
Inoue Orihime's terrified scream resounded in the park.

Chadu, who was knocked down by Neutra's blow, tilted his body without any resistance at all, and then fell down in a pool of blood with a thud.

Inoue wants to come up to support.


Someone held her head from behind, pushed her body down, and her face touched the ground, and a painful sound came from Inouekou.

Daisler looked at the woman who had been made miserable by him, with a look of disdain on his face.

This kind of thing also wants to come up to fight, it simply does not know how to live or die.


Dessler, who wanted to take credit for Neutra, was kicked away by Neutra before he finished speaking, using more force than before. Dessler fell directly to the ground, unable to get up, blood Spit from the mouth.

Neutra walked over with a cold face, raised his foot, and continued to kick Dessler's body fiercely.

The earth cracked, and the spiritual pressure collapsed.

Until Dessler was dying, Neutra did not give up ravaging his subordinate, and continued to kick him a few times.

The sound of bones cracking came from Dai Sile's body, and the screams were endless.

Grimmjow's leader just watched with cold eyes, and did not step forward to stop Neutra's almost cannibalistic actions.

If anything, this is Dessler asking for trouble.

Following behind Neutra is also his own determination and ideal.

No matter how hard Neutra struck, he did not really attack Dessler.

Weird master-servant relationship.

"Just follow me. Who told you to act without authorization? Didn't you hear my order? You useless idiot, you don't even know the priority of the order."

The last kick kicked Dessler away, and Neutra finally calmed down.

Then he ignored Dessler's situation, walked up to Jingshang who was injured and couldn't get up, squatted down slightly, grabbed her long hair, forced her to lift her face, and smiled.

"This kind of cowardly and compassionate expression is exactly the same as that guy Nelliel. You can't let you die so quickly, you have to torture and kill you."

It was a fact that Neutra had to admit that he couldn't beat Nelliel's Valstord.

Because of this, after realizing the same kindness and weakness on Inoue's face, Neutra directly abandoned Chadu, who was more powerful, and turned his attention to Inoue, a teenage girl. body.

At this moment, Neutra completely regarded Inoue as a substitute for Nelliel.

Torturing and killing such a weak female will bring him supreme physical and mental pleasure.

"Let me enjoy it, human woman. Before you die, let me see more of your broken and desperate face."

Chapter 99 Mask ([-])

"What should we do now, Grimmjow?"

The person who asked Grimmjow was a black-haired man whose top of his head and left eye were covered by a white mask. He watched Neutra's massacre from the beginning to the end, and just stood there with a silent expression. Impressed.

With his hands behind his back, he let the Zanpakuto on his left waist be exposed, looking extremely confident in his own strength.

This person is Sharon Kufang, a highly trusted subordinate of Grimmjow. Not only is he meticulous and good at observing the enemy's weaknesses, he has degenerated from Achukas to Killian. Possesses a power close to that of the Yachukas class.

He acted as Grimmjow's most powerful subordinate, and Grimmjow gave him the greatest recognition for his abilities.

A powerful broken face will make more broken faces follow, which is one of the established rules in the True White Night Palace.

Those whose strength is in the middle or lower middle position, because their strength is slightly weaker, often act in a group to keep each other warm and share the pressure of work.

Although there are some mavericks who are not strong in strength, they don't like to be with others, so they do miscellaneous work in the True White Night Palace.

And the Pomian whose strength is not as good as that of the First Army, but full of ambition and self-motivation, will gather with more powerful Pomian subordinates to assist in combat work.

The broken faces belonging to the white garden are all for the sake of gaining stronger power from Qingli, or because of pure admiration, fear, admiration... and other complicated emotions to follow behind Qingli.

The strength of Neutra and Grimmjow is not as strong as that of the Varstord class, but in the overall battle, they are already at the level of the first army. In order to better manage personnel, they will also have one or more of them. More than one subordinate officer.

Xiao Long Cufang was Da Xu who followed Grimmjow all the time before Grimmjow joined the True White Night Palace, and even served as Grimmjow's deputy after that.

The conversation between him and Grimmjow also seemed to be a chat between friends.

"The way to deal with it is too gentle. Just kill waste of this level. Leave it alone, let's go hunting in other places. It's hard to come to this world once, and don't make a big fuss. How can I be worthy of these years of uninterrupted penance."

Grimmjow put his hands in his trouser pockets, not paying attention to Xiao Long's chatting tone that could not be called respectful.


Headed by Xiao Long, a total of five subordinate officials broke their faces, all nodded, and launched a nerve probe again, capturing the existence of Reiatsu in the entire Karakura Town as far as possible.

As long as there is a spiritual pressure, even if it is only a little bit, all of them will be annihilated indiscriminately, and there is no single purpose.

When they started to explore the nerves to capture all the existences with spiritual pressure in Karakura Town, they did capture many extraordinary spiritual pressure existences, and one of them was approaching themselves at a fast speed.

"Be careful, Neutra!"

Neutra, who was abusing the enemy, did not expand his probing nerves at all to search for the surrounding enemies.

Because of the existence with high-strength spiritual pressure that suddenly broke into their probe nerves, Grimmjow instantly judged that the strength of the spiritual pressure of this sudden existence could faintly rival that of him and Neutra.

Hearing Grimmjow's yell, Neutra, who was stomping on the well with a cruel smile on his face, was suddenly taken aback.

He didn't need to expand his exploration nerves, the sense of crisis came from his instinctive call, and the moment he turned his head, he was struck by a wave of crescent-shaped spiritual pressure.

Accompanied by the howl of pain from Neutra's mouth, the crescent moon impact that split the entire park in half was by no means a powerful spiritual pressure attack that ordinary people could arouse.

When Neutra was caught off guard, he was instantly sent flying, his body writhing in embarrassment, and a little bit of blood was sprinkled on the ground.

"Lord Neutra!"

As a subordinate officer of Neutra, Dessler knew very well what kind of defensive ability the face he was following possessed.

Not counting Reiatsu, Neutra Gilga has the hardest steel skin hardness among all broken faces.

But now Neutra, who has the ability of hard mouth, was injured to the point of bleeding by a blow of spiritual pressure, so it's no wonder that Dessler was surprised like this.

Looking at the person who fired the crescent slash——wearing a black death tyrant outfit only for the god of death, the orange hair looks refreshing, holding an exaggerated Zanpakutō in his hand, and another exaggerated Zanpakutō of the same standard At the back, standing in the field frowning.

"Tch, there really is a troublesome guy here."

He talked about trouble, but Grimmjow laughed wantonly, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

The mood is so good that it has reached the point of pulling out the Zanpakuto at the side of his waist.

"Hey, Xiao Long, who is this guy? A person with such spiritual pressure should not be an ordinary person."

One blow can knock Neutra back, and Grimmjow has initially recognized Ichigo's power.

Even if it is due to a sneak attack, an attack that can break through Neutra's steel skin defense is a very rare powerhouse among the many breaches in the True White Night Palace.

Therefore, Grimmjow's smile was filled with Ichigo's interest.

"Kurosaki... Ichigo."

Xiao Long was silent for a moment, then said the name lightly.

Grimmjow listened, and looked back at Xiao Long earnestly, as if wanting to confirm the authenticity of this information.

Xiao Long just nodded silently, and reconfirmed the matter with Grimmjow.

Grimmjow smiled, and his eyes fell on Ichigo, who was squatting down at the moment, checking the wounds of the unconscious Inoue, and his eyes were already filled with a trace of anger.

"I... Ichigo..."

At this moment, Cha Du stood up tremblingly, clutching his abdomen where the bleeding had been scratched, panting.

"Are you all right?"

"Ah, not to the point of being knocked down."

"I'm relieved now. I'll leave Inoue to you."

Seeing that Chadu was still able to stand up, Ichigo was slightly relieved knowing that although his injuries were serious, they were not life-threatening.


Cha Du nodded, and took the unconscious Inoue from Ichigo's hand. The other party's injuries were serious, and there was a high possibility of an accident if he didn't receive emergency treatment.


Seeing that Chadu was about to take Inoue away, Xiao Long's face moved slightly, his palm was already pressed on the handle of the Zanpakudao, ready to intercept the attack at any time.

"Stop, Xiao Long. The so-called battle is a one-on-one duel conducted under fairness and equality. It is impossible to go all out in a battle with a drag bottle."

Grimmjow likes to fight, and like Neutra, he is a broken face who takes the honor of challenging the strong.

But his and Neutra's styles of acting are fundamentally different.

What Neutra wants is despair, but what he needs is a fair and equal fighting platform, not using any hostages.

If that's the case, it will definitely make Ichigo feel uneasy, looking forward and backward, and unable to exert his full strength.

If Ichigo couldn't bring out his full strength, it wouldn't be the enjoyable battle Grimmjow was looking forward to.

Because from the very beginning, neither Chadu nor Inoue was within Grimmjow's hunting range.

"As you wish, Grimmjow."

Xiao Long smiled flatly and closed his eyes slightly.

It is precisely because of this part of the reason that he would willingly follow Grimmjow during the Great Void period and be fascinated by his charm.

The so-called battle... Isn't it a one-on-one duel that should be born under such circumstances?

"Thank you. Hey, that big stupid guy over there, it's better to stay away. Although I hate to shoot guys like you, it has nothing to do with me if it gets involved."

Grimmjow completely pulled out the Zanpakutō at his side, and unceremoniously manipulated Chadu.

Cha Du took a look at him and said nothing, but a certain nerve in his heart was stung.

He knew that in a battle of this level, it would only drag Ichigo down.

Feeling guilty for being so weak, if not for this, Inoue would not have been seriously injured by the enemy.

Everything is because he is too weak.

Vulnerable to the real strong.

"You talk a lot of nonsense, your next opponent is me, don't make a mistake."

Ichigo blocked Grimmjow's line of sight, holding Zanpakutō with one hand, his breath stabilized.

Chadu nodded with his back to Ichigo, quickly left the battlefield with Inoue in his arms, and left in the opposite direction.

Grimmjow and his five subordinate officers stepped forward to stop them, allowing them to leave.

"It's good that you calmed down so quickly. Your name is Kurosaki Ichigo, right?"

Holding the Zanpakutō, Grimmjow slowly stepped forward, with a wanton smile full of fighting spirit like a wild beast at the corner of his mouth.

"so what?"

"It's nothing, it's just your name. It's quite famous in our True White Night Palace."

Hearing what Grimmjow said, Ichigo squeezed Zangetsu slightly.

"Don't you understand? I heard that you have the same... no, the highest-ranking Daxu Vastord who is above most Daxu. That is the realm that all Daxu dream of. Although you are Master Qingli recognized the existence of a 'failure', but even a failure can have such a level of Reiatsu..."

Grimmjow narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous gleam in his pale green pupils.

"Really? You really are the subordinates of that blue dye."

"Grimmjow Jaljack, please give me your advice."

The smile on the corner of Grimmjow's mouth became wider and wider, and he slowly raised the Zanpakutō, raising the spiritual pressure up.

Yihu tightened his heart, and the other hand began to reach back, holding the handle of the knife, and entered the dual-knife state to fight Grimmjow at any time.


Not weaker than Grimmjow's condensed spiritual pressure, a yellow light beam swept out from between the two of them, and then hit a building in the distance, smashing it to pieces.

Ichigo's face changed wildly, and he looked at the person who released the yellow beam to smash the building.

Neutra clutched his bleeding nose while holding the exaggerated large weapon, and walked out of the forest with a displeased expression on his face. His white clothes were stained with mud and dust, and then he spit:

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