Kenneth gradually became a little confused.

This is where he gets really irritated.

Not because of his relationship with the Heroic Spirit, nor because of the Holy Grail, but because of the pathetic vulgar thing—love.

Are you getting more and more vulgar?

Obviously there are many famous daughters in the clock tower who admire him, why do he only fall in love with a woman like Sola who chatters to him?

Maybe... this is love.

Suddenly, even a genius like him, in front of love, becomes like a vulgar mortal, without the slightest resistance.

Suspicion without evidence is undoubtedly what a fool would do.

He didn't believe that Sora would betray him.

Because I am so outstanding, born in a famous family, noble in blood, handsome in appearance, there is no other magician of the same age in the clock tower who is better than him.

What's more, I love and care for her in every possible way.

How could a man like himself be hated and betrayed by a woman?

Furthermore, although Sola is not the daughter of a famous magician family, she still has considerable resistance to the charm spell on Lancer.

This level of charm spell is not worth mentioning to Sora.

Sora is not such a superficial woman, nor is she ignorant of right and wrong.

Unless she doesn't resist herself, she doesn't take any precautions against Lancer's charm spell——

But how is this possible?

Lancer is just a tool man he summoned.

It is a joke that living people fall in love with tool people.

What's more, he is so good.

It must be because he is too good that he put pressure on Sola.

He should give Sora his own space.

Loving and understanding women is what a good man should do.

Just when Kenneth was thinking about these things, the fire alarm sounded, making him recover from such thoughts.

"what happened?"

Sola came out of the kitchen and looked at Kenneth suspiciously.

"I'll ask."

Kenneth picked up the receiver, and the words of the hotel service staff came to mind. About ten seconds later, Kenneth put down the receiver and narrowed his eyes.

"There was a fire downstairs, and the service staff of the hotel asked us to go out and take refuge."

"Do you want to go down then?"

"No, although it's a fire, it's just a small fire. It's just that the people inside were asked to take refuge because it was too scattered. It seems that it was arson."

"Arson? At this time?"

"Hmph, since it's not a coincidence, and it's during the Holy Grail War, this is a foolish way to drive away idlers. The opponent is undoubtedly a magician."

Kenneth is proud of his intelligence.

He spotted the blind spot in the arson incident right away.

Although he is not a detective, his logical reasoning ability is not bad.

"Lancer, go down and see who's coming."

"In other words, do you mean to block the attacker's back route and rush here for a decisive battle?"

"Yes, since the guests are here, there is no reason not to let them visit my magic workshop, Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald. Let them see what magic is really about."

Kenneth unhurriedly took out the high-end red wine he brought from his hometown from the cabinet, let Lancer go out to fight, then took out two glasses on the table, and poured a glass for himself and Sola.

But Sora's eyes kept staring outside, showing a worried expression.

It seems to be a wife who is worried about her husband going out.

Kenneth is very delicious.

Everyone is gone, what else is there to see?

Where is your future husband here?

"Sola, you have to believe in my ability. You always said that I am a second-rate master, now I will let you see clearly my true strength. You will take back those inappropriate comments before, I am sure."

"Well, I'm really looking forward to it."

Sora retracted his gaze, and instead of using the usual sarcasm, he gave him a gentle and sweet smile.

Kenneth's vanity was satisfied, and he became more confident about the next battle.

Sitting here tasting red wine with his fiancée, while waiting for the enemy to invade his magic workshop.

It's like a high-ranking emperor who controls the overall situation.

In this hotel, there are 24 layers of enchantment covered by his magic, and the corridors and sewers have all been transformed into space.

There are also three magic stoves dedicated to him, and dozens of monsters and monsters have been summoned, even heroic spirits, can fight a fight.

For the challengers who dare to step into their territory and challenge his authority, Kenneth will let him understand the strength of the Archibald family.

What is the true meaning of magic.

Just when he was complacent about everything he had done, the red wine was already close to his lips, and he was about to drink it.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The explosion sounded without warning.

The second floor of No. 30 where he was located lost all support due to the chain reaction produced by the directional blasting, and fell to the ground in free fall from a height of more than 150 meters.

No matter how strong the magic barrier is, after being impacted by such an explosion, and the double impact of falling from a high altitude, in the face of such amazing and incomparable destructive power.

The famous Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald should have been with the ruins by now.

The Flask Worm——Matou Dirty Inkstone.

On the iron shelf, the flask containing the cerebrate-shaped Matou Zouyan was placed there, and there was an alcohol lamp used for experiments at the bottom, which was constantly baking the bottom of the flask.

Under the baking of the alcohol lamp, the bottom of the flask slowly became hot.

Matou Zouken felt the heat from the bottom of the flask, and felt that his breathing was very difficult, and the air inside the flask was very manic, as if he was grilling all of himself under the sun.

And light and fire are always what Matou Zouken fears the most, and also what he hates the most.

So he can only 'dance' awkwardly inside the flask.

Bouncing around inside the flask.

But the scorched air was devouring his energy. This temperature would not kill him, but it would keep him in a state of being grilled forever.

Looking at grandpa Matou Zouken dancing happily in the flask, Sakura always had a flat smile on her face.

Sitting in front of the flask, he watched Matou Zouken's every move motionlessly.

She saw a miniature old man's face wrinkled on the brain worm, and the squeezed out old man's face was full of ugliness and fear.

But this fear and ugliness are exactly the source of Sakura's inner joy.

She is just a child.

I don't know what is cruel and not cruel.

I just think such a grandpa is really interesting.

In the past, grandpa let bugs bite her, but now she bakes grandpa in a flask, which is also a fair exchange of equal value.

Matou Zouken opened his mouth as much as possible, as if he wanted to make a sound, but Sakura outside couldn't hear her, but Sakura's voice could be transmitted in from outside.

Soon, Sakura brought the flashlight again, and illuminated the space inside the flask, so that Matou Zouken's ugliness could be fully displayed.

Matou Zouken felt that everything about him was being peeped at, ugly shell, twisted soul.

There is no way to dodge everything, but to be exposed to the scorching sun, to torture his body and soul.

This is more horrible than any punishment.

He looked at his good granddaughter Sakura who had been submissive to him in the past, her face was full of horror.

Why did it become like this?There are always questions like this in my head.

Finally, Sakura fetched a cup of clear water from the sink and poured it into the flask.

She smiled softly and said, "Grandpa, Sakura will take a bath for you now, and wash off the dust on your body."

Then, he brought another alcohol lamp, and used two alcohol lamps to roast the clear water in the flask to make the water inside warmer. The temperature rose very slowly, but it kept rising.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the water boils.

Matou Zouken could only slowly feel the temperature rise in the water, and then it boiled, accepting the cruel fact that Sakura gave him a bath.

He kept spitting bubbles in the water, and the water temperature also rose. He felt uncomfortable breathing, and his whole body was scorching hot, but he couldn't die, and he had to endure this pain and torture.

"Sakura still has a lot of games here that he hasn't played with grandpa. Sakura will take good care of grandpa for the rest of his life."

In the room, only Sakura herself murmured in a low voice.

The smile is very innocent, it is a child.

"Hee hee, grandpa looks so funny now."

Inside the flask, Matou Zouken could not feel the passage of time, no hunger, and no life decay.

He got the longevity he dreamed of.

But this dream might be the cruelest punishment for him.

There was the cry of a child.

Attracted Kiritsugu's attention from the ruins.

The child's mother was holding the child who was afraid of crying because of the explosion. The flying dust caused by heavy objects falling to the ground covered the pajamas of the two with dirty dust, as if they had escaped from a refugee camp.

Kiritsugu stared at the mother and child intently... It was not until his finger was burned by the cigarette butt that he came back to his senses, threw the cigarette on the ground, and stamped it out with his shoe.

Kiritsugu was confused by his sensibility, and sensualistic thinking should not appear in him.

Such weak thoughts will dust one's ideals and make the road ahead dark.

Once you are dominated by weak sensibility, then you are not far from death.

But he was moved by the scene of the mother taking care of the child, which is an undeniable fact.

In the pair of mother and son, he seemed to see Irisviel and Illya.

Is there no equivalent in life?

Is life not divided into old girlfriends and boyfriends, nor emotionally connected to each other, but just a unit for counting?

In order to blow up Kenneth, the arch enemy, can he disregard the lives of others?

Although Kiritsugu tried his best to take precautions, Kiritsugu couldn't guarantee that he would not hurt innocent people.

If the pair of mother and child moved forward a few meters, Kiritsugu could be sure that they would have no bones left, and would be crushed into a pulp by heavy objects.

In his judgment, the lives of women and children should not receive special treatment.

Because using the Holy Grail can make the world peaceful, it can be used to save the world.

And Kenneth is an enemy that must be eradicated on his ideal road.

Even if everyone in the Hyatt Hotel died, it would only be about 1000 people, but he was trying to save billions of people.

Kiritsugu was able to grasp the severity of this.

So... there is nothing wrong with my own idealism.

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