The woman corrected Bai Ye's wrong name.

Holding the Zanpakutō in his hand, white petals formed by Reiatsu transformed around him, flying around.

This is not over yet, the spiritual pressure that surged out immediately was poured into the blade.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Bai Ye's face, he knew what kind of battle he was going to face next.

For most existences, this may be the most extreme and foolish ability.

"Swastika——Heixia Shiyu·Xue kills Baiji!"

Black and white lines separate from the infinitely wide world.

Two Zanpakutō appeared at the boundary between black and white.

The black and white Reiatsu flowers, like endless spring rain, are falling from the sky profusely.

A sense of sadness, despair, and death spread across the battlefield.

Bai Ye smiled helplessly, put away his Zanpakutao, and stepped forward to hold the black handle and white blade.

"This time I will honestly choose the black sword. I chose the white sword last time. It is really inappropriate to use..."

(PS: Note - this is the swastika of Qiantongzi Zanpakuto...)

Chapter 34 Aizan Going to School ([-])

Bai Ye has entered the third year of practicing the swastika——

In April, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

The arrival of the spring of the year is mixed with a slightly cold air, but it is not too cold.

This day is the beginning of the new year at Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts.

From various Liuhun Streets, rush to Baidaomen to meet here, start to test the spiritual pressure, and carry out the initial and only deletion criteria

The assessment is very simple, but it is also very cruel.

Some people are born to be gods of death, and some people can only leave the stage in the assessment no matter how hard they beat them.

——Blue dye clear glass.

——A freshman at Maou Academy of Spiritual Art.

——Reiatsu score 70 points.

——Study in Class [-], Grade [-] with barely moderate qualifications.

As a newcomer, there is no need to be too conspicuous. To her, it doesn't matter which class she is in.

After several years of tempering, the control of spiritual pressure has become handy. You just need to spend six years honestly and inconspicuously, waiting for graduation.

It is an inevitable process for freshmen to receive a shallow card and school uniform.

With a white top and a red hip skirt, the school uniform of Mao Lingshu Academy has not changed a bit since its inception.

She put the shallow hair into the white band around her waist, a pair of plain black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her loose black hair was braided into two braids and hung naturally in front of her.

The simple and unpretentious appearance gives people the appearance of a rustic girl from Ruhun Street who doesn't know how to dress up her external image.

But she likes to smile very much, so at first glance, apart from being a bit rustic, she should be a very easy-talking person.

Most of the noble students are concentrated in Class [-], Grade [-], which is the so-called elite class.

With excellent bloodlines, they have been exposed to various basic training since they were young. Unlike the common people in Liuhun Street who are wild and wild, they have received the highest quality education.

But there are exceptions. Only those noble students who are poor in talent to a certain extent will be added to the ranks of the second class.

The best classes other than the elite class also have a good graduation rate.

Classes 90.00 and [-] are a symbol of nobility. Unlike the remaining classes who are worried about whether they can graduate smoothly, the graduation rate of these two classes has reached more than [-]%.

The second and third classes and the following classes are too dangerous.

In fact, the third class is not bad, as long as you work hard, the graduation rate is quite impressive, at least more than [-]% of the probability, and occasionally even [-]% of the students will graduate safely.

As for the lower-ranking classes, the graduation rate is even more pathetic, less than 30.00%. Even if they graduate successfully, there is a high probability that they will still be ordinary soldiers in the future, referred to as cannon fodder.

Qingli is in the third class, which is more than enough than the top and more than the bottom. For her, this is just right.

Neither too conspicuous nor too contemptible.

Just like her well-packaged plain appearance, it is not conspicuous, but it cannot be said that it cannot be seen, and it belongs to the attractive type of girl.

The only thing that cannot be changed is height.

She has the appearance and body shape of a standard twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, which has not changed in recent years.

So he was assigned to the first row in the middle.

According to her original intention, she should sit in the last row in the middle, so that she can better observe the rest of the students in the class.

But being arranged to be in the first row... This gave her a very headache.

However, there is still a smile on the face, and I am grateful to the teacher for taking care of her like this.

After all, it's the class teacher's kindness, so it can't be wasted. Even if you don't like it, you have to pretend to like it.

She found this approach very interesting.

There was even a kind of interesting expression on these people if she revealed her true colors... It seemed quite interesting.

"First of all, I would like to welcome everyone to successfully enroll, and I sincerely hope that you will achieve excellent results during your stay at the Maou Academy of Spiritual Art, and get a position that you like among the [-]th Guarding Team and the ghosts. I am your third class in the first grade Your class teacher, whose name is Heshan Minako, will also be your teacher for the next six years."

On the podium is a mature woman with a relatively plump body, wearing a black Siba suit, wearing a light yellow Zanpakuto on her waist, shoulder-length brown-yellow perm, speaking loudly, and enunciating words clearly.

In addition, her figure tends to be plump, and her height is also higher than that of a group of men. It is really not a joke to be the teacher of the chopping class.

At first glance, it looks like a powerful slashing female god of death.

"By the way, teacher, I am also a member of the [-]th division of the Goutei [-]th team. If you graduate from the Shino Spiritual Art Academy in the future, you are very welcome to work in our [-]th division. Our [-]th division has more than [-] years of experience. Senior captain and vice-captain, and the work is relatively easy, I hope to have new companions to join our big family of the fifth team.”

Immediately, she paused again, with a smile on her face, she seemed to see the nervousness of many people, and comforted them, saying: "I know what you are worried about. But I can tell you responsibly, even if it is the third class, As long as you put in more effort than Class [-] and Class [-], practice hard, and have the fighting spirit not to admit defeat, it will be the same in any class."

Encouraging them with encouraging words is also part of the teacher's duty.

Coupled with the fact that the teaching resources of Maoyang Academy of Spiritual Art are more sufficient than before, the graduation rate has been gradually increasing.

As Qingli knew in advance, in the first one or two months at the Shinyang Academy of Spiritual Arts, no matter what class the teacher was in, they only taught them the basics of controlling Reiko and Reiatsu, allowing them to comprehend by themselves.

The god of death will not control the spiritual pressure, let the spiritual pressure vent wantonly, it will cause great harm to the body.

Therefore, this is a lesson that must be learned.

It is already the first year of admission.

There was no fluctuation, and time passed quietly.

But Minako Tsuruyama, the head teacher of Class 12 of the first grade and the No. [-] seat of Team [-], is a little distressed.

At the end of the year, she will write comments on the information of each student in her class.

It's not that it's so difficult to write, but no matter how much effort she puts in, Class Three is always Class Three, and there is a significant gap between Class One and Class Two inherently.

The strength of spiritual pressure is too important for the god of death.

It's not that Class Three doesn't have outstanding talents, but compared with Class One and Class Two, I still can't stand out with this level of achievement.

Forget it, let's write a comment first.

——Blue dye clear glass.

The name came into her eyes.

Minako Heshan paused for a moment, and knew what to write.

She knew this student, an extremely ordinary female student in the third class.

There is no particularly strong place, and there is no apparent weakness.

——The student Zhanquan Zougui's grades are average, there is no specialty, and there is no omission, and every aspect is very even.

——Good personality and excellent communication skills.After graduation, you can give priority to the third, fifth, sixth and thirteenth teams to join the team.

Minako Heshan casually put the file aside.

Normal, normal to everywhere.

Among the three classes, it is easy to have such mediocre students.

Can chop, but not very strong.

Shunpo can, but not proficient.

It's okay to fight for nothing, in fact, that's all there is to it.

Ghost Dao is more than the top and the bottom is more than the bottom, and its performance is stable, but it is only a very common level.

Everything is just about average.

It's a little weird to say it's weird, but don't worry about it.

This kind of mediocre talent is not uncommon in the thirteen Goutei teams.

As far as the fifth team she was in, there were several similar talents.

Theoretically speaking, in Goutei [-], the replacement speed of the vice-captain is much faster than that of the captain.

The existence of the captain level is already the ceiling combat power of the soul world, and sacrifices will not easily occur, unless an unimaginable catastrophe occurs, sweeping the entire soul world, or even a larger-scale turmoil.

Therefore, compared to the weaker ones, the deputy captain who assists the captain's work and often handles dangerous tasks in place of the captain is more likely to be in danger.

But there are exceptions.

The vice-captain of the first team, the vice-captain Sparrow, is an ancient figure left over from the first Goutei [-]th team. He has held the position of vice-captain, and it is impossible to count exactly how many years.

The vice-captain of the fifth team is also an exception. Few people mention her past. Most of the Reapers who know "history" have changed several batches, and some things are obviously not something to show off. Many death gods of the younger generation are at a loss for what happened 100 years ago.

But only one thing is correct, that is, the vice-captain of the fifth team is terrifyingly strong, and the topics between the captains can also intervene at will. relish.

In the fifth team, compared with the captain of the fifth team with more than a hundred years of experience, the vice-captain with a century of experience is more legendary.

Not to mention, it is said that the captain of the [-]th team is still only a god of death who can begin to unravel. After hundreds of years of practicing swastika, he is still unable to comprehend the true meaning of "swastika".

To some extent, this is also a new record for the longest time of practicing swastika.

In the past, the longest time to practice swastika and then to master the god of death of swastika was 78 years in total.

However, the captain of the fifth team broke this record, and it took more than 400 years to solve it.

But even so, no one dared to underestimate it.

For example, in the organization of Ghost Daoists, the leader of the Dao Gui Daochang, the leader of the Dao Gui Dao, is enough to defeat the god of death at the level of the swastika. Such special cases also exist.

According to the rumors, there is also the captain of the [-]th Division, who can kill the middle-level Daixu of the Yachukas level with only Zanpakuto without liberation.

Among the captains, he was already not weak.

The captain of the [-]th Division entered the Infernal Affairs, the eighth year of applying for Swastika practice——

Aizen Kiyori is in the fifth year of entering the Shino Academy of Spiritual Arts, that is, a fifth grade student.

Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts has a lot of newcomers every year, who are selected into the 20th Goutei Team. On average, there are about ten to [-] newcomers joining each team every year to replace the dead players.

This is also the normal state of the thirteenth team of the guardian court. It is incomparable with the captain and vice-captain. Some officers and ordinary soldiers, when performing tasks, often have accidental risks, or other things, or fight with Xu, and die It's a normal ending.

Therefore, it is also an urgent matter for every team to cultivate elite Reapers and minimize the casualties of the players.

Compared with other teams, the fifth team is still well-managed. Even if the captain is not around, Qian Tongzi, who is the vice-captain, can still be the captain.

Although the style of handling things will be a bit resolute, like a knife blade, which often hits the point, but it will inevitably make the team members suffer.

Among them, the one who complained the most was the team member named 'Mako Hirako'.

He is a 'newcomer' who has just entered the fifth team in the past ten years... yes, he is a newcomer.

Those with less than 20 years of qualifications are all newcomers.

In today's Fifth Division, less than [-]% of the total number of officers and team members have the qualifications of 'old people'.

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