"The modeling angel plan can be implemented."

"So fast?"

"Have you forgotten? Because of Himeira-sama, he became the first case to complete the modeled angel by accident. The two promotion methods lead to the same goal, which made the layout of the modeled angel completed ahead of schedule."

"Well... that's what happened. Inform the other side, and it will start officially in 43 hours."

Sal Apollo thought of the body data of Yukina that he had seen before, which had successfully crossed over from the human realm.

The body is full of 'high-dimensional' spiritual power, and basically does not need Xuexia wolf's assistance to restrain supernatural powers and magic, and can achieve a certain restraint effect.

Maybe she herself has not realized this, but the fact that she has become the same existence as the model angel cannot be refuted.

After waiting for the results for several months, the first wave can finally be harvested.

Most of the materials of the same nature in the method of making godheads are either replaced by materials or extracted from other substances, except for the "divine spirit" which is relatively difficult to obtain, they have all been assembled.

There are different types of so-called 'divine energy', but in contrast, there is not only one way to create godheads in the method of making godheads, but there are many ways to complete the creation of godheads.

According to the calculation results, the "spirit" of this world can be used as the main material. The only uncertainty is how much "spirit" needs to be consumed to successfully simulate a godhead.

According to Saar Apollo's lowest estimate, the "spirit" consumed in the creation of a godhead will be very large.

In the preliminary stage, it is impossible to mass-produce the godhead assembly line like a factory.

Between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] am, Itogami Island and the surrounding waters are bright.

The armored flying battleship 'Lanvado' launched from the Air Force Base of the Kingdom of Ardikia has arrived in the Pacific region where Itogami Island is located.

After nearly [-] hours of trekking, the armored flying warship did not go through resupply on the way, and the fuel it carried was still sufficient.

The air fleet of the Kingdom of Ardikia has finally arrived at this rumored Demon Special Zone-Itogami Island.

At the port of Xianjin Island, the sky fortress with a total length of more than 500 feet descended vertically, shrinking its wings, and landed smoothly at the port without causing wind and waves on the sea.

At the port, Izukami Island's Self-Defense Force Demon Attack Officers have assembled, including the Izukami Island's diplomatic officials who received the first princess of the Kingdom of Ardikia, La Folia.

The team is concise yet grand, and it is conceivable that many officials of Itogami Island have a friendly attitude towards the friendly visit of the Kingdom of Ardikia.

Especially in the recent assassination of the king of the North Sea Empire, many people speculated that this was a plan secretly conspired by the Kingdom of Ardikia, which caused the North Sea Empire to be overwhelmed.

Even the people inside the North Sea Empire probably thought that it was Ardikia Kingdom's retaliation against their North Sea Empire.

The enemy that their North Sea Empire has recently provoked is, after all, only the Kingdom of Ardikia, and only the Kingdom of Ardikia has this motive, and it has enough strength to complete the assassination plan.

The officials of the North Sea Empire did not believe that their king would choke to death because of drinking water.

The murderer is probably instigated by the royal family of the Kingdom of Ardichia.

"His Royal Highness Princess La Folia Lihavain, I am waiting for you to come to Itokami Island."

When the diplomats of Itokami Island stepped down from the gangway at La Folia and set foot in the port, he brought the Demon Attack Officer of Itokami Island's Self-Defense Forces to meet the princess of the kingdom known as the "God of Beauty". .

La Folia smiled modestly, and politely responded to the Izukami Island diplomat.

As rumored, she is a beautiful princess who is compassionate and peaceful, giving people an amiable and gentle temperament, showing her generosity and calmness as a princess of a country.

La Folia knows that the diplomatic department of Xian Kami Island has always been controlled by the Yase Consortium, and the current leader of the Yase Consortium, Yase Kenshige, is the leader of the Xian Kami Island Artificial Island Management Commune. Members are more weighty.

The influence of the Yase family is intricate, and it has long been not limited to the place of Itogami Island. It has a very high influence throughout Japan, including East Asia.

Not only that, the security force and self-defense force of Xian Kami Island also has the interests of the Yase family, which basically involves all fields of Xian Kami Island, and is an insurmountable mountain.

In other words, the diplomat who received her came here according to Yase Kenshige's instructions.

With the Yase Foundation from the established group, Arisu Sakayanagi from the new group, and other large and small forces, the corners of La Folia's mouth twitched slightly. The small place of Xianjin Island has already been tangled up like this A heavyweight organization has started a battle between dragons and tigers.

The attack of the Saint Annihilation faction may be just a signal of 'war', which completely tore away the fake face between the various factions on Xianjin Island, revealing their original ambition and desire.

"His Royal Highness, President Yase has prepared breakfast at home, waiting for you to go."

The diplomat smiled politely, and La Folia couldn't fault it.

Sayayaka and a squad leader of the Knights of the Holy Ring stood on both sides of La Folia, responsible for her guarding work throughout the process, never leaving her.

La Folia was about to nod her head in agreement when she suddenly saw a girl carrying a black musical instrument case not far ahead, walking towards her with a serious expression.

"You are……"

The self-defense force attacking officer who originally wanted to stop the girl, La Folia waved her hand to signal that she didn't need it, and was curious about the purpose of this strange girl.

Sayaka recognized that it was Yukina, but due to her current duties, she didn't rush over as usual to hug Yukina's delicate body.

"I'm Himeragi Yukina, someone asked me to bring you an invitation card, Your Highness the Princess."

Yukina respectfully placed a pure white invitation card in front of La Folia.

La Folia took the invitation card, which was only white and had no other colors. There was no trace of magical treatment on it, it was just a normal invitation card.

Seeing that La Folia accepted the invitation and was sure that her task was completed, Yukina nodded, and without asking La Folia if she would agree, she walked straight away with the black musical instrument case on her back.

Curiously, La Folia opened the white envelope, which had no special meaning, and took out a very comfortable white letter paper. Lines of beautiful black characters were displayed on it, and the owner of the writing was undoubtedly a woman.

——At 21:[-] sharp tonight, I will hold a grand banquet on the cruise ship "White Night" at the port of Itokami Island.During the banquet, I hope Her Royal Highness can come to attend——

There is no signature, but La Folia already knows who wrote it to herself.

After the 'naked snake made' Vatora Dimitrie famous, the cruise ship 'White Night' was also one of the hot news before.

The important thing is that this cruise ship is very luxurious and luxurious. Its hull is larger than that of a warship, and its interior is like a magnificent palace. Many internationally renowned businessmen, including the MAR organization, wanted to acquire this luxury cruise ship, but the result was naturally disappointing. Come back with success.

And the owner of this ship is none other than Arisu Sakayanagi, a judge of Itokami Island.

What I had to admit was that La Folia really had to go to this banquet, whether it was a business or a private matter.

"Sorry, I have an important banquet to attend tonight, please decline Mr. Yase's kindness for me. I didn't sleep all night last night, and I want to have a good rest during the day so that I can have energy for the evening banquet."

La Folia had already said so, and the diplomats who received her did not dare to force her to come over. If the princess was offended, the cooperation between Xian Kamijima and the Kingdom of Ardikia would fail.

"You are being polite, Your Highness, since this is the case, please rest well."

The diplomat could only feel sorry, and then asked a demon attack officer to drive La Folia and her two guards to rest in the embassy on Xiangami Island.

Her Royal Highness the princess will not leave Xianjin Island in the short term, and the cooperation will last forever, so there is no need to rush for a while.

--at the same time.

Na Yue and Fei Dao, who had just walked out of the airport, also each received a pure white invitation card from someone else, inviting them to attend a banquet on the cruise ship 'White Night' at the port of Xian Kami Island in the evening.

"At the banquet hosted by that guy Sakayanagi, to be honest, I have a bad feeling."

That month felt that the invitation in her hand was heavy, and she was a little restless.

It wasn't the content of the invitation, but the problem was Sakayanagi herself. In that month's cognition, nothing good would happen to anything that involved her.

On the contrary, there was a bunch of junk, which made Xian Kamishima jump around.

"Mr. Nangong, do you also feel this way? What a coincidence, I also have this bad feeling."

Fei Dao muttered in a low voice.

On this matter, she chose to agree with that month's point of view.

"In addition to the holder, each invitation card can also invite two people to attend the banquet together. Teacher Nangong, do you want to invite Teacher Bai Ye to come with you?"

With a thought, Fei Dao proposed this matter to Nayue.

"Let's talk later."

There was no immediate decision on the matter that month.

It's not because there will be any danger at the banquet, on the contrary, with Sakayanagi's character, in order to ensure that her plan can be implemented, the safety of the banquet must be at the highest level, and accidents cannot happen.

The biggest problem of this banquet is what 'blast' news Sakayanagi will release at the end of the banquet.

She didn't believe that Sakayanagi suddenly invited people to her cruise ship to hold a normal networking banquet when she had nothing to do. It was impossible to think about it.

In the final analysis, a creature like 'Sakayanagi' is just a businessman who has no profit and no money, smells like copper, and has a stomach full of bad water.

When Bai Ye returned to Xian Kami Island, from the airport to the villa area where he was located in Xian Kami Island, he walked around half of Xian Kami Island, and found that many buildings and roads had been rested.

Xian Kamijima's magic industry ability is worthy of recognition, it would be even better if disasters can be prevented in advance every time.

But in Bai Ye's view, this is temporarily impossible.

String Kamishima is a semi-independent region split from Japan, and its power structure is also quite simple. With the presence of various consortiums, the power division is serious, and it is not easy to stop losses every time.

If you want to ask for more, it will be self-defeating.

After arriving at the home of Xian Kamijima, I removed the things purchased in the Kingdom of Ardikia from the car. Most of them were clothes, shoes, etc. worn by girls, and some souvenirs bought during the visit.

After packing up his things, Bai Ye slept for three or four hours, and found that it was already eleven o'clock, and left a note on the table in the living room, telling Qian Tongzi that they had dinner outside at noon.

Emphasis on comfort, the interior furniture, including the decoration, are full of luxury, which is the biggest selling point of this family restaurant.

Bai Ye waited here for about 10 minutes, and that month came over in a white gothic outfit, with a delicate appearance like a porcelain doll, and a rather young appearance.

"You guys are finally willing to come back. How are you doing in the Kingdom of Ardikia? Is there anything interesting?"

Nayue sat across from her, holding the straw in her small mouth, and took a sip of the prepared drink.

Bai Ye had just ordered lunch, and when he heard that month's question, Bai Ye replied with a smile: "The aurora there is beautiful, but unfortunately, I didn't see the polar day and polar night, maybe the timing of going there is not right. Bar."

Then he told Nayue some interesting things he met in Ardikia Kingdom, or what he saw and ate there.

The schedule is full for several days.

"Then, you scumbag, have you been fascinated by the little girls in the Kingdom of Ardikia? I heard that there are so many beautiful women there, and there are many beautiful women. It is also a major attraction."

That month pretended to be unhappy, but when she said this, it was mostly ridicule.

"You worried too much that month. I was exhausted just by dealing with you guys. How can I have time to provoke other girls?"

Seeing that the drink in front of Nayue was empty, he ordered another cup of black tea for her.

Bai Ye couldn't compliment that month's leaping thinking, saying that he seemed to be the kind of man who couldn't walk when he saw a beautiful woman.

"For the sake of your honest answer, I will spare you this time."

That month hummed twice.

"This is a gift I brought back to you that month in the Kingdom of Ardikia. I picked it according to your taste, how do you see it?"

Bai Ye put a bag and a gift box in front of Nayue.

"Pick it according to my taste? Then I have to take a closer look, so as not to disappoint me."

I got a little curious that month.

In the Kingdom of Ardikia, it is impossible for her and Fei Dao to follow Bai Ye all the time. Most of the time, she and Fei Dao are also relaxing and entertaining in the Kingdom of Ardikia, as if they are really traveling abroad. up.

So she was quite looking forward to the gift that Bai Ye bought her.

Instead of dismantling the exquisite gift box the size of a washbasin, he first looked into the bag.

It was a white series of gothic clothes with a light blue lower skirt. It was quite cute, and it was similar to the gothic clothes that Yue wore that month.

Then untie the rope on the gift box, and after opening it, there is a pair of gothic shoes inside, matching white lace stockings and socks, and finally a moon-white folding fan with delicate texture and full of lace .

"How about that month, do you like it?"

"It's so-so, it's better to make it myself."

That dismissive attitude seemed to be really dissatisfied with the 'cheap' clothes that Bai Ye sent.

"That month you were too demanding. But if you make it by yourself, I can also cooperate with you that month."

"Do you also know how to make gothic clothes?"

"I don't quite understand, I haven't touched it before. But I can learn from you, Nayue. In this case, I will be responsible for the clothes Nayue wears. Let Nayue wear the gothic clothes I made, so beautiful To have Liang in front of me is pretty cool to think about."

Bai Ye has great expectations for this.

Not only that month, but also clothes for Qian Tongzi and the others.

"Who, who wants to wear the gothic outfit you made? You don't want to be smug here. I don't want it."

Nayue snorted again, drinking black tea gracefully.

The set meal for two that Bai Ye ordered was brought out by the waiter.

In the middle of eating, Nayue suddenly said: "By the way, Lao Bai, I have a banquet here tonight, do you want to join me?"

Thinking that she had just arrived at Itogami Island in the morning, Sakayanagi sent her an invitation card, inviting her to attend a banquet on the cruise ship 'White Night' at the port of Ito Kami Island in the evening.

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