Well, first of all, I have to finish the beach trip that was interrupted in the middle with Miss Wei Ni.

——Beforehand, she didn't want to see Miss Winnie's swimsuit.


PS: I recommend two books, both of which are written in orange, they are both very good-looking, and the quality is guaranteed


Chapter 292 Chapter 260 IX Maybe This Is a Good Choice

Miss Wei Ni didn't seem to know what Candice was thinking.

But if Miss Wei Ni knew, she might also raise her hands and agree with Candice's decision.

Miss Candice wants to see Winnie's swimsuit, why doesn't Miss Winnie want to see Miss Candice's swimsuit?

In a sense, this can be regarded as a two-way rush.

Leaving aside these things for the time being, as the two who are always together, they still know each other's thoughts very well.

It's just that the current situation can't be taken lightly for the time being, even if you think about the holiday, you have to discuss it later, otherwise if champagne is opened at halftime and the car overturns, it will make people want to cry without tears.

Flicking her fingers across the table, Candice sat on the boss chair, turned her head, and asked softly:

"How was the cooperation with Miss Carol?"

"The situation over there is not optimistic. Miss Carol doesn't have much say in the Wilder Company. It is not easy to get the Wilder Company involved."

After all, there are not a few cooperations between the Wilder Company and the Capet Consortium. It is already very good that Kahlo can keep the Wilder Company neutral with his own efforts.

If it weren't for Miss Carol's efforts, perhaps the Wilder Company is still assisting the Capet Consortium with medical drones.

The connection between the Capet Consortium's painstaking efforts and other forces in Ace appears pale and fragile in the face of real interests.

Hearing the words from the assistant Miss Wei Ni, Candice felt a rare sense of shame.

Although she had cheated the other party many times before, but this time it was Miss Carol who took the initiative to ask to favor the Seitan Street Company.In terms of emotion and reason, Miss Candice should also do something for the other party.

Of course, not now.

As stated in the previous communication, the cooperation between the Seitan Street Company and the Wilder Consortium can only continue after everything is over.

Otherwise everything is just empty talk.

If Miss Candice falls into a disadvantage, it will not be her who will cooperate with Wilder Company, but Kanster.

As the war situation entered the final stage, those forces that were just around the corner also gave up their ideas.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Capet Consortium seems to be cutting flesh, but not many people know exactly how much it will cut.

And it seems that the only ones who really understand these are the high-level members of the Capet Consortium.

Shaking her head, Candice said:

"Miss Carol can let it go for a while, and it's not too late to contact the Capet Consortium after the news comes out."


Winnie knew exactly what Candice meant by "the news from the Capet Consortium".

Under the increasingly aggressive offensive of the Seitan Street Company, the Capet Consortium has entered a period of exhaustion.

Although the resource consumption of Seitan Street Company was no less than that of the Capet Consortium, the Capet Consortium at this time seemed to have lost the advantages that a top consortium should have, and was retreating steadily under the offensive of the Seitan Street Company.

The greater the pressure on resources, the harder it is for the Capet Consortium to bear, and this little bit of pressure will gradually accumulate, eventually becoming the last straw that crushes the spirit of the upper echelon of the Capet Consortium.

In other words... the means to win is still in the seed that Candice planted earlier.


Capet Consortium, Pien looked at the data in front of him, his face became more and more ugly.

Just as he expected, the failure of the Capet Consortium was already doomed, but the Seitan Street Company did not intend to stop at all, and instead intensified its offensive.

If it was a few months ago, Pean would be happy to see this situation. After all, the size gap between the Seitan Street Company and the Capet Consortium is there, and the Seitan Street Company must be the one that can't afford it in the end.

But now the situation is completely reversed.

What really can't afford it is the Capet Consortium.

Although it is said that it is necessary to abandon the foundation of Ace and seek development in other places... But in fact, the external situation is completely different from that of Ace. It is different from denying the first few decades of his life.

He dedicated everything to the Capet Consortium, so naturally he would not leave so easily.

But Candice's sword mound didn't take into account the past affection at all. It seemed that this posture was about to bite off a piece of meat from the Capet Consortium, and that old man Kanster had no intention of giving in at all.

Obviously, the next situation is already obvious.

Either the fish will die and the net will be broken, or the Capet consortium will be swallowed up.


Resentment flashed in Pin's eyes.

He said that he wanted to cooperate with him, but he didn't mean to hold back at all.

This is to force him to a dead end.

"Candice too... that old thing too.."

If Candice's pressing step by step made him feel angry, Kanster's actions made him somewhat resentful.

The opponent is obviously treating him as a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.

Perhaps he would be one of the victims when the Capet Consortium and the Rue Seitan Company were torn apart.

He overturned everything on the table to the ground with some incompetence and rage.

After venting for a while, he sat back on the chair again.

Pean thought about Candice's "cooperation" with him.

The content of the cooperation was a bit outrageous. If it was at other times, he might not even listen and would hang up the communication directly.

But now he feels...

Perhaps, this is also a good choice.


PS: I'm sorry for the delay in preparing the New Year's goods when I got home.

After that update normally

Chapter 293 Chapter 270 Then take your things to hell

For the Capet Consortium, Pin held a document in his hand and walked towards the office on the top floor with a gloomy expression.

Not many people around dared to look at him. The Capet Consortium had been dead since the start of the war with the Seitan Street Company, and the temper of the former decision-maker of the Capet Consortium became more and more violent.

The other employees didn't even dare to look at Mr. Pean, and lowered their heads, as if they wanted to reduce their sense of existence.

Pine naturally didn't have time to pay attention to this group of people. After entering the elevator, his eyes were fixed on the constantly changing floors in the elevator.

On the [-]th floor, a light yellow halo appeared below the elevator, scanning Pien's whole body. The next moment, the halo turned into light yellow, and a reminder sounded from inside the elevator.

"Authentication successful, welcome, Mr. Pean."

With the sound of the elevator door slowly opening, a corridor covered with red cashmere and gold-edged carpet appeared, with suspended armed aircraft on both sides.

If the permission check fails, the armed aircraft on both sides will directly attack and activate the first-level alert state of the Capet Consortium's security system.

There have been employees who have reached the [-]th floor without applying for permission before, and the end result is naturally to be shot through the sieve by the armed forces arranged in advance.

As far as Kanster is concerned, he doesn't care if you are innocent.

The principle of capital has always been to kill mistakes rather than let them go. In the end, the employee only compensated some credit points, and the matter was easily settled. After all, such incidents have been warned as early as in the employee contract. For the employees, if they die, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

Of course, as one of the former decision-makers, Mr. Pean naturally doesn't care about these things.

His authority is sufficient that he can safely pass the test without showing identification.

It's just that there is only one real decision-maker left now, and Mr. Pean's authority has also been reduced a lot.

Holding the document in his hand, Pin took a deep breath, and his face became more and more gloomy.

What he is going to do next is what he decides after careful consideration. In a sense, he is the most suitable person to do it. Even for others, if he wants to achieve what he wants to do, Compared with him, the conditions are thousands of times harsher.

It can even be said that it is basically impossible for anyone else to complete this matter except him.

Of course, these are secondary, and his main purpose is to deliver documents to that Mr. Kanster. The content of this document is related to the direction of the relationship with the Seitan Street Company in the future, or.. .It is related to whether the Capet Consortium will be annexed by the Seitan Street Company...It is of great importance, so he must personally send it to that Kanster.

He didn't want the meaningless war of the Capet Consortium to continue.

The longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for the Capet Consortium. The other party has finally shown signs of suing for peace, and Pien will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

--Da da da

While thinking about it, Pin had already walked to the door.

He lightly touched the palmprint recognition system next to the door, and a mechanical electronic female voice sounded.

"Pean Capet, a request for a first-level authority."

Pien waited at the door for a while, and only after a while did he hear a beep from the recognition system.


The door lock opened gently.

The thin old man was sitting on a chair facing the door. It seemed that he was a little tired from the recent events, and the old man's face was a little ugly.

But his expression was still calm, Kanster's cloudy eyes looked at Pean standing in front of the door, and said in a monotonous tone:

"What did you say you want to show me?"

It seemed that the old man's eyes made him uneasy, and Pien's voice was a little blunt, and he said:

"It's Candice's news that they want to sign a truce agreement with the Capet Consortium."

Hearing this, Kanster's expression remained unchanged, and he just continued to speak:

"There is no need to show me this kind of thing. The war between the Seitan Street Company and the Capet Consortium will not end."

In this case, Candice has no reason to sign a truce.Unless they can benefit from it.

Kanster knew very well that the other party would not let the Capet Consortium go without reason. According to Candice's character, she wished to drain the last drop of blood from the Capet Consortium.

So he didn't read the content of the document, because he knew that even if he read it, he would not accept it.

But Pien heard a burst of anger in his heart.

In his opinion, the only way out right now is to cease war with the Seitan Street Company, but Kanster doesn't seem to be aware of this, and insists on fighting the Seitan Street Company to the end.

This is obviously unacceptable to him.

"Are you going to continue the war with the Seitan Street Company?"

Pien suppressed his voice, lowered his head and said.

Kanster closed his eyes slightly, but did not answer.

"The Capet Consortium is about to collapse!"

Pine seemed to be a little crazy, and there was some hysteria in his voice.

"There is simply no reason for us to continue with Seitan Street, it will only benefit others."

"so what?"

"But this is the foundation we have fought for all our lives!"

Kanster finally reacted as if he heard something ridiculous.

He looked at Pin and said:

"It's mine."

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