teiichiro Inoue said softly, "If you are not satisfied with the amount of this money, we actually have a solution here."

Just letting the Yuan family withdraw the deposit is not considered a merit.

It is necessary to let this long-established family bleed some blood into their bank.

He looked at Minamoto Raikou who was casting puzzled eyes, with a bright smile on his face, "I don't know, have you ever heard of leverage in the stock market?"

This is his most professional job as the deputy minister of the securities department.


"He turned the lever to the maximum all of a sudden. This Minister Inoue seems to have taken the Genie family seriously." Thinking of the expression on the face of the previous minister, Yuan Jing slightly sneered, "However, this is exactly what happened. It suits me."

The so-called leverage in stocks is actually a way of borrowing money to speculate in stocks.

Generally speaking, the limit of leverage is 100 times.

In other words, as long as leverage is used, the 200 billion yen will immediately expand to 100 times, that is to say——

2 trillion yen.

This is perfectly adequate.

It's dinner time now, because he has to cook for Yuan Jing himself, Minamoto Raimiko is not by his side.

At this time, he was in his bedroom in the other residence of the Fourth Palace, and sent all the servants out for the reason of wanting to meditate.

He had already checked this bedroom, and found no traces of monitors and bugs.

Gently dialed a series of numbers on the mobile phone, and the call was connected almost instantly.

"Woof, woof, woof." A soft female voice came from the phone, "I'm really happy that the master will call me at this time."

"Wang Jiang is a creature that is very afraid of loneliness. If you don't come to tease me often, I will die because of loneliness~~~."

Chapter 64 Thanks to the master for the 'casting material' (4k)

As I said before, before Yuan Laiguang found Yuan Jing, that is, when Yuan Jing didn't know that he was actually a member of the Yuan family, his life was not actually hard.

Although she doesn't live a life of luxury like other sons and daughters in St. Eden Academy, it can barely be regarded as financial freedom.

The impeccable home theater system in his bedroom is proof of that.

And the tool he relies on to grab money is the skill called [Securities Trading] in the system.

Yuanjing is a special student admitted to St. Eden Academy from other places. He is a top student among the top students. For those who can improve their own school deviation value, St. Eden Academy will give them 100 million yen per semester Scholarship to encourage,

It was with the principal of 100 million yen that Yuanjing was able to successfully open an account in Sakurajima's stock market, and relying on his own proficiency system, he tried to get from this place where blood and flesh could not be seen, but it was better than any arena. All bloody places to earn money.

Although this method saves trouble, it is actually not easy.

In his previous life, Yuan Jing had no relevant experience in manipulating stocks, let alone in this foreign country in another world.

But fortunately, he has a cheat, as long as he puts energy into anything, he will definitely get rewards from it.

This keeps him in a good mood.

Different from other stockholders who comfort themselves with words like 'just pay tuition' after losing money in the stock market, Yuanjing is really absorbing the nutrient called 'proficiency' from it.

When [Securities Trading] was still at Lv.0, Yuanjing was of course losing money all the time.

When he reached Lv.1, he was able to achieve a profit slightly greater than the loss. Considering the energy he expended, he was probably in the stage of 'earning hard money'.

And when [Securities Trading] reached Lv.2, Yuanjing not only became more and more proficient in various operations in the stock market, but something called [Intuition] had begun to take shape. At this time, what Yuanjing did The accuracy of the relevant decisions has soared from just over 50% before to about 80%.

With such accuracy, as long as Yuanjing maintains the original steady state of mind, does not make any decision of cerebral palsy that bets all of his wealth on one stock, and loses the extremely unlucky bet, then the stock market of Sakurajima will be very important to Yuanjing. In fact, it is not too different from his vegetable garden.

For Yuan Jing who doesn't like socializing with others, although the stock market is not the fastest way to make money, it must be the way to make money with the fewest things and the most peace of mind.

Actually, before Minamoto Raimitsu's visit and the Shinomiya's meddling in this mess, Yuanjing didn't particularly want to master this [Securities Trading] proficiency.

After it reached Lv.2, he basically didn't deliberately develop this skill anymore.

Unlike [Cooking], which can really improve his quality of life, and [Music], which can enrich his spiritual life, [Securities Trading] can only bring money, and the cost performance of its upgrade is a bit too low.

Lv.2's [Securities Trading] brings about 80% decision-making accuracy, and even if it is upgraded to Lv.3, it is estimated that this value cannot reach 100%. That should be the patent of Lv.Max .

Yuan Jing is not the kind of natural Grandet, and actually does not have such a strong desire for money.For him who has a weak outlook on money, the money brought by Lv.2 [Securities Exchange] is completely enough.

However, from time to time, Lv.2's [Securities Trading] is completely sufficient for Yuanjing (ordinary student Ver.), but it is not enough for Yuanjing now.

The Shinomiya family is one of the four major chaebols in Sakurajima. Although this family in Tokyo is not prominent in history, its strength should not be underestimated.

If you want to teach the arrogant it a painful lesson, it is not enough to rely on the two trillion yen that has just been acquired.

In addition to [Securities Trading] having to reach Lv.3, Yuanjing also needs a shrewd and capable helper as a cover.

And the best candidate for this helper is naturally the student council president who holds the entire St. Eden Academy in his hands.

"Huh? Are you going to transfer most of the funds to my name?" The gaze on the other end of the phone was full of surprise.

"That's right, such a large sum of money cannot be placed in my account." Yuan Jing leaned back slightly, leaning on the comfortable back chair, looking at the ceiling with deep eyes.

"The Sigong family is not an idiot. After finding out that the stocks of their listed companies have been robbed, they will definitely try their best to thoroughly investigate the source of the funds. If they find me in the end, the Sigong family will definitely Asking my mother to get the funds back, so am I not doing my job for nothing?"

"So, this money must be withdrawn from my account, so that my mother can lose control over the money." Thinking of this, Yuan Jing suddenly thought of the malicious Vice Minister Inoue, and couldn't help but sigh Laugh.

He may temporarily go along with the wishes of the deputy minister, and temporarily take out most of the two trillion 'losses'.

However, this is also a necessary step. Only in this way can it wash away the brand of "Yuanjia" and become a force that can truly be freely driven by him.

This kind of behavior of turning the left hand into the right hand is actually not easy to operate when Yuan Jing has few chips in hand.

But he now has two trillion in his hands.

It may be difficult to shake Sakurajima's stock market, but it is quite enough to manipulate the stock price of a certain stock to transfer funds between accounts.

"However, in order to prevent the traces of this operation from being too obvious, you need to prepare a few more accounts." Yuan Jing said, "Also, it is best not to open a local account in Sakurajima, but an overseas account."

"The beautiful country is the best. Isn't the Sijo family entangled with the Shinomiya family recently? If the group of the Sigong family can think that this is the intervention of the Sijo family from the beautiful country, it will be the most perfect the result of."

"Can it be done?"

"Well, although it will take some trouble, it's not too much trouble for me." Ning Guang said honestly, almost overflowing with confidence in his words.However, she changed the topic next, and her tone began to take on a mischievous slyness.

"However, master, master, I want to remind you. If you really do this, although it is true that the brand of 'Genji' can be washed away, it will also lead to your ability to control the money greatly. Lower, as long as I move a little bit in it—”

She paused here for a while, as if she wanted Yuan Jing to think about the consequences of his actions.

"Then, this sum of money, which can be said to be an astronomical figure, may no longer belong to you, but will go into your puppy's pocket."

"Because everything hasn't happened yet, it's still too late to regret it." Ning Guang said to Yuan Jing in a seductive tone.

"You know, your little dog likes money the most, but he is a money-digger." In her words, she belittled herself mercilessly, "Maybe, although she only treats money on the surface You are respectful, but in fact, you are already thinking about how to get such a large sum of money into your pocket."

That's right, there is a prerequisite for success in Yuanjing's "left-handed and right-handed" plan, and it is also its biggest weakness——

That is his 'right hand', which must be under his control.

Otherwise, he is just making wedding dresses for others and sending money to others.

As for Ning Guang, although he is definitely competent in terms of ability, is he the right 'right hand' who is completely in his hands?

At least from Ning Guang's point of view, he obviously doesn't quite meet this requirement.

The initial contact between her and Yuan Jing was not pleasant.

No, to say it's 'unpleasant' is a bit too glorified, it should be said that it is completely 'hostile to each other' which is more appropriate.

As the student council president of St. Eden Academy, with a pair of discerning eyes, she discovered Yuanjing, who was still unknown at the time, and wanted to absorb him into the student council and make him succeed as the next student council president.

In order to achieve this goal, she used some disgraceful means to scheme against Yuanjing.

Although in the end, Yuanjing destroyed her plan with his own ability, not only that, but he also forced Ningguang to hand over his handle. The relationship between the two changed from the original "student council president and ordinary students" to a sudden change. It became a somewhat heterogeneous relationship like 'Yuanjing and his Wang Jiang'.

Although Yuanjing didn't make Ningguang do anything out of the ordinary by virtue of his identity as the owner.But from the aloof student council president, he became someone else's pet.

Such a big gap, if you want to accept it without a trace of resentment in your heart, it is impossible just to think about it.

However, Yuan Jing didn't seem to have thought of this, and was even going to entrust her with such an important task...

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