Thinking about it now, the [-] points were well spent, freeing him from his usual work and allowing him to devote more energy to other things.

Ask Qingli and Saar Apollo to make a list of books to buy, which basically involve all kinds of scientific knowledge books, and Baiye only needs to start with books in this area.

The transmission point connecting the paradise space with the True White Night Palace is on the large square in the southern business district of the city.

Appearing from the teleportation square in the square, Bai Ye looked around the square, there was still no one there, only smart dolls were working in the shop, if not, Bai Ye would even feel that this is a ghost town, and no living person would be able to see it arrive.

It seems that the remaining one hundred testers have also completed the residence problem, thus hiding themselves.

The place Bai Ye went to was the Zhixian Tower, the only and largest library in the paradise space, where there was the knowledge that the True White Night Palace desperately wanted.

The book "How to Make the Godhead" is a must-buy, and there are some miscellaneous scientific and technological books covering a wide range of areas. When the points were only [-] points left, Bai Ye discovered that the few things listed on the list to buy Only less than one-tenth of the books in this category were bought.

Science really burns points. If the testers don't have a well-established and complete research institution, no one will pay attention to the treasures in the Zhixian Tower.

With that time, it is better to strengthen yourself.

Bai Ye doesn't know if anyone else has noticed this, but Zhixian Pagoda is open here, and it's only a matter of time before they notice this aspect.

No, maybe someone has already noticed this problem, but because the subordinates don't have the research infrastructure, they can't use it.

And the thoughts of most of the testers-scientific research?Forget it, let's use the points to strengthen ourselves.

"Is it convenient to talk?"

With a gentle voice, he was wearing a white armor that shrouded the holy splendor, with a long sword on his waist, handsome facial features, a distinct western face, and the guy who was the first to recruit testers.

Standing next to him was a mysterious man wrapped in a white cloak. From this mysterious man, Bai Ye felt the breath of a different dimension.


This person wrapped in a white cloak is likely to be a god.

Bai Ye nodded, and the two left from Zhixian Tower and sat down at a coffee shop not far away. The smart doll provided coffee and desserts, and the handsome unknown gentleman paid the bill.

"Introduce yourself, James Wilson, this is my name."

His self-introduction is full of the meaning of an upright gentleman, so that people will not feel superior to others. This is not a temperament cultivated casually, but it is not known whether it was cultivated in the world of trials, or he originally came from a noble family.

His entourage in a white cloak sat at another table, slowly enjoying coffee and dessert.

"Bai Ye." Bai Ye also said his name, and then asked directly: "Mr. Wilson, what do you want from me?"

"I want to form an alliance, and I hope you can join, Mr. Bai."


"You are strong enough. You should be at the fourth level, just like me."

"Very keen observation, Mr. Wilson."

Now that it was observed, Bai Ye didn't need to hide it, he admitted it generously.

"Most of the first batch of testers were mediocre, so we can't blame them. If they entered a normal world with no extraordinary power at the beginning, and happened to not get the powerful ability to turn the tables, they would fight with the second There is no difference between the first batch of newcomers. It is better to be able to mix into the second or third level. Like us, it is probably a rare animal."

James laughed.

"Yeah, when you're unlucky, you can choke to death when you drink water. Mr. Wilson invited me to join your alliance. What do you want to do?"

"Maintain order."

James said a fact that surprised even Bai Ye.

Maintain order?

He knew that in the paradise space, after turbulence and unrest, a corresponding order would definitely emerge.

Even with the protection function of the 'safety circle', it cannot be said to be absolutely safe. After all, some people will have problems surviving here in the future... This is not alarmist talk.

The structure of any world is a pyramid.

So far, Bai Ye has never seen a social hierarchy that is not a pyramid structure.

It's just that this problem has been seen so early, and this strong ability to act is enough for Bai Ye to take it seriously.

Because he was the first one who dared to stand up and organize people, even though most of the testers didn't know Jomus' name, they would recognize his face immediately after seeing his face.

"What is Mr. Wilson's intention in doing this?"

"There should be order wherever it is, and I am but a meager promoter. That's all."

Joms' tone was a little humble, but his behavior was not modest at all. Without the support of strong strength and confidence, the so-called order would collapse in one fell swoop.

The order established by the weak is not called order, but the order established by the strong is order.

"I need to think about it. I'll reply to your invitation after my novice guidance mission."

The establishment of order cannot be completed in a day or two. The manpower required and the corresponding talents are all key issues.

The quality of the testers is uneven, some even have ulterior motives, and there are even crazy guys who don't care about order or disorder at all, as long as they are happy.

"Okay, I look forward to your joining, Mr. Bai."

Joms stood up, gave a slight salute, and left here with his followers who seemed to be gods.

It has to be said that his every word and every action is like a nobleman walking out of the picture, an upright noble knight who believes in light.

If his heart was as good as his exterior, Joames would be an incredibly reassuring partner.

As a human, you must always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and you cannot think of everyone as dark and evil.

In this turbid paradise space, light and darkness sooner or later draw a line.

This is an inevitable trend.


From the time of returning to the paradise space, half a month later, the second batch of testers settled in, and the total number reached 10.

Novice guide task——

Each of the first batch of testers can lead up to [-] newcomers to participate in the trials of the game world.

Task 1: Regardless of the life and death of newcomers, just survive until the end of the game world time, and reward [-] points.

Task 2: Ensure that more than half of the newcomers survive, and all newcomers reach the first level of strength, rewarding [-] points.

Task 3: Guarantee the survival of all newcomers, and reward 15 points for all newcomers to reach the second level of strength.

Restriction 1: Due to the reason of leading newcomers, it is not allowed to participate in the game world with the existence of the fourth level.

Restriction 2: The time limit is ten years. After ten years, you will automatically leave the game world and return to the paradise.

Restriction 3: The first batch of testers are not allowed to kill newcomers in any way.

Restriction 4: One hundred points will be deducted automatically for each newcomer who dies.

Failure penalty: If all the above tasks fail, [-] points will be deducted.

——Bai Ye and Qian Tongzi each receive newcomer guidance tasks. Each can lead a hundred newcomers. From the two main gods, randomly select two hundred newcomer testers and send them to the zeroth tower of the True White Night Palace and the White House. On a vast white square between the gardens.

These [-] rookie testers sent here have not yet figured out their current situation. They are all young and middle-aged, and their personalities are more or less weird.

When the Lord God summons the second batch of [-] newcomers, the first batch of testers who accept the newcomer guidance task will receive [-] newcomer testers at the same time.

That is to say, before these newcomers were summoned by the main god, they were directly accepted by the seasoned hunters to complete the task of guiding newcomers.

Therefore, even if they panic, yell, and become irritable, it is understandable.

They suddenly came from the original world to a strange environment——

The white and boundless square, the dark canopy covering the starry sky, anyway, it is a majestic scene that they have never seen before.

Words like 'where is this', 'who are you', 'what are you going to do', 'what the hell are you doing', 'kidnapping' and so on came out of their mouths.

Then, they all froze for a moment, believing that the main god had already transmitted the necessary basic information to their brains through an unknown form.

In a way that they can understand, it is easy to understand the environment they are in now.

"This is the main god's space? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Go to hell with your past life, I want to build a great harem here!"

"Hahaha, the myth in the picture book has reappeared. Am I the right child in the legend?"


The quality is much more impetuous than the first batch of testers, but in this way, it saves Bai Ye from explaining those tedious things to them.

In this square, no matter how noisy, excited, or nervous they are, they will not disturb other places.

On the opposite side of the 200 people, Bai Ye, Qian Tongzi, and Ban Liu, who is Bai Ye's secretary, are holding a stack of very important documents in their hands, and they just look at these so-called "right children" with a pitiful smile. '.

They did understand the environment they were in, but they hadn't learned a cruel fact——

That is the problem of survival in this world, which is very difficult and difficult, and there is a crueler punishment than death.

"Mr. and Ms. Trialists, please be quiet."

Sakayanagi's clear and melodious voice resounded in the square, and an unbelievable silence enveloped the square, forcing two hundred newcomers to enter a state of 'tranquility'.

In fact, some people have noticed Bai Ye's side, but these careful people don't want to be a bird, they want to hide themselves.

Sakayanagi's voice made them fall into a strange silence, and they knew that there was an extraordinary power here that could not be seen in the normal world.

It is undoubtedly the most stupid behavior to confront such an existence.

But thinking that I am a rookie, these veterans may cheat them in order to earn points, but they will also try their best to make them stronger.

Only when they become stronger and all survive, will the veterans get more and more points rewards.

"Isn't she that who... Sakayanagi Yusu? Why did she appear here? She is also a tester?"

"Even the characters in the work have appeared, it seems that this is really the main god's space."

"Damn it, there are two such cute girls beside that man..."


The murmurs were not completely eliminated. Although they hadn't seen the strength of Bai Ye and others, it would definitely not be a problem for one person to suppress 200 of them.

The information transmitted by the Lord God to their minds is relatively comprehensive. It may be that after the first batch of trials, the rules of the paradise space are more complete and complete. The information learned by the second batch of trial participants is completely different from the first batch of trial participants. difference.

They basically have no questions, and Bai Ye is not ready to answer their questions.

"There are still two hours before the opening of this game world. During this period, I need your cooperation to do a small test. Ms. and Ms. testers, please stand in ten rows and twenty rows, please? By the way, enough space should be left in the middle, I have something to arrange."

Sakayanagi's voice was guaranteed to be heard clearly in the ears of every newcomer.

Although some people made dissatisfied and threatening voices such as "Why should I listen to you?"

Stand in line on the square in ten rows and twenty rows.

Then, in front of each of them, a stool and a chair appeared, and stationery for writing was placed on the table.

The two hundred newcomers were stunned for a moment.

What is this?

take an exam?

Is there a mistake?Just entering this fantasy world is to meet one of the most painful things in life - exam?

This is definitely not normal.

Sakayanagi was very clear about the doubts of the newcomer, so she smiled very kindly, giving people a kind and friendly feeling.

"Mr. and ladies who are the testers are all dragons and phoenixes among people. In order to facilitate the attitude towards you in the future, I need to conduct a small test on you."

Sakayanagi held a delicate silver cane in one hand, knocked on the floor with a small sound, then threw out the manuscript in the other hand, and automatically distributed it to two hundred tables, allowing two hundred testers to sit. Next test.

"The time is nine 10 minutes. By the way, don't cheat, you will die if you get caught. And keep absolutely quiet, I just want to hear the sound of your writing, if not, please don't disturb other people People, just lie down and rest. Now, Mr. and Ms. Trialists, let’s start.”

Sakayanagi explained to them the simple and easy-to-understand rules of the exam with a smile.

It's really a test.

Many people showed pain on their faces.

Although they don't know what the other party is doing, the benefits they can get in the first world largely depend on the attitude of the veterans towards them, so they must leave a good impression.

And cheating will kill people or something, it is simply too scary.

This is not an exam, it is simply fatal.

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