It is especially fatal to think that one is very smart and see through all falsehoods.

"This should be very difficult, almost to the point of being impossible. At what time, at what place, to whom, and in what capacity to say something, this is a very important one for the senior management of String Kamijima. Choose, and you only get one chance."

Paqiuli thought calmly, no matter how you look at it, Xian Kamishima is at an extreme disadvantage at the moment, and has been led by the nose by the Saint Annihilation faction.

Bai Ye didn't answer, the Saint Annihilation faction has nothing to do with him, as long as the layout of the True White Night Palace in Xianshen Island is not destroyed, he will be fine no matter what.

Judging from the superficial situation, the purpose of the Saint Annihilation Faction clearly conflicts with that of the True White Night Palace, but if we can make good use of this shareholder wind and turn the contradiction into a boost, it will allow the True White Night Palace to take a big step forward in penetrating Xianshen Island.

What will you do next?Oh, I'm really looking forward to it.Bai Ye was very curious about how Ban Liu would deal with the ultimate move of the leader of the Saint Annihilation faction, because she really didn't have much time to think about countermeasures.

Sometimes, Bai Ye also wondered, is it too early to entrust such an important task to Banyanagi?

Just based on IQ index, well-structured thinking ability, self-knowledge, and the speed of adapting to the environment, in the entire True White Night Palace, it can also be said to be an outstanding talent.

The only flaw is time.

Not seniority, but inexperience in handling things.Worrying about putting such a huge pressure on her as an underage girl is likely to make her suffer a huge blow and never recover from it.

As my immediate superior, shouldn't I go over and comfort him then?

Half an hour after the man-made island management commune building was attacked for the second time, and the leader of the terrorist leader, the Holy Annihilation faction, made a live broadcast declaration, the official of Itogami Island once again used the official name to tell the public not to try to believe what the terrorists said , as long as you stay at home safely, you can get through this crisis.

However, the sky and the silver and black curtains surrounding Xian Kami Island have no tendency to be lifted up to now. This seed of distrust has taken root in many people's hearts, and they doubt whether the senior management of Xian Kami Island has the ability to turn the tide.

The artificial island management commune building, as the central area where the power of Itogami Island is concentrated, was successfully attacked by the Saint Annihilation faction within a day.

In their minds, the Saint Annihilation Faction is already a powerful existence stronger than the government of the Isogami Island.

In the comment area of ​​the official network platform, there have been many voices against the Kamishima government.

——They said, just deal with the demons, wouldn't it be good to hand over the demons and their families on the island?

——Xiangami Island government is eating the jobs of the demons, without the demons settled in Xiangami Island, the Demon Special Zone will exist in name only.

—To be honest, I really hate demons.Many of them idle around in the company all day long, molesting female colleagues. I was beaten by them last time, and I had to go to the hospital to lie down for half a month.The security team released him after only ten days of detention.

——I used to have a demon friend who always felt dangerous when he saw something wrong with my wife's eyes, so I hurriedly drew a line and dared not let him enter my house again.

— Hurry up and hand over all the demons on the island, so that the terrorists will have nothing to say.

—That is, the demons are the source of chaos.As long as the demons and abilities disappear, many things in the world will be fair.


There are more and more remarks that are not conducive to Xiangami Island's login to the Demon Race, and there are gradually signs of being uncontrollable.

Even if a small number of rational people see through the facts and say some good things for the demons, not all demons are bad people. There are also demons who like to get along with humans. They are very friendly and use their power to help On the weak.

But these remarks were quickly overwhelmed by negative information, and no sound could be made.

In the end, the network management department of Xian Kami Island had to take action, closing the comment area of ​​Xian Kami Island's official platform and suppressing it temporarily.

However, doing so confirmed the guilty conscience of the String Kamishima government.

Many human people who were bullied by the demons and jealous of the power of the demons intensified their hatred of the Xianjindao government.

Some people walked out of their homes without fear of death, causing huge troubles to the work of the SAR Garrison and Self-Defense Forces, saying that they stayed at home like prisoners and hadn't gone out to play for a day.

This kind of silent protest can only make the high-level officials of Xiangami Island continue to send people to appease the people's irritable and shaken negative emotions, and they cannot be allowed to explode, otherwise the entire Xiangami Island will really be destroyed in the hands of the Saint Annihilation faction.

At the same time, they are also actively seeking help from the international community, including the local government, asking them to send aid troops to dismantle the huge abnormal barrier that surrounds Xianshen Island.

If it goes on like this, not to mention three days, even three hours, it may be suffering.

"These bastards!"

That was the sound of an explosion on Warehouse Street, and the scene of the raging fire made Nayue's face darken.

"This is's too late to stop it."

Xuecai, who came here with that month, changed her face slightly at the same time, anticipating a very bad situation.

Warehouse Street was obviously hit by heavy blasts. More than a dozen silver-black knights and silver-black magicians riding flying dragons patrolled around the burning Warehouse Street and engaged in a frontal firepower confrontation with the special zone security forces.

When that month used space magic to transfer herself and Xuecai here, what she saw was the scene of the warehouse street being destroyed, and the lost funds were about tens of billions.

This is not the most important loss, because the warehouse street that was exploded contains an important area that supplies the residents of Xianjin Island to store grain, which is more tragic than the so-called loss of tens of billions.

The next problem to face is... no food.

And that month's space magic, for some reason, couldn't get out of the space wrapped in silver and black matter, and could only move freely inside.

In other words, at this moment, String Kamishima lost all its supplies.

Although the network can still communicate with the outside world to a certain extent, the degree of information interference is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, the communication with the outside world will be interrupted within a few hours.

That month looked murderously at the members of the Saint Annihilation faction who were destroying the warehouse street, but she just stared at them fearfully and did not take the lead.

They are surrounded by a pitch-black aurora curtain, which can remove her chains of discipline and restrain her space magic.

Even any magical weapons used by the guards and self-defense forces will be invalid.

The weapons used by the guards and self-defense forces today are firearms without magic attacks. Without the supply of magic power, the power of bullets and shells has dropped significantly, which cannot create too much hindrance for them to move.

However, if the ammunition with magic power is loaded, all shikigami tools on them will be nullified.

No matter how you do it, it's a dilemma.

The gap witch, who was originally the top demon attack officer of Xian Kami Island, can easily and happily play with her opponents in the palm of her hand in any crisis that affects the rule of Xian Kami Island, but at that moment, she felt that she really had nothing to do. It's useless, except for transferring personnel and some trivial assistance, it really can't do anything.

Guns were such weapons that she hadn't touched for many years that month. In order to prevent danger, even she, the chief instructor of the security force, had to wear one to protect her own safety.

It's almost time for the sunset.

Xuexialang, the only seven-style assault demon machine gun that can be used, can ignore the power formed by the "foreign land", but it cannot pierce the silver and black curtains around Xianshen Island. The power of "information" contained in it is unmatched by Xuecai at the moment .

However, something is better than nothing, and I didn't expect anything extravagantly that month, I just hope that this time I can spend it safely.

Xuecai was the first to go up to fight, and the security personnel were responsible for covering her actions, ensuring a stable rear for her, and trying to contain the enemy's firepower as much as possible.

The knights and magicians riding the flying dragons didn't care at all about the firepower attacks from the guards, and even the Void Witch, who made the demons fearful, didn't take it seriously.

What they are afraid of is that this girl who controls the seven-style assault demon subduing machine gun Xuexialang holds the demon-breaking holy gun that can break through the "exotic land" in her hands, which is the biggest threat to their Saint Annihilation faction.

must be eradicated.


A human head flew out, spilling black oil. At some point, Yukina was standing on the head of the flying dragon with cold and clear eyes. After cutting off the knight's head, she held the silver spear with both hands and poked the spear downward.

The flying dragon let out a miserable howl and fell into the sea of ​​flames on the ground.

At the moment the flying dragon fell, Xuecai stepped on the head of the flying dragon, kicked to the side, jumped to a tall building that had not been burned down, and stood firm.

On the silver holy gun, the godhead vibration wave drives the spell, and the gorgeous and mysterious magic array, the light is even more dazzling, which can ignore the "foreign land" power used by the holy annihilators.

What the rest of the members of the Saint Annihilation faction saw was exactly this scene. A companion was beheaded, and the flying dragon was pierced through the skull and died.

At that moment, there was a sense of disobedience that they all felt, like an illusion like fragments in memory.

When he reacted, there was only the scene of the knight and the flying dragon being chopped off.

"Is the silence broken? Damn, I didn't expect this kind of guy to be here."

A silver and black knight gritted his teeth and said, although he didn't see anyone, he had already called out the identity of the unknown enemy.

The magic that directly acts on them, all things with magic power will be nullified, but there is one ability that cannot be eliminated.

That is, they do not directly affect their own abilities, but can be used.

'Silence Breaking' itself is not a direct attack ability, but for the attacker to gain the right to attack the enemy during the non-existent time.

At a point in time that does not exist, it is not the enemy who interferes.It was Yukina. At that moment, Yukina disappeared from the original 'time', interspersed with a segment that did not exist, and intervened in reality. It was precisely this that was used to execute a Saint Annihilation faction miraculously. personnel.

The members of the Holy Annihilator faction were obviously afraid. The Silence Breaker plus the power of the Demon-Breaking Holy Lance that destroyed the "foreign land" did give them a terrifying illusion of death.

He retreated without hesitation. If this continues, he will be defeated one by one. The Lion King organization, which has always been at odds with Kamishima, and the head of the three saints assisting its actions, can be said to be both reasonable and unexpected.

Seeing the rioters of the Saint Annihilation faction retreating, Nayue was powerless to pursue them, and there was no way to deal with them after chasing them.

Right now, how to decipher the 'exotic' ability they use is the most critical.

"That guy Sakayanagi hasn't moved until now, is he already confident?"

I thought of someone that month.

One of the targets of the Holy Annihilator faction—the dragon girl Glenda is in the hands of Sakayanagi. The management of the artificial island management commune had negotiated with Sakayanagi about Glenda's protection. Work out a way to decipher the abilities of the Saint Annihilation Faction.

The Holy Annihilation faction needs Glenda's power so much, so there is a possibility that there are hidden means to restrain the Holy Annihilation faction's power.

It's just that this request was rejected by Sakayanagi unceremoniously, and told them that they would bear Glenda's research expenses and find a way to break the "exotic" power of the Saint Annihilation faction. The White House scientific agency would be solely responsible for it. Any form of cooperation wants to monopolize this research result.

Except for a small number of people who surrendered to Banyanagi, most of the management now hold a hostile attitude towards Banyanagi, thinking that her food is too greedy.

The study of dragons is a very important subject for String Kamijima, and if they can learn something from it, they can also make huge profits from it.

Ban Liu's behavior of eating alone has completely cut off their way to make a fortune, how can they not hold grudges?

Nayue was not interested in this, what she wanted to know was what plans Sakayanagi had going forward.

Whether the method to crack the "foreign land" has been found from Glenda is also an urgent need to know that month.

Four p.m.

Although the light shining on Itogami Island outside can illuminate everything, it is different from the light during daytime, and has a deeply disturbing mystery.

The large TV screen embedded in the entire wall broadcasts the scene of String Kamishima Warehouse Street being burned down by members of the Holy Annihilation faction.

This is not a live news broadcast to all the people, but a picture monitored by instruments.

The warehouse was burned down, and I dare not make it public at all.

Originally, the people of Xian Kami Island spent most of the day in high tension and became extremely sensitive and fragile. At this time, they learned that the warehouse street of Xian Kami Island was burned down, and a large amount of food was lost, which could easily lead to unpredictable riots.

Sakayanagi was wearing a white yukata, her silver textured hair was slightly wet, the pure white yukata only covered her chest and above the thighs, her snow-white thin shoulders were stained with crystal drops of water, her white and plain legs were bare Overlapping, holding a teacup with a cute design in his hand, in the cup is freshly brewed coffee with sugar.

"Sakayanagi, I have something to do with you."

If possible, Nayue didn't want to get involved with Sakayanagi, rather, she wanted to run away.

"You don't come in from the gate, but go directly to the living room. The way Miss Nangong greets you is really special."

Sakayanagi smiled, and made a gesture of please sit down.

"Are you someone who cares about such trivial things? I have something to do with you."

That month, of course, you are welcome to sit down. She has been wearing white gothic outfits for the past few days. The knee socks on her legs and the high heels on her feet are also white. She looks younger than usual, Not as mature as a black gothic outfit.

"Please say."

"What are your plans for the Saint Annihilation faction?"

The expression on that month's words can be said to be very serious.

Among the enemies she has dealt with, the Saint Annihilation faction is not the strongest, but it must be the most difficult criminal organization.

The members inside are all human beings who are hostile to demons.

"Destroy them, you can't encourage their arrogance." Sakayanagi said in a very official tone.

"What about the method?"

Nayue rolled her eyes, of course she knew she wanted to eliminate the Saint Annihilation faction, but the problem at the moment was not this, what she wanted was a specific plan and strategy.

"To be honest, I don't know either. Not only do they have strange abilities, but they also have premeditated actions. I don't know what to do now. Give me a little more time to think about it?"

After taking a sip of the coffee with sugar, Sakayanagi put it on the table and shook his head crisply, with a strangely serious expression on his face.

Nayue raised her beautiful eyebrows, always feeling that Sakayanagi's appearance was very problematic.

"Can I borrow you alone?"


"Your bodyguard."

"Stupid little Bumby? That's fine, but even if you borrow Bumby, it won't be of much use. Bumby also fought against the Saint Annihilation faction not long ago. Her explosive power has no effect on their 'foreign land'." Also invalid."


Hearing what Sakayanagi said, Nayue's face became heavy.

Can't even those who are strong after fighting the First True Ancestor be immune to the power of the 'foreign land'?

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