"Your mind is disturbed, Tokiomi."

Seeing Tokiomi like this, Father Risei was extremely inconsistent with his usual expression, and told him to calm down.

"Sorry, Father Rizheng, I was too edgy for a while."

Tokiomi sighed, although he calmed down a little after saying that, but his determination to bring Sakura back to Tohsaka's house became stronger.

He decided to bring Sakura back to Tohsaka's house.

As for Sakura's fate, it's not too late to think about it after the Holy Grail War is over.

It's just that he was too impatient before.

The eldest daughter Tohsaka Rin has all elements, that is, the talent of five-fold composite attributes, while Sakura has the imaginary attribute.

Both of his daughters have rare aptitudes equivalent to miracles, even beyond the level of 'talent'.

But the engraving of the Tohsaka family can only be given to one person, and the choice is two.

This was exactly the reason why Tokiomi was entangled and troubled.

He really wanted to divide the magic engraving into two, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't violate the rules of the magician's world.

The Matou family hoped to get Sakura, as the heir of the Matou family, for Tokiomi at that time, it was no less than a gift from heaven.

The two beloved daughters can both inherit first-class magic, not be bound by blood karma, and each open up their own paths, which means they have the ability to protect themselves.

It also freed Tokiomi from his father's heavy burden.

It was also the reason why he adopted Sakura to the Matou family in such a hurry.

Who knew...the road of Matou's house was crooked.

"It's not your fault, I can understand your mood. But impatience and impulse are useless."

Father Risei came over and patted Tokiomi on the shoulder, and then looked at Assassin who brought back the news—a member of Hassan Baimao.

"You said, in the Matou family's mansion, there is only one kid named 'Matou Shinji', and the rest are gone, right?"


Hassan was sure of the intelligence he had gathered.

Tokiomi and the three fell into deep thought.

"If the magic atmosphere fluctuated last night and the Matou family was used as the starting point, the matter is almost related. Because of the unknown incident last night, an accident must have occurred in the Matou family, resulting in only one child remaining Stay home."

Father Rizheng said.

Tokiomi nodded: "The top priority is to find Sakura's whereabouts. As for the handling of the Matou family, let's wait until after the Holy Grail War."

"Indeed, the most important thing right now is to find Tokiomi's daughter and the continuation of the Holy Grail War. How about this, Kirei, let the main body of Assassin focus on collecting information on the rest of the Masters and Heroic Spirits, and leave a few to find the little ones. The whereabouts of Sakura."

Kirei just nodded slightly in agreement with this proposal from his father, Father Risei.

With Assassin's lurking and intelligence-gathering capabilities, even if only a few are dispatched, it won't take long to find clues, and there won't be much time wasted.

Anyway, they have Archer, the strongest trump card in their hands, and the overall situation of the Holy Grail War has been decided.

It's just a matter of time.

next morning.

"Master, ah—"

In the two-story small foreign house with a separate courtyard, with a voice and a smile that seemed to melt away the indifference in the man's heart, the girl with long silver hair and long hair sent a piece of delicious-looking cake to Bai Ye lips.

"What prank are you playing again?"

Bai Ye's eyes squinted slightly, and looked at the girl with searching eyes.

Nyarlathotep, the outer god of Cthulhu who calls himself 'Niazi'.

After these days of daily getting along, the other party evades rationality in terms of sensibility, and the principle of conduct is mainly based on incongruity and mischief.

Small things can be entrusted to her to handle, but if important things are entrusted to her, it will definitely not bring back satisfactory results for him.

"It's too much, Master, I just want to apologize for yesterday's behavior."

"No, as long as you can honestly do what I ask, this is the best statement of apology."

Bai Ye drove Naiyazi away and asked her to keep the cake.

On the table in front of him, there was a cup of morning tea prepared by him, and he was reading a newspaper in his hand, which recorded some news about current events.

One of the news about the serial murder case is very eye-catching and occupies a large space in the newspaper.

This case happened a long time ago, but the police in Fuyuki City were still powerless and did not find any clues. Even the age and gender of the murderer could not be determined.

The murderer had no purpose and no clear hunting target, and there seemed to be no connection between the victims.

If there is something in common, that is, the death of the victim is rather peculiar and distinct, even tinged with terrorism, which is the only connection between the victims.

The way of death is so strange that people are not only shocked by it after seeing it.

Therefore, this mysterious perpetrator is called the 'Fuyuki Demon'.

A mysterious and dangerous man.

"Are you scared, Sakura?"

Seeing the girl next to her trembling slightly, she might have been frightened by the news in the newspaper.

This type of serial murderer, children are afraid of it, Bai Ye can understand.

Although Sakura couldn't think deeper, the case itself was tinged with horror and mystery.


Sakura, who was eating breakfast, nodded timidly.

"Sakura, let's go to the park to play in the afternoon, just treat it as a refreshment for you."

Sakura first showed a happy expression, but then she was worried and didn't answer immediately.

"Are you worried about being found by your family?"

Bai Ye saw the hesitation on Sakura's face, smiled slightly, and stroked Sakura's hair.

"Sakura has no family... Xiaosakura's only family now is her uncle."

Whether she was abandoned by her original family or entered Matou's house, she has to survive in the worm pile every day, Sakura is not blind to distinguish right from wrong.

It's just that she doesn't have the ability to resist, so she can only endure all this silently, slowly waiting for the moment of her mental breakdown.

However, Bai Ye appeared at this time, and he didn't abandon her, and he didn't have the treatment at Jiantong's house. Even if he could only stay in the house boringly every day and didn't go anywhere, he could feel happiness and warmth.

It was something that the first 'father' and later the Matou family could not give her.

She didn't have enough awareness of the cruelty of the magician's world, and she didn't understand why her original father abandoned her and pushed her into hell.

I even have negative thoughts that I am completely redundant and unnecessary in the family.

In such a dark and hopeless world, only Kariya Matou has kindness and love for her.

But even the kind Uncle Kariya couldn't change what happened to her.

This is the psychological deformity caused by the lack of security and happiness.

As long as she is given a ray of light at this moment, no matter who she is, she can have her whole body and mind.

The happiness they should have, and being pushed into hell by their relatives, and then deprived of the value of life, are completely different from the psychologically deformed people who were placed in hell from the beginning.

Nothing lost, nothing gained, nothing lost.

Then lose everything after getting it, that kind of strong negative emotion will cause a person's heart to be completely deformed.

What's more, he is still a child with completely unformed values.

"It doesn't matter, Sakura just needs to act according to her own will. Personal will is a manifestation of self-worth that should not be interfered by anyone, because everyone makes different choices at different stages of life. But as long as you act according to your own wishes, even if Sakura chooses to leave, I will respect it."

Dolls and human life values ​​are completely different.

Compared with shaping Sakura's magic talent at this time and letting her enter the stage of magic learning as soon as possible, Baiye is more inclined to shape Sakura's own personality and value.

This is something that should be respected and demanded more than the so-called magic talent.

It is also the foundation and principle of anything and should not be plundered.

Before being a magician, you must first understand what your will is as a human being, whether it is a living life or a puppet.

The ability to think autonomously is very important for both mortals and magicians.

"Uncle, are you going to throw away Sakura?"

"Why?" Bai Ye continued to gently rub Sakura's hair: "Xiao Sakura needs to relax now, always staying at home is not good for her physical and mental health. Xiao Sakura also wants to go out to play."


Xiao Ying threw herself into Bai Ye's arms with a blushing face, and responded softly.

I don't know why, but Sakura feels that this 'uncle' knows everything about her, even though she has known her for less than two days, and she also likes the feeling of being cared for at ease.

This is different from the serious and serious father in the past, not to mention the 'grandfather' of the Matou family.

And this sense of security and happiness is incomparable to Uncle Kariya, who is also kind to himself.

She was immersed in this happiness and couldn't extricate herself.

Fuyuki City, a seaside park on the north side of the old capital commercial street.

After having lunch in a Chinese restaurant in Xindu, Bai Ye took Sakura to the seaside park in Fuyuki City, which is more popular with tourists.

The current month is the end of October, which is almost the time of Xiaoyangchun. The sunshine in Fuyuki City during the day is still very warm, although the weather will be a bit cold at night.

In the seaside park, there are children running and playing everywhere, and adults who are smiling and guarding these children. The smiling faces of these people come into view. Although there is not much joy on Sakura's face, Bai Ye can feel Sakura's Moods do change.

Even if she was sitting on the edge of the fountain and watching children of the same age or slightly older playing there, Sakura would feel the same and be infected.


"what happened?"

Sitting next to Xiao Ying, Bai Ye heard soft voices from beside him, and turned to look at her.

"Sakura has been here before, playing here with mom and Rin."

Sakura said in a sentimental tone, unnaturally, that lonely and melancholy temperament was revealed.

"It must be very happy."

"Well, but that was a year ago, and Mom and Rin are gone..."

In Sakura's words, there is a strong desire to live like that time.

She misses that time very much, the carefree life, but all this, on that day a year ago, was changed.

Her father Tosaka Tokiomi personally abandoned her and sent her to the Matou family to be raised, which opened the prelude to her hellish life.

Whenever she recalls this fact, the resentment towards that father and the fear towards the Matou family will come to her heart, making her get used to keeping empty and numb eyes in the Matou family, destroying with despair, so that she can barely survive there.

And all of this, in her opinion, was bestowed upon her by her father who was bound by blood.

Bai Ye didn't try to comfort her, but just sat beside her, listening silently to her confession with a trace of resentment.

What she needs now is not comforting words like caring. For her who was once shrouded in despair, any comfort is like adding salt to her already painful wound, making her pain and despair further deepened.

All Bai Ye can do is to give her a shoulder to rely on, and let her understand that what hangs over her in this world is not only pain and despair.

For Sakura, memory is the source of pain, and only by overcoming this despair can her future be bright.

Sakura just sat dryly by the edge of the fountain pool and watched the children of the same age playing on the lawn in the park. She did not go with those children because she was afraid of strangers. When she played in the park before, she always played with them. My sister Tohsaka Rin is just playing together.

The second reason is that she has been out of touch with the whole world for a year, and she feels that the smiles on the faces of those children are something that she feels strange and repulsive now.

I once thought that I would never have this kind of life again.

Therefore, her heart is full of gratitude and longing for Bai Ye.

After confiding, Xiao Ying fell asleep peacefully next to the fountain with her arms around Bai Ye's shoulders.

Even though she came out of the wormhole of hell, her mental state has not been very good, and she needs a lot of sleep time every day to protect her young and immature body.

Bai Ye looked at her peaceful and lovely sleeping face, only the sound of slow breathing, no one disturbed her.

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