However, the ability to cancel each other out with "All Things Penetrating" is the power of the holy text bestowed by Juhabach himself. Not only the pro-guards are puzzled by such a contradictory situation, but even Juhabach himself is also puzzled by this thing.

Rather, after the sanctification, Bambiaita's holy text power and the basic ability of the Quincy have been greatly improved.

And this is clearly out of the ordinary.

Reminiscent of Bambietta's words just now that 'the power given at the beginning can finally be used as one likes'... What special meaning does such words represent?

There is a lack of key information to connect with it, but Yuhabach vaguely sensed that behind Bambietta, a pair of invisible hands were manipulating it.

He looked at Qingli, who smiled and did not make a move, could it be her?

No!Although very suspicious, Yuhabach vetoed the speculation that Qingli was the person behind Bambietta.

Because Bambiaita not only retained the basic ability of the Quincy after being sanctified, but also preserved the power of the holy text. He didn't think that Qingli, who was defeated by the Goutei [-]th team, could help Bambiai. Tower does this.

There must be another guy manipulating the situation behind.

Who is it?

In his opinion, the high-level leaders in the virtual circle should only be Qingli who is standing here, and other than that, there should be only the mysterious Vastod Pomian who has been seeing the head and tail of the dragon.

And what Qingli said about the "three other special combat powers"...the invisible empire hidden in Seireitei for thousands of years, no one should be able to escape the surveillance.

This upset Yuhabach, but the future seen by the power of "omniscient and omnipotent" remained unchanged, and only the dilapidated and tragic situation of the soul world after being ravaged by him appeared.

But compared to what happened at this moment, not only did Qing Li not expect to appear here, but even Bang Pietta's sudden rebellion never appeared in the 'omniscient'...

No matter how you think about it, there is only one thing for sure - there is another pair of invisible big hands controlling everything behind the scenes, otherwise the situation will not become so unfavorable to the invisible empire.

And this person behind the scenes can ignore his 'omniscient and omnipotent' observation, otherwise he cannot explain the changes in front of him.

"Stop being arrogant, the three of you keep an eye on Lan Ran, and I will execute the traitor!"

Lijie Barrow showed an angry look on his face, gathered the spirits under his feet, and moved quickly, while constantly raising his rifle to fire energy.

Bambietta grinned, holding the cracked white saber in her hand, and bounced Rijie Barrow's penetrating power away time and time again.

Every time it bounced off, the crack on the white saber would expand by one point.

But even so, the white saber still maintains a complete shape that can be used for fighting, without breaking from the middle.

Li Jie Barrow gritted his teeth in resentment, what the hell is this knife?

Is it simply a blade made of spiritual particles?

Or a specially made blade?

Being able to block his 'All Things Penetrating' from the front is too hard.

Moreover, every time 'All things penetrate' hits the blade, I always feel that there is something weird.



The cracks on the white saber further expanded, and the white fragments flew away. It seemed that the entire knife was in a state of rapid cracking.

In the cracked gap, the light blue brilliance became more and more dazzling.

No, there must be something in that knife!

Lijie Barrow seemed to have guessed the secret. The white saber was just a protective shell on the surface, and another knife was hidden inside——

With a light blue handle and a straight back, it is a long straight blade with a unique style.

Reaper's Zanpakuto! ?

Why is there a Zanpakuto hidden in Bambietta's weapon?

Li Jie Barrow recalled carefully, after Bambietta joined the invisible empire, her weapon has never changed, it will always be an ordinary white saber.

And this white saber was brought into the Invisible Empire by Bambietta at the same time, that is to say, this hidden Zanpakuto has been lurking in the stronghold of the Invisible Empire for 200 years.

Why hide?

Why bring in the invisible empire?

Why is it officially taken out now?


There were too many reasons why Lijie Barrow couldn't ask questions. After the Zanpakutō showed its original appearance, Bambietta burst out a spiritual pressure that made his heart palpitate.

Li Jie Barrow acted quickly, knowing that he couldn't let Bambietta continue to maintain this posture, the power of 'everything penetrates' was ejected from the muzzle of the gun.

The penetrating power was indeed sent out, and it hit hard on the barrier of spiritual pressure outside Bambi Aita's body.

A terrifying blood hole suddenly appeared between Li Jie Barrow's eyebrows.

In this scene, everyone could clearly see that the power of 'All Things Penetrating' bestowed by Yuhabach was ejected back the same way after encountering the spiritual pressure barrier, and Lijie Barrow himself ate the bitter fruit.

Bambietta smiled at Yuhabach and the others, changed his gestures leisurely, and held Zanpakuto in his backhand——

The blade pierced the ground.

The entire territory of Seireitei may spread to the more distant Ruukonkai area.

Something is about to move.

Dazed, incomprehensible, and that corner that even 'omnipotent' can't peek at...

"Exile Vientiane, Swastika—Temple of Truth!"

The light blue beam of light rushed towards the sky, and then split a gap from the middle of the beam of light.

It was as if a door opened due to the appearance of a gap.

From the light blue light curtain of spiritual particles, figures of different heights emerged.

There was a strange and deep roar, and it was impossible to tell what was being said from the voice. One of the personal guards under Yuhabach's command, he must have foreshadowed something, and made a bold move.

The hood on his head was blown away, revealing a dark face, with only two glowing eyeballs on his face, such an unusual creature that does not belong to the category of human beings, the aura shrouded in him makes people feel Uneasy, with a gloomy evil spirit.


The head exploded like a bulging water polo, replaced by a giant palm, with a black chain hanging from the fingertips of each finger of the palm, and a pair of rounded eyeballs appeared in the palm, with an indescribable gaze Looking at the light blue light curtain, he blinked twice, and then shot at the light blue light curtain without hesitation.

"Wait, Penida, don't be rash—"

The arm that touched the light blue light curtain made a miserable howl, and the two eyeballs gathered in the palm ooze blood, flowing to the pulse, and the picture is ghastly.

This scene changed the faces of all the guards, including Yuhabach.

King Ling's left hand was so weak that he couldn't even get in the door.

This can no longer be belittled as unbelievable.

"A blow with all my strength, just enough to touch the door panel, the left hand of the Spirit King who grasps the power of 'forward', this is really ridiculous."

The man who walked out from the light curtain smiled indifferently at the left hand of the Spirit King who attacked him.

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at Juhabach, smiling without any intention, just calmly narrating the process of something——

"I have collected most of the sacred texts in the past 200 years, and only your 'omnipotence' is left, Yuhabach..."

After receiving his own Zanpakutō after 200 years away from Bambi Aita, Bai Ye walked forward with ordinary momentum, without any spiritual pressure release, and walked towards Yuhabach like an ordinary person.

Step by step.

Don't be impatient.

Not urgent.

It's a matter of course.

It's as natural and common as the fact that time must move forward and water flow downhill.

"You may have doubts, and you may feel worried. But you don't have to ask who I am, I have no obligation to answer, and I am not obliged to educate. So whether you know me or not, whether you know me or not is irrelevant..."

Step past Penida, the Quincy master who holds the left hand of the Soul King.

A light blue spiritual flame was burning on his body.

In the high-density spiritual pressure layer surrounding Bai Ye, he evaporated without warning, including the left hand of the Spirit King.

Like the white snow that sees the sun, under the blazing heat, the invisible shadows will also dissipate.

"King of the Quincy, thank you for your gifts over the years, I will give you the last mercy - if you struggle, please do your best. If you flee, please immediately, but I will pursue. The so-called war is not complicated at all, just Kill them all at the first time."

Reflected in the "future" in the eyes of Juhabach——

Not a void, nor a shadow of darkness, but something indescribable.

Trembling because of the unknown, but also fearful because of the invisible.

(PS: The source of the name "Temple of Truth" is the combination of Zanpakuto, Vientiane and Power, and the Seven Deadly Sins. Vientiane refers to all things and phenomena in the cosmology, and truth refers to all objective things that exist in the "Vientiane" , to find out the rules to control and understand it. The evolution of Vientiane into truth is an inevitable process. The seven deadly sins are related to Catholicism, and what they represent is the church. The reason why the swastika is not called the "Church of Truth" is that Baiye was originally an Eastern According to people's standards, the "Sacred Church" is a new type of church that combines Eastern and Western religious cultures, which is different from Western churches. Therefore, the swastika after the combination of Vientiane and the Seven Deadly Sins is defined as the "Sacred Church of Truth".)

Chapter 130 The Equation for Self-Destruction

There is no picture of Bai Ye's future in sight.

In the segment of the future that is neither blank nor dark, it should be an 'unknown' corner.

It was also the most peculiar picture that Yuhabach used his "omniscient and omnipotent" to see.

The picture of life or death cannot be read, or it has been read, but it is covered by that kind of 'unknown', so that his consciousness cannot be connected with the distant future.

But what Bai Ye said was very clear, and the shadow hidden behind the scenes finally appeared.

It wasn't just Bai Ye who came out of the light curtain, Qian Tongzi, Stark, Lilinette, Bailegang, Nelliel, Harribel, and many unidentified broken faces followed one by one. come.

Ulquiorra and Saar Apollo stayed at the True White Night Palace. They were two people Bai Ye could trust, and their ability and loyalty were very reliable.

Even if the task of staying behind is useless, but just to be on the safe side, there may be another accident at the White Night Palace, Bai Ye feels that he needs to be more cautious.

As for Gremi, the new member, Bai Ye didn't bring him here because he didn't want to make things difficult for him.

Yuhabach is always his 'benefactor', and this kind of confrontation is a cruel thing for a child.

It is a more appropriate choice for him to guard together with Ulquiorra and the others in the True White Night Palace.


Juhabach didn't have time to explain more, he just called Hasward, and Hasward understood what Juhabach meant.

A dark shadow appeared in front of him, wrapping him and Yuhabach's body together, quickly evacuated Seireitei, and returned to the Ice Palace to recuperate.

It is obviously unwise to fight an unknown enemy before 'opening your eyes'.

He must have noticed a certain characteristic of Bai Ye more than Gremi. This made Bai Ye sigh. He is worthy of being the king of the Quincy. Once he appeared, Juhabach's 'omniscient and omnipotent' unexpectedly noticed something.

Therefore, Bai Ye became more interested in You Habach's "omnipotence" and raised it from "a little bit" to "a little bit".

"Notify Sal Apollo, find a way to break into the shadow space..."

Yuhabach may have deprived Bambietta of her 'identity', so she cannot return to the shadow space voluntarily.

Then, only by relying on Saar Apollo’s technology to find out the coordinates of the shadow space, and carry out the destruction at the space-time level.

Of course, there is a more direct method, which is to destroy the Seireitei in an instant, so that the invisible empire has nowhere to hide, but the consequences of destroying the Seireitei are a bit serious, and he is not interested in dealing with troublesome funeral affairs.

Bai Ye decided to immediately go to the stronghold of the invisible empire, where he would completely deal with the threat of Yuhabach. He didn't have the naive idea of ​​saving the danger for the second time.

Since Omniscient and Almighty can see through a corner of him, if Yuhabach grows stronger, it is inevitable that he will not see through more things.

Then grow up step by step, maybe Bai Ye will get hurt because of this, and feel a bit difficult...

It will obviously take a little more time to deal with it at that time.

He has no interest in playing hide and seek with people.

Now that he has decided to go to war with the invisible empire, Yuhabach will not die for a day, and his heart is uneasy for a day.

This is some kind of obsessive-compulsive factor imprinted in the blood.

Get rid of evil.

The loser is evil.


In the middle of Bai Ye's words, Li Jie Baro, who had been attacked by himself before and had a blood hole on his forehead, now had a head with a blood hole on his head, and his body released a powerful beam of spiritual light. Some kind of metamorphosis.

"Don't even think about taking a step closer to His Majesty!"

Lijie Baro, who came out of the spiritual beam, was wrapped in a white pupa, and instead of his arms, there were eight white wings that were full of hollows.

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