"Further forced stimulation, it is likely to wake up immediately. If left unattended, it will explode within ten days to half a month. The magic power spread abnormally will envelop the entire city of Tokyo and cause a large number of people to die."

"Before it turns into such a tragic situation, urgently use the secret seal to clean up this ominous situation. Teacher Xiao, this time it's up to you."

An Zuo let out a sigh of relief, and said to Xiao Fei Sano with a wry smile.

Xiao Feisha accepted it as a matter of course, and said softly to Anzao: "This is the mission of the establishment of the Shenxuta Shrine. As the palace secretary of this generation, I am naturally obliged. The bee snake has been a symbol of disaster since ancient times. When they wake up, Shenxuta Shrine is obliged to suppress them."

"Bee snake? Is that the name of the creature inside the 'black shell'?" An Zuo really didn't know why.

"Maybe...we don't know what's going on inside the 'black shell', but I'm sure this kind of power is a disaster for both humans and demons."

"Sounds scary, the legacy of the holy annihilation..."

An Zuo shook his head, and sighed helplessly.

"Fortunately, the method of suppressing the activation of the 'Black Shell' has been well inherited by Shenxuta Shrine. But this time it is a little different."

Xiao Fei Sa Nao's tone changed.


"It's for this purpose that the Lion King agency came here to assist, isn't it, Bai Nai?"

Without looking back, Xiao Feisha called out the name of one of the three saints of the Lion King.

Makoto Anza, Yuri, Sayayaka and other powerful people with good strength didn't notice a certain person's arrival.

Standing there faintly with swaying air, it was right behind Yuri and Sayayaka.

This made Yuili and Sayayahua's back feel cold up their spines.

The two of them were approached so close without realizing it.

In particular, Wei Li also has the spiritual vision of a sword witch.

This also proves that if Anbai Nai's action ability is not of the same level of strength, it is impossible to notice her existence with spiritual vision.

"That's right, handling this kind of magical disaster has also been the responsibility of the Lion King agency since ancient times."

Anbai Nai's clear but mature voice sounded in the tent.

"Responsibility?" Xiao Fei closed her eyes and smiled slightly.

"So, the secret technique passed down from Shenxuta Shrine will be used by us this time. I don't think you will have any complaints. This is the duty of Shenxuta Shrine, and it is also to save your granddaughter."

"Of course. It's just that..." Xiaofei Sainai looked at An Bai Nai and asked, "Do the other three saints know about this?"

"I don't know what's going on here. Ge Zongci and I didn't tell her. She's a little bit obsessed with cleanliness. After all, this kind of secret technique is not a righteous way."

Anbai Nai's words made Xiao Fei Sainao not know what to say.

The ritual performed by An Bai Nai is actually a very risky bet.

Maybe it will cause ambiguity between the three saints and cause a split in the Lion King's organization.

The Human Pillar Sacrifice Method... is not a cruel method that any demon attacking officer can agree with.

But this is indeed the only effective means to completely seal the 'black shell'.

If not, Anbai Nai would not have come here in person.

"I chatted with your granddaughter Xiao Nagisa for a while, she is a very cute little girl, just like you back then..."

The tone of Anbai Nai and Xiao Fei Sano's conversation was as if they were coaxing a child to play.

Although Xiao Feisha is already an old man from the grandma's generation.


Xiaofei Saina smiled with a headache, it seemed that her granddaughter had already been 'bullied' severely by Anbainai.

"It's better to get rid of such troublesome things once and for all. I hope this is the last time."

An Bai Nai focused on the whole of the 'black shell' on the computer screen, the ominous rhythm of life, and the dark barrier wrapped on it, which was more weird than her dark will.

The source of this unease, there is no need for it to exist.

Saint Annihilation is something that shouldn't exist.

It only needs the presence of the Fourth True Ancestor.

"What do you think, Yuperi? As for 'Black Shell'?"

Xiao Fei Sainao looked at the little sword shaman who was brought over by him, and was also surprised at her, and did not expect to be nominated by Xiao Fei Sainao at this time, so Wei Li's expression was a little hesitant.

In fact, she and Sayaya Hua didn't know much, just some superficial things.

The specific above did not explain to them.

"Ask me?"

"Yes, your intuition as a swordsman is still very effective sometimes."

Xiao Feisana admired Wei Li's pure and innocent eyes very much. Such an excellent girl is the best candidate for a sword shaman.

Only those who are pure enough can practice spiritual vision to a very deep level.

"Hmm... I'm not very clear, but the 'Black Shell' gives me the feeling...it's not like a disaster itself...but exists to protect something... Could it be that we made a mistake?"

Her words made all the big figures in the tent startled.

"So you're protecting something?"

Countless black holes are densely covered in the mountains and forests, and through the cover of the barrier, they will not be discovered.

With his hands in his pockets, Grimmjow stood at the exit of one of the black chambers, communicating closely with someone in the White Night Palace.

"Whether it's protection or the disaster itself, bringing it back to the True White Night Palace intact is the mission this time."

This is the voice of Sal Apollo, the deputy leader of the White Garden.

"How many forces are there?"

"There are many, and some of them may be stronger than you. But on your side, we also have strong support, so don't worry too much. There is no such thing as being unable to suppress the situation."

Over there, there was a brief pause, and then a brief analysis of the situation.

"Stronger than me?"

Grimmjow's eyes immediately showed excitement, as if he couldn't wait to make a move.

"From the perspective of pure energy, it needs returning edge to match it."

"Isn't that close to the level of the first echelon? Is it true ancestor?"

"Probably not. There are still a lot of people with the strength of the second echelon level in this world. It is normal for someone to compete with you. According to what Bambietta said, the average level of the three true ancestors , should be in the middle of the first echelon. Counting the immature fourth true ancestor, the average level will drop to the second echelon."

Sal Apollo was there to show off his research reports.

"Okay, the call ends here, and the sealing ceremony over there seems to have begun."

Sensing abnormal energy fluctuations, Grimmjow cast his gaze into the distance.

The magic array with priests is lighting up, which also proves that the Lion King Agency and the Self-Defense Forces are starting to seal the matter.

"I wish you success. In addition, don't forget to turn on the energy conversion machine, and don't expose our connection with String Kamishima for the time being. One light and one dark, this is the assigned plan."


Grimmjow cut off the call, and carried the so-called "energy conversion machine" on his body. Within a certain area, through radar scanning, all the spiritual fluctuations were covered in the form of magical fluctuations, but the essence was still Spirit power.

"This time the action is based on me, I will assign tasks..."

Grimmjow glanced at the rest of the disfigured crowd who followed, and in the expectant eyes of everyone, he revealed his well-thought-out battle plan——

"Leave the strongest one to me, and you can do whatever you want with the rest."

On his face was a malicious and mischievous smile.

(PS: I can't take it anymore, I'm lying down, let's stop here today...)

Let me apologize first, about the recent

Some people say that water is indeed water, and there are many boring and lengthy plots.

But the purpose of water is to make the plot fuller and rounder, explaining the cause and effect, so that the plot can reach its peak...

Although some have read the original work, there are also many who haven't read it. No matter what you do, you can't take care of both ends.

The plot must always explain the cause and effect, otherwise, in the fight, abruptness and plot loopholes may occur, which will lead to even greater loopholes in the subsequent plot, which cannot be filled, and can only be unfinished in a hurry.

I've written it before, so I understand the various key issues of fanfiction in the infinite genre.

Moreover, the content of my post is all to pave the way for a certain battle plot, and I didn't say that I was messing around for no purpose.

Xiao Gucheng's personality at the beginning was indeed unpleasant, and was criticized by many people as a waste of ancient times.

In the No.11 volume of the novel, after recalling all the things about Agulola, Akatsuki gradually became responsible and enlightened as a true ancestor. Sure enough, the power of Zhenggong’s wife is invincible, and even Yukina can’t change his salty fish. mentality.

It’s also hard for me to lay the groundwork for the water every day. I have to dig out the words every day. I’m afraid that I’ve made a mistake. The interpretation is too different from the original. The original party can’t stand it...

It’s okay to change the plot of the original book, but the question of whether the setting can be changed or not, I try not to change it as much as possible, and most of the characters and acting styles are adapted according to the characters in the original book, without much departure.

I found the daily plots to be the most difficult to write, and it was simply tormenting.

I wrote the hidden line plot of that month and the protagonist, and changed it many times. I wrote almost five or six versions. The number of words in the various versions of the plot that I took out separately can make up three to four chapters, which can give me a few more days of rest. , play games to your heart's content, without having to devote yourself to the ranks of codewords.

Because there are many hidden plots and settings that need to be explained in many details, they will also be presented in daily life. How to pave the way for the plot, and whether it will have any impact after being disrupted, all need to be considered. will to write.

This is the limitation of fan fiction, and it is impossible to rewrite all according to one's own mind.

I also really want to write the fighting plot, because the fighting plot is really easy to write.

As the protagonist said, many problems have been seen through to their essence, but in fact they are all just that.

The ultimate purpose of being in love must be to... er...

The essence of the battle plot is to use all the foreshadowing and hidden settings in the daily life, and then embody the truth of "coolness" in the battle. I think this should be the most essential core of the battle plot.

Show coolness, pretentiousness, crushing and other behaviors, without too much thinking, write out all kinds of invincible and pretentious fantasies in my previous period of secondary illness, one set after another, typing with no hands Pause, all in one go.

Wait, did I expose some black history?

Questions about the protagonist’s image were also answered

Regarding the image of the protagonist, many people said it was too transparent.

I can responsibly say that the protagonist is this image, transparent is right, ordinary is right, background board is right, there are not too many characteristics to describe.

Not three-dimensional is also a kind of image.

Have desires, but know restraint, killing and saving people are just casual, and will not feel guilty for killing people, nor will they feel joy and self-worship because of saving people.

Knowing the ways of the world, you can follow it or not.

There can be principles without principles. The important thing is to strike a balance in the middle.

The same is true for killing those who are tested, there is no guilt, no joy, it is just a subconscious behavior, you don’t do it if you don’t want to do it, you do it if you want to, the benefit may be incidental, or it may be really for the benefit.

Can distinguish between good and evil, but do not intend to follow the so-called good and evil.

You can save the world one moment, or destroy the world the next moment.

Except for things related to special aspects such as female characters, after overcoming the six deadly sins, the protagonist rarely even shows basic emotions, and even if there are fluctuations, it does not affect his thinking or judgment ability.

It's not cold, it's not arrogant, it's just ordinary, without three-dimensional image.

In my opinion, this is what 'ordinary people' look like.

Well, I just woke up, I seem to have posted a chapter today, I will write it tomorrow, and continue to sleep...

Chapter 33 The Battle of the Rope Lake ([-])

The deep night sky in summer is partly covered by the ridgelines of the ridges. From this point of view, there is only a solitary moon hanging in the sky, and no trace of stars can be seen.

Looking at the night sky, it seems to be a dark ocean with undercurrents tumbling, gloomy and mysterious.

There are several layers of huge concentric circles, and the inner side of each concentric circle is covered with dense spell words.

The words and patterns radiate a strong radiance, covering the entire night sky. The coverage area cannot be calculated, but it must be enveloping the entire Shensheng Lake.

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