The rest Wu Qiyuan or Sword Shaman were already unbearable and fell into a pool of blood.

Yuantangyuan found that his whole arm was trembling, and the short silver blade fell out of his hand.

He was so tired that he stood there panting, his expression extremely pale.

Sayayaka sat on the ground collapsed, barely holding the six-style bow, and touched the black arrow case tied on her thigh, only the last two metal arrows remained.

The rest of the people also showed their fatigue in different embarrassing postures.

What made them dignified was that there were at least a thousand soldiers surrounding them.

I don't know if the bodies of those dead skeleton soldiers are an illusion, it seems that the number is decreasing.

This is also a reasonable guess.

Because more than 2 corpses fell down, they can be piled up into a huge "building".

Although many skeleton soldiers fell, it was not equal to the number of deaths.

But no matter what, I finally survived the most difficult moment.

Next, the enemy's charge power will plummet.

Yuantangyuan felt the rapid consumption of physical strength, and he could barely last until the end of the battle, until all the enemy soldiers were wiped out.

——Ludben, who is the commander-in-chief of the skeleton soldiers, has not yet done it himself.

At this time, he came clapping his hands and said in a highly appreciative tone: "It's amazing, it's amazing. I can't use accurate words to admire your perseverance and courage."

Yuantangyuan reluctantly raised his head to look at him, still panting violently, and then coughed violently with some exhaustion.

"You bastard, villain, devil..."

She didn't have the strength to curse, and she didn't know how to curse.

"Master, save a little effort."

Sayaka said with a wry smile.

"The little girl is right. In order to praise you for successfully resisting the first wave of soldiers, I will show my real strength accordingly."

—The first wave of soldiers.

Everyone grasped the words.

Terrible news came.

It was as if their bodies had been struck by lightning, and they were screaming in fear from the top of their heads to their toes.

"—to show respect for you, the second wave of soldiers is ten times the number before, which is 24 soldiers—"

Desperate numbers.


Luther changed the subject and sighed regretfully.

"Because this is different from the True White Night Palace, the limit is to produce [-] soldiers at one time, which is twice the previous amount. So please don't worry too much about this issue."

Luther was not proud when he said this.

Relying on this ability, he was still at the bottom of the first echelon.

Because the stronger they are, they don't care about quantity at all.

It is useless to create soldiers with a level of [-] million. It is only a matter of time for them to defeat Ludben.

In the same way, if you are facing the true ancestor of the vampire this time, the number is not a problem for the destructive beasts.

— Fear is contagious.

Yuantangyuan was silent, watching more soldier fruits condensed on the giant white tree than before, the corners of his mouth were bitter.

Sayayaka sat on the ground blankly holding the last two cursed arrows, her eyes were at a loss.

The rest Wu Qiyuan or the sword shaman chose to give up resistance, tears of despair flowed out of the corners of their eyes, and cried out.

take a day off

I have something to do in the evening, so I won’t update it today, and it may be updated at noon or afternoon tomorrow.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… The reasons are as above.

Chapter 83 The Silence Breaker ([-])

The shrine surrounded by giant white trees is like a tomb that has fallen into eternal sleep.

Here and the outside world are like two separate worlds.

The sound from the inside cannot be transmitted to the outside, and the sound from the outside can hardly be transmitted to the inside.

Even though the mountaintop shrine is surrounded by giant trees, the environment of the shrine does not appear dark.

The giant white tree itself was glowing, and the light from the tree was not inferior to that of the daytime, illuminating all the buildings in the shrine.

"It's an amazing picture... Although it's not as good as the True Ancestor, but for ordinary Demon Attack Officers, it does show a desperate power."

The door facing the pond in the courtyard was open, and a low table was placed in front of Anbai Nai. The low table was filled with high-grade tea, and she knelt down in a white priestess costume.

Most of the white hair on her head hangs down naturally, tied with a white headband, and part of the white hair flutters unnaturally in the air, giving people the illusion that the hair itself is floating.

This part of the floating hair emits a more transparent white light than white, making her look very holy.

In the room filled with pure white light, everything was illuminated brightly, and the girl who wore the same maiden costume as her had nowhere to hide here, so she simply showed her body, standing less than five meters behind Anbai Nai , looking straight at the back of Anbai Nai with awe-inspiring eyes.

The girl who suddenly appeared in the room and stared at An Bai Nai's figure behind her was none other than Fei Dao.

She was wearing a priestess costume of the same style as Anbai Nai, and she was holding the Xuexia Lang gun that had already been displayed.

She silently looked behind Anbai Nai like this, without saying a word. ,

Although it was unbelievable, she could feel that she had no guilt in her heart now.

"So that's it, did that guy fail..."

Anbai Nai said with a light smile again, as if he was chatting with Fei Dao about some ordinary topic.

"I know that guy is unreliable. He hasn't done anything for so many years. His physical functions are not as sharp as before. Either he is careless, or his sword skills are slower than before. He is always on the front line, performing various dangerous tasks. You can't compare."

An Bai Nai casually passed over Ge Zongci's failure.

Fei Dao was surprised that An Bai Nai knew Ge Zongci so well, as if she had witnessed the confrontation between her and Ge Zongci.

The result is that she herself has not moved at all here, but she knows everything in Gaoshen's shrine like the back of her hand.

However, Fei Dao soon felt relieved.

The Three Sages of the Lion King's organs, Xian Guyong and Ge Zongci are constantly changing, and they will change every ten or twenty or thirty years.

But... only An Bai Nai's position has never been shaken, and someone else will take it.

The dark will of the Lion King agency has always been the same person.

Therefore, her position in the Lion King organization is deeply rooted, and she is an irreplaceable candidate for a general.

Grasping people's hearts and seeing through a person's true nature is exactly what An Bai Nai, the head of the Lion King's agency, is good at.

In other words, is her 'betrayal' expected?

It is precisely because of this that she proposed the idea of ​​asking her to 'monitor' Ge Zongci. On the surface, it was to persuade her to understand the dangers of Ge Zongci, but in fact it restricted her personal freedom to Ge Zongci, and she could not free movement.

The reasons for persuading her were so legitimate that Fei Dao couldn't refuse at that time.

But I still take it for granted.

"Since when did you doubt me?"

Fei Dao raised her eyebrows, she couldn't see through An Bai Nai's thoughts.

Why is it possible to be calm in such a desperate situation?

"From the moment I heard that Congressman Oshima was assassinated, I suspected that you had a problem."

Anbai Nai slowly took a breath, then let it out, and said with a wry smile.

Fei Dao looked at An Bai Nai faintly, inexplicably unpredictable.

"Rep. Oshima has long been dissatisfied with the Lion King organization because of the Kamiwako incident and the handling of the Fourth True Ancestor. In addition, this assassination incident has dealt a great blow to the congressman himself. Mistake, Senator Oshima no longer trusts the high-ranking officials of Sansheng. I saw the six-bladed priest of the Taishi Bureau next to the councilor, which also proved that my guess was correct."

"anything else?"

"For the mice in the dark, if they are going to wipe out the Lion King organization, of course it is better to gather everyone in a small area to start operations. Once the personnel of the Lion King organization are scattered all over the world, some The whereabouts of the sword shaman and Wu Qiyuan can't be grasped even if they are the three saints, which will obviously increase the difficulty of encirclement and suppression."

Anbai Nai said these words in a leisurely manner, turned her back to Fei Dao indifferently, picked up the teacup and drank the tea gracefully, and smiled slightly.

Anbai Nai's words are not unreasonable, the top executives of the Lion King's organization, each of them has their own cronies in their hands.

Even Fei Dao, who has the weakest foundation, has his own cronies, and it is impossible to fight alone.

And those high-level elders have already used their power to make profits for themselves and cultivate their own cronies, ranging from a few to dozens of people.

The gathering of these people is also a very large force.

The specific whereabouts of these people is not known precisely even by Fei Dao, the Three Saints.

The computer system used inside the Lion King agency is only for the convenience of recording some data, not for investigation.

The communication method that is often used internally is still the oral transmission method passed down from ancient times, that is, the use of shikigami to convey information, and a specific person is required to read the correct message of the shikigami, and another person will interpret it. Also includes traps and woven misinformation.

This method undoubtedly enhanced the secrecy of the Lion King agency's message transmission by many levels.

"Oh, is what I said right, Xian?"

"That's right. The research department has always been managed by Gu, and I really can't get involved there. All I can provide is these trivial help."

"Hey... why do you have to embarrass me like this? In fact, I should have taken precautions against you. Maybe it was not a good choice to choose you to succeed Fujisaka Fuyuka. No, even Fujisaka Fuyu Jia herself would not be a qualified candidate for Xian Gu Chanting."

Fei Dao narrowed her eyes, revealing a terrible fierce light, as if the eyes themselves were glowing.

"Don't look at me like that. As a sword shaman, Fujisaka Toyoka really has nothing to criticize."

"Then why do you say she is not a qualified candidate for Xian Guchan?"

"Are you angry? That's right. You were a follower behind Fujisaka Toka back then, so you should call her sister Toka affectionately. It's only natural for you to be angry if I deny everything about Fujisaka Toka."

"Don't make excuses, you haven't answered my question yet!"

After the silence, Fei Dao's gun blade rested on An Bai Nai's shoulder at some point, it was not a murderous look revealed outside, but just anger.

How poorly it is to question the vision of these entrenched high-ups in the Lion King establishment.

An Bai Nai didn't feel scared just because Xuexia Wolf's spear blade rested on her shoulder, and she didn't even blink her eyes.

She turned her head slowly, sighed regretfully, and looked at Fei Dao with teasing and doting eyes.

"Like Fujisaka Touka, you are a child who never grows up. You are a rare idiot who indulges in childlike innocence."

Anbai Nai very much wondered if the current Sword Shaman of the Lion King's agency had any strings in his head wrong, which caused this problem to happen.

Obviously nothing like this happened in ancient times.

"I can slit your throat anytime now."

Fei Dao threatened her like this.

"Because of this naive, stupid talent, it's good to be used forever as a low-level person. Once you reach the top and give you too much power, you will abuse this part of the function and do something that I find unbelievable. matter."

Anbai Nai didn't care about Fei Dao's coercion.

She thought that the sharp gun Xuexia Wolf on her shoulder was just a toy made of metal.

Such things cannot hurt her.

"Obviously, you failed this time."

"It is indeed a failure. The role of Fujisaka Touka is irreplaceable, but seven years ago, for a stranger, Himeragi Yukina, he chose to use the spirit, and died with those heretics. This idiot."

Anbai Nai said so lightly.

Not only that, but she also thought of Xian Shen Mei Jia who defected from the Lion King agency seven years ago for Fujisaka Toka.

Both are emotional idiots.

They are all excellent sword shaman candidates, but because of the trivial things that she thinks are extremely inconspicuous, all of them go against her original will to convey.

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