Why did he seek Tokiomi to fight?

Knowing that using the engraved worms in the body will lead to further death.

Maybe this is my true path?

Kariya's eyes were blurred and blood red due to the blood flowing into his eyes. He was conscious of the pain and inexplicable fear, and began to think seriously.

However, there is still something called 'unreconciled' in my heart.

Seeing Kariya standing there silently, Tokiomi said in a pitiful tone, "So, your vocal cords have almost been destroyed by the bugs in your body, and if you use too much magic, the bugs in your body will eat away at your vitality , Let your bodily functions gradually abolish. Why have you fought so far? What is the meaning of your fighting?"

Kariya opened his mouth, and found himself hoarse, but as Tokiomi expected, his body did not support him to speak.

Where is the meaning of fighting by yourself?

Where is the meaning...

Kariya kept thinking about this matter.

That's right, since I first participated in the Holy Grail War and put myself in this state, there was something I had to do.


Tokiomi was about to speak.

Kariya's chest was suddenly pierced by a very penetrating bullet, passing through his chest and sinking into the ground.

The chest pierced by bullets, more blood spewed out from the wound, Kariya felt that the vision in front of him became more and more blurred, was he about to die?

I don't know who fired the bullet, probably the rest of the masters in the Holy Grail War, there seems to be a guy called Magician Killer, who likes to hunt and kill magicians with modern weapons.

Probably he did it.

In the cold air came the rancid smell of bugs being burned to ashes, and the strong smell of blood also filled Kariya's nostrils.

Soon, he will die.

The blood red in front of his eyes appeared intermittently as his eyes opened and closed.

He fell to the ground, his limbs felt very dull, and he tried to lift up but couldn't do anything.

What a desperate way to die.


Kariya recalled it.

The reason why I participated in this Holy Grail War is to rescue Sakura and complete the agreement with Aoi.

But that woman only had Tokiomi as her husband from the very beginning, and it was a matter of course, after all Tokiomi was her husband, and he, Matou Kariya, was just a past tense wretch.

Even so, he was still reluctant to part with that woman in his heart.

After seeing that Sakura has something to rely on, he should have nothing to worry about, why should he fight Tokiomi?

Originally, it was to help Aoi get back Sakura, but now he wanted to kill her husband... This kind of contradictory thought, Kariya only really realized at this moment.

I did this not entirely for Sakura, but also because of my inner jealousy and selfish desires.

He was jealous of everything Tokiomi had.

I can't wait to kill him and take his place, let Aoi be my wife, and Rin and Sakura my daughters.

Haha, is this the most despised and ugly part of me?Kariya mocked himself.

Coveting other people's wives and daughters, he is really a hopelessly stupid guy.

Consciousness and vision plunged into icy darkness.

Kariya fantasized about taking his wife and two daughters to a place where no one could find them. He and his wife weaved garlands for the daughters and put them on the heads of Rin and Sakura, watching them live happily and carefree. Frolicking in the garden.

Then Rin and Sakura will say words like 'Thank you Papa'.

The happy scene of the family of four made Kariya sink into incomparable satisfaction.

All he asked for was this.

Tokiomi watched Kariyaro die with a satisfied smile, and frowned, what was this man thinking?

He really didn't understand why Matou Kariya wanted to fight against him beyond his limits, and why he wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Obviously, you can spend your life happily and worry-free as an ordinary person.

But right now, it seems that it is not the time to speculate on such frivolous things.

The flame defense formation beside him was not removed, and because of this, the secret sniper must have chosen Kariya, who was easier to kill.

Tokiomi did this with consideration, although he has a certain amount of conceit, but he will never have any expectations for Saber's Master Emiya Kiritsugu.

This man has been a despicable and dirty killer from the very beginning. In order to win, he will use all means and means.

Therefore, opening the flame defense array all the time was not to guard against the threatening Kariya, but to prevent the hidden killer from launching actions against him.

——In the distance, Kiritsugu, through the scope on the sniper rifle, noticed that the flame defense formation around Tokiomi had been unfolding. Considering that the master of Berserker had already been dealt with, it was a respite for Saber. Si felt that the action was almost done here.

It's pointless to continue.

So he stood up from the tall building on the other side, holding his beloved sniper rifle, and disappeared into the darkness in the corner.

"Saber's side is about to win...but how will Caster solve it?"

——Tokiomi turned his head and looked around, revealing a pensive look.

"Have you given up? This guy is also quite cautious."

Dealing with this kind of killer who likes to stab people in the back, Tokiomi also felt extremely headache.

If he had known this earlier, Kirei shouldn't have thrown all the Assassins into the battlefield back then, leaving at least one or two for reconnaissance of Emiya Kiritsugu's foothold.

But it's too late to say anything now.


The sudden voice made Tokiomi's heart tremble.

Turning his head, he saw Sakura and Rin appearing there.


I didn't expect Sakura and Rin to appear at this time.

Compared to Rin's joy, Sakura didn't say a word, walked silently beside Kariya's body, looked at the fatal bullet on his chest, the atmosphere was unimaginably oppressive and dignified.

"Huh? This person... who is it?"

Seeing Xiao Sakura silently facing a strange corpse, she boldly walked over and asked questions.

Sakura didn't answer.

Rin looked around curiously, although half of his face was completely necrotic, but the other half of his face was peaceful and peaceful, with a sense of familiarity that Rin couldn't let go of.

"Uncle Kariya!?"

Rin yelled out loudly, with strong sadness in her voice.

How could it be... why did Uncle Kariya die?

Was it father who killed him?

Rin's body trembled, only feeling that his body was very cold.

Tokiomi walked to Rin's side and said, "Matou Kariya was not killed by me, it was the masterpiece of a magician killer."

Even if Emiya Kiritsugu didn't do this, Kariya Matou would not be able to live for a long time, and in Tokiomi's view, it was unnecessary for the other party to do so.

Only then did Rin heave a sigh of relief, a little blush returned to her pale face, she looked at Sakura and said, "Xiao Sakura..."

"It's okay, I'll take Uncle Kariya back first."

Sakura opened her hand, the entrance of the quantized imaginary number space, directly swallowed Kariya's body into it, and looked back at Tokiomi, the indifferent to unfamiliar eyes made Tokiomi feel that the Sakura in front of him was very scary.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my uncle, Tokiomi, and sister."

Tokiomi wanted to open his arms to stay, but his intuition told him that if he disturbed Sakura at this time, something terrible would happen, so he raised his hand in the air and sighed silently.

Sakura...is she blaming herself?

Although Matou Kariya was not killed by himself, the many wounds on his body have nothing to do with Tokiomi.

Tokiomi just used the flame defense array to let Matou Kariya keep attacking... After all, Kariya wanted to die by himself.

I'm afraid this man already has a will to die in his heart.

A person who wants to die, who can only be freed by death, cannot live at all.

Tokiomi didn't know why Kariya wanted to seek his own death, why this man participated in the Holy Grail War... Tokiomi didn't want to explore it anymore.

"Father, Sakura, she..."

Rin seemed to want to say something, but Tokiomi patted her on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, Sakura will understand sooner or later, she will always be your sister, a member of the Tohsaka family."

Tokiomi said so.

Rin nodded vigorously and smiled.

The whistling resentment seemed to be the whisper of death emerging from the ground.

Berserker, the Heroic Spirit wrapped in darkness, held a modern firearm in his hand. This modern firearm was saturated with the power he hated, and became a vicious armament capable of threatening Saber's life.

The rain of bullets flying out from the night sky possesses overwhelming firepower. Saber must withstand these bullets and fight Berserker to the death.

This guy is irrational, which can be considered a place to be thankful for.

The bullets grazed Saber's face and shoulders, as well as the land on the beach, the ground felt like it was vibrating and cracking under the flying bullets.

With the help of the cover of rocks by the sea, Saber once again approached the Dark Knight's body with the momentum of lightning and flint. Just like this, she stabbed in at a distance of five meters, even though she blocked the bullets with her sword, her arms and body were severely injured. It was excruciatingly painful, but if he kept running for his life, he would definitely be completely suppressed by Berserker and lose the chance to fight back.

So Saber can only fight desperately.

The invisible blade surrounded by the barrier made it impossible for the Dark Knight to avoid it, and he probably didn't expect Saber to kill him so desperately.

However, although Saber's blade hit the Dark Knight's body, the cut was very shallow.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the opponent didn't make the wound shallower because of dodging in time, but because she was very familiar with the sword in her hand, which made the attack that should have seriously injured the opponent turn into an insignificant minor injury.

In other words, this guy... knows himself?

Saber's eyes were dignified. Although the opponent's posture was a knight, his fighting style was very different from every knight she knew.

On Warehouse Street, at the previous confluence of Weiyuan River and the sea, this guy suddenly attacked him twice.

If this is not the master of Berserker secretly manipulating, then it means that this is his own choice?

Therefore, Saber had doubts in his heart.

Judging from the skill of the Dark Knight, there is no doubt that in her era, she was definitely not an unknown person.

But why do I have no impression of him?

But asking Berserker about Berserker's identity is impossible.

Because the other party looks like this, it doesn't look like he can communicate rationally.

A cursed cry of resentment came out of the dark knight's mouth, the coldness made Saber shudder.

The armor shrouded in black mist vibrated like water waves, colliding with the air to make a sound.

And the laughter of the dark knight also came from the armor.

I saw the dark stream all over the smeared knight scroll upwards and began to scatter.

In the scattered black mist, the pitch-black armor showed its original appearance.

This set of pitch-black armor is neither gorgeous nor vulgar, but it is very suitable to attach to the knight's body, and it is the armor that matches him perfectly.

There are countless scars left on the armor, which is the proof of many battles. As a knight, such scars carry the highest honor.

A small part of the mask that Saber saw with the blade just now shattered, revealing a face.

"W-how could-"

Saber lost her voice.

She hoped she was wrong now.

But the facts do not allow her gaze to be wrong.

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