"If you want to feed, it's not impossible."


Xuecai was puzzled by Xia Yin's words as she looked at the sign next to it that read 'No Tourists Entering the Pool'.

"Of course, I heard from Xiansheng that in order to do biological research in the True White Night Palace, apart from some creatures in the deep sea that were not collected, there are also ancient giant dragons, and the rest of the three kinds of creatures, land, sea and air, have all been collected. However, the biology museum here is too small to display everything, so if you want to feed the dolphins, you can do it in the third tower."

"I see, there is another way. Speaking of which, isn't there a breeding farm in the third tower?"

"In fact, there is a place similar to the biological museum, but few people go there to see it. Basically, only the people in the third tower take care of it."

"Let's go over and have a look next time, and ask Sayaya Hua to go with me."

"Well, yes."

Xia Yin smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Sayaka seems to have received another more important task, maybe the observation period will end early."

Xuecai thought of something, and suddenly said something.

"Mr. Ludburn also said that Sayaka's ideological consciousness is very high."

Yukina thought of the teacher Yuandangyuan who was still receiving ideological education in the Palace of Forbidden Crimes, maybe... Sayaya Hua is really very enlightened.

Next, after visiting the aquarium, Xuecai and Xia Yin went to the terrestrial biology museum, and saw a large group of scholars and scientists shouting excitedly around a huge cage, as if they had discovered some new continent.

Xuecai and Xia Yin looked over curiously, but the corners of their mouths twitched.

Locked in the cage was a Kili'an-level Daxu. Those well-informed scholars and scientists said that they had never seen such a miraculous creature, and they all asked the administrators to disclose more information about this creature.

For example, where to live, how long it can live, what food is needed, including why there is no record of this kind of creature before, where it was found, etc.

It has to be said that the existence of Killian has aroused the great attention and curiosity of scholars and scientists.

Through their own observation, they can find that this creature has extremely powerful fighting ability.

But what makes them most curious is the label about Killian, which is neither viviparous nor oviparous, but soul reincarnation.

Soul reincarnation?

Scholars and scientists said that they had never heard of it, although some thought it was an official bluff, and more people thought it might be true, and not knowing didn’t mean it didn’t exist.

Presumably, the appearance of Killian will attract more talents to Xianshen Island in the coming days.

For example, scientists who study the soul, they will definitely rush to Xiangami Island.

Soul is with life.

This involves extremely deep artificial life body technology. Many people think of the perfect artificial life body produced by the White House scientific agency, and think that this kind of creature may be the key to breaking through the soul research technology.

"I always think these scientists are crazy."

Someone proposed the idea of ​​slicing Killian on the spot, and Xuecai and Xia Yin silently exited this space, allowing those fanatical scientists enough room to play.

"Yeah, I—"

Xia Yin also smiled wryly, and was about to answer when suddenly her cell phone rang.

The caller ID is 'Hase Kensheng'.

Xia Yin hissed Xuecai, walked to a secluded corner, and answered her phone.

About half a minute later, Xia Yin walked over with a helpless expression.

"What's wrong, Xia Yin?"

"It's okay, Xiansheng said that there is an important matter for me to finish. Let me go back to the dormitory right now."


"Yes, sorry, it seems that I can't play with you Xuecai anymore."

Xia Yin's tone was apologetic.

"It's okay, I happen to be fine now, I'll go back with Xia Yin and you."

"Is that all right?"

"I came here mainly to see these interesting animals. Although I haven't finished watching them yet, in fact, it's okay to go back to the White Night Palace to see them. Your business, Xia Yin, is more important."

Xuecai said that it doesn't matter, the only attraction of this theme park island to her is the biology museum and all kinds of delicious snacks on the street.

But when I thought that I was temporarily living in Xianjin Island, and got a permanent free membership card of Theme Park Island, all food, lodging and play are free, so I can come here anytime.

It was already around three o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the White House Science Building. Xue Cai and Xia Yin came back by tram.

Xiansheng Haase is sitting in his office, waiting for Xia Yin to arrive.

In addition to Qingli and Sakayanagi, he can basically be said to be the most senior officer of the agency here, and he also works as a senior technician at the Zhenbai Night Palace, and is also the chief designer of advanced technologies such as modeling angels and crafting systems.

"Xiansheng, I'm back."

The door of the office was not closed. After Xia Yin came here, he knocked on the door panel to signal that he was coming.

Accompanied by Xuecai.

"You guys are here, sit down."

After Hase Xiansheng saw Yukina, he politely asked her to sit down.

As the personal guard appointed by the big boss, it would be beneficial for Xia Yin to get in touch with her more.

"Sorry to disturb your vacation, but this matter is more important, and Secretary Sakayanagi also attaches great importance to it, so your vacation can only be postponed for a while."

"Well, it's okay. Compared with these, I want to know why I was called back in such a hurry? Is it about modeling angels?"

Xia Yin asked this question.

Xiansheng Ye Lai shook his head, and said with a light smile, "It has nothing to do with modeling angels, and the technology of modeling angels has been perfected, Xia Yin, you don't have to worry. Speaking of this matter, it has something to do with Xia Yin's life experience."

"life experience?"

Xia Yin and Xuecai looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The sow princess of Aldikia came to Xiangami Island before, Xia Yin, you almost know your specific life experience."

"Yes, Dean Nina also told me some things later."

"That troublesome woman."

After hearing the name Nina, Keno Haase raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

Nina Yadirard, the only remaining great alchemist in this world, has no one in this world in the field of alchemy.

He is also the first alchemist to complete the experiment of 'immortality', as long as he is not killed in battle, he can live forever.

She is now turning to the technology of the True White Night Palace to create a truly perfect 'sage'.

This left Hase Xiansheng quite speechless.

The former defective sage had been wiped out by Xia Yin's high-dimensional power.

After seeing the more powerful and complete technology of the True White Night Palace, Nina, who was already disheartened about the sage experiment, once again came up with this extremely dangerous idea.

Nina, who has completed "immortality", theoretically no longer cares about many things in the world, but "sage" is the highest pursuit commonly recognized by alchemists.

The previous sage failed, and now she wants to create a more perfect sage again.

At present, the "Sage" reconstruction plan has passed the review standard of the White Garden high-rise.

In the future, it might be possible to create an army composed of sages, just like the small-scale molded angels.

"Xiansheng, the matter is specifically..."

"Secretary Sakayanagi went to the Whispering Garden before to discuss the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Ardikia there. In the end, the third ancestor proposed a solution, which is the next king of the Kingdom of Ardikia."

"Where the king belongs? Does this have anything to do with me?"

Xia Yin didn't know, so she showed doubts.

"Yes, because Xia Yin, you also have the blood of the royal family of Ardikia flowing in your body. Because of this, your ability to model angels is unmatched by other bodies. This is the proof of the blood of the royal family of Ardikia. Besides, you and that mother... well, La Folia look very similar, as long as you stand together, anyone will regard you as the princess of the royal family of Ardichia."

"Even so, it's impossible for them to officially recognize me as a princess."

Xia Yin knew her identity. She was just the old king's illegitimate daughter. In name, she did not have the right to inherit the princess of the Kingdom of Ardikia, and all the rights enjoyed by the royal family of Ardikia had nothing to do with her.

"I can't tolerate their disapproval this time." A sneer appeared on Hase Xiansheng's face: "The third true ancestor proposed that the Kingdom of Aldikia should be joined by the sow princess, and our White Night Palace will use you as the leader this time." , to participate in the battle of king selection. As long as you win the battle, Xia Yin, you will be the next queen of the Kingdom of Ardikia."

"Female, Queen!?"

Both Xia Yin and Xuecai widened their eyes in disbelief and exclaimed.

"Xia Yin is going to be queen?"

Yukina seemed a little unbelievable, and she was a little awkward in speaking.

"If you win, Xia Yin will be the future queen of the Kingdom of Ardikia. At that time, I really want to see the face of that sow princess, and the faces of those members of the royal family. It must be very beautiful."

There is a kind of pleasure of revenge.

Although his younger sister Hayase Qinyin was willing to make sacrifices for the Ardikia royal family, the Ardikia royal family did not give her a formal title until she died, which was something Kensheng Haase could not tolerate.

This time, we must make the Ardikia royal family look good, step on their royal pride, usher in the domination of the White Night Palace, and see how they can be arrogant in front of themselves.

"This...must I participate?"

Xia Yin is a bit troublesome, Queen...it sounds very good, but there must be a lot of things to deal with every day.

That way, there would be no time to play.

What a hassle.

"It's okay, Xia Yin, you can play to your heart's content and let that princess sow help you deal with state affairs. If you are not satisfied, criticize her severely."

Seeing through Xia Yin's troublesome thoughts, Haase Xiansheng made this suggestion based on the premise of Xia Yin's victory.

"When will this king election battle be held?"

Yukina suddenly asked a question.

"Well... It's scheduled for two days. Before that, you will be trained for a period of time, Xia Yin. This battle is not one-on-one, but a battle in the form of an army. There will be many rules and restrictions. Very Maybe Xia Yin didn’t need you to take action, and the battle ended early. But just in case, it’s better to have a special training. Also, Xia Yin, do you have any suggestions for the guards?”

Hayase Xiansheng thought that the protagonist this time was Xia Yin after all, so it would be better to ask her for her own opinion.


"That's right, as the leader of the participating party, Xia Yin, you are the equivalent of a 'king' in this battle. It is normal for the king to have guards beside him. But the guards are only allowed to carry two people. So the guards The choice you make will be the key to victory or defeat."

"I see."

Xia Yin nodded in understanding, as if she could only accept it.

So, she turned her head solemnly, stretched out her hand to invite, and said with a smile: "Then, is Jiera-san willing to be the personal bodyguard of the future queen?"

Xuecai was stunned for a moment, and then immediately replied: "I am happy to serve you, Queen Xia Yin."

Chapter 110 Three Kingdoms of the Valkyrie ([-])

Surrounded by steel walls, the hard marble floor serves as a huge circular stage, surrounded by raised dais, which is reminiscent of the arena where slaves fought each other in ancient times.

In the center of this arena, the man is wearing iron-gray armor and gauntlets, holding a huge sword in his hand, and his powerful physique that can easily handle the weight of the giant sword is covered by muscles that cannot even be covered by magic armor. Majestic body.

The man's exposed muscles are covered with old wounds drawn by the blade, like a hero's medal, which makes him proudly exposed, which means that he has fought countless times with the enemy on the battlefield. Proof of his narrow escape on the battlefield.

The man stood holding a huge sword, and his whole body erupted with incomparably powerful magic power, bending the surrounding atmosphere, with a terrifying magic light in his eyes, facing the monsters surrounding him without fear.

These magical beasts have different shapes, some are completely covered with flames, some are surrounded by thunder, and some are surrounded by swirling water.

There are dozens of such monsters, and the man's face is unwavering, his thick lips are slightly raised, showing a confident smile.

The monsters immediately let out deafening roars when they were provoked by the man.

They lowered their bodies slightly one by one, and rushed towards the man at extreme speed, trying to smash his body into pieces.

Facing the overwhelming sense of power gathered around him, ordinary people would have been frightened by the charging posture of the monsters, but the man gently raised his giant sword and slammed it on the ground.

There was a loud explosion in the arena.

The aura of the monsters faltered suddenly, and with the man at the center, an unrivaled torrent of magic power rolled out. A strange bluish-white light shone on the giant sword, and indelible wounds were carved on the bodies of the monsters. In a sound of mourning, they fell down without exception.

The flames go out, the thunder dissipates, and the water rushes.

The battle ended very quickly, even beyond the man's expectation.

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