The women's school uniform on Qingli's body has been changed, and it is the black dead bully outfit that officially joined the team.

Glasses, two braids hanging on the chest, a serious but not very noticeable image.

Well, to describe it in two words - ordinary.

Bow respectfully to the seniors of the Fifth Division, showing a good image of a polite junior.

After the introduction, Qingli stood back in the queue of newcomers with a calm expression.

In addition to her, there are seventeen other graduates of Maou Academy of Spiritual Art who chose to join the Fifth Division.

There is no way, the captain with a century of experience is too high in gold content, and it is relatively safe under the leadership of such a captain.

Not to mention, among these newcomers, there are several members of minor nobles.

They followed the arrangement of the family to enter the Fifth Division.

The current captain and vice-captain of the [-]th team are veteran Shinigami who have been married for hundreds of years.

It is said that the vice-captain of the [-]th Division stepped down from the position of captain on his own initiative.In this way, the fifth team has two captains, which is relatively safe compared to the rest of the team.

Therefore, the newcomers who join the fifth team every year are basically full, and the recruiting rate remains high among the thirteenth team of the Gotei, and has always been ranked in the top three.

"Everyone welcomes newcomers to the team."

Bai Ye stood at the top, and his adjutant Qian Tongzi stood beside him. After all the newcomers introduced themselves, they took the lead in applauding to welcome them.

Encouraged by Bai Ye, the rest of the team members and chief executives also applauded solemnly, expressing their warm welcome to the newcomers.

Every time I see so many newcomers join the Fifth Division, I feel very proud as the Death God of the Fifth Division, and I can hold my head high wherever I go.

They seem to have seen the brilliant future of the Fifth Division led by Bai Ye.

Qian Tongzi glanced at Qingli, who was on the far right in the newcomer queue.

For this female version of 'Blue Ran', after listening to Bai Ye's narration, I have always had a great sense of vigilance.

She was obviously just a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, dressed plainly, and her Reiatsu was pitifully weak...

For her identity, Qian Tongzi felt that it was incredible.

Could it be that what I and Bai Ye came to is not the normal "Reaper" world, but the "Reaper" world after the magic revision?

So complicated.Forget it, don't want to.

If she has a change, just hack it to death.

Anyway, as long as she doesn't look at the beginning of the mirror flower and water moon, and directly uses the swastika during the battle, even if she is really a female Aizen, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But as far as women's intuition is concerned, she feels threatened in another sense.


The enlistment ceremony after that is very simple.

Bai Ye explained that in order to test the rookie's strength, he called all the officers and team members of the fifth team to watch the rookie test match that day.

The testers are executed by the third seat of the fifth team.

Although there are three seats, the third seat of the fifth team actually belongs to the vice-captain level of other teams.

Regarding Bai Ye's request, the third seat of the fifth team was not dissatisfied, and felt that a small problem was too much.

If this is the case, then Qian Tongzi usually teaches them the slashing technique, which is also an unequal battle.

The third seat of the fifth team understood Bai Ye's meaning, tested the level of the newcomers, arranged corresponding jobs for them, and by the way, formulated a training program for them in line with their own strength.

The captain is as strict as ever and loves his subordinates.The three seats sighed in their hearts.

Therefore, in the test battle, the third seat of the Fifth Division did not use overwhelming strength to win, but after the newcomers exposed their shortcomings, they stopped short.

In this way, the test did not end until the afternoon.

In the last battle, Qingli also accepted the guidance of the third seat of the Fifth Division, and was humble and studious. Under the watchful eyes of all the members of the Fifth Division, Qingli liberated the mirror and showed her strength.

In the end, it was pointed out by the third seat of the fifth team that he lacked actual combat experience, and that the chopping technique, ghost way, shunpo, and white fighting were all quite satisfactory, and there was no special ordinary evaluation.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior. I will work hard to cultivate in the future."

Qingli bowed her small body to thank her, and then withdrew with a straight face.

Looking at Qingli's petite but resolute body, the third seat of the fifth team smiled gratifiedly. He is a junior who is well-educated, humble and loves to learn, and he is not ugly.

It's a pity that the talent is too ordinary, and the dress is a bit rustic.

Hmm... the hypnosis ritual is much simpler than expected.Qingli didn't care about the comments of the three seniors at all, she only had this thought in her mind.

Bai Ye specially prepared this test battle for the purpose of making her Magic Mirror come in handy.

As a result, a simple hypnosis ceremony was so procrastinated and wasted so much time by the three seats.

It's almost night, I'm so hungry.

It's all the fault of this unknown third seat, I really want to kill him.

The thirteen divisions of the guarding court each perform their own duties and are in charge of their own affairs.

For example, the second squad is responsible for dark tasks such as assassination, tracking, and supervision.

The fourth team is the medical team.

The Seventh Division is the Kotei team.

The Eighth Division is an intelligence team, etc...

The responsibilities of the Fifth Division are very simple. The rescue work is handled by the Fifth Division.

Which team is short of manpower, or encounters an accident outside and is hunted down by Xu, or the students of Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy encounter Zhenxu's attack during the actual combat assessment, all of which are the tasks that the fifth team has to deal with .

From this point of view, the work of the fifth team is usually very leisurely, and once it enters the official work, it also carries a certain degree of danger.

It's just that nothing major has happened recently, and the Fifth Division naturally relaxes.

When a person is free, he will feel bored, and when he is bored, he will find something to do to prove that he is not a dead person.

Qingli is in such a state.

Because she looks too young, and behaves very ordinary, polite, modest and other characteristics, usually the enthusiastic members of the Fifth Division will not let her work, even if she is assigned to work, it is only a small part. It takes half an hour to complete.

This caused Qingli to have countless free times every day.

Besides practicing, she likes making friends very much.

It only took half a month to get to know all the team members and chief officers of the Fifth Division, and to be able to call their names familiarly.

Qingli also often uses her own lack of strength as an excuse to give advice to the fifth division chief who has more time control.

Whether it's slashing, white hitting, ghost way, or shunpo, Qingli has shown a serious attitude towards learning.

Therefore, many team members and chief executives of the Fifth Division cherish this motivated newcomer very much.

Qingli will also help them work as a reward, paying them to teach her 'tuition fees'.

Over time, you can see that Qingli will appear in various work places of the Fifth Division.

Although she lacks ability and work experience, and her talents are average, she is extremely serious in doing things and will not make obvious mistakes.

Such evaluations were circulated within the Fifth Division.

A month later, Qingli got to know the officers and soldiers of the rest of the teams through the introduction of the officers and soldiers of the fifth team.

This time I didn't use Mirror Flower and Water Moon, if it behaves too frequently, it will make people vigilant.

Make a good relationship first, anyway, there will be time to hypnotize the god of death in the whole Seireitei in the future, so don't rush it for a while.

"Squad member Aizen, so you are here."

Walking along the corridor of the Fifth Division courtyard, Qingli was holding a book and studying it carefully, as if there was some important secret hidden in it.

"Twenty Seats, Hirako, what do you want?"

The name of the strangely smiling man with long hair like a younger sister's head in front of him is Mako Hirako.

She graduated more than ten years earlier than her, and the other party was a class of elite students when she was in the Maou Academy of Spiritual Art.

It took only ten years to climb to the position of the chief executive, even the last few chief executives, but they still lead more than a dozen team members, and they are the chief executives in the fifth team.

But in Qingli's view, this person's smile is difficult to read, and it has malicious intentions, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

His senses are also very keen. Bai Ye specifically reminded him to be careful with this person, but don't deliberately avoid him, otherwise he will definitely become suspicious.

"Looking here, Jiuxi needs your help with something. Well, it seems to be repairing some kind of pool..." Hirako Makoto said, digging his ears.

"I see, thank you for the notice."

Qingli nodded seriously, closed the book, put it aside, and walked to Jiuxi's work place.

After notifying Qingli, Chief Hirako wanted to leave, but suddenly saw Qingli's book on the corridor, and stopped in his tracks. should be fine if you take a look.

I really want to know what kind of books the serious blue dye team members are reading.

Chief Hirako picked up the book on the ground, and the title fell into his eyes.


"10001 Plans on How the Third Party Wins in Love"

"What is this? Isn't the title of this book too strange?"

The corner of Pingzi's mouth twitched, his face darkened.

It is simply not clear why.

Who would be so wicked to write this kind of book that teaches bad children.

All of Qingli's actions are within Baiye's sight.

Qian Tongzi also knew.

She can now be [-]% sure that Aizen Qingli is the demon version of Aizen Soyousuke.

The rebellious person who will make many important events in the soul world in the future.

Instigated against the captain, framed his colleagues, wiped out the 46th room of the central government, joined forces with Xu, and after merging with Bengyu, even killed Lingwang Palace to overthrow Lingwang's rule.

In the end, someone disrupted the situation halfway and failed miserably. He was imprisoned in Infernal Affairs for 2 years before he could be released.

This kind of guy is a potential threat alive.

"Are you worried?"

"A bit."

"She's a wonderful kid."

"Don't you find it difficult, Mr. Bai?" Qian Tongzi hesitated.

"It's okay, but sometimes it's naughty."

Bai Ye thought about it, but he didn't think there was anything too scary about Qingli, and occasionally she had a mischievous side, after all, she was just a child.

"That's not naughty at all, is it?"

"And, as you said, except for Urahara Sansuke you mentioned, she is the only one who can make things called collapse jade."

"It's Kisuke Urahara." Chitoko corrected.

But when it came to Beng Yu, Qian Tongzi had no choice but to nod.

Qingli is a new force with great potential. If she is drawn to her side, the role she will play in the future may be unimaginable.

The premise is the controllable range.

To be honest, Qian Tongzi didn't have much confidence in this aspect.

For things like Beng Yu, neither she nor Bai Ye has any attachment to wanting to get it.

It's just that if this thing really appears in front of you one day, there's no reason why you shouldn't do it for nothing.

But now, Qian Tongzi can't guarantee [-]% whether Qingli can successfully create Bengyu in the future.

Even things like magic reform can happen, and it is not unacceptable for a little accident to happen.

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