Ningguang frowned slightly.

Based on her intuition, if this project can be realized, it will naturally be quite eye-catching.Regardless of the economic benefits it will produce, at least the publicity effect is full.

But the question is whether the ministers of those sporting associations will agree.

After all, to some extent, they are regarded as 'stepping stones'.

Seeing Ningguang's hesitation, Yukinoshita Yukino was clearly prepared.

From the pocket of her school uniform, she took out a delicately folded document, and after unfolding it, Yukinoshita Yukino handed it to Ningguang.

"By yesterday afternoon, the Lamb Club had already visited almost all the sports clubs in St. Eden Academy. This is the signature of all the presidents who agreed with this plan."

Ning Guang put it in front of his eyes, and what caught his eyes were densely packed signatures of different styles.

"Although we have made [her] horror clear to these ministers, they obviously don't believe that such an all-powerful and powerful woman exists. After all, they are all in the relevant events in the whole territory of Sakurajima For the top few who have won the rankings, strong self-confidence is their most basic quality."

"They are all gearing up and want to meet this mysterious lady for a while."

Ningguang clearly understood the thoughts of these people.

With Chika Fujiwara's endorsement, the authenticity of the information is guaranteed.

Although they may not believe that such women exist, if they do exist, it would be an excellent gimmick.

What's more, if such a woman is defeated by one of them, it will bring a somewhat terrifying publicity effect to his club.

Facing such bait, they couldn't help it.

"In addition, we also contacted the broadcasting department and the news department," Yukinoshita Yukino took out another document and handed it to Ningguang.

"The related publicity and explanation work will be carried out jointly by these two associations, so as to lower the possible appreciation threshold and add color to this project."

He stared at the two documents in his hand, then looked up at Yukinoshita Yukino——

"The TV station's advertisement has been submitted, but it is no longer possible to add new content."

This is her affirmation of this project.

"No need," Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, they didn't regard it as a way to attract guests, it was just part of their plan to defeat that 'evil mother-in-law'.

As long as Ning Guang agrees, if you publicize it with great fanfare, you may startle the snake.

"If that's the case, then I agree."

Ningguang could roughly guess their plan, but even if she couldn't, she had no reason to refuse.

On the document filled with the names of the various ministers, she pressed the seal representing the student union to show that the student union had agreed to the plan.

"Actually, I thought that after losing Ah Jing, you guys would panic and even fail." After stamping the seal, Ning Guang said suddenly, "I didn't expect you to be much more capable than I imagined."

"Is this the so-called 'girls in love are invincible'?"

"Yes," Yukinoshita Yukino admitted generously, and now she will no longer be shaken by this level of teasing.

"So, can you stop using titles like 'Ajing'?" Yukinoshita Yukino said, "To be honest, this title is a bit harsh."

"Then I can only say sorry."

Ningguang and Yukino Yukino looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

Although the positions are temporarily the same, there is absolutely no possibility of becoming friends between the two.

Chapter 66 Qianhua: It's a showdown, I'm going to get engaged to Ah Jing! (5k)

Fujiwara Chika's father, named Fujiwara Daichi.

He is the eldest son of the current head of the Fujiwara family, and if compared with the Shinomiya family, his status is roughly equivalent to that of the eldest son of the Shinomiya Yanan, Shinomiya Huangguang.

However, the head of the Fujiwara family is obviously not as suave and merciful as Shinomiya Yanan, and he even had Kaguya Shinomiya when he was nearly 70 years old.

Although he and his wife are also married in the same family, they are quite lucky to fall in love with each other, and there is no such a situation of "playing with each other" that is very common in big families.

This is no political creature for show.

As a son, Fujiwara Daichi sees this very clearly. His father and mother really love each other, and there is nothing but each other in their eyes.

Fujiwara Daichi's mother gave birth to two children for his father, he and his younger brother.

Perhaps because of the influence of their parents, the family members of the Fujiwara family showed a brotherhood that is extremely rare in a big family.

Generally speaking, in order to compete for power and property, in such a large family, even brothers of the same mother would fight openly and secretly with each other, wishing to punch each other's pig brains out.

But the relationship between Fujiwara Daichi and his younger brother is unusually harmonious.

When he realized that his younger brother's political brains and talents were superior to his own, Fujiwara Daichi took the initiative to propose to his father the idea of ​​transferring his father's political influence to his younger brother.

It is also because of this that his younger brother was able to become the Minister of Sakurajima (equivalent to the ministerial level of Huaguo) at such a young age (compared to other people).

The Fujiwara family is a family deeply rooted in the political world. Its power in Sakurajima's political world is deeply rooted, and its tentacles of power spread across almost every aspect of the political world.

As long as Fujiwara Daichi thinks about it, he can actually climb to a higher position by virtue of his status as Fujiwara's eldest son.

Among other things, at least his younger brother's position as provincial minister should have belonged to him.

But he gave it to his younger brother.

This is of course the reason for realizing that his younger brother's political ability is superior to his own, but it can also reflect that in the heart of this person in Fujiwara Daichi, family affection is higher than power and interests.

Because of this, under the loving care of him and his wife, Chika Fujiwara can grow into a good girl with a gentle heart.

But this Tuesday night was a very heartbreaking night for Fujiwara Daichi, the father of some daughters.

And its origin is that his second daughter announced a big event to family members before dinner.

Because he had grown up a long time ago, Fujiwara Daichi had already moved out of his parents' residence.

Currently, he is living with his wife Fujiwara Wansui (Sakurajima women basically follow their husband's surname after marriage) and his and his wife's three daughters.

The eldest daughter Toyoto Fujiwara is now a college student, but because her school is in Tokyo, although she has her own dormitory in the university, she basically has dinner and sleep in her own home.

The second daughter Fujiwara Chika just entered high school this year, while the youngest daughter Fujiwara Moeha is a junior high school student.Both are students of St. Eden Academy.

For Fujiwara Daichi, who attaches great importance to family affection, the dinner time is a time he enjoys very much.In his opinion, it is undoubtedly an extremely harmonious and warm thing for a family of five to sit together and enjoy delicious food.

That’s why eating dinner together is almost a family tradition in Fujiwara’s family of five.

Because at this time, family members gather the most together, the short time before the meal can be regarded as a very small family meeting.

If there is anything that needs to be announced among family members, they will basically be informed at this time.


"I have something to announce to you." At the dining table, Chika Fujiwara stood up, drawing the attention of other family members to her.

Her fair and delicate face was full of red clouds, and her standing movements were a little awkward, but the girl's body stood up straight, that infinitely beautiful body, like a peony flower that overwhelms the crowd.

As the 'head of the family', Fujiwara Daichi suddenly had a bad premonition, which was a keen sense he had cultivated in the deceitful political world.

But no matter what, you can't interrupt others' words at this time.

This is the 'rule' he personally set.

"Actually, I have someone I like." Chika Fujiwara, who was bathed in the eyes of her family members and had a fever on her face, announced this. Although there was a lot of shyness in her tone, happiness and pride accounted for a greater proportion.

Fujiwara Daichi felt a 'thump' in his heart, and suddenly felt that the food on the table was not fragrant.

But before he could react, his wife Fujiwara Wansui and his other two daughters responded even more quickly.

Women are inherently more sensitive than men when it comes to emotions.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, the three of them surrounded Chika Fujiwara, who was still in a shy state, and fired at Chika Fujiwara with questions one after another like a cannonball.

'What, this atmosphere where only I am out of place. 'Fujiwara Daichi sat on the main seat with some depression.

As a father who tends to be a slave to his daughter, he will naturally feel a little uncomfortable in his heart when his daughter who has worked so hard to be cheated by a wild boy who doesn't know where he came from.

This is human nature.

However, he previously thought that Toyomi Fujiwara, who was the oldest, most mature, and also had the most contact with men, would be the first to make such a statement.Unexpectedly, in the end, his second daughter Chika Fujiwara would be one step ahead.

Although the mood was slightly delicate, it did not prevent him from pricking up his ears to listen to the relevant information about his future son-in-law.

No, I haven't recognized the other party as my son-in-law yet!

"Sister, sister," as a younger sister, Moeha Fujiwara went straight to the point. She is the youngest in the stage where she pays the most attention to appearance. "Is your brother-in-law good-looking? Is he a handsome guy?"

Fujiwara Chika didn't speak. Compared with pale words, there is one thing that can be done better at this time.

With blushing cheeks, she took the phone out of her pocket, unlocked it and flipped it to the photo album, then handed it to her mother.

Sister Fujiwara Toyomi and younger sister Fujiwara Moeha stretched their heads over impatiently, and finally the three heads were so close together.

Afterwards, Fujiwara Daichi heard the sound of the three of them gasping in unison.

'Hey, as for? 'Although he was scratching like a cat with great curiosity in his heart, in order to maintain the majesty of the 'head of the family', he still sat on the 'chief seat' in an even and stable manner.

"Wow, my brother-in-law is so good-looking too." Fujiwara Moeha's eyes seemed to be shining with stars, "I always thought that Takeru Sato (the leading actor of Kamen Rider Den-o and Rurouni Kenshin's live-action version) was already the ceiling of male beauty I didn't expect it to be true that there are people beyond people and others beyond heaven."

"No matter what others say, I'm convinced of this brother-in-law!"

Fujiwara Moeha passed this level quite easily.

Fujiwara Daichi, who had been listening attentively, snorted coldly in his heart, "It seems that the other party seems to be a little boy.However, [no rice can grow on a good-looking face].If it's just a good-looking face, it won't be recognized by me. '

There seemed to be some subtle antagonism in him.

"What about his personality?" The elder sister, Toyomi Fujiwara, who is also a college student, was the next one who challenged him, "Looking at the style of his school uniform, he seems to be in the same grade as you, right? Generally speaking, boys of this age will Kind of childish."

As an 'adult' who has just come from that age, Toyomi Fujiwara obviously has a deep understanding of this.

"No, Ah Jing is the kind of boy who is so mature that you would suspect that the other party is a high school student." Fujiwara Chika worked hard to use vocabulary, "Mature and stable, he has his own opinions on everything, and he doesn't care at all. be influenced by others."

"How should I put it? He is that kind of cool boy, but that kind of unrestrained energy is not deliberately pretended by him, but the unique charm exuded involuntarily through his words and deeds."

As if thinking of something, Chika Fujiwara's face turned redder.

"If you use an animal as a metaphor, Ah Jing is a very typical cat boy. Although he always looks cool and cold, but when it comes to critical moments, he will become extremely reliable, especially the occasional show. The gentleness that comes out makes the heart beat faster!"

"I've always been a dog guy before, but Ah Jing made me realize the beauty of cat boys. Especially the cold outside and hot inside, it's too attractive!"

"Actually, in the process of getting along with him, I have been suppressing the urge to raise him...Hey, what did you all ask me to say!"

While talking, Fujiwara Chika's mood seemed to gradually become a little excited.The siege of her family seemed to relax her spirit a little, causing her to accidentally say what was in her heart.

"Oh~~~~" The three people surrounded by Fujiwara Chika would not let this opportunity go, and after a long and meaningful sound, they began to have some 'bad thoughts' involuntarily.

Such a soft Fujiwara Chika is not very common, so you must take this opportunity to 'bully' it.

"Handsome and chic~" Fujiwara Moeha was the first to attack.

"Very reliable at critical times~" Fujiwara Toyoshi's melodic words followed closely behind.

"The cat boy that Qianhua wants to raise~~," Fujiwara Wansui, the mother, was not to be outdone, "Who is he?"

"""It's Ah Jing~~~"""

They couldn't help repeating Fujiwara Chika's nickname for that boy.

"Really, you will bully others. If this continues, I will ignore you!" Even Chika Fujiwara seems to have reached her shyness threshold at this moment. Steam comes out of the ears.

Oops, it seems that the teasing was a little too much.

Relying on the tacit understanding of the family, the mother and daughter communicated with each other tacitly with their eyes.Forcibly stopping the smile on her face, as a mother, Fujiwara Wanho gently held Fujiwara Chika's little hands, as if she wanted to use this contact to give Fujiwara Chika strength.

"So, can you tell us about what happened between this [A Jing] and you?" Her words were full of encouragement and 'a little bit' of inducement.

As a diplomat, it is her job to use words to achieve her goals, so she is extremely familiar with it.

"Actually, I want to say something..."

At this moment, a male voice suddenly broke in.

This is the voice of Fujiwara Daichi.

But before he can say what his intentions are—

"Dad, please be quiet!"

"Dad, please learn to read the air!"

"Husband, I'm busy here, I'll talk about what I have to say later!"

These three hard words were immediately thrown over, choking Fujiwara speechless.

'I just want to say, if you have something to say, you can talk about it after dinner. If this continues, the dinner will be cold. 'Fujiwara, the head of the family, Dadi held the bowl and chopsticks with some grievances, but he did not touch the delicious food on the table.

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