With such a powerful force, even without the help of Beng Yu, her strength should be among the thirteenth team of the court, and she can also be ranked at the highest level. Except for the captain, no one can win for sure.

Pingzi is not a person who is dazzled by hatred. From the hatred that lost his mind at the beginning, to the later reflection and speculation, and to explore the key points of the problem, if the problem is not clarified, the victory of this battle is of no importance at all, because there will definitely be more people in the future. Something like this occurs.

Moreover, with this prophecy, Hirako is extremely convinced that there will be rebels like Qingli in the future of the Soul Society.

"Why do you have to fight so desperately for a soul world built on hypocrisy and evil?"

Qingli looked at Ichigo who kept chasing her, his posture was like a crazy gambler who put everything on the gambling table—the last gamble.

It seems to indicate that this kind of thing is happening.

This is what Qingli didn't understand about Ichigo. She thought she had understood this human boy with a complicated life experience enough. After all...or did she underestimate it?

Qingli also remembered that Bai Ye had said a lot to her, and the most unpredictable thing was the human heart.

Emotional fluctuations far exceed the domination of interests and rationality, and it is the most uncontrollable place for human beings to be freed from that domination.

But Qingli wants to use interests and rationality to think, to control everything about a person.

She concluded that Ichigo is the kind of ordinary person who was forced to grow up. Except for his talent, any of his behaviors can be called childish, because there is no benefit to her.

Therefore, in this battle, such an opponent should not appear in her plan, and a few words should be able to confuse his thinking, so that he can maintain a hostile or neutral attitude towards the spirit world.

But at this moment, Qingli vaguely understands that Ichigo is relying on a certain emotion in his heart to act, and the standard of this act is very vague to distinguish.

Therefore, his course of action will always do unexpected things when encountering critical points.

At this time, tell Ichigo, 'Your mother is a pure-blood Quincy Master', 'Your body is filled with the blood of an enemy that is completely different from that of Soul Soul World', 'After learning about your life experience, Soul Soul World will respond to you. You are carrying out an unknown and cruel plan'... Obviously I said something similar before, but...

Qingli thinks that Ichigo is really an idiot with something missing in his head.

"I'm not a savior, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to be doing, that's all."

Ichigo's fighting style has gradually matured, and he is fully adapted to the fierce battle with Qingli.

"Is this also preaching to me?"

"No, through fighting with you, I found that there is no loneliness and arrogance in your heart, and there is no sadness and hesitation in your blade, so we are essentially the same kind of people. I think in your world, definitely It also has the same thing as 'Guardian'."

With a deep and hoarse voice, Ichigo's words changed his view of Qingli in the past.

This is not a heinous person, she has a certain persistence and a certain meaning of existence.

She is not ruthless, but chooses to fight in a way that most people cannot agree with or understand.

This made Ichigo think of when he was a child, when he acted like a baby to that woman, his mother Kurosaki Masaki, he tried to prove something and promised her something.

Just like the name 'Ichigo', the person he wanted to protect the most died to protect him. What Ichigo couldn't forgive himself most in his heart was probably that his mother died in front of him, but he couldn't do anything to change anything...

That incompetence, that cowardice, that loneliness...

Looking back now, the feeling of hating myself may not be able to calm down in this life.

"I envy you, Aizen, at least for you, the most important person is still by your side."

"I take back what I said earlier, you are a very interesting guy, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Qingli brushed her long black hair at the back of her head, and looked at Ichigo with interest in her brown-black pupils.

"People will grow up, maybe I should thank you, there is no emptiness, I would not stand here and talk to you today."

People who have never fought Qingli head-on will never experience this kind of despair.

Don't think that Ichigo has the upper hand now, but Ichigo knows it in his heart, or in other words, he has no confidence in winning at all.

Qingli smiled slightly, she couldn't deny Ichigo's words, she was indeed the one who fulfilled the growth of the boy named 'Kurosaki Ichigo', and it was her unintentional behavior that led to the forbidden union between Quincy and Shinigami.

Throughout the history of the soul world, there has never been such a special case.

The enmity between the God of Death and the Quincy, this kind of thing can't be finished for three days and three nights.

But the reality is that the god of death and the Quincy fell in love and gave birth to a forbidden child.

But what does this have to do with Qingli?

She doesn't believe in fate, so when she came, facing Remilia, the vampire who manipulated fate, she didn't ask her any questions about whether the operation would be successful, but asked her to help entangle Kisuke Urahara, who was troublesome. guy.

"It's a pity, Kurosaki Ichigo, I have already passed the age of asking who I am and what I want to do. Next, let you know what despair is."

——After cleaning up, I felt that the collapsed jade in the body began to evolve further.

A strange chain of contempt exists in the world of spirits.

The nobles despise the commoner gods of death, and the commoner gods of death despise the residents of Ruhun Street where they were born.

Residents of Ruhun Street are also very hostile to nobles and gods of death. Unless they have a particularly good relationship, they basically don't have any contact with anyone living in Seireitei.

In the era of hundreds of years ago--

Seireitei and Ruukon Street occasionally have some small frictions, although many people in Ruukon Street are desperate to join the Maou Academy of Spiritual Art, graduate from there, and become a noble god of death Living a life of poverty and precarity in Soul Street.

But that doesn't change any connection between Seireitei and Ruukongai.

The meaning of the existence of Ruukon Street is probably only to make the huge organization of Seireitei work.

In addition, the chaotic order of Ruhun Street can be said to have developed into that deformed state under the connivance of nobles and gods of death.

The more backward the area, the more so, it is not a pure land at all, it is worse than hell.

From the day when she became conscious and developed the ability to think, Qingli has been thinking about a question-why should life be divided into high and low?

She saw that those noble people could kill the residents of Liuhun Street like an ant, without taking any responsibility.

She chooses to observe all this indifferently. In the [-]th district of Xiliuhun Street, it is a rather embarrassing position. It cannot be called a bloody crime, but there are often dead people, but it also maintains a certain order. It is not as unscrupulous as in backward areas. killing.

Later, she learned from the population that those "noble people" are the group nobles in the world of corpses and souls-the god of death.

The god of death is also divided into nobles and commoners, but no matter what kind of god of death, the residents of Liuhun Street cannot afford to provoke them.

The Central Room 46, known as the highest judicial authority in the soul world, will not respond to the demands of the residents of Liuhun Street.

It's like Qingli later saw the end of Tosen Kaname, and as a pariah in Ruhun Street, went to kneel on the ground, gave up his dignity and begged the Central Room 46 to give a just judgment, but was ruthlessly thrown out of Seireitei, He was beaten by many people and almost died in the Seireitei.

In the world of corpses and souls, it is extremely ridiculous for people in Liuhun Street to appeal for fairness and justice. They are as noble as room 46, and they will not care about the lives of people in Liuhun Street.

Therefore, at the beginning, Qingli was full of indifference and hostility towards the image of Shinigami, and the filth behind Shinigami's back was more terrifying than Ruhun Street.

Every time she encounters those gods of death passing by, Qingli will avoid these gods of death and leave in a detour, just like the god of plague.

Even if they were looking for food, if they hadn't been driven to a dead end, they wouldn't be able to find anything to eat. Hunting the god of death alone was a last resort.

At that time, she didn't form the idea that she had to become Shinigami. Shinigami is a cold executioner. Seireitei is a demon cave more terrifying than Ruukon Street. It is difficult to survive in Ruukon Street. If you enter Seireitei, Qingli felt that she would be mercilessly devoured by the monster inside.

She faintly felt that the darkness in Seiling Court was daunting.

The king who rules the god of death must also be a frightening monster.Such an idea would arise after seeing the Grim Reaper kill the residents of Ruhun Street for ridiculous reasons.

The order of Liuhun Street has no binding force on the Shinigami, on the contrary, some unhappy Shinigami often hunt in Liuhun Street, and there are also those nobles who abduct and sell in Liuhun Street in order to train private soldiers, that is, assassins. Children are sent to Seireitei illegally, locked in the dark abyss, obliterated their humanity, cultivated into obedient killing machines, and use extreme means to eliminate disobedient opponents for them.

The huge high wall that was built seems to imprison all the evil and darkness of the entire Soul Soul Realm inside, and it is uncertain when it will erupt, it will be the day of the death of the Soul Soul World.

But Qingli never imagined at that time that many years later, she would be the one to walk on this path.

Fighting for food every day, fighting people desperately, day after day, if it goes on like this for a lifetime, it doesn't seem to be an unacceptable thing.

The premise is that you haven't met that man.

When I saw him for the first time, he was holding a bag of cookies in his hand, and his eyes were a little different from the other gods of death, perhaps because he was the captain, so he lacked that kind of street spirit, and he watched the world with equal eyes. everything of.

In that somewhat turbulent era, everyone would try their best to survive with extreme ideas.

Whether it's Shinigami or the people in Liuhun Street, because of their extreme practice of not seeing each other, the relationship has always been poor.

But with the appearance of that man, the way of looking at things from a neutral perspective, that is the confidence and indifference that only the strong will have, Qingli clearly felt a sour thought of committing crimes in her heart—she yearned for that self-confidence and indifference.

Qingli decided to follow that man and stand in a higher position to think about the problems that once puzzled her.

The so-called ordinary is a blessing, but it is just an excuse for oneself to be content with the status quo.

She, Aizan Qingli, is going to be the best of all!

(PS: The two books I just bought, "Cthulhu Mythos" and "Selected World Gothic Novels", have been very enjoyable to read these days. My mind is filled with all kinds of strange creatures, as well as wizards, Witch or something...)

Chapter 120 The Battle of Karakura Town ([-])

At first I thought it was charity, but now that I think about it, this question is extremely ridiculous.

Helping her when she was at her worst was not because of any talent problem, nor was it because of pure sympathy, it was just that the man wanted to see how the world would be different after a look.

——After Bai Ye came to this world, after the world of corpses and souls dominated by the god of death, it was difficult to integrate into it with the thinking of modern people at the beginning.

It can be called a heinous crime in modern society, but such cases are often seen in the world of corpses and souls.

And it is the death gods who are the guardians of order who take the lead in doing these things.

At that time, he had asked Qian Tongzi more than once what the "king" of the soul world was like. If he really possessed supreme power, no matter how stupid he was, he would not have messed up the order of the soul world to this extent.

Except for the title of 'King', the one who lives in the Palace of the Spirit King is a sad character who is manipulated like a puppet.

After he became the captain, hundreds of years have passed, and history has continued to change. He has witnessed the step-by-step advancement of technology in this world, from an ancient and damaged era to a more harmonious and stable social system, but It is a pity that, as the years continue to rush forward, all the essence of the soul world is very different from the present world——

Even though the world of corpses and souls has undergone many technological innovations, the various systems and model systems are still stuck in the original "one king and five princes" era.

In the era supported by one king and five nobles, this system is still in use today. The establishment of the Central Room 46 is not so much an innovation, but it is only to protect the rights and interests of the upper class. However, regarding the transformation of the lower and middle classes, to be honest, this system and the various epoch-making technologies invented along with the development of history have gradually formed a deformed worldview.

Bai Ye has explored the history of the world of corpses and souls more than once. While finding it very interesting, he also pays attention to this world with unnatural pity.

But he has no intention of being a promoter of this world. If possible, he hopes that he can stand in the perspective of a third party and look at the problems in the world of corpses and souls from another perspective.

The innovation of technology will inevitably promote the innovation of the system, and the soul world violates this objective law of development. While technological innovation, it uses the old system to restrain people.

Using a series of prohibitions that are obviously not suitable for management, although it restricts the stability in the soul world, to a certain extent, it also creates very terrible hidden dangers.

The several riots in Liuhun Street, the early tragedy of the eighth Kenpachi Mojo Kenpachi, and his extreme method of obliterating Xu all slowly grew up in the distorted worldview of the Soul Soul World.

"This... do you want to eat? I can give you some."

Qing Li, who was still young, was given alms by Bai Ye.

From this child's eyes, Bai Ye saw not only her outstanding spiritual pressure talent, but also many things in her eyes, which were incompatible with everything in the world of corpses and souls.

Some people's thinking is naturally intelligent and wise. They can often grasp the key points of the changes of the times and become the kind of people who distort the major changes of the times.

These people are called geniuses.

It's just that after living in Ruhun Street for a long time, Qingli has a very awkward wildness compared to many people in Seireitei because of that kind of living habits since childhood.

Those who don't work get nothing. Food can be robbed by oneself. It can be stolen or obtained by killing, but it must not be given by others.

This is the concept she formed at that time, which is deeply rooted in her heart.

After rejecting Bai Ye's alms, in Qingli's view, it is the so-called alms. The pity of the superior to the inferior is the words of a vicious god of death, which is even more unbelievable.

The relationship between Ruukon Street and Seireitei has deteriorated to this point.

In some areas, the notoriety of the god of death is even more terrifying than the imaginary.

In fact, this man is indeed 'heinous'.

Qingli still remembers being bound by his ghost way at the beginning, and then he put a bag of cookies in front of her, as long as she can break free from the shackles, she can get food through hard work.

Qingli did it, and when she was about to happily enjoy this unprecedented meal, the bag in her hand was empty.

Adults are all villains!

Reapers are all villains!

Even a little girl like her is going to cheat!

Go to hell, death!

The mood at that time was so bad that Qingli had to go to other places to look for food hungry, fight with people, and grab food from others.

She swore that she would never believe what this man said in the future, and would not eat any food thrown by him.

He is so bad!

It's even more hateful than the thugs on Liuhun Street!

As expected, she met Bai Ye again, who was still synonymous with 'bad guy' in her mouth.

While he was taking a nap under the tree, he launched a surprise attack and was discovered without any surprise.At that time, Qingli knew more about Shinigami from Bai Ye, such as Shunpo, Bai Da, Gui Dao, Zhan Ju, etc., but she couldn't read.

She is a wild child, to be precise, she only knows a small part of the characters.

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