"Then Miss, you are..."

"I'm not that stupid. Besides, it's suspicious to say the word terrorist organization directly. Now I'm finally sure..."

After Qian Cong completed the preliminary operation, Mo Guwai could check the content of Qian Cong's investigation at any time. It was obviously an artificial intelligence, but it showed a very humane look of surprise.

"This is……"

"Look, I traced the source a little bit. This organization's internal network system called the Lion King Agency is not connected to the entire 'backbone'. In other words, this is a completely independent private system. It is set. The state-level secret service agencies basically follow this closed system to fundamentally prevent hackers from intruding and obtain their secrets."

"Miss, you suddenly became smart."

Moguwai praised Asagi with an astonishing tone.

"Stupid Moguwai, I've always been smart, okay? It's just that artificial intelligence like you can't see it."

Qian Cong taught Mo Guwai like this, as a senior computer hacker, how can she do without brains?

"So, do you want to give up the game now?"

"I don't want it. I want to teach this kind of villain who wants to use my computer to commit crimes a profound lesson."

"Do you want to cast a virus?"

Mogu's crooked voice was full of joy.

Qian Cong did not answer, but looked at the computer screen seriously, typing on the keyboard nimbly with his fingers, making constant snapping sounds.

Until midnight, Qian Cong sneered and typed a sentence on the screen, responding to 'mouse' with a disdainful and contemptuous tone——

——It's so slow, I've been waiting at the 'gateway' for two hours, and now I'm slowly finding the entrance?

——As expected of the Empress of Electronics.

—Can you tell me your real purpose?

——I just want to compete with you, Your Excellency, the Empress, and attack the internal system of the Lion King's agency, and I don't care at all.

--who are you?

——I can’t say that right now.

——With me here, don’t even think about doing something illegal!

——I am just an employee, and the employer paid a lot of money.

After a brief exchange with the other party, Qian Cong realized that this was also a very powerful computer hacker, but compared to himself, he was still quite inferior.

However, Qian Cong always feels that the enemy will not give up like this, because the other party said 'employee', and there will definitely be more hackers coming to invade the internal system of the Lion King agency.

What a hassle.

If there were more hacker attacks without knowing it, the internal system of the Lion King Agency might be compromised.

Although it doesn't have much to do with me, it is still an agency under the local government, so I would like to remind you mercifully.

Qian Cong, whose sense of justice exploded, felt that it was necessary to do so, and told this organization called the Lion King Agency that some criminal organizations would take unfavorable actions against them, and they must remain vigilant at all times.

—— Someone is attacking you, please stay on high alert!

Light Onion anonymously sent emails with such 'words' to the internal mailbox of the Lion King Agency.

For Qian Cong, even if it is an independent and closed computer system, as long as it still uses the language he is familiar with, he can create a connection point, open an entrance, and deliver the mail.

Qian Cong also saw the hacker who was 'competing' with him, just wandered 'outside' for a while, and then decisively quit.

Probably because they know what to do, not everyone has the ability to build a 'connection point' and successfully connect to this hidden system that is completely separated from the external network.

—Are you admitting defeat?

Qian Cong typed out such words to make sure that this message was sent to the other party's computer.

——Yes, this time I have conceded defeat, and next time I will seriously 'practice' and strive to defeat the Electronic Empress, Your Excellency!

——Is the tone very arrogant?Back to the topic just now, why attack the network system of the local government's subordinate agencies?

——I said that I am an employee, as long as the money is in place, there will be no problem.

— This is a crime!

——If you can’t catch it, it’s not a crime!

——Don’t be too, are you an ancient person?

——Uh... this is cute, it's mouth addiction!


——It’s so cruel, I obviously like such rhetoric very much.

——Ah... I can't say no to you, so use this strange mouth fetish as you like.who are you?

——The next employer wants to see you.

The other party still didn't answer this question, but brought up a new topic that puzzled Asagi.

—Who is your employer?

——Arisu Sakayanagi, Senkamijima Councilor.

Asagi's movements of typing on the keyboard froze instantly.

Is there a habitat for Sakaliu?The guy who knocked her dad out of the Senate seat?

—I have nothing to meet with her.You tell her that I'm just a small employee and I can't afford to mess with big shots.

——It’s best to come here, and the time will be the night after tomorrow.By the way, I would like to remind you that it will be very troublesome if you don't come.Moreover, I would also like to have a face-to-face exchange with Your Excellency the Electronic Empress.

trouble?Do you mean trouble her?Light Onion frowned angrily.

It's really a dirty trick, but it's very effective.

If the other party takes action against her family, there is really no way.

How about mobilizing the satellite annihilator and blowing up the opponent and the villa together.

Hmm... It doesn't seem to work. The satellite destroying gun of Xian Kami Island can wipe out Xian Kami Island in an instant. It is said that the high-tech magic weapon that is more terrifying than the vampire's beasts in the old days can only be faced by Xian Kami Island. The killer weapon that will only be activated when the situation is desperate.

The other party stopped talking and turned off the communication.

Asagi checked the opponent's current location.

The sixth street on the second floor of the North District of Xianjin Island...the location of the White House Science Organ Building.

Tsk... Qian Cong gasped in displeasure, things seemed to be a little troublesome now.

The screen switched back to the game interface, Qian Cong didn't have the heart to play the game anymore, and fell into distressed meditation.

"Miss, do you want to meet that judge?"

Mo Guwai saw that Qian Cong was in a bad mood, but he didn't take it seriously and asked.

"I don't want to go, it's so troublesome."

"The other party is a big figure in power in Xian Kami Island. If you don't go, you may really be in trouble."

"She got me into the guard last time, and I haven't settled the account with her yet."

"Then I don't think you'll be able to figure it out for the rest of your life, miss. You're too weak, miss."

Moguwai smiled, his smile was very strange.


Powerless to refute Moguwai's words, even though it's hard to hear, it's the truth.

After all, she is just a programmer. Without the protection of her father, Lanyu Xianzhai, she is no longer the daughter of a council member. Compared with the powerful figures, she seems to have no right to refuse.

Do you want to discuss it with that moon sauce?

Speaking of which, I haven't found a chance to explain the matter of Teacher Bai Ye to Na Yuejiang yet.

Qian Cong thought about whether to discuss with the class teacher Nangong Nayue.

But... Forget it, if you do this, maybe outsiders will be involved.

Qian Cong felt that this was embarrassing, she was already taken care of by Nayue, so it was best not to worry her about such a troublesome matter.

"No matter what, it's definitely not good to find me."

"You can't say that, miss, you are so beautiful, and you have a good figure, especially the well-developed breasts. If you speak the unspoken rules, you are very energetic."

"Idiot Mo Guwai, how are women unspoken rules?"

Qian Cong sneered at Mo Guwai's unreliable guess.

"I don't think gender is an issue. Many countries now support same-sex marriages. Moreover, Councilor Sakayanagi is said to have no scandals with any men. Maybe there is really a need for that..."

Mo Guwai's argumentation with reason and evidence made Qiang Cong's body tremble a bit.

This can't be true, can it?

Moguwai, this guy must be scaremongering again.

Where the dream begins——

The road was covered by blizzard, and the evil spirit that was approaching from behind made the girl who was only six or seven years old squeeze her lips tightly, and ran forward with all her might.

Cannot be overtaken.

The cultists behind it will put her on the altar to 'burn' again, and sing praises to their great evil god.

The woman who was holding her hand and running with her was wearing a well-fitting priestess costume, and was carrying a black musical instrument case that didn't match the priestess costume on her back.

Finally, the woman stopped with the girl, her panting face turned pale.

The girl could feel the coldness of Miko's palm, which is not the body temperature that humans should have.

Pointing forward, the miko smiled as gently as possible at the girl, and said to her:

"Go straight on this road, you will see a shrine, and you will be safe there."

Saying so, the miko stayed alone and let the girl run first.

The girl clenched her white sleeves insecurely, her cheeks illuminated by the sun were as pale as the breath coming out of her mouth.

She was wearing a shabby cloak of not-so-good fabric, and her bright eyes were like magnificent glass handicrafts, revealing an aura of agility.

"Don't worry, I'll catch up with you soon. This is a talisman, it will protect you."

The witch broke off a branch from a nearby bush and gave the branch to the girl for safekeeping.

"Hurry up, the Lion King Agency will protect you!"

That's too late!The evil spirit behind it became more and more rampant, and the witch clearly felt the great evil that came from the oppression. Even a demon attack officer at the level of the three saints could not guarantee that she would not be unscathed.

Her tone was anxious.

The girl pursed her lips tightly, and tightly grasped the branch in her hands. It was a branch of holly (Hideiragi) which is said to have the power to exorcise demons.

She ran on the snow with all her strength, the cold wind ruffled her hair, and the tears that flowed from her eyes were frozen dry.

She ran a long distance, and when she looked back——

Surrounded by a large number of evil figures, the witch fought alone there, fighting to the death alone.

Even young girls know this is called sacrifice.

Even though they didn't know each other, the sword shaman who would die for her.

——Toyota Fujisaka.

It is the real name of the witch.

With a gentle and strong smiling face, holding a seven-type assault demon machine gun—the heroic figure of Xuexia wolf fighting the cultists.

Since then, this figure has been affecting Yukina.

Although he was too young at the time, his impression of this figure became more and more blurred.

"It's a pity that I couldn't fulfill the agreement with you, Xianshen..."

The Miko's last faith vanished, and after eradicating all the cultists, the emotions in her eyes were lost, no matter sad or happy, at that moment, everything as a "human being" was completely deprived.

Become a hollow doll named 'Molded Angel'.

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