
"I read on the news that the Duke of the Principality of Arudialu, when he left Itogami Island a while ago, his ship stayed at the port of Itogami Island. Has that place been searched?"


That month was startled. Hearing what Bai Ye said, the snake charmer Vatora did not conduct a search on the cruise ship 'Ocean's Grave' left at the port of Xianshen Island.

For one thing, it is the 'territory' under the domain of the King of War, and permission is required to search it.

Secondly, Vatola and the Black Death Emperor faction have a sworn hatred, how could these two groups collude together?

With these two points alone, there is no doubt that there is a secret base harboring the Black Death Emperor faction.

"Old Bai, I love you so much!" Nayue happily said disgusting words: "I'll hang up now, we'll talk tomorrow if we have something to do!"

After hanging up the phone, I realized that the people next to me were looking at me wrongly, and the moon board put on a majestic and cold young face: "What are you looking at, is it strange that I have a boyfriend? Hurry up and search the port of Xianshen Island That cruise ship? Look at so many of you, you are not as useful as my boyfriend!"

The demon attacking officers around immediately stood at attention and took a rest, saluting Nayue: "Yes, instructor Nangong!"

Exit the room in a neat step, and at the same time notify the guard headquarters to dispatch an elite brigade to launch an annihilation operation at any time.

"Teacher Nangong...do you have a boyfriend? When did it happen?"

Yase looked puzzled.

The young female teacher actually has a boyfriend?How many flavors does the other party have?It's too perverted.

"Why, should I explain this to you in advance?" Nayue stared at her with terrifying eyes.

"No, no, I just want to say congratulations."

"Xiao left it to you, be careful not to let him run around after he wakes up."

Nayue snorted coldly, opened a magic circle next to her, walked inside, and carried out space transfer.

On the new artificial island——

There was continuous sound of machine guns and artillery fire.

The assault demon officer of the guard, wearing a new type of body armor, holding a new type of firearm filled with magic bullets, and heavy artillery, aimed at the enemy's area to bombard the enemy's area indiscriminately.

Fighting against these assault demon officers is the orc army whose armament is not inferior to theirs——

An elite unit sent by the Black Death Emperor.

They are holding novel magical weapons and wearing anti-magic armor that they have never seen before. Suppress it.

Boom boom boom!

Da Da Da Da!

The sound of gunfire and artillery made this place a real war zone.

Whether it's the orcs or the demon attack officer of Xianjin Island, the eardrums hurt from the sound of the battle.

But they didn't stop attacking, and brazenly launched an attack on the opponent, and countless potholes appeared on the newly added artificial island.

This newly added artificial island is not far from the cruise ship 'Ocean's Grave'. There is a new orc troop charging up from the sea in a small boat, as if it is going to destroy the entire Itogami Island.

When I rushed here that month, I thought for a while that I was facing the most elite ace army of the Empire of the Night.

When did the Black Death Emperor faction have such a terrifying armed force?

Or is String Kamishima completely out of date?

The terrorists actually stabilized the armed forces of Xianjindao, this must be something wrong.

Then, a palpitation of energy fluctuations made Na Yue's face change.

The reverberation produced by the violent explosion caused the newly developed artificial island to produce an earthquake effect picture above magnitude [-]. The island shook violently, and there were curved straight cracks on the surface where no buildings were applied.

The source of the bombing was the surveillance tower that the orc troops tried their best to protect.

Exposed to the air, the huge tower built with precision steel is being surrounded by brilliant flames.

The steel pieces scattered in all directions, carrying high-temperature flames, and what was rolled up was a hurricane with a scorching aura. There was a wild sound of sand haze, and stones and fiery red steel pieces fell from the sky.

Not only the nearest orc troops, but even the demon attack officers who assaulted the orc troops were also attacked.

The tower used for monitoring completely collapsed, unlike the terrifying scene that can appear in reality, it shocked everyone's heart.

Heavyweight modern weapons such as artillery and tanks, as long as they approached the collapsed tower, they were overturned by invisible forces and fell to the side of the road.

The orc crawled out of the tank crying, covered in blood, and was smashed into a sieve by the magic bullets of the demon attacking officers.

Some orcs burned with flames, rolled wildly on the ground, and let out horrifying screams. After being burned into black charcoal, they remained motionless, only the flames wrapped in high-density energy were still burning quietly.

In the base area of ​​the watchtower that was about to collapse, it was covered by flying steel pieces, but those steel pieces suddenly sensed some kind of mysterious call, and made continuous vibrating and trembling sounds.

The rich magic power broke through the barrier of the atmosphere, and violently sprayed from the ground to the sky.

That incomparably thick magical quality, even the witch in the gap that month had a strong interest in it.

Appearing from the smoky area was a ferocious and mighty giant mechanical beast.

The mechanical behemoth has six legs made of all metal, and the steel brush-like hair on the legs is fixed there by metal blades.

It is seven or eight meters tall, with an elliptical metal body and a hemispherical head. At the tip of the head grows an appendage like an ant's antennae.

Just standing on the ground makes people feel intimidated.

From the position of its energy outlet, a real red light shoots out. The extremely hard armored vehicle manufactured by the combination of modern technology, under the shooting of the real red ray, looks like a thin paper toy, easily cut in half, accompanied by The loud noise of the bombing was wiped out in the flames.

A weapon made by the gods - Nalakvile.

This is its real body.

What overflowed from it was ominous and oppressive high-density magic power, so that those who faced its existence could feel its incomparably powerful power, and their hearts jumped with fear.

Nayue clicked her tongue, there was no fear on her tender face, and she was eager to mobilize the magic power in her body.

The space magic circle cut across the middle of the giant mechanical beast, instantly cutting the giant mechanical beast in half, and split it evenly from the middle.

"The weapons of the gods, it seems that they are just a pile of useless scrap iron toys, nothing special..."

Chapter 26 It's a no-nonsense strategy Kosaka Yanagi

Head hurts.

It's about to explode.

After opening his eyes, what he saw was the familiar ceiling of his home. Gucheng was lying on the big bed where he usually rested. After a short period of unconsciousness, he remembered that he was knocked unconscious by the young female teacher with magical vibrations. fact.

"That legitimate loli teacher... is too cruel."

Gucheng complained like a curse, and touched the back of his head that felt like it was about to split. One can imagine the force of the collision with the wall at that time, and it still hurts now.

"Are you awake, Gucheng?"

Yase, who was sitting there with a chair and playing with her mobile phone, put down her mobile phone and looked towards Kojo.

"Yase? You brought me back?" Gucheng asked.

"Who else can I have? How about it, is the back of your head okay?"

"How could it be okay, it's still hurting now."

"In this case, you should rest at home and don't go out anywhere."

Yase nodded, keeping an eye on Gucheng and preventing him from making trouble is the most important task at present.

"Asacon and Nagisa were taken away by the bad guys, how could I have time to rest?"

Gucheng lifted the quilt and got ready to go.

"Do you know how to fight?"

Yase's casual question made Kojou stand still in embarrassment.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that, as the fourth primogenitor, he doesn't know how to fight at all.

Don't talk about fighting, I haven't even experienced such a thing as a hooligan fight.

This kind of terrorist who suddenly had to fight with explosive combat power made Gucheng feel very nervous.

But when he thought that Qian Cong and his younger sister Nagisa were in the hands of criminals and might be in danger of dying at any time, this kind of hesitation was replaced by firmness.

He doesn't know how to fight, but it's even more impossible for him to watch his friends and sister die.

At this time, he began to worry about why he didn't exercise at ordinary times. At least he could learn a little self-defense skills, or the application of magic power, and magic with that month's side.

As one of the top demon attack officers on Xian Kami Island, the Void Witch does not only have the means of space magic.

But now it is useless to be upset and regretful. At such an emergency, it is too late to learn combat skills and magic.

"Yase, it's fine for you to stay here, and I'll save it by myself."

Gucheng didn't want Yase to take risks with him, this kind of thing was too dangerous, and he was not sure of winning.

As for the subsequent punishment, anyway, it is not the first time that he has done so.

"To put it bluntly, you're just going to die like this, and what do you mean by 'I can save it alone'... Qian Cong is also my friend after all, and you are not the only one who can't just stand by. It's just that you passed by so recklessly, and you just died in vain That's all."

Yase is well aware of Kojou's character, and it is impossible for him to give up on this kind of thing.

Leaving aside the issue of Asagi, in fact Yase is not worried about her.

The Holy Miko... This curse is not a joke.

On the contrary, Nagisa is the only one who really wants to save.

So, the warning given to him that month, in fact, thinking about it, he couldn't stop Gu Cheng's will at all.

It is true that Gucheng does not have the power that a vampire should have, and so far, he does not know how to control any beasts, but he is kind and upright in nature, and he cares more about his sister than anyone else.

In terms of emotion and reason, he has no reason to stop the ancient city.

It's just that it's impossible to rely on recklessness to save people. The frontal battlefield is left to professionals, but the lateral battlefield needs to use your brains.

"Then what should be done? Time is running out now."

"This is too ugly, Gu Cheng, calm down first, things are not that bad yet. The fighting power of orcs is terrifying, especially their physical abilities. If we meet head-on, we will be defeated. I will follow you slowly on the detailed matter." Explain slowly, but you must obey my command completely now, otherwise I will follow the order and not let you leave here."

"oh oh."

Hearing that Yase, who was usually unprincipled, suddenly became serious, and he was quite imposing, so that he, the fourth primogenitor, couldn't help but echo his words.

Surface-to-air missiles flew across the battlefield, and countless explosive devices were dropped from helicopters, leaving the entire new artificial island in ruins.

The flames of war continued to escalate.

The armed forces possessed by the Black Death Emperor faction exceeded the foreknowledge of String Kamijima.

Even in the residential area near the artificial island, there were a large number of wounded. After the alarm sounded, there was no tendency to stop.

This is not an operation against terrorist organizations at all, but a real war.

The intensity of the battle was beyond the expectation of both sides.

"It's the Void Witch!"

"Come on!"

"Kill her! Avenge the dead compatriots!"

Noticed the young girl attacking demon officers rampant on the battlefield.

The orcs wore heavy armor and held the latest magical weapons. They released sharp laser cannons, shattered the frontal defensive barrier, and shattered the ground. Some demon attack officers had no time to dodge, and flew out in embarrassment. , blood was scattered all over the ground.

Then, they all rushed towards the young girl, holding powerful weapons in their hands, full of confidence for a while.

Even if it's the Void Witch, it's impossible to deal with... deal with...


A series of space magic arrays lay across the necks of the orcs, their heads rolled down and blood sprayed into the sky.

"Quick, go back!"

"No, I can't hold it anymore!"

"Damn it, the Void Witch is here! Get out!"

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