Speaking of which, the Lion King Agency often used this slogan before.

For the sake of world peace, to spy on someone, to assassinate someone, no matter what, it can be linked to peace.

It seems that the education policy adopted by the Taishi Bureau is not much different from that of the Lion King.

"Ming Lei—"

The blow full of brute force was barely blocked by Sayaka, with a slightly tense expression.

"Have you finally resorted to the real means?"

Sayayaka took a few steps back, and at some point in the other hand she held more than a dozen sheets of metal, and turned into an Asuka Shikigami and rushed towards the disused concubine Kiriha.

Misaki Kiriha showed her sadistic and warlike side, the two-pronged spear tips slammed into each other, generating thunder, and the terrifying sound wave power released completely wiped out Sayayaka's powerful attacking shikigami in an instant.

At this time, Sayayaka had completed her stance, changed the long sword into a bow shape, and took out a mantra from the belt cover on the outside of her thigh.

During the period when Misaki Kiriha wiped out the shikigami, a curse arrow full of majestic power was launched in one blow.

"Mist Leopard Double Moon!"

Fearless, attack from the front.

The power of the thunder on the tip of the double-pronged gun fluctuated more violently, and the magic vibration generated caused the entire submarine to roar, and the iron walls on all sides shattered.

The power of the cursed arrow was resisted.

With a powerful magic circle blocking the outside, Misaki Kiriha laughed loudly, staring at Sayaka with icy eyes.

It's the look in the eyes of the prey.

"Little girl, it's almost time to end."

"I don't know who is older. Don't underestimate assassins! Let me show you the most powerful essence of assassination!"

Sayaya Hua held her breath and concentrated all her energy.

He took out another curse arrow, different from the silver curse arrow before, this time it took out a black metal curse arrow.


Immediately, Misaki Kiriha's face changed suddenly, and she raised the spear.

"My shadow is fog and not fog, and blade and not blade—cutting like a dream, crying and singing disaster!"

Huge spell power is produced.

Misaki Kiriha swept the spear blade sideways.

A very destructive gun-blade shock wave was formed, filling the entire cabin.

At the same time, the black curse arrow was also launched by Saiyahua with the bowstring.

The pitch-black magic circle and the shock wave blade resisted in mid-air.

From the magic circle, many pitch-black lightning flashed out.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring explosions, the iron walls that could resist missile attacks on all sides were broken, and sea water continued to pour in from outside.

Seeing Misaki Kiriha who had completely fainted and was bleeding from the mouth, her pale face was not as cold as before, but rather pitiful.

Seawater poured in from outside the cracked iron wall, and Sayaka's shoes also got a lot of seawater, making them a little wet.

Driving all the way, all the staff in the submarine fainted to the ground, and no one could stand up.

Sayayahua entered the deepest space unimpeded.

What I saw was a girl in a one-piece swimsuit with half of her body exposed from the pink armored battle robot.

Lydian Didier.

A genius hacker girl with cute twin tails.

Next to the robot she controls, a man in his 30s, wearing an expensive suit, is still struggling.

He glared at Sayaya Hua who came here with vicious eyes.

Following Sayayahua in, there was also sea water slowly flowing in from outside.

"You are finally here, assassin."

Lydian showed a cute smile, but her words were still weird.

Sayaya Hua didn't care, the quirk of a genius is not called a quirk, but a characteristic.

"Why did you do this? I shouldn't have offended your White House scientific agency."

Kusuki Kazuomi, the president of Kusuki Happy Enterprise, asked helplessly and desperately.

He is not interested in the dispute on Ito Kamijima.

He only paid more attention to the endangered monsters.

He wants to right a world that is going the wrong way.

War, violence, racial discrimination, environmental pollution and other problems caused by humans and demons, among all these problems, the most unbearable President Kusuki is the treatment of monsters.

In today's world, there are not [-] or [-] kinds of monsters that are on the verge of extinction.

But even so, humans and demons still want to occupy the living space of the monsters, rob them of food and habitat, and even use the slogan of expulsion and peace to hunt and kill the monsters as a matter of course.

He wants to change the status of Warcraft in this world.

He wants to make humans and demons who think highly of themselves re-examine everything.

Forge true peace.

This plan is totally feasible.

The First True Ancestor of the Forgotten Battle King did this.

It once set off a large-scale war all over the world, formulated the sanctuary treaty, made human beings recognize their own situation, and used violence and blood to make human beings agree with the rights of the demons.

He wants to follow the example of the first true ancestor, prove to the world with the power of the strongest monster, and at the same time establish a great monster empire, so that humans and demons can recognize the rights of monsters.

It doesn't matter that more than a billion people died for this.

The construction of the Warcraft Empire must rely on the King of Warcraft - Leviathan.

And he is above Leviathan, as a human being, he is the true king of all the monsters.

However, as everything happened in front of him.

His dream was dashed.

Lydian Didier sold him out for two hundred million dollars.


His great dreams were corrupted by mere money.

Damn genius hacker chariot driver!

Can his dream be bought with [-] million dollars?

"Kazutomi Kusuki, the president of Happy Enterprise of Kusuki, I am arresting you as a demon attack officer of the Isogami Island Special Zone Police Force for illegal hunting of monsters. I hope you can reflect on your mistakes in prison. .”

Sayaya Hua took out an arrest warrant and placed it in front of President Kusuki.

"Arisu Sakayanagi!!! You**********!!!"

Kusuki Kazuomi was mixed with pain, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and he became extremely horrifying, spitting and yelling at the silver-haired girl who was smiling kindly in his impression.

This kind of humiliation of seeing one's dream being destroyed by others, but one's own powerlessness made one's whole body tremble with anger.

Ignoring President Kusuki's scolding and wailing like a defeated dog, Sayaya Hua set her gaze on the sink not far away.

Inside, there is a sleeping girl - Yuto Eguchi.

"Is this the host body of the Witch of the Night? It's a little easier to get than imagined."

Able to control Leviathan's mind control ability, he is also a scary child who can't just look at the appearance.

Far away from Itokami Island, it is called the Whispering Garden.

Supreme Council of the Sanctuary Treaty Body.

The white passage made of marble stretched out endlessly in front of it, surrounded by walls of rose flowers, and the huge eaves of the unknown ancient giant statue shrouded the top of the head, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

It is full of light and shadow at dusk, rather it is a beautiful scene forged by dusk.

The surrounding area is filled with golden-colored mist. In the same sense, this place is very similar to the 'prison enchantment' mastered by the gap witch Nangong that month.

An artificial world constructed with magic.

"Is this the Whispering Garden? It's really a wonderful place. This is my first time here. Please introduce me a lot, Mr. Arrador."

He smiled at the black-haired man in formal suit beside him.

With an illusory and beautiful figure like a fairy, a girl named Arisu Sakayanagi stepped into this artificially forged magical world.

"Just kidding, Miss Sakayanagi, you are very welcome to come here, it can be said that it is full of splendor."

Wells Arrador, the chairman of the Imperial Council of the Warlord Domain, smiled modestly and personally welcomed Sakayanagi with a grand gesture.

The original founder of the Sanctuary Treaty and the Whispering Garden was the Forgotten War King of the First True Ancestor. As the deputy of the First True Ancestor, this place may be a mysterious land that cannot be touched in a lifetime for others, but for Alador , visiting here is as easy and leisurely as visiting your own home.

"So, will the cute kitty come too? My cage is already hungry and thirsty."

Sakayanagi's lavender pupils were full of high-spirited smiles, looking around for something.

Arrador knew who the cute kitty Sakayanagi was referring to, so he couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Miss Sakayanagi, if you can, please be a little more merciful. After all, she is a princess of a country, so at least save some face."

I don't expect Sakayanagi to let the Kingdom of Aldikia go, but seeing that the once noble princess has fallen and is likely to become a plaything in the hands of others, there will be a natural sadness in my heart.

I feel sad for the fate of this princess.

Or it may be caused by sympathy for the Kingdom of Ardikia, after all, he owes a great favor to the Kingdom of Ardikia.

"Don't worry, our True White Night Palace has always been committed to world peace and will not knowingly commit crimes."

The serious expression of Sakayanagi's words made Alador just nod.

Politicians, even though Sakayanagi is still an underage girl, she already has the consciousness of a politician.

Thick skinned.

Heart black.

Entertaining with the pain and despair of others.

There is no trace of sensibility in her, and everything revolves around her own interests.

Allador didn't think there was anything wrong with this, because the Empire of the Night and the Warlord Domain used this kind of righteousness in the past to squeeze small countries through political means, and to seek huge profits for their own country without bloodshed.

While talking, a door suddenly opened on the opposite side.

From the gate of light, a tall girl came out.

The upper body is a dress that looks like a military uniform, and the lower body is matched with a miniskirt and boots.

With blue eyes reminiscent of glaciers, a beautiful face shines with light.

This attire neither loses the sense of solemn ceremony of formally attending an important meeting, nor does it lack the charm of being a princess.

The first princess of the Kingdom of Ardikia, La Folia Lihavain.

After seeing Alador, the white-haired girl next to the Imperial Speaker of the Battle King Domain, La Folia immediately showed hatred, and then her face regained her composure.

This is Whispering Garden, no matter how arrogant the other party is, he should restrain his behavior and pay attention to his appearance.

"Long time no see, Sakayanagi-"

La Folia came over to say hello with a sweet smile and was very friendly.

"Well, hello, little cat princess."

No, hold back, don't get angry.

The elegance and reserve of the princess must be preserved.

La Folia smiled gently with her face unchanged.

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