Even if a master encounters him by chance, he will treat himself as an ordinary person.

The rest of the masters probably did the same.

Hiding identity is the basic strategy.

The blood color of the Command Spell exuded a psychedelic and mysterious light in Bai Ye's dark eyes. Afterwards, he put down his sleeves and quietly arrived at the Fuyuki City Central Park under the east side of the Fuyuki City Bridge.

It was already twelve fifteen at night.

The bridge across the Weiyuan River, with a total length of 660 meters, is a three-span continuous middle road arch bridge. All the street lights on it have been lit up, shining a hazy and beautiful halo in the night.

Cars in twos and threes crossed the bridge, and occasionally there would be one or two horns.

Bai Ye stood in the silent and dim uninhabited park, looking up at the Fuyuki Bridge from below, and heard a slight sound of wind in his ears.

"Tao Binding 26 Curved Light!"

The surrounding light was distorted, completely covering Bai Ye's figure, and entering a foreign place where no one could see through.

Afterwards, his figure disappeared from the spot, and appeared on the steel viaduct of the Weiyuanchuan Bridge in the next second. After patrolling there for about two seconds, he confirmed the location of Matou's house, disappeared silently, and moved towards the target location. .

There are a total of 17 members in the Black Steel Squad, and the captain and vice-captain are the first batch of testers of the main god space of the 'Death Game'.

The remaining 15 people were the second batch of trainees, and their strength should not be underestimated. They were recruited by the two of them to form this elite team with an average strength above the second level - Black Steel.

The first mission established as the Black Steel Squad was to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City. Of course, it did not intervene as a master or a heroic spirit, but as an outsider.

In addition to several branch tasks, the most important task is to capture the last Lesser Holy Grail.

In this holy grail war, they can get [-] points for killing a master, and [-] points for killing a heroic spirit.

The heaviest Lesser Grail can earn 20 points.

In total, there are nearly 30 points. For them, in order to complete this mission, it can be said that they are selling their iron. Every member of the Black Steel Squad basically used up all the points on their body to buy various Props and skills, fully armed yourself, in order to ensure that this mission is foolproof.

If this mission is successful, all the previous efforts will be worth it.

In case of failure, after that, for a long period of time, he could only be a man in the main god's space with his tail between his legs.

According to the arrangement of the captain and vice-captain, the seventeen of them were divided into four groups.

Each group has its own tasks to tackle.

In the whole plan, getting in touch with Kariya Matou is another key link.

Compared with other masters, in their view, Matou Kariya, a man with a tragic fate, is undoubtedly the easiest to control.

As long as you can control Matou Ying, you can make him submit obediently and work hard for them.

Therefore, they have already made a plan. Before the Holy Grail War, they will first "cooperate" with Matou Kariya, and then use the advantage of the plot to find opportunities to assassinate the other heroes and masters. This will not only allow them to reduce the risk of the mission To the minimum, it can also guarantee that there will be no accidents in the Great Holy Grail.

Therefore, their primary goal is to get in touch with Kariya Matou, and then find an opportunity to control Sakura Matou and make her completely obey her orders.

For an ultimate licking dog who likes the goddess, the goddess' daughter is everything to him, as long as Matou Sakura is under control, Matou Kariya will be stable.

Once Matou Kariya stabilized, the mad Lancelot he summoned was one of the strongest trump cards in their hands.

They have full confidence in this plan.

"Before the implementation of this plan, we must pay attention to one of them. That is Matou Zouyan, this old bug is not easy to deal with. Before going to Matou's house, prepare the things that restrict him."

A small team in charge of Matou Kariya's side, with a total of four people.

They were covered in pitch-black cloaks, and it was hard to tell whether they were men or women even from their appearance.

The voices that can be spoken have also undergone some special processing, and all have a hoarse and low-pitched characteristic.

The other three also nodded, expressing agreement with this point of view.

Although Matou Zouyan is the father of Matou Kariya in household registration, he is actually the head of the Matou family six generations ago, a great magician who has lived for 500 years.

He is not only good at manipulating insects, but in order to live forever, he abandoned his original body and manipulated magical insects to form his temporary movable human body.

A great magician who has lived for 500 years, is insidious, cunning, and vicious. The difficulty of dealing with it is no less than besieging and killing a heroic spirit, and it may be even more difficult than besieging a heroic spirit.

Even if he is familiar with the plot, there is no guarantee that he can kill Matou Zouken.

What's more, in order to complete the task separately, each small team has insufficient manpower. It is undoubtedly a fool's dream to kill Matou Zouyan with just the four of them.

Fortunately, their goal was not to kill Matou Zouken, but to use Matou Sakura as a springboard to remotely control Matou Kariya.

"Then, to avoid long nights and dreams, let's act now."

After discussing for a while, the four stood up from the grass and looked at each other. Their figures turned into black smoke, mysteriously dissipated in the air, and disappeared without a trace.

The lush and towering foreign-style mansion is located in the southwest of Fuyuki City's old capital commercial street. This is the residence of the Matou family in Fuyuki City.

Surrounded by the deep and endless night, this bungalow mansion looks mysterious and serious, but also a bit gloomy and cold, making people feel shuddering and want to stay away.

The lights in most of the rooms in the bungalow have been extinguished.

Matou Kariya——This man was not lying on the bed at this time, but curled up, shivering on the ground as if frozen.

He opened his mouth, hoarse but silent, or held back.

Enduring the pain and despair caused by this torture, which is comparable to a thousand cuts to pieces.

He must bear it...

For Aoi...for Sakura...he had to endure it.

This time, he will never give up, nor will he run away.

If she dies, then Sakura will forever be trapped in the pain and despair that the Matou family brought her, and become a doll controlled by that old monster Matou Zouken.

From the conclusion, Matou Kariya's mental state and physical state have actually reached the limit.

Since a year ago, in order to save the most important thing in his heart, he forced himself to participate in the battle between cruel magicians, and asked his nominal father, Zouken Matou, to let him implant engraving worms in his body, and after cultivation , A nerve similar to a magic circuit was formed in his body to fulfill the requirements of becoming a master.

However, starting from the third month after the engraving worm entered the body, his hair was completely white, and his skin also showed tangled and raised scars everywhere he went, and the rest of the blood lost all color, turning into a ghost-like dusty color .

The poison called magic power circulated endlessly in the meridians of his body. Under the skin that had become somewhat transparent, these veins could be seen wriggling like worms, as if his whole body was covered with hideous blue-black cracks.

In his eyes full of pain and despair, there is still a glimmer of hope, which is his nostalgia for the world.

It should be said that for something, one must be attached to something in order to survive.

"Ha ha……"

He endured the pain of physical and mental collapse time and time again, and this time was no exception.

His triumphant laugh resembled a piercing laugh.

If it weren't for the gleam of light in his eyes, anyone who saw him like this would be like a cold and disgusting corpse.

Due to the irregular beating of the pulse causing problems in various aspects of the body, it has become commonplace for him in this year.

He can't eat solid food now. If he wants to maintain his life activities, he can only infuse glucose to ensure sufficient energy for activities.

From the perspective of modern medicine, it is a miracle that he is alive now, and it is perfectly normal for him to die anytime.

What's even more ironic is that he is alive now because of the magic that he once hated and despised the most.

During this year, the engraving worms continued to eat his body in his body, and now they have grown to exist as things that simulate magic circuits, and they can be used as magic circuits for convenience.

But judging from the magic circuit he has mastered now, it is already the magic power of an excellent magician.

Similarly, three command spells appeared on his right hand, which means that the Holy Grail has recognized him as a representative of the Matou family and can participate in this Holy Grail War.

Compared to the rest of the Masters and Heroic Spirits, Kariya had to race against the engraved worms in his body.

They are also their own enemies.

Because of the engraved worms constantly eroding him, even though he has obtained the corresponding magic circuit, his current life is not much left.

Until then, one must...

——It was difficult to get up from the cold floor, and the outside was shrouded in endless night.

He opened the window, and a cool breeze blew from the darkness, making the cold sweat on his back dry instantly.

He is going to wash his body.

Get a change of clothes in the room and walk out the door.

The lights in the corridor are very dim, like the eerie vampire castle that appeared in the movie, giving people a horrible and mysterious dead atmosphere.

Kariya heard very slight footsteps.

On the opposite side of the corridor, a little girl who was only five or six years old walked over.



Neither of them expected to meet suddenly in the corridor at this time.

This girl named 'Sakura' had a timid and weak look on her face, and Kariya felt his heart was pierced by a blade.

Yuan·Saka·Time·Chen! ! !

The long-standing resentment suddenly emerged from the bottom of Kariya's heart.

He hated Matou Zouken, hated himself, but even more hated Tohsaka Tokiomi, an elegant and intelligent magician!

It's all his fault!

He pushed Sakura into the abyss with one hand!

It's all his fault!

"Sakura... um, are you scared?"


Sakura timidly glanced at the ghostly gray skin on Kariya's face, and the veins showed on his face like blue-black cracks.

Occasionally, worms can be seen moving under the skin of the face.

"Feel sorry……"

Kariya didn't know what expression to put on his face.

Smile or laugh at yourself?

She became the object of Sakura's greatest fear.

For him, this incident was not a big blow.

Therefore, his hatred for the man Tohsaka Tokiomi deepened.

"...Are you alright, Uncle Kariya?"

Although she was very scared, Sakura could feel that Kariya didn't have any ill intentions towards her, and was still as gentle and kind to herself as before, so she asked worriedly.

"It's alright, just a small problem."

Since yesterday, the vision in the left eye has completely disappeared, and I can’t see anything clearly. Just like the completely necrotic white eyeball, the muscles in the left eye are also completely paralyzed. Stiff and immobile.

And this kind of picture is that the right side of his face is moving, and the left half of his face is as stiff as a dead body. Anyone who sees it will feel horrible.

Not to mention a little girl like Sakura who is only a few years old.

"Sigh...Compared to Sakura, Uncle lost to the bugs in his body, you are not as good as Sakura."

This sentence originally meant praise, but according to the actual situation, when he said this sentence, Kariya regretted it.

Sakura took a step back, with an expression of incomparable fear and fear on her face, her body shrunk slightly.

"...Uncle Kariya, you have changed..."

"You've changed too, Sakura..."

The original Tohsaka Sakura is dead.

The girl named Matou Sakura is just a doll raised by Matou Zouken to participate in the Holy Grail War.

That's right, a doll.

Empty and dim eyes like a puppet, all the emotions in the eyes are gone.

Within a year after Sakura came to Matou's house, the girl who used to be able to play innocently with her sister Tohsaka Rin was already 'dead'.

Sakura lowered her head and said nothing.

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