But the exquisite control is within a small range. From here, it can be seen that Captain Yamamoto is also superb in the control of details.

If it is for the destruction of the world itself, and for the purpose of concentrating power on one point and ignoring any defenses of the enemy, the stronger the person, the more he understands this truth. Strength is related to the scope of destruction.

Cutting down with a knife can kill people by dividing people in half.

There is a dense flame attached to the blade, rather the whole blade is in a state of mysterious burning.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, outsiders cannot enter, nor can they peek into the situation from the outside. The outcome of this battle can only be judged based on the strength of the spiritual pressure of Captain Yamamoto and Qingli.

I don't know how many times I swung this burning blade, a terrible straight line of fire marks appeared on the ground, and then the roaring flames washed the ground clean.

Wherever it passed, there were only burn marks left after burning, other than that, everything looked pale and powerless.

There was an undetectable fluctuation in Qingli's black and white eyes, and she remembered Bai Ye's warning to her - the horror that can only be understood after facing it, it is more fierce than any flame, if you face Liu Ren directly Ruohuo, it is very difficult to win without tricks.

Now she understands why Bai Ye said such things to her, and she also knows the reason.

The power you can only understand after you see it, and the horror you can only understand after facing it.

In the face of manpower, everything seems to be an illusory bubble.

This can't help but make people feel a ridiculous gap. The gap between the captains is also outrageous.

Qingli suspects that Captain Yamamoto has broken the limit of the god of death, or has not broken the limit of the god of death. She will not say that breaking the limit of the god of death must be developing towards blurring. There is only one of them, which is not entirely correct.

Captain Yamamoto, who has accumulated endless years, has a gap that Qingli can't make up.

But at the same time, in some respects, Captain Yamamoto is not as good as her.


It is one of the more advanced moves in Captain Yamamoto's swordsmanship. It is not only the understanding of the Zanpakuto, but Zanzaoquangui is also a strong man at the top of the soul world, and his swordsmanship has also reached the highest level of the tenth rank.

A tornado-like flame storm surrounded Qingli's body in an instant, spinning and burning crazily. Immediately after that, a complete pillar of fire reaching the sky was formed, extending to the top of pseudo-Karaza Town, and entering the cloudless sky, sending out a rumbling sound. Tremolo.

In the surging pillar of fire, a gorgeous white spot of light quickly bloomed, expanding outward rapidly, spreading at a terrifying speed.

Qingli lightly waved the mirror in her hand, any fancy looks would be useless at this moment, and it was also very ridiculous. At her current state, if it wasn't for targeted ghosts, all attacks should be as simple as possible.

Pour all the spiritual pressure into the mirror flower water moon, when the white light is getting more and more intense, the pillar of fire that reaches the sky splits from the middle, and the pale blue-purple spiritual pressure torrents line up on both sides of Qingli, making yourself Standing unharmed in the column of flames reaching the sky, he looked at Captain Yamamoto with a smile.

"Is that also the power brought by Bengyu?"

Feeling a different sense of Reiatsu from Qingli's usual, a strange aura that seems to be absent, very similar to the information sent by Urahara.

After getting the two collapsed jades, they were fused into a complete collapsed jade, which is why Qingli needed a few months of transition time before declaring war on the soul world.

"One Hundred Thousand Blades!"

In response to Commander Yamamoto, Qingli gave up and chanted ghosts.

There is no number and no numbering, but judging from the perceived strength and the sky covered by a hundred thousand blue-purple spirit blades, it is definitely a super powerful ghost with a power of more than No.90.

Commander Yamamoto stared at him suddenly and opened them wide.

Dangerous breath.

One hundred thousand blue-purple Lingzi blades filled with a terrifying aura, densely falling from the sky like a sleepless torrential rain, covering Captain Yamamoto's old body.

A white and hot light flashed in Captain Yamamoto's eyes, but he couldn't see the light in his eyes, only the white fire was brewing in his eyes, the purple belt was untied, and his long pale beard flew randomly, like a Vulcan Stand on the ground.

The attack of Flowing Blade Ruohuo only has flames, and the high temperature of the melting substance.

No matter what kind of attack he is facing, Liu Jian Ruo Huo's attack method is very simple, without any special ability bonus.

But this single ability is also the most terrifying power.

One hundred thousand continuous Lingzi blades rushed into the fire wave, and the fire wave swallowed them all in one go, sweeping towards Qingli's thin figure.

Disappeared from the spot.

Captain Yamamoto then turned around, the burning blade distorted the solid space, but very meticulously suppressed the damage area to a minimum, collided with Qingli who suddenly appeared behind her, and her Zanpakuto.

If all of them are released, it will be the ultimate Reiatsu that can easily tear the entire Karakura Town in half.

But both Qingli and Captain Yamamoto restrained their strength, cleverly compressed their strength to a small range, trying to break through the opponent's defense.

Facing Captain Yamamoto's continuous attacks, Qing Li responded calmly, Kyoka Shuiyue went up to the attack, and counterattacked with the same exquisite swordsmanship.

After the two Zanpakutō collided with each other, what came out was not a metal sound, but a violent explosion. The white and purple Reiatsu blended with the fiery red flame wave, and the space around the two became distorted. In the domain, dense black cracks appeared from here.

The two completely different spiritual pressure blended together and turned into a strange color, followed by a wildly released spiritual pressure storm, which bounced away everything in front of him and buried everything in ashes.

The invisible high-density spiritual pressure enveloped the area, but the duel with swordsmanship created an unbelievable situation.

After countless lives and deaths, the swordsmanship that has been tempered and tempered, and the momentum that swallows the world like a tsunami, under the oppression of Captain Yamamoto, Kiyoshi's slender figure is like a flat boat in the sea, capsized and capsized at any time crisis.

However, no matter how Captain Yamamoto attacks, Qingli can properly block the continuous strong attacks, and it is not impossible to find opportunities to counterattack.

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, you can practice swordsmanship to such a level. You have the ability to make this old man really do it!"

During the warm-up battle, Commander Yamamoto was surprised to find out Qingli's current strength.

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Excellency the captain, this is not the only thing the captain taught me. And...it's about time."

Qingli murmured to herself and smiled, which gave Commander Yamamoto a bad feeling.

"It's better to quickly use the swastika that is as sharp as fire."

Qingli continued to advise Captain Yamamoto that the Reiatsu on her body did not continue to grow stronger, but became more solid, and became more and more difficult to see clearly.

The Reiatsu disappeared from her body.

Captain Yamamoto's eyes revealed a serious color.

Collapsing jade... is really a scary thing.

The more he thought about this, the more Captain Yamamoto felt the urge to grab Urahara and beat him up. He didn't do any good research, but he had to make such an extremely troublesome prop.

"Fusion is faster than I thought. It turns out that pressure is the source of Bengyu's evolution. Thank you very much for your help, Captain. Thank you very much. In response to your help, I will complete the first stage for the captain. Unforgettable regrets."

Qingli smiled slightly and swung the knife.

In the scorching hot prison, the blade of Jinghua Shuiyue was stained with blood, and there was blood foam sprinkled into the air.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Kurosaki Isshin, who was lurking in another shadowy place far away from here, could only scratch his head anxiously.

"The two guys, Puyuan and Yeyi, why haven't they come over yet? They've already hit this point, and if they don't make a move, they'll be a bit behind."

Just when he finished speaking, he sensed something, and Urahara's voice sounded in his heart, but it seemed that Urahara's voice was a little vain and chaotic.

——Did you hear that, Yixin-san.

——Hey, what are you doing, Urahara, I'm already here.

——Sorry, Yixin-san, the battle plan needs to be changed.Yeyi and I have encountered two troublesome enemies, so we probably won't be able to help you.

--What did you say?Can't come over?Is the opponent so difficult?Is it the broken face brought by Aizen?Was it from the Varstord class?

What can make Urahara and Yoruichi feel troublesome is probably only possible for the bad face of the Varstord class.

——Who knows where Aizen invited from? This mysterious guy looks cute on the outside, but his ability is too dangerous, and he was almost killed several times.It's the first time I've seen a guy who controls time so easily.

--control time?Hey, what happened to you?

——I don’t know, it’s tricky anyway.Now I can only use 'Tian Ting Kong Luo' to talk to you.Isshin-san, it doesn't matter, Mr. Kurosaki will leave it to you, Hirako and the others are about to start, and I will rush there as soon as possible, that's all.

—Hello, hello?

Urahara's voice fell silent, and Yixin fell into deep thought.

"You actually released pigeons at this time, how many powerful monsters are there in Aizen?"

Although he was a little bit dismissive of Urahara and Yeichi, since such a thing happened there, he could understand it.

But for the next battle, the original plan may not be used. I am really irritated. They are obviously full of confidence at the beginning. Looking at it now, it may be their side who are at a disadvantage.

"Is this the strength of the captain level? It's really extraordinary..."

Xiao Long fell on the ground, most of his body was frozen by the hard ice, his eyes were a little lax looking at Hitsugaya standing in front of him, and he sighed.

"In fact, my strength is the last in the Gotei Thirteen Team."

Hitsugaya took a breath, and there were many bloodstains and scratches on his body, he also paid a heavy price for defeating Xiao Long.

I didn't expect that just a subordinate officer would have such a powerful force after returning to the blade.

"Really?" Xiao Long coughed, spit out blood from his mouth, and tried to open his eyes to look behind Hitsugaya: "I have a question for you, little captain. It is different from the swastika at the beginning. The number of ice flowers is decreasing. May I think that your 卍解 has not been practiced well, so the maintenance time of the 卍解 is the maintenance time of the ice flowers. Once the ice flowers are all dropped, it is the moment when your 卍解 ends? Is that the case?"

Hitsugaya fell silent, not intending to answer the question.

Or in Xiao Long's thinking, Hitsugaya acquiesced to such a rule.

Xiao Long sighed, if he could be stronger and persevere until all the ice flowers withered, the balance of victory would be closer to him.

"Sorry, although you are a good opponent, but I am the god of death, and you are the broken face."

Hitsugaya held the saber and stepped forward, preparing for Xiao Long's final blow.

Snapped!Without Hitsugaya noticing, someone grabbed the blade of his Zanpakutō with bare hands, and didn't let the blade swing down.

"Grimmjow... my lord?"

"It's really miserable, Xiao Long, your appearance is too low. I don't want to watch your battle just now."

"Sorry to embarrass you."

"Go away."

Grimmjow kicked Xiao Long away roughly, one hand was still in his trouser pocket, and the other hand was holding Hitsugaya's Zanpakuto. Curling his lips, he looked at Hitsugaya with scrutiny and disdain.

"Little Captain, do you want to give you time to rest and heal your injuries? Fighting should be fair, and I can give you time to rest and heal."


Hitsugaya drew the blade away, stepped back a few steps, and kept a safe distance from Grimmjow.

Very strong, not at the same level as Xiao Long who fought before.

"Tch, since this is the case, I have no choice but to get rid of you as soon as possible. Speaking of which, you are also a captain-level existence, so I should be able to enjoy it."

Smiling like a ruffian, Grimmjow slowly drew out the Zanpakuto at his side, facing Hitsugaya.

Hitsugaya also focused on dealing with it. He knew that Grimmjow was different from the opponents he had fought before. He was very strong, and he might even be much stronger than himself.

Just when Hitsugaya was about to test Grimmjow's strength, he suddenly sensed something, and his face suddenly changed in shock.

He turned his head to look at the enclosed area surrounded by flames. At this moment, there were only wisps of flames rising in mid-air, and the hot temperature disappeared from the pseudo-Kaza town.

Captain Yamamoto's Reiatsu became extremely weak, and Qingli stood in mid-air with an unscathed body, overlooking the entire battlefield.

When Hitsugaya looked over, Qingli happened to have completed the movement of the hand knife, smoothed a handful of black and soft hair, and maintained an inherent gentle smile.

"No... Impossible... How could the captain fail... Is Aizen's Mirror Flower and Water Moon playing tricks..."

Hitsugaya's eyes widened, with conceivable shock and bewilderment in them.

The patron saint of the world of corpses and souls, the god of death recognized by the thirteenth team of the guarding court, an existence that no one can surpass for thousands of years, suddenly encountered an unknown fiasco when the war was in its intensified stage.

While this scene was happening, eight figures approached the battlefield silently.

They also saw the extremely beautiful black-haired girl who was as elegant and calm as a god in the sky, showing a malicious smile, or eyes of hatred and hostility.

"We're here to take revenge on you, Aizen! Are you ready to accept the bitter fruit of failure?"

Chapter 110 The Battle of Karakura Town ([-])

Captain Yamamoto's sudden defeat was unexpected by the Gotei [-]th Team.

This unbelievable fact happened before my eyes.

The combatants on both sides stopped their hands at the same time, watching the moment when the Prison of Fire disappeared with unbelievable eyes, Qingli stood in the sky as a winner, and a light blue-purple light spread from her body surface. The mist exudes a more 'mysterious' atmosphere than before, and it seems that there is an invisible wall between her and her.

"The plan is much smoother than expected. Since the captain who is the symbol of your hope has suffered a defeat, there is probably no opponent among you who can stop me. It's a pity. It seems that further plans can only make the zero team Death has come to my aid."

Qingli looked at the captains and vice-captains of the Goutei [-]th Team who had been shaken in their fighting spirit, admiring the tension and uneasiness on their faces because of her own strength—she showed a bright and beautiful smile, The long black hair danced with the wind, and there was no need to cover it up. With an absolute supremacy, they let out the spiritual pressure of their whole body, allowing them to experience this despair more truly.

Feeling this unique high-density spiritual pressure, the body seems to be carrying a heavy iron block, the heart is firmly grasped by the palm, not to mention shortness of breath, and their fighting spirit may drop significantly.

To a certain extent, their confidence in fighting so far comes from Captain Yamamoto, their patron saint. The moment the patron saint falls, it will naturally affect the will of these people, even if it only affects a little, it will also affect them. strength play.

"Captain Komamura... the captain, he really..."

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